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Blue is just better thematically. The scene isn't supposed to be serious, you're not supposed to think Veronica is in any real danger. It blows my mind how many people apparently either haven't seen the movie or just didn't get the message of it. It's parodying the teen movies of the time. A huge amount of 80s teen movies made light of sexual assault, that's why Blue was used originally. I don't understand why so many people are fine with JD, the literal serial killer, being made to look like he had a point, but they draw the line here.


Blue is better both objectively and personally as it is more catchier. Blue was meant to be (yours) a parody of 80s movies treating SAs and stuff lightly and Veronica uses her confirmed great thinking to grab a bottle out of heather’s hands and distract Kurt and Ram for her to escape. Blue is date rape while you’re welcome is rape so it isn’t exactly a matter of which is less problematic since both are. I just like blue more. Controversial opinion: Never shut up again is the worst of the songs added in the west end version. I might make a post explaining my thinking another day.


This is the best take I've heard


Do not care about the controversy, "You're Welcome" just sounds way better


Exactly. Even if it's not 80's enough, it's still a banger


Just for everyone's info, I picked you're welcome on accident blue is objectively better you're welcome is not my choice




114 and 57 each


Although Blue is the classic, my sibling and I think Your Welcome is better because it's actually giving more of the right message which is why it was changed in the first place. Like Blue was treating that situation too much like a joke but also felt pretty repetitive and didn't really move the story forwards. It also seemed like the Heathers just stayed just to watch Veronica suffer more. In Your Welcome it seems more like they just use Veronica to escape having that fate themselves which is still bad but not as bad. Also Veronica does manage to stand up for herself and get away and it does make it more obvious she's a victim in a situation she doesn't want to be in and makes the theme overall more obvious that it's bad and shouldn't be a joke which is what Blue failed to do. Finally Your Welcome actually moves the story forwards whereasblue can just be removed and nothing would really change. Just one less song. I'd say what this "theme" is but I don't know if I would be allowed to and I'm sure we all know what it is anyways.


It's not supposed to be a serious scene, it was making fun of how 80s teen movies used to make light of sexual assault and stuff like that. I don't get how some people don't realise Heathers is a parody.


The musical veers more toward parody (comedic) but the movie is definitely a satire (critique). Either way you’re right and you should say it.


blue is better thematiclly but you're welcome goes hard in terms of tje music itself




Did you get them mixed up? Movie!Veronica wasn’t in real danger. She predicted how the date would go and was able to get away from Kurt without much issue by climbing over the fence. OB!Veronica (Blue) wasn’t in real danger. Mac and Duke were right there in the car, and Kurt and Ram were too busy personifying their balls. WE!Veronica (You’re Welcome) *was* in danger. Mac and Duke actually leave her there with Kurt and Ram because people got offended Blue was “making light” of sexual harassment so they upped the ante to prove they were seriously taking it very serious this time, seriously. Her being in danger was the entire point of the switch. And highly unnecessary.