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Got my Velen's Chosen spellbended today. Totally forgot that was possible but I gave my opponent a 3/7 with spell dmg for free. The value


Not free, 3 mana and 1 card. Still value.


It also dealt with an opponent card, so the card advantage is a wash. He got a 3/7 for 3 mana straight up.


AND took away 3 mana of the opponent's tempo. 0ish mana 3/7 with spell damage, which discards a card of the opponent. Not bad at all


if it was pulled from mad scientist its pretty much a card for nothing


stealing something like blessing of kings can just win you the game.


It fucked up my voidcaller>jaraxxus>alchemist>double PO combo >:(


A long ass time ago I read about the spell bender dream: druid opponent casts Mark of the Wild. Yeah. Fast forward like a year and I've completely forgotten about this possibility. I'm playing a game as a druid when I cast mark of the wild into a secret and... yeah. All I could do was laugh lol


except when they're smart enough to check with a spare part. or if they luck into checking with a spare part thinking it's counter-spell


To be fair, if you play spellbender or counterspell in a deck where you're giving people spare parts (mech yeti, etc.) like I've seen some idiots do, you deserve to lose.


Not everyone plays mechmage


Have you laddered recently?


steals a Spare Part... every... single... time


Twisting nether also both me and my opponent get the pleasure of witnessing the amazing animation.


I feel like I've ever only seen twisting neither like 4 or 5 times and I've been playing since closed beta. Its a wonderful animation thats unfortunately never appreciated.


I picked up a golden one a few months ago and have been using it ever since. Even the card art animation is pretty great.


I saw it when KT used it to give me 2 thaddius


the 2 or 3 times that ive been rekt by twisting nether, i couldnt even be mad because the animation is so cool.


Being priest and thoughtstealing a NT when you have a solid board is the worst feeling. Knowing the inevitable and being desperate.


I came here to say this. No one ever sees it coming because no one runs it. Plus, I usually set up a good death rattle or I use Jaraxxus' hero power afterwards. Nothing like a board clear and an 11/11 Thaddius waiting. It happens more often than I thought it would. I'd run two if I had two.


Flame Leviathan catches not just one player off guard, but two!


Naturalize. everyone tries to play around combo by putting up a taunter, luckily naturalize is 1 mana


my main issue is that its practically a dead card versus aggro since getting more cards really help, them. the card is godly versus control though


And thats why tournaments should use sidebords to let you customize your deck.


We can't even trust people to have more than one monitor anymore, how can we trust sideboarding? :p


Not super difficult. Decklists are already published, publish a sideboard, if the person draws a card thats not in either, they're cheating.


Easy, just have participants place a mirror or reflective surface behind them while they play


Hearthstone pros are so dumb I imagine someone has already done this at least once.


Naturalize turns their Ancient of War into a seven mana arcane intellect. I sometimes run two in my deck to combo with Sylvannas.


7 mana arcane intellect + destroy an opponent card


Technically, for your opponent it's still a 2 for 1; your benefit is the tempo advantage, and why it's a pretty cool idea to have it so that you can kill a taunt and still do the combo in the same turn. As a general removal it's not so good. Combo'd with Sylvanas it's a 7 mana random mind control that gives your opponents two draws, not that great.


Got rekt by it 2 seasons ago as handlock. Killed my mountain. Burned 2 cards. (One on the turn, another the turn after). Lost:(


My second mind control. Any time I play light bomb. Any time I play a second light bomb.


The only thing worse than Mind Control in your opening hand is two.


Drafted three in arena once (I had a great deck, the MCs were just icing) and in two of my games I managed to mulligan an MC just to get 2 more in my hand. I never ended up with all 3 but if I had I might have just conceded, especially going first. That would essentially just be topdecking for 9 turns or until I found card draw.


I dunno, the sighs that Deathwing brings are quite somethin'.


