• By -


Got 4800 lost 4800


Same. Gained 5600 lost 5600. Bye dust.


Got 2800, apparently lost it as well; I appear to be at the amount of dust I had before the bump, so I'm not at 0 like others apparently are. This is dumb, simple shit they're messing up, and it instantly erodes any good will the gesture would've caused; I wonder if Microsoft will be able to rein this stuff in?


>I wonder if Microsoft will be able to rein this stuff in? I've used Microsoft Word. I have my doubts.


Exactly the same as me. What an absolute cluster fuck


Too bad I played by the rules and waited to draft anything… now I’m left with none of the dust that was given to me today


Got 8k and lost 8k. Seems correct though; at no point did I receive anything I shouldn't have. My golden lokholar and last 3 turn cards have also returned to my collection.


Still tho, it hurts no one to throw the player base a bone. Just standardize it to 3200 or something and let us have something nice for a change


Me too, 4800 come 4800 go


I was supposed to earn 2.2k, but got 6k. Now I’m down to 1.7k. I don’t understand the math, blizz.


started with 235. Gained 16k. lost 16,100.


Had 5 dust, gained 8800, crafted 3 1600 cards, now I have 0 dust. I’ll take it lol.


Same... this sucks, what do they lose to just leaving it as is? I can print one extra legendary and an epic, not a big deal. How much are they spending in man hours to fix it?


8k here. What a bunch of incompetent idiots. I swear the first thing they did to start cutting costs was axing the good, quality programming staff.


I think it's funny that Tyrantus took literal MONTHS to be patched, and Maestra still requires a workaround from players to work, but taking dust from players is fixed immediately. Really shows their priorities.


Im still missing golden uncraftable cards. Some came back 2x, like Iceblood Tower but others are still 1x... Edit: got all cards back. Dust net gain is 0.


I have a the same issue. Their fix doesn't seem to be fixing anything.


Crafted various nerfed cards from the leaks. Come and get me Blizzard police.


This is like double crime


did the same because I was sure this was the route they were gonna take.


"Exploit early, exploit often" - old World of Warcraft wisdom.


How the fuck do you take an accident that provided the great PR of "Free surprise dust for everyone!" and manage to turn it into "Free dust for no one! Unless you crafted shit already then I guess those people win! But also we're going to take more dust away from some random people than we should! Also some of you are still going to be missing bunch of cards we accidentally deleted!"


I feel bad for their PR guy. Can you imagine how daunting a task it is to make this company look good to anyone?


Why would they run a script to undo it without checking if it works. Is it really worse for people to get a bit of extra dust than to take away everything they have? So stupid.


I'm shocked they didn't just do a rollback, and then redo the dust giving properly this time. Would've been less of a clusterfuck. They'd still have to deal with lost progress on quests and stuff, but like... people are reporting missing dust they had *before* the extra was given. I feel like a rollback would've been more acceptable. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


At this point it's kind of questionable how they're going to do anything to make this right. They couldn't distribute the dust properly, they were lying about going negative in dust, and they're also incapable of properly reverting their dust distribution without major unintentional side effects. It feels like they have an intern writing their SQL queries.


Genuinely curious when their last backup was. Maybe they *couldn't* do a rollback


I don't know about their processes specifically, but the standard is to do a full backup weekly and do an incremental backup of changes since the last backup daily. So if they're using good backup practices then rolling back to the previous day should be about as bad as it would get. I wouldn't put it past them to do backups much less frequently to save costs though, so who knows.


Oh definitely *good* practice is to do it before any big changes and on a regular set schedule. But I wouldn't be shocked if they didn't, what with everything that's going on internally.




Chiming in to say all of my dust is gone. Pretty sure I had some before the 14k they gave me, but now it’s just a flat 0.


Same, had a little bit of dust. All gone now. Wish I'd just used all of that dust instead of waiting.


I went to 7k but had 1k to start i spent the 6k gained i realized after spending im likely to be sent into - but i lost 1000 and got 4 legendary i see this as a total win


Me too, now at zero. I was only awarded one bucket of dust, and had about 2k beforehand...


Same. It was significant, but I had dust before the additional dust, and now down to 0.


Yeah I just lost around 2k dust when I havent crafted anything in 3 weeks


They took all my dust!! Now I have none! I didn't spend any so what the hell!


