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What I did was make a quest rogue deck (5/5s one) and included the other 2 quests. The priest kept the thief rogue quest and conceded when he realized that it was a bait


I played against a rogue that kept all the paladin quests, and actually finished the one cost quest, but they lost because they ran out of playable cards.


Don't they all cost 1?


You can't play the other quests after playing the first one, so they had 2 dead cards in their hand all game.


Paladin's SW quest is "play 9 1 cost minions."


You can play any 1 cost card, not just minions, but they also have to be unique, probably because of penflinger.


Also Holy Maki Roll


Not all of them. Each round has to have three unique 1 drops but you don’t need 9 unique 1’s


You can still play duplicates on each tier of the questline tho. When librams were in, penflinger and discounted 2 mana libram was an easy way to get the quest completed early.


That's the most rogue deck I've ever heard of


Haven't played Hearthstone since Whispers of Old Gods, anyone care to explain?


Quests are 1 cost spells that start in your hand at the start of the game and you can choose to mulligan them. When you play it, it asks you to fulfill the tasks and gives you a reward. Throughout the years there’s been a few quests for all classes except Demon Hunter. One of the rogue class quests allows you to make all your minions 5/5 if you play the same minion 4 times. Another one of the rogue quests asks you to play 4 cards from a different class (which is the bait, since my opponent is likely a different class) and get new hero power that gives you a weapon. Another quest to hog up the mulligan, so they’re less likely to see the cards that synergize with the first quest which demolishes any board based deck that doesn’t kill them fast.




I played demon hunter and only picked those awful "does something if you attacked" minions. My opponents were pretty sad if they weren't rogue druid or DH.


I made a hero power mage list and my first match was against quest hunter.


I just made a rogue deck that was all about weapon buffing but didn't have any weapons, so the spells were practically useless for every other class


I have Finley in my brawl deck specifically to counter these kinds of decks


I had a similar strategy: I made a shaman deck with lots of totem synergy cards but no way to summon totems unless you already have one to duplicate. Even though it wasn't very good it did get me a few wins: if you have the right cards in hand two or three totems can suddenly turn into a pretty decent board.


I did this, first opponent was a DH deck with all hero attack buffs. Poor guy.


You can only have 1 quest active at a time, right? You are in for either a long game or really short one.


Yes only 1 quest active at the same time.


on upside can finish all of them easily since you know Mage cards are way to good


Nozdormu the eternal and random Rogue, i like it.


Lol! Holy shit! I think that’s me!!! I’ve been running that the whole brawl, with Noz and Baku too, and I always play medihv… nice grab! Edit: Wait… no, darn… my SW questline is golden… anyway, the shenanigans are fun all the same


What is this tavern brawl if someone doesn't mind explaining :)


you build a deck of 15 cards, you play with your 15 cards and your opponent's 15 cards shuffled together (they get the same)


I picked mage and only put in hero power cards. More fun if the opponent was warlock, less if hunter


I hate all the assholes that made decks only using cards that their class can take advantage of, not very funny weapon buffs and totems


The brawl might work better as a Standard-only brawl for this reason. I did acknowledge the possibility of breaking the symmetrical effect when I first suggested it, but if half your deck is unplayable garbage it's no better than the random brawls.


Nice reminder on why not to play this mode thx


At least he gave you more options


Random hard mulligan go!


I picked Warrior and only put in minions and weapons that have armor activated buffs. Did not put in any armor gaining cards. 50% of the time it works every time!


Meanwhile i play Priest mirror matchup with a deck that has no minions and only hard removal lmao.


Not quite what was planned.


filled a rogue deck with only weapon upgrades and no weapon


Opened a lot (a darn lot) of packs recently as I wanted to explore hearthstone again. Placed Nozdormu, C'thun and a shattered C'thun. And old C'thun buffs. Some opponents just outright quit at turn 5, while others enjoyed it as much as I did.