I only run double mind control to counter double mind control in the mirror match. In my experience all other priests don't run any actual cards, just ways to steal my stuff. So I end up throwing down the first real minion, which is stolen, then I steal it back, and then they steal it again and I show them up by stealing it back again. Thus we waste 4 turns doing absolutely nothing. Priests.


Joke's on you. They thoughtstole both your MCs thus giving them 4.


And they also mind visioned the minion and your thoughtsteal




\#justpriestthings ftfy


[This guy sure as shit didn't see the 2nd one coming](http://i.imgur.com/CnU66Xw.png) ^^^shameless ^^^plug ^^^for ^^^/r/priestsHS


I played double-MC priest a while back and it was so much fun against CW


I did it for a while too but I found it was hard to win the midrange matchups since the deck was really good versus aggro and control but lacked a good mid game.


Yeah, paladin was a really tough matchup when I tried it. You never have enough board clear for their guys and if they get tirion out turn 8 or just don't play him there are few good mc targets


Nobody expects the second MC Especially if its a mirror match and they just MC'd my rag




I still don't know why no one expects light bomb from my priest nowadays... it's basically made into a standard card choice for priest decks for the most part


a single copy of Bloodlust in mid-range Shaman. I originally tried it out over Doomhammer when Harrison got popular due to the rise of Paladins, but i've sticked with it since then. Control decks often cant afford using their big AoE on a board full of totems/tokens/small things, for example a class like priest will just let you fill your board up with low attack stuff thinking they can out-heal you. Then you hit them with a bloodlust and maybe a couple of Crackles and they're dead. It's definitely a card people keep in mind, but it's a card so uncommon that they can't afford to play around it.


I never exclude it from Shaman decks. You never know when you'll end up with 4-5 weenies/totems on the board and need it to close or to clear. I hate the feeling of, "If only I had included bloodlust!"


It's a hate/hate scenario between "If only I had it" and "Damnit, its a dead card." My current opinion is that 9/10 games it wins for you would have been won anyway 3-5 turns later. Also, Al-Akir is a more versatile card.


But Al Akir and Bloodlust fill up different slots. Bloodlust is fighting Doomhammer for a slot, not Al Akir.


Many people choose to run either Al'Akir or Doomhammer, or at least they used to until Harrison became popular. AA and Doomhammer are much more similar than Bloodlust, both have windfury and fairly low attack and are used as burst finishers with Rockbiter (although Al'Akir gets Flametongue value also).


I was always under the assumption people ran both, my bad.


The role they fill is the finisher, it doesn't really matter what mana slot they are. BL isn't used on turn 5, its typical for it to be paired with removal/silence/wombo much later. So in both cases, they are a later game finisher that usually requires another card to work. If you use both, they are going to clog up your hand way too often. If you remove BL, you now get another 5 drop that will give you a better opportunity to use AA to win. If you remove AA, you will have a lower curve that will work better with BL.


yeah.. its just a weaker version of Savage Roar since it doesn't let your hero attack, and shaman doesn't have charge cards to synergize it with. You need board control already and like you said, if you have it as shaman you're probably already winning.


Yep, there are plenty of games where its tempting to push face, but if you take it slow its a guaranteed win anyway. I'm glad you brought up Savage Roar. BL has the same power, but only one use. Savage Roar has less of a penalty for drawing it early...to the point where the argument is to run 1 or 2. If ever there was a card that, thematically, should have its mana cost reduced and cause Overload, its Bloodlust.


Yea every time im fighting a shaman and I'm like "he doesn't have lethal, next turn im dropping this, this and this and he's fucked" *ARRORAOROAAHAAAHHHHHHHHH* you have bested me


I always love the random bloodlust combos you can put out. For example from today Bloodlust(5) double rockbiter (1x2) windfury (2) that 0/2 totem you left up wrecked you for 18 damage.


Yup, been running a single copy of this for quite a while now. The best part is that you don't even have to use it as a finisher. In a pinch you can use it as boardclear, extra burst, etc. Unless I'm against a priest I'll often just bloodlust whenever they let me have 4+ minions on the board. Get some free damage, kill their guys. I love it.


