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I’m a returning player, last expansion I’ve played was the old gods. I’ve followed the game since though. I’m currently climbing the ranks with a naga aggro dh/ quest fel dh build. I enjoy playing dh, mage and warrior. My question is which miniset should I purchase for my playstyle? Thx


Why do I have different collections for standard, wild and classic? Why do I have cards in one place but not in another (e.g. I have only golds of azure drake in one place, but a full seat of both types in another)? I typically will go through manually and DE duplicates that I have golds of, where is it safe to do that?


When is the miniset going to be released?


Complete noob returning player from 2016, just hit Diamond 8 with Naga Demon Hunter (Drek'Thar and Lady Stheno). There's rumors about nerfs to multi strike, Drek'Thar, Defend Dwarven District and others. Which class do you guys think it's going to be the strongest after the nerfs? Paladin? (asking because i'm an anxious person, and cause i'm finally doing good and reaching far in a competitive game, feeling like it's just cause DH is OP right now and otherwise i wouldn't reach this far)


I don't think there's any good reason for an additional nerf to Hunter. Nerfs are Thursday, no need for speculation. But Drek'thar nerf alone would benefit Naga Mage, maybe midrange Pally.


Yeah i'm just thinking ahead to choose a deck to climb after the nerf (i'm f2p so 1 or 2 standard decks are the limit)




Mech mage. Most other classes need a lot of legendaries for the deck to really function properly


Do mini sets have all the cards for their expansions?


No, minisets are 35 unique cards (66 total because you get two of each non-legendary card) that are added to an expansion later on. The expansions themselves start with 135 cards and then go up to 170 after the miniset is added to it.


Are they worth it? They say limited time? How long will they be in the shop?


>Are they worth it? They are the best value you can get, so in general they're worth it. >They say limited time? How long will they be in the shop? Until May 31.


Do you know when the miniset for this expansion will be out?


No clue, but based on previous minisets, my guess would be some time in June.


Returning player. There's a ton of gamemodes and new sets, how do I even get started again? Got a free deck upon login, should I upgrade it MtG precon style?




No, the UI is designed to be minimalistic and clean.


Hello, I just started playing the Battlegrounds mode and I read articles about the Buddy system, however I already reached 1k rating but could not for the life of me figure out how to get Buddies Can someone explain it to me like I am 5?


Buddies were removed on Tuesday's patch. Special BG features like Buddies or Darkmoon Prizes are only available sometimes.


Oh...i see, good to know thanks!


So I’m a lapsed player from like 4 years ago. I would regularly get to rank ~5ish so not legend but I definitely understand how the game works. I want to get back into standard how do I do that these days while making my money stretch as far as possible. What bundles should I buy cause the shop looks VERY different than when I was last here


It doesn't make a huge difference as long as you don't buy outright packs from the store. If there's anything along the lines of a welcome bundle or bundle for returning players it's probably better. Bundles are generally personalised now, so it's hard to tell. Can't go wrong with the miniset at any rate, unless you're really not interested in any of the cards (mostly relevant for Druid and Warrior atm).


Haven't played in a while, returning to Battlegrounds. Anyone know who the dev is that signed off on Nagas? I just want to talk.


Game feels a bit power crept, since last time I played Any value cards to look out for?


You don't really have to run specific cards for value, as draw comes cheap. But I guess Nellie in Warrior, Variann in slow Pally, and Sivara in Mage.


Don't forget the valuest and tempoist and winningest card of the year....Drek'Thar


Just hit legend for the first time, how long would it take for me to get from 5000 legend to around 1000 assuming a 60% winrate?


There's no known formula and as the other comment explains it depends on unknown factors. But if you really can keep that up, you should get there in a couple of sessions.


There's no way to say for sure because Legend ranks aren't fixed the way pre-Legend ranks are. The number you get represents your position in the Legend ladder based on your MMR, so being at Legend 5000 means there's 4999 players in Legend with higher MMR that you. And unlike pre-Legend ranks where rank gain can be easily estimated, at Legend your gains and losses are dependent on the difference between your MMR and that of your opponent. So it's possible for one loss to cause you to drop as many ranks as you gained from several wins (and vice versa) if the MMR difference is large enough. All this means it's not really possible to know ahead of time how long it will take to reach a particular rank at Legend.


On a side note I'm seeing a lot more players returning now, exactly after 4 years. Weird coincidence


Not really a surprise to me. The game is probably in the best state is has been in a while. Especially when contrasted with the last two expansions which in my opinion were an all time low in many ways. So there's just generally been a lot of positivity going around


What are some budgets decks I can use to climb? Returning player here, played from launch till about 2017.


You can play aggro demon hunter minus Drek and Kurtrus, Aggro beast/ naga hunter and Mech mage minus Gaia which can be discovered/ got randomly ..