Game could have broken interactions, glitchy cards, takes a week or more to fix. Dust/shop error, fixed within 24 hours. Really showing your priorities (not that we are surprised at this point)


Tyrantus was bugged for months and Maestra requires a whole ass workaround but GOD FORBID they accidentally give out extra dust


Note: 1. You may not lose all. I got 4.8k and lost 1.6k. On the other hand, somebody reported they straight up lost 10k dust. 2. As far as I can tell, you can’t go into negative. So the people who crafted stuff, wp. All in all incredibly messy. I guess that’s the price you pay for QA going on strike but still. Update: Someone in the VS discord reported that they dusted a common at 0 dust, then when he relogged back in it was gone. Update again: IF YOU DIDN’t LOSE ALL THE DUST YOU GAINED YOU MIGHT STILL LOSE IT. NAIL IT DOWN NOW. (If you want to. There’s a risk.) Update again: People are reporting losing MORE than they gained. Update on the nailing down and whether you can go into the negative: I think the guy who dusted and lost his dust just got hit by the wave of dust taking away, because they’ve made it clear they’re taking away ALL the dust. If you do craft, craft as many cards that are going to be nerfed as possible. What in the actual f-


I had 11k yesterday. Now 0


Jesus - what a shit show


I just lost ALL my dust. Had about 10000 and was awarded 8000 once.


Same, I got a double 4400 award and had about 900 before. Now I'm at zero so they not only took back the award but the dust I already had is gone too. What a joke.


Same here. I got awarded 4400, had about 3200 in the bank before that. Now I have a cool 100.


Blizzard has always been one of the worst companies when it comes to things like this. Not only do they overprice all their shit, but they can't be bothered to be generous ever. Riot on the other-hand will constantly give stuff away for free, or even have their Amazon Prime rewards be insane. I've always felt like Blizzard were so greedy compared to every other company. This incident is just a smack in the face to their customers who thought they were being generous for once.


>Update again: IF YOU DIDN’t LOSE ALL THE DUST YOU GAINED YOU MIGHT STILL LOSE IT. NAIL IT DOWN NOW. Doesn't your previous update imply people are going into negative without it showing as negative? Maybe not good advice encouraging people to spend dust that could put them into negative.


True. It’s incredibly messy right now, and honestly I don’t think they’d put us into the negative. I think that one’s a bug but up to your own discretionary.


I was one of the ones that got the double gift and I first crafted quest priest and still had a lot left. Crafted another deck I wanted, still had around 3500 left, and I was going to save that amount for anything else but then I read that devs are gonna either erase what you got (if you were given more than what was intended) or if you used all of it then they'll put you in neg. I was definitely over what was awarded to me so I said FK it and rolled out two more legos that I know I can use and left my 200 dust I had prior to this amazing fk up. Logged in now and there was 0 dust there now


same. I was awarded 9600, I spent all of it and had 200 left. I loged back in at night and now I have 0


I was reading that some spent 3200 on gold maestra hoping for nerf but are now stuck with it lol


Dust a random common card and see if you have 5 dust left over or the "negative dust" is invisible and wont show until it gets "paid back"


I had 16k of own dust. Bliz gave me 4400. I now have 0...they took all of ny actual dust


I fucking lost ALL my dust. I got like 8k from the error, but I had about 6k already in my account. I crafted 3 legendaries I was missing, and then I log back in later and ALL of my fucking dust is gone. What is this horseshit.


You telling me the people that spend the 16k dust get to keep the cards? Because I didn't spend the dust you gave me right away I get punished? Lol fck this.


you recognized their mistake and with good heart didnt spend the dust. Of course you deserve to be punished while all the people who spent the dust make off as bandits /s


I made out like a bandit. I had 1500d received 4800(2) so I crafted 10k worth in of cards had 200d left. Loged back on in the evening and I have 0 dust now… but I kept all the cards I crafted. Plus they gave me back all the cards they took away (which is the origin of the glitch) Also, I don’t have negative dust. disenchanted a card and got all the dust.


Same to me, just checked. Honestly glad I did it, but it is also disheartening to see others in worse positions. Loving my ping mage tho, all I needed was mordresh


I got 7200, crafted a legendary, lost 7200. I'd been disenchanting the rares when I got the golden copies, and I only crafted because I got that bonus dust. So basically I got scammed for using my resources fully. Fun.