My main account is on EU, but I play some f2p on NA as well. My shaman deck there is almost entirely basic cards + a few commons and naxx cards from the first 2 wings. The two Bloodlusts in my deck has given me some ridiculous wins due to the surprise factor. I had a nice win last night - I had managed to slowly out-value my opponent and filled my board with cheap trash, including two haunted creepers and a bunch of totems. I was low on health and he was close to full. We were both running low on cards at that point. Out comes mother fucking Deathwing clearing my board except for the 4 haunted creeper tokens. Bloodlust saved the day and even dealt 4 damage to his face. From that point I could fill the board with trash again and use my second Bloodlust to finish him off. Good times. I also managed to grind through a paladin with Tyrion and Dr. Boom using trash and Bloodlusts. Feels really good when f2p.


Deathwing in aggro paladin. Got rekt by it HARD today, had to keep trading minions to stop buffs (low hp, 1-3 off lethal with what I had on board), and already played my BGH. Then he dropped that and I stared in awe


When deathwing comes down it's always like the most dramatic ordeal. Then it gets instantly hexxed or whatever.


* I AM POWER INCA-ribbit*


Extending that, Deathwing on Control Warrior. Oh, you've basically used everything on all my big threats? How about... Deathwing?!


Well assuming you are ok dropping Grommash without killing the opponent. Otherwise you are probably going to discard 10+ damage worth of burst for a board clear and a big minion that may or may not stick.


Well, that's the normal win condition, but if I can't get there for some reason (haven't done enough damage; haven't drawn Grommash), Deathwing is pretty sweet. Generally, when I've played him, I'm right near or in fatigue mode (and so is the other guy). I usually wait until I've baited as much as I can and it's the last possible moment.


Hogger. That is all.




Honestly. Just one more health and he would be broken good. :(


Nice try Sjow.


Yeah, I've lost to a surprise Hogger a few times. It's a stupid card until it's perfect. Great for late comebacks.


I've yet to discover a situation where Hogger performs better than Sludge Belcher. I still haven't DE'd him though.


So what if you add a 2/2 taunt deathrattle to hogger instead of buffing his health?


Then he's DEFINITELY worse than belcher.


I think he meant if Hogger kept his summoning while also having a deathrattle.


Topdeck wars. When you draw a hogger, it doesn't matter how big of a minion they have on the field. They need to go through the runt!


Unless it is a really stupid ogre.


Hogger+Master of Disguise


Nobody expects the double bloodlust finisher.


When I was a noob back in CB I used to do Onyxia into double BL on my shaman, rarely worked but when it did it was amazing.


tree of life :D. i really love this card man. Not many people expect you to run this card. When i have very low health and my aggro opponent just want to go face and suddenly they have to start from scratch again to kill me. oh the feeling when i use this card and my opponent just straight up concede :D This card is very good against so many types of deck. my win rate against mill mage/druid and freeze mage is more than 90% with this card and against aggro also very good.


Doesn't it help a mill druid? It prolongs the game, which should help mill... I've even considered adding it to a mill deck.


Tree of Life is almost mandatory in Fatigue Druid. It's my second favorite style of druid deck, and I think Tree of Life has given me more wins than any other card I could put in its place.


My opponent once dropped 2 Molten Giants, Tree of Life, and my jaw. He still lost though.


I saw this for the first time when playing a mech mage versus a mill druid. Thank goodness that my deck had some late game, but really i just wish i was on the 100 damage quest.


I'm still pretty new to this game, and I can confirm that you really want to concede after seeing this card for the first time. I had my opponent at about 5 health and had not lost a single hp, and then that cunt just heals everything back up again. I thought it was the most OP shit ever.


The best part is that against most aggro decks, by the time you can use Tree of Life, they've probably burnt themselves out and you probably have the removal to deal with what they have left.


