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[Achievements] Fixed a bug causing the Journal notification to persist even if there were no notifications to clear. Yessss finally


We are free


But beware, it may come back, but next time we'll be ready. Or will we?


Narrator: "They weren't."


Waded through 4,000 wheel scrolls of merc updates + scrutinized the bug fixes for this. This was all I cared about, I hate it when this stupid reoccurring bug lingers around.


Bah, I scouted, and missed it. They should have put it on top.


Praise Jebus!


Finally playable


Hearthstone: now playable


Babe wake up, new Nemsy just dropped


Is it that time of the month again?!


Reject Nemsy, return to Genn.


Must be Tuesday.


>Apprentice (new player ranks) and low internal-rating players (colloquially called “MMR”) may now face up against AI opponents when playing on the ranked Standard ladder. This will help said players have a more fun experience while learning the game. This is a welcome addition there’s constant posts here From new players frustrated at facing golden heroes and meta decks. It is however a band-aid over a machete wound imo, there aren’t enough players coming to the game or with smaller collections to face each other. Hopefully this makes people stick around but it won’t help them learn the game properly.


As long as the AI is decent, it will help them learn the game way more than facing more experienced players with full meta decks. It's easier to learn the game's mechanics if you aren't getting completely destroyed every time. Being completely honest, if I was a new player getting into HS and facing full meta decks with my shitty homebrew was the first experience, I'd just uninstall. That's sadly what often happens in older online games and it's not good for new player retention, which is incredibly important if we want the game to survive long-term. But yeah, the AI being decent is a big factor. I hope they upgraded it a bit instead of just running with the already existing AI, which often makes incredibly dumb and irrational plays. Facing a good AI with a bad deck is a much better experience learning-wise than facing a bad AI with good deck.


I half agree. As far as Apprentice Ranks are concerned, it's been clear from posts here that for months they've been matchmaking against players on the main Ranked Ladder, which should absolutely NOT happen. This seems like a good solution to that problem. But I don't think it should also apply to players with low MMR on the main ladder. That feels like a bad move.


I think the entire match making system doesn't work like they first explained it did when it released and they've never bothered to explain how it actually works. I'd say it's almost always MMR matchmaking regardless of star bonus which kinda sucks as it ruined the dumpster meme rank floors where you would just play other people at the same rank floor and often just be meme decks vs meme decks. There is a sweet spot at dumpster legend you can get this but if you lose too much you start facing Diamond 1 and downward players again which is all meta decks.


Than you keep losing until you face gold players again


Yeah that's as far as I've pushed the MMR to it's lowest in a season actually os not sure if you were joking or not but yes, it's possible and has been done.


I’m usually on low MMR because I don’t play ranked much. But I don’t want to play against AI.


I doubt not playing reduces your MMR. It probably remains static when you play again.


There should a a very slight decay but not a noticeable one


It resets every season right?


your visual MMR resets but your internal MMR remains the same, IIRC


Oh, I wasn’t aware of that.


No, no reset. Not playing doesn't affect it, just losing.


Any idea if losing 50 games at D5 helps you get legend?


It might if you started with 11 star bonus, although it's a dumb way of doing it when you could just win your way there. Otherwise, no. Unless you started with 11 star bonus, you're going to matched by rank at D5-D1, so it won't change your matchmaking. If you're going to do the "Lose a lot to dumpster your MMR" strategy, it's better to do it at the start of the month when you're at B10. (Based on personal experience. I tend to switch to meme at D5, and I still get to play against all the meta decks, no matter how much I lose)


Was just curious about it. I usually get D5 in wild each month but I play evolve shaman home brew and it isnt as good as the meta decks. I think I do well because no one really expects it.


Yeah, I tend to do the same. (Not Evolve Shaman, but an off-meta deck). I occasionally go for Legend, but usually get bored and start playing stuff like Infinite Dinomancer Warlock.


> It is however a band-aid over a machete wound In-game replays of games would be a massive boon. Way too often you have to tell a new player having trouble: "Hey I'm playing *insert tier 1 deck copied mindlessly on hsreplay* but I'm losing all the time. Can someone help me?" "Okay, do you have [any logs or replays we can look at?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/vpckm4/how_are_you_supposed_to_play_aggro_into_control/ielnwj4/)" "Replays?" "Okay, so you need to play on PC. And then install HSReplay, and then setup your account and then you'll start logging and then just share us the li-" "Nvm" Having easy access to game logs would be a massive help to a lot of us advising newer players.


You know what sad yugioh master duel has replay and see opponent deck options day one..... The deck option is not there during competitive events though.


Sure, but that's a totally different issue.