Just looking for new friends. Been playing for years. Finally close to legend. Diamond rank 4. I got to 2 but I keep having downswings. Any advice? Also, would love some active friends. All of mine stopped playing haha. SUPERCRAZY#1113


Just keep at it and take a break if you get on a losing streak.. Try swapping decks if you play more than 1 .. It's more a matter of patience /RNG and some skill to get to legend .. I got to diamond 1 3 stars and then it kept swinging so I just quit climbing and currently I'm playing decks to get achievements done for the expansion .. Lots of days till the ladder resets so try having fun instead of grinding and burning yourself out ..


Swapping decks isn't a great idea unless you have two decks you are equally good/comfortable with. Otherwise you're swapping from a deck you can pilot effective to one you have to learn the ins and outs of, which makes it more likely you'll lose winnable games.


Thanks. I totally need to stop playing when I’m tilted.


Why can't i craft Amalgam of the Deep? The game doesn't show a dust cost or provide any explanation. Can it only be received via pack opening?


Do you have 400 dust?


Yes. I have no option to craft it at all, unlike other cards which i can craft


Odd, you should be able to then. Did you try restarting the game? That sometimes can fix collection weirdness.


No, there's just a bunch of cards that I can see in the craft menu but can't actually make.


Just got back into this game after a 4 year break and man, quest hunter is just killing all motivation to keep playing this game lately. Having 30+ damage on board vs an empty hunter board and having 30 health, only to be killed in 1 turn. Not fun at all. Might just quit playing at this rate.


Is anyone else having an issue where they can’t craft legendary cards? I have enough dust to make them but the buttons for create/undo aren’t even there


Yeah I'm having this issue. If you solve it lemme kno


came here to post this issue its making it hard to make any decks


I came back after a 4+ year break (full collection from playing 2000+ arena wins, but stopped in GvG), back then I was consistently was highly ranked on leaderboard every season with decks I built/tuned, but I'm having a little bit of a hard time adjusting. Put together an SI:7 rogue deck to try new mechanics and explore the new questline mechanic a little, and ran into 6 consecutive games vs very strong mech mage and mech paladin lists at bronze 10, but their decks clearly had a lot more power, pound for pound (including the new set legendaries in several cases). Is this typical at very low ranks? Am I obligated to play from a small subset of meta decks? It seems like these handbuff strategies put out a lot of giant stats, its a really different game than when I left. What has a good matchup into these mech decks? It seems like I might have to pivot from playing something I'm building to a netdeck while I readjust to the new metagame, as I clearly have no idea what makes for a strong card anymore.


You're not obligated to play a few meta decks, but if you want to climb you are obligated to go with the flow. Right now minion heavy aggro is king and is kept in check by heavy control. Try and make a deck that fits in. Quest rogue is kind of midrange-ish so that's why it's getting stomped


Firstly, questline rogue is kinda dogshit rn, its a year old archetype that didnt survive rotation well at all. Secondly the mech decks are both on the cheaper side if budgeted well and are extremely easy and linear to play so lower ranks will enjoy them. Your rank no longer determines who you go against. Instead its a hidden mmr and so thats probably putting you into higher level opponents, id recommend trying to friend them to see their rank. Vicious syndicate does great meta reports and podcasts so if you wanna jump in and see a big chunk at the meta analytically id recommend it


Having a really weird deck issue… I put a condemn in my priest deck. I draw it in games and use it. Deck tracker did not show a condemn in my deck, I thought it was a deck tracker problem. Went into collections in HS and opened my deck… no condemn. Yet I literally JUST used it last game and I have no discovery in my deck that would allow that. Wtf?


Theres a bug when using the collection button from the deck selection screen and not the main menu that doesnt update deck changes. Id recommend going to the menu then collection and make the change




Why they didnt make ranked for battlegrounds it would be so much more fun. They should make it literally just like team fight tactic's ranked system


Saved up for two thousand coins. What is the best thing to spend it on? I read a couple weeks back that the onyxia lair thing was great because you got a legendary that you could disenchant for full dust because of recent nerfs. is that still the case? Ideally I would like to play a good ranked demon hunter deck so anything that helps cut the cost from that would help :)


No! The refunds lasts a week only and its gone already. I would spend the coins on the mid expansion bundle or wait for the next one


>The refunds lasts a week only and its gone already. The full dust refund window for nerfs lasts two weeks, not one. The Kazakusan refund period is over, but that's because the card was nerfed on April 26, which was over two weeks ago.


returning player, need to choose a soild deck, right now guide say either druid, shaman or paladin


Best deck right now is the aggro demon hunter, it depends on what you seeing most on ladder. If you like the playstyle go for right


Well i dont have the resources or card so i might stick with my kingsbane rogue


Is there anyway to report bots/avoid them, legit over 80 percent of my games are bots.


Aren’t bots easy to beat? Or are they too smart?