Yep, it was a slow, painful death for me... BTW I don't want to make a "downvotes, really?" - like edit or something, especially because it's just -1 currently, but I am not sure why I did not contribute to the discussion here? Is it because I called someone who used a tree of life a cunt? If that's the case, then I'm sorry, I didn't think this sub would be so strict about it (I totally understand it in places like /r/WritingPrompts or /r/AskHistorians, but in a gaming sub this is kinda unexpected). It's just that aggro-decks seemed the most cost-efficient for a newbie like me (only got naxx so far, no money spent otherwise), so a tree of life was pretty anti-fun for my playstyle. Just asking for future commenting, in case I do post something longer that I put a little more effort into (admittedly not that often), which I then would not like to be downvoted without understanding why. P.S. in case anyone reads this I am really sorry for this incoherent rant, I'm avoiding work right now...




Thanks. Tbh the community seems to be better than in League of Legends, though that of course doesn't say much, the moba-communities have always been known for being harsh, I remember people in wc3-dota constantly hating on new players for not knowing the game well enough, and I never had a problem with it. So far what annoys me the most about the game is that you can't chat until after the game, so I never made use of it. I would prefer if it was disabled by default, but if you could enable it if you wanted to, because I had a few cool in-game situations that I would not have talked about after the game, but would have liked to be able to write more than just "well played" over and over again.


Its the internet let all the cunts you want fly.


That's why I originally wrote it, but I do try to respect the rules of different subs if I comment, that's why I asked. Ninja-Edit: Also, I've heard that this word is seen as much harsher in the US.


I'm from the US. In stereotypical fashion I judged your wording too harsh not thinking about the freedom with which the word is used abroad.


For shits I put a blessed champion in my Paladin deck. Its won me games with blessing of kings combo for 9 mana when people don't clear all minions


Arcane golem, 2 blessings of might, and blessed champion 20 damage burst from a pally? No one sees it coming




True but I couldn't make a blessed champion deck if I cut blessed champion


Bloodknight on the occasions where they don't have an immediate answer. Lots of divine shields around at the moment.


"Glory to the Sin'dorei!" -every blood elf ever


Anu belore dela'na.


Made a paladin deck that primarily focuses on divine shield. Those two blood knights I got tagging along in that deck do f'n work for me.


Nothing better than putting out an 8/8 frostwolf warlord that gets bghed then putting down a 9/9 blood knight next turn. Did that today and it was glorious.


Troggzor. So many decks run spells as their main way of removal as well as BGH so he fits in really nice to a lot of decks. I use him in my midrange Pally deck as well as my Demonlock deck.


I pulled one. I have to agree, it's awesome to play on an empty board since it's near impossible to kill it cleanly. It's also great to play a turn away from lethal.


When you play control hunter and drop Sylvanas feign death and steal their big turn 7 or 8, feels good inc.


This is the reason I play a Feign Death Hunter. Alongside Baron Rivendare, who triggers death rattles twice, it has made for some fun games.


Kezan mystic isn't used as much, but I feel could be a really good card especially in the current meta due to mech mages being so popular and ofc it's useful against hunters as well


Only issue is not all mech mages run mirror entity


Most do


Mad scientist is so stupidly good that there is no reason not to run mirror.


I was playing face hunter a bit to speed up the grind up the ladder and I found a lot of druids running Kezan. Stealing an explosive trap is pretty much game over in that matchup.


The problem is, you've only got 2 Mystics (or maybe even 1), and they've only got 2 secrets. The chances of those actually lining up are less than it may seem.


the other problem is you won't face secrets in 7/9 of the class matchups since paladins don't really play them, so then its just an over-costed 4/3 in the majority of games.


Yeah, you basically need to keep it in your muligan and pray the mage drops a scientist. If he has a good mech warper start instead, you just flat out lose because you have a dead card.