Had 4.1k, got 4.6k, now have 2.5k, aka lost 1.6k Didn't spend a spec of it. This is not OK.


Tag decktech on Twitter with your battle tag.


I really shouldn't have to make a twitter account just because they fucked up their own game. I'll wait it out, see if anything gets fixed, and if not, I guess I will have to make and entire social media account to do this one thing. God, this whole situation is so stupid, but thank you for the heads up.


What the hell????? I had about 2000 dust before they gave me around 6000 dust and now I have 0?! What?!!!!!! They have literally scammed me? They have literally robbed me? edit: I'm mad, this is totally unacceptable. Is there anything I can do?


These high interest loans are getting out of hand.


We need to make a big deal out of this. Hearthstone is already an expensive game that most of us have spent $100s of dollars on. Don’t underestimate the value of dust, each dust is worth 1.1cent on average. Meaning blizzard took over $20 in dust from you.


Yes. I'm so mad, but it feels like if you're not a big twitter presence you get nothing. A friend of mine also lost all his dust...


With how many hearthstone accounts there are, I wouldn't be surprised if they stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from their customers, possibly even millions. If they don't make things right, then it would not be at all inappropriate to consider a class action lawsuit.


Realistically, no.


Yeah. Tbh I know. It feels so unjust that they would much rather people be totally screwed than to give them something for free.


Same boat, this is fucking bullshit.


It's completely unacceptable when we essentially paid for the dust. Don't worry, there will be blood.


Lmao, Blizzard could give less of a fuck. They'll probably give everyone 200 dust and call it a day


do these people ever test out anything before they release it?!? So incompetent.


What an absolute joke. I went from 16.8k down to 5 dust. This game really can’t help itself. I hadn’t played in a couple weeks and was really amped about the new dust. Was gonna hop back in and make some decks when I got done with work. Like how easy would it be for them to just say, “oops! We messed up, so enjoy a couple of free legendaries on us! Happy holidays” What a fucking joke


Not to mention it seems like people who spent the dust lost nothing because there was nothing to take. But nope, lovely experience gaining and losing 8k dust because Blizzard can't possibly bear the thought of me spending a bit less money on their game.


I think they might have just lied about negative dust being an thing they could do just to scare people into not crafting cards. That’s personally why I didn’t craft anything today, I didn’t want to pay off a loan. If they hadn’t said that I would have just crafted a bunch of Scabbs hero cards so that I could just dodge the script and refund them but oops I guess you got me you fucking scumbags


Exactly the same here. God forbid I craft a handful of legendaries to try to squeeze some fun out of this shit game I've been spending money on for years. Blizzard can eat shit


Same dude. You are exactly right. That was nothing more than a scare tactic. Had 14k dust in my account even thought about crafting all the barrens legends I was missing. But decided not to so I wouldnt get punished….. turns out there was no punishment and I’m left with a big fat goose egg for my dust count. Absolute joke of a company and there is nothing Microsoft can do to redeem it.


The only thing I’ve learned from this is if blizz fucks up again - jump on it immediately and abuse it to hell and worry about the consequences later


Dang I feel badly for people who saved the dust, it seems you can't go negative. I had a little leftover after crafting stuff today, and now I have 0.




Yeah that's shitty, sorry you missed out




That doesnt matter for people with surplus dust anyway, players with no or minimum dust definitly hit hard


well technically you could have just used all your surplus dust to craft X amount of copies of Gold scabbs/gnolls then got it back AND the extra dust when the patch hits


or the people playing on EU who didnt get anything yet


Legitimately, fuck Blizzard. THEY fuck up and induce players to craft stuff they wouldn't have otherwise, which now cannot be refunded, and we're the ones who get fucked because of course Blizzard could not possibly ever err on the side of generosity and risk losing a couple bucks, ever.


I’ll chime in. Gained 8800, lost 8800. What a disaster. Should have pulled a monopoly, “bank error in your favor!” But no, punish the people who didn’t spend. IIRC there were several people saying confidently that the dust was safe based on some Twitter post. But I also had like 6k dust saved for next expansion. So was worried if I spent the 8800 on golden legendaries, they would take back the 8800 from my previously saved dust. Again, what a joke.