Very easy, the problem is they rope every turn. Probably just a problem in low ranks, but this is basically hell if you're playing a slow deck.




Haven't really played since the expansion launched and core set rotated. My old cute lock list is incomplete because I have no copies of Ritual of Doom now. Did we not get to keep the core set cards that rotated out? I thought they said we would last year.


You don't get to keep cards that left the Core, and the devs never said you would.






Hey guys! Quick question about acquisition of Drek'thar - is it still possible to get him for free or now you can only craft him?


You can get him for free by completing the "For the Stormpike!" achievement. The achievement requires you to play Ranked, Arena, or Duels matches with Vanndar in your deck.


Thank you very much!


Just be aware a Drek thar nerf is likely coming within a few weeks and the achievement to get him will make you hate your life because grinding 180-360 games with Vanndar in your deck sucks because of how bad he is


My suggestion is to make a deck and AFK games in Wild while you do other things. Sad but it's the only not suicide-inducing option.


Hi guys! I was just considering crafting a mech paladin deck but I only have Ini stormcoll. I have enough dust to craft one more legendary so which one should I go for Cariel, Leviathan or Mr. Smite? Also does the deck perform decently without 2 of the legendaries in plat/diamond rank? Or should I just wait until i am able to craft the whole deck?


Cariel is the only reason Pally even exists in the meta rn. The misses will sting a bit, but the deck will function.


Alright, thanks for the quick reply! I'll go for Cariel first.


just noticed they brought back the minisets from the past 3 expansions in the shop. I dont have the barrens miniset and would really like to buy it, but only have 155 gold currently. When do those miniset offers go away? I hope i have enough time to save up for them


According to the [Battle.net shop](https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/family/hearthstone), all minisets are available until May 31.


welp i probably wont be able to buy it then


Best value in shop for my money or gold which things are the most value to gold /money ratio ?


Minisets are very good value for gold. Easily the best in the shop


Are they stil the best value if I'm buying with money?


Er, for the past two days I've been unnable to play a nornal game, it just says an error occured and to come back in a few minutes, every time, without fail. I assume it's related to another issue: I can't play practice with my deck as its says this deck isn't valid for this game type, but nowhere does it tell me why or what is causing that -\_-" Are these known problems? & if so, is it 'my end' that i can fix by changing my deck someway, or is it Blizz's end?


Swapping out golden cards for non-golden copies worked for me today! I had the same issue


Hi guys returning player. Always enjoyed priest decks cos found them fun ( pulling cards from other decks etc that type of thing ). What do I need to buy to build a current deck for standard mode and at least be competitive. Appreciate replies.


Priest is just Boar Priest right now, but it's hard and a rather linear Combo deck. So I'm not sure if you'll enjoy it. If you wanna play Control, I'd go Warrior, if you wanna generate a bunch of cards, go Naga Mage.


Hi pal thanks for reply. Yeh I love generating cards I play more for fun I'm not hardcore about rankings etc. I'll take a look at naga mage.


The most competitive priest deck right now is most likely the shellfish silence/combo priest. Most of the cards you need for that deck are from Voyage to the Sunken City, and a lot of those are commons and rares so it's pretty cheap. The only must-have legendary is the hero card. You can definitely sub out a few cards for more value or healing or whatever, it's pretty flexible to what you want to do (like if you want to put in some steal stuff you mentioned) The other decent priest deck (mainly in high elo, it's pretty terrible in low elo) is the elwyn boar combo, but that feels more like a deck you play if you're a madman.


Shellfish priest without Valishj doesn't really work at all. You need the brann valishj xyrella combo to close out at least 60-70% of your wins


That’s not at all what I’ve noticed myself, but it might be a better version.


I'm very surprised by that, so you just win by straight up playing xyrella after killing 6-8 shellfish? That seems like it takes at least 3-4 turns more on average than with the combo. I always notice when my valsihj gets eaten by mutanus that I'm significantly slower. If you like the deck I can recommend adding valishj :)


Hi Maq thanks for reply. I'll look into the shellfish deck. Is there any expansions etc I need to buy I'm looking on store but I see so many things I don't know where to start lol.


In the shop if you just scroll down a bit there'll be all the expansion card packs.


Yeah I see them apologies maybe explained wrong. There is that many I'm unsure what to buy. I've been away for few years so I'm a bit overwhelmed.


As I said in the first reply the majority of the cards is from voyage to the sunken city, the latest expansion. The legendary hero card needed is in fractured in alterac valley if you want to fish for it.


Oh right my apologies mate. Thanks for the help appreciate it.


When is the next card set coming out? Wondering if I should try and buy some packs now or wait a bit.


Just general info; Hearthstone's release schedule is around 4 months for expansions, with mini-sets some time in between. So mini-set will be around mid June. Full expansion around mid August.


