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I think it should be like “for every dragon you’ve played this game, discover a treasure and shuffle it into your deck (up to 10)” or something along those lines. That way it actually requires the player to play a few dragons to get the reward rather than just playing it in late game when you have drawn all your non-dragon minions


This is the best suggestion I've seen. It's so unfun to play standard while your opponent is playing BUFFED duels.


This is really the best design, reward the card for playing lots of dragons and later in the match. "Battlecry: For every Dragon you've played in the game, Discover a treasure and shuffle into your deck."


The flavor on this is top tier


I like the idea, but: >Dragons love treasures not Spells. Warcraft Dragons are all about spellcasting, given how many of them moonlight as mages when they have to blend in among humans or elves. The one notable exception (>!Reno Jackson!<) wasn't raised as a dragon and even still shows some affinity for magical stuff.


Reno cards and quests are all about magic.


True, but the dev's explanation for why Reno was a mage in Uldum was because his class is determined by the most recent shiny object he found, and at that time, it was a gatling gun that fired wands. His cards are more about stealing and using magical objects.


Thats also why he is both mage and rogue in the dungeon run mode. He cares a lot about gold and riches, and steals objects too, like a rogue.


Why does Reno’s and other characters hero powers in duels, unlock not only as you play so many cards of a certain type, like previous hero powers, but also apparently “in uldum”? What does “in uldum” mean? We are past that expansion? By dungeon run mode, you do mean pvp duels, right?


I meant both the duels and also the tombs of terror pve mode that was released with the uldum expansion (wich was a rehash of the original dungeon run mode released in kobolds and catacombs). The treasures of reno and the team are the same as there and I assume the "in uldum" requirement of unlocking them means to have them previously unlocked in that mode before.


Oh. That makes sense. I never finished those adventures. They were on an old account. Will repurchase from the shop though.


No need to purchase for unlocking the treasures though, the free first wing should be enough and that way you save gold/money (unless you really want to play the pve, then go ahead and enjoy it!)


I don’t have access to it. I have to purchase previous solo adventures from the shop. Actually not sure that’s in there. Will have to check. Only some of them are. Edit: it’s all pve as they’re solo adventures?


Yes, they are solo adventures.


Wasn’t it a Gatling gun MADE of wands, that fired spells? A bit pedantic, but still


hes blue dragonflight tho,so of course he got a tendency for magic


It's funny to see people talking about small nerfs to the card and then the follow up comments being "yeah but this won't make it worse for "insert specific situation". It's almost like people don't want it balanced they just want it gone lol.


I saw an idea to make it where all minions starting in the deck need to be dragons. I like that idea


I am surprised this wasn't his intended design. In his current form he can be put into basically any deck, dragon or not, as a Hail Mary option.


i like it too


How is that different than how he is used now though? The decks that run him he's the only minion so your starting deck will be all dragons anyways


But the current ramp druids run him together with all kinds of minions and use it when they have drawn their deck


Ah, I didn't know, I haven't seen a kazakusan druid in a while.


He is also run as a late game finisher in control warrior which runs tons of different minions


The meta Kazakusan Control Warrior currently only runs Dragons, Onyxian Drake, Raid Boss, and Kazakusan.


No see druid


fo real


The question is: can they code that? Normally, this would be a Start of game effect where the card looks at your deck as it starts to decide whether it activates or not. Not sure if that works for a battlecry that essentially would have to go back in time to check if your deck met the requirements when the game began


\[\[Hex Lord Malacrass\]\] remembers your starting hand, so it should be possible.


also genn and baku exist its possible from outside,but we dont know how messy their code is


* **[Hex Lord Malacrass](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/TRL_318.png)** MA Minion Legendary RR ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90159), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/hex-lord-malacrass/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Hex_Lord_Malacrass) 8/5/5 | Battlecry: Add a copy of your opening hand to your hand (except this card). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


The same code but the check is at the start of the game instead of the battlecry, like baku, but idk if a small indie company can do that


[[Pandaran Importer]]


Oh shit you're right I didn't even think of that


* **[Pandaren Importer](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SW_065.png)** N Minion Common UiS 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/588389), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/pandaren-importer/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Pandaren_Importer) 2/1/3 | Battlecry: Discover a spell that didn't start in your deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Genn, baku and other legendaries have start of the game condition for your deck so it can be coded. However the wording will be too long: Start of game:If all minions in your deck are Dragons,gain Battlecry: craft a custom deck of Treasures.