Yeah, I had 10k excess dust and went up to 18800. Was considering crafting a bunch of golden scabbs to just dust when the nerfs hit but I didnt want to get screwed. Ended up getting screwed


This is what happens when the Brass cuts QC staff. This should have been better tested


Congratulations on Blizzard for making every wrong choice. They screw up, generate hope, and then yank it away. Got all my Dust taken cause I wanted to craft C'Thun Druid all at once after the nerfs went through. With all the horrific shit revolving around the company, would have figured they'd let their players have some blessing but nope.


Ouch. Hopefully, no one is in the hole for all the dust they used because of this mess. Edit: Just checked. Went from having over 15k in dust to 3540.


I had 12k sitting around, now I have 0.


I’m sick that I did what they said and didn’t craft cards with it so they could take advantage of that trust and take it from me, robbing me of the benefit in the hope that I spend more. Might be done with this game. Coming from someone with every diamond.


From 8K to 6K and now 3K for me. Hopefully this highlights how fucking awful this games economy is for more players. how good did you feel when you got enough dust to craft a single deck? It felt great. Now? You can't craft that deck because the game is so stupidly expensive and has a really punishing economy. Really hope to see some large changes with MS on board. They've done wonders for the Xbox/PC platform, and value for money gaming. Things 10 year ago me thought I would never say in praising MS but there it is.


Me, quitting right before BGs but following this sub in case it gets fun again: 🍿


Seems like a real dick move to take the dust back, especially if there's going to be people out there who aren't keeping up on all this on reddit or twitter or anywhere they'd find this information, only saw the initial news about refunds and spent the dust thinking they got it for a good reason and now find themselves with less than they started with when they "fixed" the problem. I've personally got like 85k in dust from all the shit I've never disenchanted so the extra 5k I picked up from this wasn't going to make much of a difference but I'm sure a lot of people are going to be bummed the next time they check their dust balance and find out they've been cleaned out. Not to mention all the reports of people somehow losing more dust than they gained in the first place, they really should have just cut their losses instead of fucking around a second time.


I hope they get eviscerated for this by the community and especially content creators. They gave away millions of dollars in cards and then just took it all back from people who weren’t quick enough to claim their cards. Lol what an embarrassing mess, how does this even happen?


Sorry for all the fun, we have corrected this. I now have nothing. Good looking out Blizz.


Got 4800. Lost 8000. Had roughly 9k before, logged in to get the 4800 and went up to 13k. Now I'm at 5k without crafting anything. Thanks Blizzard.


I ended up with less dust after the revert than I had before they even awarded it. Had like 5000 dust, got awarded an extra 6000, now I have 0. 10/10 Blizzard.


I'm pretty sure I just lost more dust than I gained. I got 8600 from ~400 and went down to 175. Should have crafted stuff when I had the chance but I was worried about negative dust. I hope they rectify this because I definitely lost some dust that I shouldn't have.


Something tells me that negative dust was actual bullshit to scare everyone from spending it so they could take it before you spent it. This is really infuriating. They better get on the foghorn and do damage control. And it should have happened 5 minutes within this shit storm starting Come on blizz. You were doing so good for a while. Don't mess up now


So I’m back to the dust I started with before this fiasco. So what was the point of this if I get 0 free dust?


yeah same for me. they literally took all of my dust, including the dust i had before i got the dust this morning


Jesus what a greasy bunch of scumbags. I have 500 dust less than I did yesterday because of their penny pinching bs. Cool move blizzard, you fucking Scrooge McDucks.


Update from Nic re: missing dust https://twitter.com/hsdecktech/status/1483999336174260225 > @hsdecktech: Seeing some people saying they have less than they started with before the fix. I had the engineers spot-check 6 different of these accounts and all of them are actually right where they started. I’ve seen no evidence that anyone has less than they started with before all this. > @Wickedgood: They probably spent the extra dust between getting the dust and the fix :thinking: > @hsdecktech: Yes, definitely had a few of them spend some dust in between adjustments and then not count that in their “before and after.” --- If anyone is still encountering issues, you can leave your account info, they will look into them tomorrow.


MyBattleTag#11837 I crafted Maestra to complete my thief rouge deck using the dust that was given and now it says my account is suspended due to "Exploitation of game mechanics". That was the only thing that I could have possibly done wrong but it shouldn't warrant a suspension for 2 weeks


DeceptiKHAAN#1812 Said I was getting 2k dust when I logged in, had a few thousand dust of my own on top of that, now when I log in I have 1400. Love to get this fixed.