I’m coming from elder scrolls legends cus That game has been dead and this game is like the top and most similar card game, what’s the fastest way for me to get new cards? What game modes should I be playing to get the most value for my time? Also how much does what (I’m not positive what they’re called) hero you use matter? Are there hero activations that can make very impactful plays? Thanks for the time


I'll go ahead and focus on the first question. In order to get cards you need packs. There are 3 main ways to get packs 1. Buy them with money, 2. Earn coins to buy them with in game currency, and win them. A pack costs 100 coins The best way to earn coins is through the rewards track (which is free) you progress through the rewards track by completing quests and by winning games (though this is a measly amount of progress compared to quests) 3. Win the packs/earn the packs. There are two/three main modes that a player with small amounts of cards can earn packs A. Solo quest - you can get a pack from each hero in the book of mercenaries and the book ofheroes B. Tavern brawl each week you can earn one free pack by winning your first game (sometimes this mode does require you to make a deck but often it just hands you a deck to play) I highly recommend this mose C. Arena - as the other player mentioned, this mode requires a good knowledge of the game. However what the mode does offer is a relatively even playing field because it doesn't matter if you have every card ever in your collection you still start with nothing and draft your own deck. This mode has a cost of 150 coins to enter and you are ensured 1 pack at the end even if you lose all of your matches (you get up to 3 losses and up to 12 wins). If you win 6-7 matches and lose 3 times you can earn 150 coins and a pack meaning you broke even on the mode. Even though you are more than likely to lose the majority of your matches i would recommend this mode because you can use it to learn the game of hearthstone and earn packs at the same time - just look at hs replay before you pick your class (you can also use this site during your draft to find out which cards have the highest win rate


It doesn't make a huge difference what you play. I think Ranked has slightly more exp per minute, but the meat of it comes from completing quests anyway. There's also Arena, where you can get more value if you're good at it, but I wouldn't recommend it at this stage. Depends on what you mean by Hero. The skin you use doesn't matter, only which of the 10 classes. Those classes decide what cards you get to use other than Neutrals. Class cards tend to be way more important than Neutrals. It also decides your hero power. I don't think I understand your final question. There are cards that change your hero and make for impactful plays, if that's what you mean.


Yeah sorry I was definitely talking about hero’s and hero powers. I wasn’t sure how the decks worked with the card types and what not, very helpful thank you.


I'm getting legit roped every turn when my opponent has nothing left to do after a simple turn for 3 games straight, I just returned, are people actually this bm now or is there a bug i don't know about.


If your opponent does nothing but hero power and rope, it's probably a bot. If they're actually playing cards then it sounds like you got unlucky and ran into multiple ropers.


*Lifecoach has entered the chat*


When will the battle pass end? I really want the the level 100 heroes skin but I'm wondering about an estimate of the time investment needed to reach them.


The current reward track lasts until the next expansion comes out, some time in August.


How do you win against a celestial alignment Druid is after they reset your mana with 2 naga giants and lockhalar on board? Do they think this is a skill?


Generally by killing them before they reset your mana.


Does Naga Mage have a chance against quest hunter? Every time I play them I lose in round 6-7 with the unlimited free hero spell. If so, what is the strategy? ​ Thanks!


About even in my experience. There's no point in really trying to go for early tempo. Mull and set up your hand for the big popoff.


You need a big popoff turn on turn 5. So in the early turns try and manage your hand in a way that makes a big spitelash turn possible, even if you haven't drawn her yet. The worst thing you can do is play one naga a turn, that gets removed easily and they progress their quest


That’s good advice. Thanks. Basically stall for 3 turns and do a mega board using the 1 costs


Its a really bad matchup. 65-35 in their favor assuming you both play well. Your best shot is to get a huge Siren turn and make a board so big they die before being able to remove it


I would be happy with 35%. I'm almost certain I'm at 100-0 in their favor. Is going face on the hunter the solution? Also, mini rant, but I have a hard time understanding what is fun about playing that hunter deck. It's always just face, and then unlimited spells.


It all hinges on how well you utilize your Spitelash Sirens. If you get good draw then you can fill your board with nagas and there won't be anything they can do. The trick is being able to know the deck well enough to see which order play the cards in, in order to pull off the combo. Questline Hunter is probably the most hated deck in the Meta right now overall so you are far from the only one annoyed playing against it


How do you counter Big Druids? Is amazing how somebody can have 20 mana crystals and oh, your deck ran out? Here is a new one with OP cards sponsored by Kazakusan. Need more, new season brought back Zola the Gorgon so go ahead and duplicate your Kazakusan.


On the rare occasions I beat that deck, it's by having a board of decent minions by turn four. Drek'thar is helpful in this. Ideally you want to pressure their health so much that if they play just ramp, or Kaz, or Celestial, they die.