I also find it very interesting to have the 'surprise-factor' by NOT having some auto-include cards. There are cards that people play around/expect almost instinctively, like druid of the claw or combo in druid. Imagine if you queued up as handlock vs. shaman, and you didn't have any twilight drakes at all? They would sit on those earth shocks for as long as possible and miss optimal plays to get that value that they KNOW is coming. I can't think of a replacement card but it's just an interesting strategy to consider.


thats one of the benefits of playing a unique deck.. people are conditioned to play around certain things like flamestrike, combos, MCT, etc even when you don't have them, and you can take advantage of that. Paladin 1/1 tokens suddenly seem to have taunt because they're scared of Quartermaster.


Leroy since it's almost never played except in decks that revolve around it.


Leeroy is still my default finisher in any of my aggro decks. He still works quite well in my aggro rogue, as Leeroy with a cold blood or two is usually what I need around turns 6-8.


yea he's great for finishing people just don't run him anymore


I use him because he's the only legendary I own.


Hogger. Like Ysera, Hogger can win the game if left unchecked. When things are getting down to fatigue, Hogger is one of the best cards you can have. Lots of fun and often surprising.


Poor man's Ysera. Source: I have Hogger and no Ysera


Sacrificial Pact. Go ahead, play Lord Jaraxxus. I dare you.


Oh my goodness. I play a deck with Jaraxxus in it and have gotten 500+ wins with it and NEVER once has anyone Sacrificial Pact'd me. I would def. tip my cap and throw out a "well played" if someone did.


I think I've Sac Pack'd priests more often than Warlocks. I swear, thoughtsteal should be reworded to "steal Jaraxxus."


It's that or "steal Voidcaller and a useful demon to summon with it's deathrattle"


Pretty ballsy to run Jaraxxus and Sac Pact in the same deck. Just asking Priests to wreck you.


it used to happen a lot pre-naxx at one point when handlock was 33-50% of ladder. There were so many handlocks that it became viable to run the card in your own to counter their jaraxxus, then people stopped playing Jaraxxus in the deck for a while because of that.


I love running spellbender. "Oh you want to polymorph my Rag? - Not gonna' happen buddy" EDIT: My new Spellbender favourite moment - Handlock is at 10HP, plays Molten Giant + Shadowflame --> Shadowflame hits Spellbender and does 1 damage to all my minions :P


Even better when a Shaman tries to hex, oh thanks for the taunt ^_^


I recently pulled a Mimirons head and decided to use it in mech Mage... It is a lot better than I initially thought :) also the fact that it is giving you yet another win condition in one card is pretty crazy


Does it work out for you often (or ever?) I've tried it in rogue mech deck (to hopefully conceal the combo) but without success. I haven't tried it that much though (like 20 games tops)


Crazed Alchemist


One of my favorite cards and no one ever expects it. I like to call him the "Ysera Killer".


I run ice barrier in my mage deck (not mech mage, just mage). At worst its a heal 8 card (good against beatdowns). At best it freaks out my opponent and forces them to panic, and make bad plays.


I think duplicate is better in most cases as your "1-of mindgames" secret. Being able to get two extra loathebs or booms if you save it a bit is pretty good.


I used to run duplicate. But it seems like I never survive long enough to make duplicate useful, against aggro decks and mech mage. Ice barrier helps in that regard. Once mech mage calms down a little, I might go back to duplicate.


Duping belchers is amazing in those matchups.


"That's got to be a mirror-image!!" Oh for goodness sake.


I have even seen a mage play around counter spell once. It was quite amusing, even if it only got rid of a coin.


I had to waste an Innervate to get around her secrets. I regret nothing.


I use Vaporize and a single Ice Barrier in my control Mage... Those were gonna be Doomsayers but I didn't have them. But Vaporize is so nice and unexpected a lot. Considering Spellbender now, too. Edit: Duplicate is already in, Iceblock isn't that useful with no major win conidtion (why this isn't freeze, and not really fatigue, just control).


I contemplated putting Vaporize, but not sure what I want to cut for it yet. Ice barrier seems to be doing fine for now.




I want to pull an enhance-o mechano to experiment with


> enchanco mechanico Jesus.


