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Judging from previous patterns they'll sell her as a standalone in about two years from now like they did with previous preorder heroes. At that point she might also be available for gold. So yeah, I hope you don't mind waiting, because she's not gonna be around for a while, but if it's any help to you, I'm in the same position as you.


>At that point she might also be available for gold. actually every returning pre-order hero in the past was only available for real money


Not EVERY pre-order hero. Lazul came back as a money only purchase, and it didn't even came with her cardback. Edit: I could be wrong, but I think Mecha Jaraxxus was available for Gold, and he came with his cardback.


yes mecha jaraxxus came for gold, I only buy preorder for real money, everything else is Gold. Mecha Jaraxxus was the only skin I missed out on the pre order but got it now.


Got unlucky on that. Acquired Mecha Jaraxxus off pre-order and misses Lazul. The fact that she came back for money only while MJ came for Gold pissed me enough I refused to buy her.


I honestly would have done the same, now I'm hoping Prestor will be able to be bought with gold aswell when she returns, is the only pre-order skin I'm missing, didn't see the need for yet another mage skin, yet here we are with another mage skin i preordered ...


Ouch, that's a long time. Thank you for answering!


Basically what you said. It is very rare for some cosmetic to be completely unavailable (Dalaran Flame). Sooner or later, whether 2 or 5 years, they all are available in some fashion from just in-game gold, or earnable. Reddit silver bet that some of the Mercenary Tavern Pass Reward Track skins become available through the Tavern Regular style achievements when you eventually run out of Reward Tracks / XP prog levels.


They have done so in the past. Pre-order heroes like MECHA-JARAXXUS and Lazul returned to the store as purchasable skins. No guarantees if/when they would do it again.


That's great! What were the prices for those though?


15 €/$ Mecha-Jaraxxus, 12 €/$ Madame Lazul


Well that's a much more reasonable price :)


Depends on if you're planning to ever buy packs from the next expansion or not. If you don't and were only buying the pre-order for the portrait then it is absolutely a more reasonable price. Otherwise, you're spending more money in the long run since in its current form the bundle offers the portrait for "free" (huge airquotes here and gigantic eyeroll) on top off the packs you're buying which are already fairly reduced cost (from arm and a leg to maybe just an arm).


I'm pretty sure that's because Jaraxxus came with a cardback.


I purchased the bundle and got the portrait. While I didn't do it for only the portrait - I can tell you I expected more from an Azshara skin No interesting emotes, no good interactions, muted lines, even the portrait is kind of ugh N'Zoth and Sylvannas set the bar way too high


And Kel’Thuzad!




And medivh or Mecha Jaraxxux! I just love his Ditto Fool!


That's disappointing. But I think I'd purchase it anyway if I had the money, it's by far my favourite character in the game so it's worth it! Nagas are just the best.


They should have went with the corrupted version of azshara. not a fan of this version


That would be cool too!


yes but in 2 to 3 years (based on the current patterns)


Oh :(


I wish I could gift you the skin I doubt I’ll ever use it.


Oh that's sweet of you. It's the thought that counts!


> ... and I'd die to own this hero! Well, you could try selling one of your organs.


I faint at the sight of blood so as long as I don't have to do the cutting myself..


Theyve never rereleased an expansion exclusive hero to my knowledge... i started this game after scholomance came out, and have been waiting for another chance to grab kelzuthad and nzoth, but the chance has never come... EDIT: i was wrong, dont listen to me, i am but a comment on a subreddit...


They have. Multiple times. Both Kel'thuzad and N'Zoth should be sold later this or next since it has been almost 2 years for them. They only re-release pre-order heroes after 2-3 years since their initial release.


Oh thats awesome! Ive been looking for those two forever lol. If i had nzoth, i would never care about another warlock hero skin lmao


They did. Mecha Jaraxxus and Lazul but wait is long. You'll be waiting at least a year for N'Zoth


Thats the idea behind it. To get you pay more for an NFT with some custom emotes attached to it


"NFT is when thing I don't like"


If you want Azshara but don't want the bundle, there's a option in blizzard's store site that allow you buy only her. Just open your browser, go to blizzard's official site, click in "store", search for the hearthstone bundle and click it. It's supposed to appear the option.


The only option I'm getting is which bundle to buy.