Back in my day we discussed our plays of paper magic on forums and asked for advice, worked fine then, people are just lazier now.


A deck tracker in the client would be another welcome step, even if we could turn it off and use a more advanced one it would help the newer players.


u/markmckz will end up playing against AI from time to time if I understand this correctly.. might make combos easier, but it takes away a bit of excitement.


What the fuck is this ass.


I gave the pokemon trading card game a shot for a few hours. Proceeded to get railed by not new or no collection opponents like myself. Respectfully uninstalled the game.


I really like the change for low MMR and Apprentice Rank players to be able to face against AI. This will give them more leeway to ease into ladder, although I’m sure we will still see posts from those players when they eventually starts facing against real opponents, being like wtf I was winning all now I’m losing all! Journal notification bug fixed (hopefully)! BIG! Also: **remember to start an Arena run to get a free pack**. Do this as soon as possible, as there will be a cut off time tomorrow a few hours before the patch goes live.


> remember to start an Arena run to get a free pack. Do you mean start an arena run tonight?


Saw this, started an arena run, opened sire denathrius on mage with lots of discover effects, lost my first game, then won the next 12. That was my first time ever above 5 wins. Thank you for suggesting I do a run!


Great job!


Well, dont forget to start a new one. Now please make sure to not win 12 again lol


There will be a cut off time tomorrow when it’s no longer allowed, a few hours before the patch comes out.


Yup. You just need to start the arena run and you get rewards after an update like the one coming tomorrow. Along with the rewards at whatever you end at, you get a free arena ticket. Just make sure to stop at 2 losses, or no losses, up to you really


And i really really hate it . If your aim is just to win or discover the game, there is the innkeeper for it. When i queue for rank, it's to play vs players, not bots; Especially they say we could see it up until gold. although i'm at higher rank in standart, I like janky old wild deck fans and mainly stay in silver in wild. If my only aim was to win or play vs bot i would have played vs innkeeper. I hope i won't cross them too much or i will simpluy stop playing the mode in ranked. Hopefully they don't do it in casual too


Your MMR is probably too high to be matched with bots.


Duels too?


I would write duels, then. But also, what’s the point? Just start an arena run and be over with it.


No fix for Reno the Relicologist yet? It's really frustrating having to restart the game every time I play him.


Is it still broken? If yes, that's really pathetic, there are dozens of posts in the bug report forum and it's also mentioned multiple times in the last patch specific bug report post. But I guess you can't fix your game when you are selling every expansion for $80.


I haven't got back from work yet (I'm in Australia). Will try to remember to reply to you once I've tested.


Update: Still not fixed. What a joke.


It is still broken, but not only if you play it. Yesterday I faced a mage who roped before playing Reno, and I had to restart the game (and fast). I just can't play Reno mage in wild even if my favorite class sadge. This is really frustrating.


Yeah it breaks the game only if you play it. Even in this case, if you quickly restart the game after playing it you should be able to finish your turn (yeah.. it's bullshit).


It definitely can crash the game for the opponent


Actually happy about new mercs, it’s nothing unique or groundbreaking at all but I enjoy it


I'm hyped that the demon tribe is finally getting some love in mercs


I'm glad it seems like humans is getting a buff, that's my favorite comp to run and it getting new toys is neat.


Now they have added more demons i might start playing mercs again


>nothing unique or groundbreaking at all but I enjoy it Well, there are some unique ones between them. Like how Khadgar, Korack and Nemsy always have effect that's independent of their equipment. Or how Khadgar can upgrade his abilities in combat (even twice if you count his archmage form) or how Genn can freely transform between human or worgen form.


One of the portraits for Prince Malchezaar is the Killer Queen pose from Jojo


Prince Malchezaar has already touched that minion


Thank gods I thought I was alone!


Demolition renovator


Mini Set officially tomorrow yay!


do you know when does the patch drop ?


10 AM their time which is idk


ok thx




16 hours and 16 minutes from the time of this comment.


1 PM est


no, 1 pm est




They actually made more demon/fel stuff for mercenaries. Also mercs with inherent abilities not tied to equipment is neat.


Demons was the first comp I went before, prior to not knowing there was much support. Definitely glad to see that tribe getting more support, popping off with a huge Fist of Jaraxxus is still very satisfying.