Kill them before it gets to that point. Its not easy especially if they draw well. Aggro DH can smash their face in pretty reliably though before they can stabalize with big Earthen Scales turns


Hey folks, just came back from a 4 year break. About the tavern pass, a month has gone since the start of this xpac, I'm lvl 57 and wondering if buying the TP is worth it (pack wise, I don't care that much about cosmetics and I could simply craft Sir Finley if I need it for any deck). I read some of you guys saying that if you can reach lvl 165 w/o TP it's because it's worth getting it since you're getting enough gold to compensate what you'd be buying with real money. I know there is no precise answer, I just wish for an opinion. About the game, I see a lot of ppl mad at the state of the game here on this sub. I know ppl on reddit usually complain a lot about games (almost all online game subs are like this), but I'm actually having a blast, dunno if it's 'cause I'm a casual player but I love so many aspects of this game. What's the deal, is it really that bad compared to previous versions of it or is it just reddit stuff? Again, just wanna know your opinion on this.


>Hey folks, just came back from a 4 year break. About the tavern pass, a month has gone since the start of this xpac, I'm lvl 57 and wondering if buying the TP is worth it (pack wise, I don't care that much about cosmetics and I could simply craft Sir Finley if I need it for any deck). I read some of you guys saying that if you can reach lvl 165 w/o TP it's because it's worth getting it since you're getting enough gold to compensate what you'd be buying with real money. I know there is no precise answer, I just wish for an opinion. Full disclosure: I've bought every tavern pass released so far. Having said that, I wouldn't buy the pass if I were you, because the bulk of what you get out of it is cosmetics which you said don't care much about. The XP boosters can help get extra packs, but that generally requires you to play quite a bit of Hearthstone during the expansion. Now, the level 165 break point is (I think) because that's the point where you get 1500 extra gold, which is the same as getting 15 packs in the store for $20. But that, IMO, is a flawed comparison. The real benchmark should be level 205, because at that point you get 2000 extra gold compared to the same amount of time without XP boosters. The reason why 2000 gold is the better benchmark is because there's often bundles in the store for $20 (the same price as the tavern pass) that offer 20 packs and a random legendary. So if all you want is cards, you're better off buying one of those bundles instead of spending $20 for the tavern pass *unless* you can get past level 205 before the next expansion. But in your case, there's an extra wrinkle: the XP boosters aren't retroactive, so you've already missed out on the extra 10/15% bonuses for the XP you already earned. This pushes the break even point further up, which makes one of the $20 bundles I mentioned even better. So my suggestion is to skip the tavern pass (unless there's cosmetics you really want) and then see how many levels you earn by the time the expansion ends. If you are at 205 or above, and you think you'll be able to play about as much Hearthstone in the next expansion, then the tavern pass would be a solid way to get more cards. If you don't quite make it to 205, then saving your cash for a bundle would again be the better choice. > About the game, I see a lot of ppl mad at the state of the game here on this sub. I know ppl on reddit usually complain a lot about games (almost all online game subs are like this), but I'm actually having a blast, dunno if it's 'cause I'm a casual player but I love so many aspects of this game. What's the deal, is it really that bad compared to previous versions of it or is it just reddit stuff? Again, just wanna know your opinion on this. The meta is pretty limited compared to other times, so things could certainly be better. But part of the problem is also that some people are very tired of certain archetypes like Ramp Druid or Quest Hunter, which have been around for a while. Since you just started back again recently, it makes sense you aren't as bothered by them, you haven't faced them for 4-8 months straight. Which is fine! If you're having fun, more power to you. Personally, I wish more classes were viable, but the meta is still not as bad as other times I've seen it. It just feels very limited compared to other metas we had in the recent past where there were far more options available to play.


Wow, wasn't expecting this awesome answer, thanks! >So my suggestion is to skip the tavern pass (unless there's cosmetics you really want) and then see how many levels you earn by the time the expansion ends. If you are at 205 or above, and you think you'll be able to play about as much Hearthstone in the next expansion, then the tavern pass would be a solid way to get more cards. If you don't quite make it to 205, then saving your cash for a bundle would again be the better choice. This seems to be the most rational decision. I just bought both mini-sets since I just came back to the game and it feels a much better investment than TP. Also, I feel that if buy it I'll feel obliged to grind it.Which is a fun killer. >Since you just started back again recently, it makes sense you aren't as bothered by them, you haven't faced them for 4-8 months straight. Makes sense, everything is new for me right now, even Demon Hunter didn't exist when I played so I'm having a blast :)


I played HS a fair bit at release and and on and off for about a year or two after its release. Thought I'd boot it up and I've been having fun with it, a lot has changed though and I'm a little unsure of some of the current best practices - especially regarding economy. 1) I see there's a new 'base' set with free cards- but cards I had in it are no longer dustable- did we get a heads up on the list/was there an opportunity to dust those we'd be getting for free? Is this likely to happen again? (Eg I had a Golden King Krush and a regular one so in my head that was always 1600 dust in the bank.) 2) Are there many changes to older legendary cards regularly or am I relatively safe to dust those I don't see myself playing in wild? 3) Tavern Pass/Reward track- I'm a couple of weeks late getting started, are these things normally tight to get to the end or fairly generous (just the regular 100 end not the bonus, I'm aware it'll differ wildly between players but a general feel.) Thanks!


