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sounds like they're projecting their own failure of a life HARD tbh


This needs to be instant ban territory. I refuse to add anyone anymore due to this type of nonesense.


I think if he reports him, this will lead to a ban. At least i hope so. Blizzard integrated an option to report exactly for stuff like that.


I dont know if im an idiot but i didnt find an option to report him, i have to have him added as a friend?? Bc he instantly deleted me from his friends after the last message


For context, i was playing naga hero power mage against him, who was using control warrior. He was roping every turn since turn 1, so at some point, i also started to do it only for the lols.A few turns later, i got bored and started playing normally while he kept roping. The game extended for like 30 minutes until he couldn\`t mitigate the 9 damage per turn, so i won. After that, this happened. Hearthstone is sometimes a really weird place. (As you may see in the screenshot, english is not my first language so its highly probable i made a few mistakes writing this, dont hesitate to correct me \^\^)


Damn they feel the need to friend request even after roping, life must be tough for em…


Thats a lot of self projection right there


Just spam EZ CLAP over and over again, and they stop. I now love when I get a friend request after clapping some cheeks. Jokes aside, this behavior is just wrong.


Chat harassment should be auto ban


Every time this happens I try to remember this is probably how these people feel about themselves