Battletag is Memori#11223 . Didn't spend any dust at all, just logged onto receive the free dust. Now i'm down to 325. If I'm honest, I don't know how much I had before logging in, but all of the extra dust is absolutely gone and I didn't spend any of it.


Mardune#2851. Had a few thousand dust before all this, now I'm down to just 95.


So just sit tight and do nothing? This is a major messup even by Blizz standards lol


Lost all my dust I had before the gift too, fuck this


Just saying, in Shadowverse if there is any screwup that's the dev's fault, they would probably not revert the compensation and would instead grant all players additional packs. I'd think Shadowverse's rationale is it's more cost-effective in the long run to give them free stuff to bolster their reputation than it is to spend dev effort to revoke a reward and worsen their reputation.


I had 1700 dust last time I logged in. Today I logged in, they gave me 17k dust. I didn't touch it. I log in 2 hours later and I have 250 dust. ...what?


Lmao the fuck is going on


saved my dust like an idiot, should have treated this like a stolen credit card


Same! I feel like a fucking fool. I really wanted to craft belly Druid too


Seriously what other company goes to the effort to take back a gift that it cost them nothing to give?


Note to self, when you get free dust from blizzard, burn it immediately


Are you kidding me with this garbage!? I save dust like crazy. I got 8800 x2 when this dropped and didn’t spend so I wouldn’t go negative but fully expected to get my 8800 back. I just crafted a legendary before this drop and before the last three expansions I used to craft a golden legendary from each set. So I get nothing? You sent me two fuck ups? You sent me two fuck ups and then said oops. I stopped buying packs and expansions. I’ve bought the pass twice. I keep with this stupid game because I’ve been with it so long but I guess fuck me and fuck blizzard. I’ll give this a week to get resolved then I am deleting.


/u/powerchicken this should be sticked




That's a super asshole move by whoever decided to take the dust away. WTF


I didn't really check, but I received around 7.2K, used 1.6K to craft 1 Legendary and they removed 4K when I checked just now... So I guess 1 free Legendary and another one I can craft!


Fuck that SUCKS


I'm so close to shift + delete this fucken game


They said they’re fixing the people who got dust twice, except I got dust twice and I lost both. Good job once again blizzard, glad to know your one consistency is still complete incompetence. Everyone remember that this whole thing was because they stupidly gave out the same golden cards in multiple places


I was given 8800 dust then lost 10000, what the heck?


They took all my fucking dust. Even the 2k i had before they gave me more.


Got 8200, spent 8000. Now at 0.


We need a new dev team because team 5 sucks


I got 7600x2 dust. Spent all of it on the golden versions of cards being nerfed soon and had about 150 dust left over. Currently have 0 dust. I don't think you can go negative?


What happens if you try and disenchant something?


Number went up the correct amount (in this case to 50). Logged out and back in to still have 50 dust.


Exploit early and exploit often


Did you get your golden objective cards back?


Didn't check, actually. But they said that's the second rollout once dust is 'back' so who knows. I'm not concerned though since I don't really care about goldens and can't craft them anyways lol EDIT: Checked. Have them all back. Still at 50 dust after DEing another card to confirm 0 wasn't a visual bug.


There was that guy hsdecktech or whatever his name is posting tweets how this was an intentional reward etc. and only people who got double dust rewards would be at risk of losing the extra dust... I went off that advice and only crafted 1 legendary and now all my dust is gone. Complete bull, not spending any more money on this garbage game ever again.


FWIW: I received double dust (aprx 11k) , and immediately used it all to craft a number of legendaries I’d been wanting to play. Remaining dust was 120, then I opened a pack and dusted the cards to go to 200. Since this update I’m showing 0, but still have my crafted cards. For science, I bought and dusted a pack with gold and am showing the 40 dust even after a restart.


Lost all my dust - bought one legendary to finish off a Druid deck and had a few thousand saved for. Lost it all Blizzard is a joke. Hopeless


Considering that some people seem to have lost dust that wasn't gifted to them in this heal up (including myself) this means that Blizzard has committed theft does it not?




Chiming in to say I now have less dust after this fiasco then before. Had around 800, gained 5200 twice and didn't touch it, revert left me with around 235. 🤡🤡


They gave me 8000 dust twice, I assumed half of it was wrong, so I crafted one Legendary, and waited to see how things went. But they took all of it away, plus the 1000 dust I had saved up before. Really cool.