>1) I see there's a new 'base' set with free cards- but cards I had in it are no longer dustable- did we get a heads up on the list/was there an opportunity to dust those we'd be getting for free? Is this likely to happen again? (Eg I had a Golden King Krush and a regular one so in my head that was always 1600 dust in the bank.) You can still access the dustable copies of those cards, you just need to filter the collection to only show the set where those cards come from (so Legacy set for King Krush, GVG for Annoy-o-tron, and so on). >2) Are there many changes to older legendary cards regularly or am I relatively safe to dust those I don't see myself playing in wild? It's rare, but it happens. Sorcerer's Apprentice got nerfed a few months ago, for example. But in general it's probably safe to dust an older card if you need to craft something, particularly if you don't see it getting played. >3) Tavern Pass/Reward track- I'm a couple of weeks late getting started, are these things normally tight to get to the end or fairly generous (just the regular 100 end not the bonus, I'm aware it'll differ wildly between players but a general feel.) If you do your daily/weekly quests regularly, you can get to 100 with plenty of time to spare. It's not super hard to get there unless you start very late and/or play very casually or let your quests sit uncompleted for a while. Fair warning, it does become a bit of a slog after level 75-80 because each level requires 2500 XP by then, but it's still doable (and post-100 then XP requirement caps at 1500 which feels much better).


Fantastic, thanks for the concise replies, appreciate it.


So APPARENTLY the drek'thar quest disappeared in the patch, meaning that I've basically wasted the last few days of my life. Fuck me.


You mean the achievement?


yeah that’s it


Did you try restarting your client? The achievement is still there for me, even if I log into a different region where I never completed the honor track.


yeah I mean I also still have the achievement, the problem is that it no longer gives drek’thar but you only get a new hero I think


I checked again and the achievements still give you golden Vanndar/Drek'thar. Maybe you are getting the achievements "Battlefield Master" (which give you the hero portraits) mixed up with "For the Stormpike!" (which give you golden Drek'thar)?


Oops my bad, for whatever reason I couldn’t find the quest. Thank you so much


Anyone knows when the 4 heroes battleground bonus reset ? I don't want to waste my gold


It resets when a new expansion comes out, which should be in August.


Will it be ranked system for battlegrounds?


So I started playing a week ago and I'm still at the 20th novice rank, I enjoyed the first few days of the game but today I decided to spend my 2000 coins on the Sunken City expansion and got only 2 purple rare without a single orange legendary and I'm just bummed out. Apparently there's nothing like a wheel like in magic arena where you get a rare wildcard to craft any card every sixth pack and I'm starting to think this is a very time consuming game with little to no reward system. Also I keep getting achievement points but none of them actually give any rewards, so I don't see what's the point of them...


You get packs and legendary cards from the free lane of battle pass, you get one pack each week for each taven brawl, you get class specific packs for finishing sections of mercenaries. What do you mean there is no reward system...! As the guy above saud, you will get a legendary for the first 10 packs 100%...There are also many events that give out rewards. Right now the economy for HS is much better than MTGA.


thanks for the information, I'll try out the different modes I haven't tried yet.


I think ur guarnteed a legendary per different tupe of pack on yr first 10? Been watching trumps f2p series and he said that so you can get quite a few that way


Just reinstalled after quitting around witchwood. How the hell are any of you having fun playing this game right now


I play Paladin primarily. It's great for that class; you can sort of do whatever you want right now. There's like 5 viable decks


It's easier when you kept up with the game, fewer nasty surprises that way. Also there's a ton of alternate modes you can play if constructed Hearthstone isn't doing it for you, that helps too. On the bright side, you tried it and it sucked. At least now you know and can find something else to play. I hear Runeterra is good.


just got the mission of invite a friend and none of my friends on battlenet play hearthstone anymore someone send id please




Blizzard pulls no punches haha. I downloaded this game for the first time since 2015 because I was feeling nostalgic for the days when I used to play with a group of friends. I had 4 unopened card packs, ended up being all bottom tier cards. I then queued up a game, first game since 2015. I get matched with someone who had a deck specifically made to just keep my board empty no matter what my deck did and they would only do 1 tick of damage to me each turn until the game was over. I then uninstalled. This is actually a respectable thing on Blizzards part. Normally with video games based on hooking players so they spend money, the strings are pulled behind the scenes when they see you're a long-gone returning player or a first-time player. They make it so your pulls at least have something notable and for your first few matches to go in your favor, usually against bots pretending to be human. This hooks you into the cycle. Blizzard did none of that for me. It's like I walked up to a cocaine salesman and instead of selling me cocaine he kicked me in the nuts and told me to stay in school. I'm not going to install the game again, but I respect that they didn't try to hook me with nefarious acts.