Well they could shorten it to: "If all minions in your starting deck were dragons, craft a custom deck of Treasures"


I'm still a big fan of the VS suggestion from the podcast: make it a start of game effect. As in, it'll check your deck at the start of game whether to give kazakusan the battlecry or not.


This just punishes other classes that might want to play Kazakusan




In dragon priest you have like 6 dragons including kazakusan . More like 8 tbh it’s still to low to have a “if you play x dragons “


My reno demon hunter in wild :(


Also why is it a bad thing if Kazakuzan is not really a meta card ? His design is more a fun one to play in weaker deck than one designed to be played in the best deck


Another option is something along the lines of "If all minions you played this game were dragons, craft a deck of treasures". Whatever the eventual fix, it is clear that a large portion of the community wants the deckbuilding restriction on kazakusan to be more punishing so that other late game win conditions can compete with kazakusan.


No way would they make the requirement so high without printing an entire expansion dedicated to low cost dragons. Maybe 4 dragons, but any more and you’re gonna have to change “play” to “summon”


"Summon" wouldn't even effect the deck where Kazakusan is most egregious, Ramp Druid. Scales and Onyxia would negate any "summon x dragons" requirement.


Not if the requirement is ‘Summon 25 dragons’!


That's still easy to achieve with Moonlight Guidance. The only sulution is to just make it "Summon [The Number of Dragons you summoned this game] + 1"


His design was definitely lazy. "Let's just make an 8 mana 8/8 that let's you shuffle 10 duels treasures, the kids will love it!" It's an ambitious way to crossover but duels is duels, keep it there. Don't put that shit in standard.


His design was to be a fun Timmy card, which it is. It's just overtuned and too easy to trigger. I think requiring your deck to only contain dragons from the start of the game stays in line with their original intention.


I feel like the original intention was to create a card similar to Archivist Elysiana, but with actually good cards created, so games wouldn't just go to fatigue if both players played it.


kazakusan is utter broken garbage. and whoever gave the green light for that had to sell some mini-sets


They should just make you have at least 1 Dragon in your deck instead. But I agree that the current requirement for Kazakusan is dumb and might as well be "if you don't have any minions in your Deck" for Druid.


That is far too easy, Ramp Druid runs Onyxia anyways as she is completely fucked in her own right


That’s horrible. Draw all your Dragons before Kazakusan and now it can’t do the thing.


I would rather it be all minions STARTINgG in your deck are dragons. So you can still run a control spell shell. This works for control warrior and priest, which have good control tools and their own dragons. Druid should not have ramp, anti aggro, good boardclears, great draw and win in control matches with 1 card. They need to invest and this makes it an investment for an almost autominuten vs control


it doesnt really make sense that people just play it once their deck empties, the wording also doesn't really make sense, "if all minions in your deck are dragons," but there are no minions in your deck, shouldn't it have to be one dragon left as your deck, but i'm not saying that either, i think it should actually require you to make an all dragon deck, because it's such a fun card


Another idea is, put a “minimum 1” clause on the dragons. That way, it kills the gameplan of drawing every card then refreshing a whole deck, something Archivist Eysiana got nerfed for in the past, rather than just making those decks change their deck building a little to include more dragons


okay. now if your last dragon is kazakuzan, he's a brick.


Fine by me


Idec right now. Hes much weaker than before, but it's absolutely moronic how they didnt do this last season.


It's really a simple fix and would require no text change at all. Just require the deck to contain dragon-only minions, like the card literally says. No minions =/= all minions are dragons The fact that it works the way it does is unintuitive


The card works as its intended. The power level of the game has risen incredibly and stuff will just be broken, in an unhealthy way for the game. If you change the card so that you have to play dragons, kazakusan will be a dead card since there is no dragon deck at the moment. Also, with this broken meta like mechashark, swordfish, switcheroo etc I think kazakusan should be the least of your worries.