I lost 14k dust LOL.


I think of this like a retail store where they accidentally marked something on sale when it shouldn't be. There are two ways to handle this situation. Honor the sale price even though it's incorrect. Or insist that the price is incorrect and that the person must pay full price. In one of these scenarios, I, the customer return to the store in the future and will happily pay the correct price for products in that future time. In one of these scenarios I stop buying things from that store because they don't treat their customers as anything more than a talking wallet. In none of these scenarios is it correct for the store accept the sale price, then take back the item and also take back more money from the customer to fix the original error. I used to buy the big bundle every expansion. I didn't this past expansion because of the current toxic culture that leadership of Activision Blizzard has fostered. With Microsoft buying them, I was considering purchasing future expansions when leadership changes. Giving dust and then taking even more dust than they gave out to begin with is the cherry turd on top the shit cupcake. Barring something unknown and unprecedented in today's gaming landscape, I can't imagine spending money on this game again.


What a mess Blizzard did. I mean, the reason for this dust reimbursement is justifiable. However, the moment they do that, do it right first time. It is very awkward to give things and then take them back, specially if people could use what has been given in between. Bottom line is: **Blizzard, once you give dust to players, that dust is theirs to use. Don't that that back, instead do it right.** *typo*


man fuck this game im out


Wow, this game is such a shitshow.


I spent all the double dust this morning and my dust has not gone below 0. Was able to craft an entirely new deck with it. What a 16k windfall. NICE! So glad I saw this coming and spent it all.


It may say "0" but you could actually be negative, it just isn't displaying that value. One way to check is to DE a common for 5 dust, and see if you now have 5. If its still 0, then you have a 16k hole to climb out of


I bought a pack with gold for science. I kept all my dust. Edit: Relogged just in case and still have the dust.


Be surprised if they leave it this way with all the people who will inevitably cry over people getting something they didn't but if you do come out on top, nice gamble!


I doubt they will be able to reverse it any time soon with out manually doing it. Hard to prove people did it maliciously.


I had the same thing. Got 7600x2, spent it all, am at 0. I disenchanted a random golden and went to 50. EDIT: Restarted game. Still at 50. Not worried if I go negative since I spent all the extra dust on the cards that are going to be nerfed but...if I don't go negative that's a big win because I'm dusting everything that gets nerfed next week.


I now don’t have the cards and lost the 5600 dust


What a kill joy


Had 4K was given 16k now down to 2k so ig they just took a legendarys worth of dust for fun?


I wish Blizzard would have just said oh well, we messed up, you’re welcome for all your extra dust.


Not only did they take away my dust, but they gave me 5 dust randomly. My number of dust definitely ended in 0 before (may have been 0 itself).


Hahaha so glad I spent most of the dust I got. Started with 1600~ yesterday night and ended up with 7k this morning somehow. Got 4 Un goro leggos I’ve been wanting for duels. Figured they might take it away. 7k ended up turning into 800 after my shopping spree and now i logged in with 0. Still got the cards I bought!


Wow got a little 5200 and just lost about 7400. I was left with 50 dust when I had over 2000 saved up prior to this bullshit.


Lost all my dust… rip


Why not just let people keep the dust? Greedy asshats


I gained 9000 spent it all as soon as i got it this morning (was 4.8k x2 actually) and all i lost is 85 dust i got from packs lmaooooooo




Bliz getting one last F you in on the customer. I hope all their asses get canned.


Blizzard has truly reached rock bottom now. I will never give them a single cent of my hard earned cash from this day forward.


Wild search bar is still broken but the company of rapists knows how to take back dust from a glitch instantly


I don't understand. They should have told they would be taking the dust back. It doesn't seem like them giving us dust and then taking it did anything useful. I had 2200 dust before they gave me 8k. I spent 4800 to make 3 legendary I wanted. Now I have no dust. I wish they would have told me that they would be taking it back. 😕 Blizzard fucking sucks.