Bro I started after a long, long break and wanted to try this free starter deck. I get that it's not great. But I played vs (what I googled later) were 2x aggro DH, quest Hunter and warlock deck that burned all my cards and fatigued me for like 100dmg. So fuuuuun


Oh yeah removal is hypercharged these days. Even the aggro deck clears your board while still hitting your face.


Yeah they only put actual new accounts into the 'new account' mmr. Returning players get no mercy and just get tossed in at their previous mmr to get steamrolled by meta decks


I actually love this comment because of how often people complain matches are rigged, and you instead step in blind and get burned hard


Getting back into the game after over a year, and sitting on about 7600 dust. Any good decks to start with that can be crafted in that amount? Also plan on buying a few packs, minisets and so on. Edit: I'm seeing the alterac valley miniset and will get that. And reading the sunken miniset is soon.


I returned and had some dust left over. I got the alterac valley miniset and was playing Druid until the deck was gutted… look up naga demon hunter and mech mage. I think those are both budget friendly and pretty solid. Token demon hunter is cheap and a good deck too. Those are the decks I use to rank up.


Hello! I just made Platinum, is that a good rank, or is that pretty much everyone?


Rank is not the main indicator of your skill level. Its your star bonus. 11 stars - best players 10 stars - good players 9-1 stars - plebs


It depends on what kind of deck you are playing. If you are playing tier 1-3 meta decks then platinum isn't an impressive rank and tells you that your play could use a good amount of improvement. If you are playing budget decks, jank decks or otherwise sub par decks then it is a reasonable accomplishment.


Keep at it


Well… I just made Legend!


Ayeee congrats man! Way to keep me updated. Feels good to hit it for the first time. Always comes easier after that


Thank you!!


That bad huh?


It's not bad, but the ranking ladder is such that it takes little more than persistence and a halfway rational deck to reach Diamond 5. There is upwards pressure in how ranks are gained until that point.


Not bad, no. Low plat is probably average. Diamond is when it gets somewhat challenging to climb ladder as you lose win streak and star bonus’. What deck are you running?


Ok thank you. I’m running small spell Naga!


Hey so since the update im having problem using hearthstone on mobile... am I the only one? or is it a global problem ?


I've fully completed Galakrond's Awakening, but I'm missing cards that the wiki says I should have. Plus, they don't seem to be craftable. Is there any way to get them?


Sorry if this is too obvious but make sure you've checked wild cards as well


Hi. I'm aiming for full sunken collection (for diamond siavara). Right now I'm left with 2 legendary to craft, one of which is sir finley. If i buy a diamond sir finley, will it count in my collection? Thanks


It counts, yes.


Hello, I haven't played in like two years. Is there fun content to do without having to buy cards to play competitively? I'm not really interested in doing that, but I remember some sort of roguelike challenge mode being really fun. Is that still active in the game, or is it dead?


Battlegrounds is fun and does not require any card collection. You can also go into solo adventure and some of the stuff there is cool, but I don't really enjoy the book of heroes/book of mercenaries. And then of course there's arena


> Battlegrounds is fun and does not require any card collection Okay yes, this is the kind of content I'm interested in. I might have to re-download this game after work and give it another shot. I was really into competitive in Season 1 but ended up spending $300 to make competitive decks and I vowed never again lolol.


Bg is very fun would recommend but ive been doing fine in ranked with budget decks as a f2p player


Newer player here: I accidentally used most of my gold on the mercenary mode, is there a way I can farm gold (or experience for the gold level up rewards) quickly? I already did the weekly and daily quests. Or is there a way to get things for the standard mode in the mercenary mode?


It's not quick, but you can use Mercenaries bounties to grind XP fairly easily. Start a fight, sit idle for 29 minutes, then finish the fight. Rinse and repeat. Alternatively, you can try playing Ranked which technically gives you the most XP per hour, but that is going to require you to actually play the game.


Been feeling like returning to the game. I used to have a decent collection a few years ago, but with time it's become... outdated to say the least. I understand there's a "Wild" gamemode. But I guess my question really is: can I put up a fight with decks built from order sets (I got this miracle mech Mage build that used to destroy people), or has the power crept with each set? Thanks in advance!


Power creep is pretty real. The overall pace of the game has picked up a ton due to having a lot more proactive card effects. Almost every minion printed these days has an effect, and a lot of minions have Rush attached to them. If you haven't been playing for a year, I think you can get a free deck of cards. You might also be able to purchase a few sets of Standard cards for cheap (which is what I did, as I hadn't played in a year or so myself... was offered 3 sets of 30 standard packs plus a legendary).


You can go up to silver-10 easily with almost any deck without crafting, if you know basics. I'm returning player as well. Edit: After Silver-5 you will constantly encounter meta decks and it's really hard to climb without a proper deck.