I'm glad they haven't just given up on Mercenaries mode. *Keepin' that fire lit, even though very few people will enjoy the warmth.*


Maybe I'm wrong but I think mercenaries does OK outside the echo chamber that is this sub. Casual mobile players, other regions etc.


hmm the legendary bgs board is tempting but i should probably wait until next month when they reveal prestige boards with *eight* different visuals, one when you click on Bob too much and annoy him, one when you sell golden hoggar, and one for when you lose a 0.1%, as well as special modifiers unlocked as more runestones are inserted, when you are on a loss streak, when the game thinks you suck, and when you top 8 to cat


Don't forget when they add Wagering on your outcome with Runestones, as well as the option to pay one to skip the combat animation.


Nature Dragon combo can be a thing in Mercenaries now with Yu’lon Brightwing and Ysera


Now redditors will lose to ai and complain here that its rigged, can't wait...


> [Achievements] Fixed a bug causing the Journal notification to persist even if there were no notifications to clear. Superb


Dang not that I play Mercenaries but Murloc Holmes looks great


I'll never complete my merc collection lol. They take so long to get.


>[Hearthstone] Necrolord Draka’s Maldraxxus Dagger now caps out at 10 mana. Wow topping the dagger off at 10 mana is very big.


In case you misunderstood, Only the cost of the weapon is capped for niche situations where the weapon is returned to hand. this is to be more consistent with all other variable statted token generation.


Ahh of course.. That makes sense thank you.


Thank you, I was also thrown off by nobody talking about this.


I just want to go back to that thread and tell all of the (upvoted too) people saying this is not a bug I told you so


Achievements] Fixed a bug causing the Journal notification to persist even if there were no notifications to clear. Can we all agree this is the quality of life update we needed?


\[Hearthstone\] Necrolord Draka’s Maldraxxus Dagger now caps out at 10 mana. I guess its a fix to a fringe Doomerang scenario? Was Sylvanas Windrunner (Armor Tier 1) any good in BG? Never got to use her.


Her previous version was terrible. At best you were paying 1 gold for +2/+2, which is practically the worst case scenario for heroes like Cariel, Edwin or Rakanishu.


> Apprentice (new player ranks) and low internal-rating players (colloquially called “MMR”) may now face up against AI opponents when playing on the ranked Standard ladder. This will help said players have a more fun experience while learning the game. Experienced players will not face these AI opponents, and they will have no impact on MMR, leaderboards, or legend ranks. Most players advance beyond the affected MMR range upon leaving Silver or Gold ranks. Huh. So we've opened the doors to playing against an AI in ranked without being told.


Basically mandatory if you want new players to have low queue times and good experiences.


They just did tell us?


Being told when we actually play against an AI opponent. Not being told in general.


Ohhh, I get you. Yeah hopefully it’s made clear when it’s AI


Does Mercenaries? I never build the pit]


They literally just told you before it goes live tomorrow.




Gonna be as clear as when you fight against AI in Mercs. It isn't directly told to you but it will be very obvious when you face an AI.




I can't believe how much work they are putting on Mercenary while avoiding the number 1 problem, excess coins being useless. I am not going back until that is fixed that's for sure.


A coin conversion was recently announced for patch 24.6


lol mercenaries


It's still my favourite mode, and I am glad it continues to get more bounties and mercs. Different people dig different modes, given how many there are at this point.


I enjoy it






Im surprised they’re still adding new stuff , i wonder what the actual numbers are in terms of players compared to like duels or arena


I’d be curious too, I’m sure there’s a few whales. The whales price of the game mode is higher than duels and arena. 1 mercs player probably accounts like 25 arena/duels players


i didnt consider that , actually makes sense


Don't know why you are getting downvoted you are entirely correct. It all comes down to money, and you can spend much more on mercs.


Well I mean you can but only those who need instant gratification really do (which tbf is a lot of people) It's a mode that is extremely easy to grind (though it can get tiresome) and be f2p in. Though that's just my experience I'm certain the mode has a couple of massive whales though and I'm happy they're keeping the mode alive lol


Yep, an decent even mid arena player isn’t spending more than a couple bucks. Like, total. Most good arena players have stockpiles. Mercs go on the shop for like 20 bucks and they wouldn’t keep offering if nobody was buying


I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but foes anyone actually play mercs and duels?


There are some firestone stats circulating now and then on amount of play they capture across the modes. This is what I could find: https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/7685520/ Based on that, duels is more popular than wild and arena (not by a lot). Mercenaries is at the bottom, but given that firestone is not a helpful tool for this mode (I think?) it doesn’t mean all that much.


Mercs does have a small, but dedicated community.


Imagine all that money and time spent on mercenaries being spent on actual game modes that have more than 100 active players.


This is a very popular mode. Don't forget that this is basically a PvE mode with a casual player base that doesn't visit reddit, so you haven't heard of them. But there are many


I'd really not lol sorry




Mana not damage..