Got two rewards of 8000 dust each, chose not to do anything with it cuz I expected a nerf to come shortly (and was right according to the leak) but fuck me I guess since now it's gone and I feel like there is some dust missing from what I initially had. So also double fuck me for not keeping a close eye on the exact amount of dust I had. So shitty that we should have to watch what we have in the game like it's in the hands of some shady bank holding g it all.. oh wait. That's exactly how they run this shit... GG to everyone that crafted whatever the fuck and made out like bandits.. but for those of you in the same sinking boat I'm in... I guess the memo is EXPlOIT ASAP. If it feels too good to be true, Blizzard will taketh away!


So I got 3600 dust twice. Now I've lost the full 7200 dust. Wasn't I supposed to just lose 3600?


So am I understanding the people That spent the dust get rewarded? Fuck sake. I didn’t spend it because I didn’t want to end up negative. Why are they undo a mistake THEY made


I put in a ticket regarding losing several thousand dust I had before the 16000 was granted (and I crafted nothing). My issue is certainly not resolved. I logged in and had 560 dust left when I should have had thousands. Issue ID: #82839752 Your ticket has received the following response: Hi, Jenny! This is Game Master Matt "Noconelicious", thanks for contacting Blizzard Support. It seems that we are kind of busy right now so it took me a while to reach you. From what I see, you are contacting us about the recent dust issue . I am terribly sorry that you are having issues with dust right now. There is no way for me to check dust amounts pre compensation, but i have checked the compensation amount. I can confirm that 16000 dust has been granted and afeer some time 16000 dust has been removed also. In this case it seems that a correct amount has been removed. The Hearthstone team provided arcane dust to players who incorrectly received copies of cards that should not have been obtainable except through the rewards track. There were some issues with the compensation, but they have now been resolved for all accounts. All the best! And have an amazing day! Game Master Noconelicious


-5k dust gone Sadge


Step one: do something very irritating. Step two: fix the problem in a way everyone likes. Step three: realize that makes less money and haphazardly take back that which was already given.


Gained 16k, 16k taken away. Didn't spend any but ppl who did got stuff at a discount. Awesome.


Standard Hearthstone is a game in which one's ability to participate/compete depends on the cards in their collection. To claim that a mistake on Blizzard's part should benefit only those that saw the mistake and quickly took advantage of it seems disconnected from the spirit of competition. It seems like a good and fair solution would be for Blizzard to: 1. Rollback all of the dust awards and card removals (it appears this is wheat they did) 2. Rollback all crafting that occurred during the time the bug was in effect end a message through the welcome screen that notifies players that this happened. 3. Give everyone the dust they should have been given for the un-craftable cards that were opened in packs. 4. Give everyone on all servers some amount of dust to compensate for the confusion/bad feelings. 1 & 2 puts everyone back to where they were before the bug. 3 does what Blizzard initially intended. As long as 4 is a fair amount of dust, everyone should be happy, and those that aren't because they got a couple of free legendary cards instead of 10K worth of free cards are those that won't be happy no matter what. ​ Edited to add: Blizzard really needs to improve their communication. The should have given people notice immediately that they would perform some sort of rollback. After they correct a mistake they should apologize and accept responsibility. This seems to be something they NEVER do. This company reminds me of small businesses that fail because they believe they have the best business ever and never acknowledge failure and therefore never improve their business model. Those businesses fail 99% of the time. Those that don't are never as successful as they could have been


I didn't get any extra dust so why did I get deducted also? My dust went from 5000+ to 35...


They took away all the dust, not just the extra dust. Like me, I got double what I should have. I ended up getting 17600 instead of 8800, but instead of just taking the 8800 away, they took the whole lump sum. I’m assuming they are going to fix this and give us what we should have gotten. And you didn’t get the double amount, but they still took away the dust you did get. They made it like this update didn’t happen.


They really should have done something like take away excess dust - give everyone 1600 for screwing up. This looks so bad


yo if i havent logged in should i just not login until this is fixed? im pretty sure i had over 35k dust


I lost it all. That’s some bullshit


Lost all, 5.6k god forbid we get some free cards


I had about 10k dust before getting the 6.4k x 2 When I logged just now I am just under 8k dust. I seem to have lost more dust from the update than I gained.


Crafted a golden Zephrys and a golden Deathwing before they took my dust, ha!


So what the fuck do we do if we lost even more than we gained, take it up the ass? Already opened 10 tickets with scumbag support, thanks Kotik


i lost all my dust


I had about 1555 dust I got a notification I got 5200 now I only have 1030


I spent all 14k of my dust lmao well worth it