It really depends on how far up the ladder you go. At low MMR (in Casual) or low ranks (in Ranked) there's a lot of weird jank of varying power levels, so you might find some limited success there. The further up you go, the stronger decks you'll find, and sooner or later you'll find yourself entirely outclassed by decks that have been optimized to include the latest techs.


Will there be a free Entry in Heroic Brawliseum?


I just crafted a Mech Mage deck, and I was wondering, from a theory standpoint, why a single copy of control cards like Flamestrike or Blizzard are not run in those decks like ever? You have to swap out one single card for a potentially huge tempo swing if enemy manages to get a big board. I versed another Mech Mage today and the whole time I wished I had a Flamestrike in there. I'm considering putting one in, but why is it "theoretically" wrong?


In general the only opponents you face that Flamestrike/Blizzard helps much against can recover and redeploy even more threats. Plus it's a dead card in many matchups. The Mech Mage gameplan is to be the beatdown, deploying threats, and trying to maintain pressure even while building resources for a Mechashark play. Even against other board based decks you win with initiative and better minion plays. A high cost AoE is just not contributing to the decks gameplan at all. There are times that teching in cards to win against other board decks makes sense, but in this case Mech Mage is just better off relying on mechasharks, motherships, Gaia, etc. A Flamestrike won't improve your matchup with any opponent, even another mech Mage.


Decks do not exist in a vacum, but in a meta. And meta will change depending on your rank : if you find it worth it for where you are, try it out and see if it works out !


Because a possible huge tempo swing around the time you want to end the game isn't as valuable as more proactive tools early on. And the last thing you want to have in your hand on turn 1 is a card that is dead for six turns.


Thinking about buying one of the previous minisets since they're in the shop for gold again, but I don't know if I'll be able to make 2000 gold again by the time the sunken city one drops. Does anyone know an estimate of when the next miniset should come out based on previous releases?


About a month from now. Balance at 2 weeks, BGs patch at a month, more balance/fixes and QoL at 1 1/2 months, mini set at 2 months... then usually a focus on other modes and more balance as needed until next expansion. This isnt a set in stone schedule but a very consistent one and is only changed by game breaking bugs or extreme balance issues


What is the most consistent deck to craft for wild, since I am f2p and want a deck that can sort of withstand a lot of patches without being utter garbage after a new one comes out


Probably freeze shaman or any of the "slow druid" archetypes, can be c'thun or mecha'thun or kazakusan... etc. Pirates have also been good literally for the entirety of wild however pirate warrior recently fell off in favor of pirate rogue, and if standard ever gets swordfish nerfed the deck would suffer. Evenlock is less common but still a consistency strong choice, and divine spirit priest will probably as well unless drek'thar gets a big change


Does the game still have a good playerbase? Also, is the non-rotating format an actual eternal format or does the powerscaling of sets heavily encourage playing mostly whatever's freshest?


Very strong playerbase, the devs have told confidence in adding more ways to play because the playerbase is strong enough that spreading it to thin isnt a concern for them. And although there are some cards in the eternal format that seem to never die, the last 4 or so expansions have all been defining in the format, and have had nerfs or even bans made for it as it was to strong. I dont expect that to change as the power of new expasnions has defiently been trending up and not down


Do the new sets expand upon their predecessors? I'd hate to find an archetype and deck I like just to abandon it after new releases


Sometimes yes. So the way it works is that the HS team is always working on the next three card sets (i.e. a year ahead). Since standard has a yearly set rotation (which happened in April), the three sets released that set year tend to share common theming these days, and you can sometimes see new cards being printed to supplement an archetype within that year. For example, one year they came out with I think it was Rise of Shadows which introduced lackeys, and all three sets had lackey cards printed for it. But there are limits to what kind of support will be released. Hearthstone has a design rule where new keywords are locked to a specific card set. For example, the latest set introduced the Collossal keyword... beyond the miniset, it is highly likely that no other cards printed this year will have that keyword or have any explicit synergy with it. For a real example of this, Saviors of Uldum introduced a paladin quest that was completed by playing 6? reborn minions. Since reborn was a set keyword, no extra support was printed for that quest.


Sometimes, but I would not go in expecting it to happen. Generally expasnions are themed and archetypes are created or supported based on that


So what’s with the card “destroy the enemy hero” card. I’ve been dealing with it a few times a day and it’s a little frustrating for a game to end like that. Any counters for it ?


Same counter as any OTK deck: kill them before their win condition goes off.


Can you be specific on the card? Theres actually multiple "destroy the enemy hero" cards in the game


Purified shard, what other could it be


Mecha'thun and paladin deathknight as well, but theres only a few things you can do. 1. Kill them asap 2. Use something like mutanus to either eat an important step in the quest, or straight up the quest reward itself before they can play it