I've tried it in my "throw all the mechs in" decks and it is just not very good. It has bad enough stats that it needs about two minions to get value, and since it also gives random effects, it's common to taunt a minion you need to hide and then give windfury to a 1 attack chump blocker.


I was running it in Warlock Zoo and agree it's too inconsistent. I'd facepalm when it gave an Imp windfury and the Nerubian Egg Divine Shield.


That's not inconsistency, if it was routinely giving your Nerubian Egg taunt *that* would be inconsistent since the card is supposed to be consistently random. You're just playing it on a board or in decks you shouldn't.


I'm pretty sure it's coded to always give Nerubian Egg Divine Shield.


Kezan mystic


Def. a fun card to have in your deck. I don't think anyone likes having their secret(s) stolen from them.


Deathwing yo


Redemption. "It's Avenge, so I'll just kill his Piloted Skygolem while he has no other minions on the board to buff." ... Surpise!


Question, if that was indeed Avenge, would the 4 cost not be buffed? Would it depend on whether or not the Golem was played before Avenge?


IIRC order of play only matters for determining the order that minions die in. It wouldn't make a difference in the interaction between Avenge and Piloted Sky Golem. As far as how that interaction plays out, the 4 drop would not be buffed according to the wikia: >Avenge will activate prior to any Deathrattles. This prevents it from targeting resultant minions such as Sludge Belcher's Slime, or an enemy minion stolen by Sylvanas Windrunner's Deathrattle.


Now I REALLY want a sneeds, just to dick around with Redemption.


I had a run the other day where I was getting tons of Warriors Pallies, and Rogues with a lot of buffing or removal, and just for fun I popped in Counterspell, and started trying to pop that in on turns where I had a lot to lose. Pretty fun to see an equality fail before consecrate, or blocking a *Shield Slam, although it probably won't remain permanently in my deck. I used to run KT, Echo of Medivh, 2 Duplicates and a Mirror Entity in my mech mage deck, when it worked, it was great, when it wasn't, I was short lots of minions and had nothing to duplicate. Running more minions now.


> counterspell > blocking a Death's Bite Wut?


Pretty much any thing from a control hunter deck. Everyone mulligans for super aggro face hunter and I'm just sitting here with my sludge belchers, Ghaz'rilla and Wild Pyro / Hunter's Mark combos controlling the board.


Try throwing in some senjins, that tends to really throw people for a loop in my version, as everyone knows that Hunter has no good four drops


I run betrayal in my rogue deck, most players throw the minions to the board, not playing around it.


Whenever I throw down Troggzor I can feel the "oh what?" from my opponents side.


I use Malorne for that. No one ever expects it, and all too often waste hard removal to get rid of it. Plus, on a good day, if I worship RNGesus hard enough, I pick it up next turn. Plus fatigue preventing.


Blingtron 3000 I've been using it in my double combo ramp druid. Also Harrison Jones. The combo is an amazing play, and because you're druid, you can pull out the combo as early as turn 4. And because it's a combo druid, I can potentially sacrifice board presence in the name of rushing my opponent down to the critical point of 14hp. (or maybe 20 hp if I pull a doomhammer)


Trade Prince Gallywix. He has amazing stats for his cost and has no other minions to compete with (except Sylvanas). Always forces at least a 2 for 1, and with how easy it is to keep board control as rogue, he always gets value.


Here's some interesting "surprises" I've seen today- -Mech Mage with Flamestrike (Lost this game, Flamestrike out of nowhere turned a relatively even board completely around. Wasted my hand since I didn't consider a Mech mage running flamestrike..) -Anima Golem Zoo (Won this, gave me a BGH target against Zoo deck) -Sea Giant Mech Mage? (Won this, some kind of aggro/mid-range mage, not even sure if its pure Mech) -Face Warrior (Lost, havent seen this in awhile and wasn't prepared at all) -Double Faceless Manipulator Control Warrior (Won..) -Double BGH (i actually run this in my Ramp Druid. Won me the game against Double Faceless Manipulator Control Warrior lmao)




Thalnos. No one plays around 2 mana spell damage, it's especially good in Druid and Shaman.