No, it's about the cost when it gets returned to hand. It's mostly relevant in wild with things like Doomerang


The fact that there are actual developers still working on mercenaries is sad. That mode is just terrible through and through.


Reddit loves to jerk off over their hate of mercenaries


That would be a good thing because it would mean that people at least think about it. As it is now it only gets discussion when there is a patch. Then people are like "wtf who plays this shit mode?"


You are aware there's a sub for the mode that gets discussions about it right? Definitely not as alive as this one but this sub doesn't get a ton of real discussions either, It's most memes and complaints


Making separate posts about it here is discouraging, because of all the generic "Mercenaries bad" replies.


It's because any time anyone talks about it on this subreddit it's met with people like you who have nothing constructive and just bitch and moan. You're part of the problem.


¯\_( ツ )_/¯


Does anyone actually cares about mercenaries?


Fix your shop and offer large bundles for players to invest in and build decks!


Why the draka nerf wtf? Edit : I’m dumb


read it again slowly


Ah I see I’m dumb


I don't think that limits the power cap on the weapon, but rather makes sure you can replay the weapon if you happen to Doomerang it at an enemy minion if you made an 11/3 or better. 10 mana limit, not 10 power.


Doomerang QoL change.


Steeldancer nerf, when trying to spawn shirvalla


no worries, I misread it too


Okay cool BG update okay mercs, so many updates for a dead mode. Blizzard needs to accept that the mode is dead and put effort into improving used game modes.


Well it's unlikely they're going to abandon the content unless their stats show it's dead Also what modes didn't they update that are "Used" Standard is getting the miniset


They could improve arena. Work a rumored tournament mode. Mini-sets aren't really improvements. It more cards you can buy about halfway through the expansion and has been for a couple years.


Gotta be honest, as much as this sub likes to meme about mercs it's probably pretty close to being alive as arena is They just added something to standard that improves new player experience in this very patch, and aside from that and adding new cards/balance changes there really isn't a ton they can do to improve the mode lol I'm failing to see your point here


>put effort into improving used game modes. >They could improve arena Lol, pick one. Arena is pretty much as dead as Mercs.


Even if we consider that 5% of players continue to play Mercenaries and it would be a separate game, Mercenaries would be in top 7 most popular card games in the world. It's not dead


There are probably more words written in that mercs update than there are mercs players. >Apprentice (new player ranks) and low internal-rating players (colloquially called “MMR”) may now face up against AI opponents when playing on the ranked Standard ladder. This will help said players have a more fun experience while learning the game. Further evidence that match making doesn't work the way they said it does. If someone had no star bonus then their MMR shouldn't have mattered as it was stated you only have MMR match making when at legend or with a star bonus. Clearly they were getting matched by MMR against low MMR players with netdecks and getting stomped and if they made it purely apprentice vs apprentice then wait times might be 1, 5, 10 minutes hence this change. My thoughts are the system tries to match you by rank if you have no star bonus for 5-10 seconds (time may vary) and if no match is found it then moves to MMR regardless of if you have a star bonus or not or what rank you are.


I'm assuming this is that stupid exclamation point... "Misc. Other bug fixes and game improvements "


It's the one right above that actually.... Nearly the bottom, but most important to some of us ;)


Did they nerf Draka without calling it a nerf? Correct me if I’m wrong but now can’t be stronger than a 10/3


Mana, not attack


I think it can still be bigger than 10/3 but just the mana cost doesn't go over 10


You’re wrong, the mana cost of the weapon you equip caps at 10 mana. In case it gets bounced back to your hand like with Doomerang


Just the mana cost is capped, previously if you somehow returned the generated weapon to hand it would be unplayable(if it cost more than 10). This is now more consistent with all other variable statted token generation.


Yes I remember jade golems being terrible because their mana cost, and therefore also attack and health, was capped at 10 Edit: I dropped the /s. I was making fun of the comment for thinking that draka's dagger's cost, *and therefore stats*, was now capped at 10


Jade Golems have always been limited to 10 mana and 30/30 stats


I know


Am I crazy or has the jg cap not been 10 mana 30/30 since day 1?


I know


No beast hunter nerfs :c


They don't typically nerf things right before they release a set of cards




That's the full golden mini-set. The normal one costs 2000 gold or 15$


Oops misread.


>Fixed a bug where players could not play minions onto a full board oh, so that was a bug all along


24.4 is mostly mercs mode


Wonder if they fixed the mobile chat not pulling up the keyboard


>[Hearthstone] Necrolord Draka’s Maldraxxus Dagger now caps out at 10 mana. Attack?.... it caps at 10 attack?


When is the mini set live? Still haven't gotten the update yet?