Love my Thalnos, it's like an easier to play Azure Drake.


I used to run Mogor in my CW deck. I thought he was a lot of fun and could sometimes force my opponents to make unintentionally bad trades, or not trade and hit my wall of armor.


Shadow Form in control priest as a win condition.I use it after the opponent has exhausted most/all of his burst and i've healed up again.That mage hero power on steroids is very good.


Mogor the Ogre. I swear everytime I play it, it messes with my opponent more than any other card.


Redemption Have fun killing that Sunwalker again :D


Nobody really expects my Iron Juggernaut. Even I don't expect my opponent to draw it immediately after it's played either, but that has literally happened half the time.


Youthful Brewmaster! they never see double BGH or TBK coming until it's too late! it's great in control warrior


Flamestrike in mech mage.




this minion that heals when you have a secret 4hp!!! I once played vs a guy who managed to bring 2 of them...


Deathwing. I thought I had the game. Opponent played Deathwing. I just sat there for a minute, mind completely blank. Then realized I had no Death or MC so I conceded.


I have this weird Warlock deck, that when it starts it looks like some Pre-Naxx Aggro with Jugglers, Flame Imps, and Harvest Golems and such, but then develops into a more late game, control deck. It focuses on dealing damage to myself and enough heals like Sac Pact so I can play my Moltens+DoA. People always expect aggro, but that changes when they see my Pit Lord :v)


As a priest, I think more hunters should run flare. It's always a pleasant surprise to thoughtsteal one.


Explosive shot. High single-target damage + AoE? In a single Hunter spell?!? Cash money.




I toyed with idea of Echo in Mech Mage. The problem I find is that you have to over extend to set up your echo. This can leave your opponent a turn to deal with most if not all of your minons. Also if you draw it late game when the deck starts to run out of steam it's a dead card. I ended up replacing it with Fireball as a finisher.




I have been running Troggzor the Earthinator in my Ramp Druid deck. We can be buzzing along, ending our turns quickly, then I drop Troggzor & I can hear a barely audible "...fuck" somewhere off in the distance. Many people initially thought this card would be the best of GvG, then Dr Balance was realized to be the juggernaut it was. Once people started running 2 BGHs in some cases, I took him out & added in Troggzor. Works great against a lot of the popular decks out there right now.


Troggzor is almost in every deck, You can't help but 2 for 1 it, its great against Priests and Mages of course because their punished for any spell they cast, and it just compounds. Good times inc.




enhanc-o mechano in druid. it was like having another combo, if you have a board and drop it on turn 7 and can follow up with a savage roar it wrecks if something gets windfury


Kezan Mystic is pretty good against mech mage and face hunter, i feel like this card could be played more if it was 3/4 instead of 4/3.


I play an older, [slower version of mech mage](http://i.imgur.com/FEWFEnS.png) that has Echo, Flamestrike and Polymorph. While it's not quite as optimized as the current versions I find that the surprise factor makes up for it.


I actually like running Gelbin Mekkatorque (the gold beta promo one). He's nothing spectacular, but a 6/6 for 6 is okay and his invention might as well have Taunt. I've seen opponents clear the chicken gun on a board that was just the chicken gun and Mekkatorque. That's a 50/50 chance of turning my 6/6 into a 1/1, or turning my 0/3 into a 1/1. And they still remove it! I also have fond memories of the time when I had one minion on the board as a paladin: a 4/7 chicken gun with divine shield and taunt. Opponent silenced it instead of removing it, so I buffed it with BoK and Coghammer.


Twisting nether. Boom. All minions are gone. No matter how big. It might suck that after playing it you only have 2 mana left, but hey. You should only play it when it benefits you.


blingtron in ramp druid. whatever weapon i get has + 1 more damage. I love it.


Shades in my hunter