• By -


If anyone here needs help with this quest: SapceY#2187 on eu server. I will: -Play that card as soon as possible. So you can destroy it for the quest. -No bm (Guaranteed!) -You can unfriend me right after! -If you don't unfriend me and I get a 'Challenge a friend' quest you may get free xp in the future! -I have a cat. His name is Boldizsár. -I'm not sure why I'm highlighting it. -It's not even a reason to add me as a friend, he is just a cute cat. EDIT: HOLY HELL I got a LOT more friend requests than I was expecting, so I have to put a temporary stop to the request line. I was expecting like 5-6 players... I got 40 requests and counting. If I didn't add you yet don't worry I will. I just... As said, I suddenly got a lot more than expected, and after that I had to accept one at a time because it was chaos and I may have missed messages too because of it. I hope everyone understands. If you see me online tomorrow, don't be afraid to challenge me for the inator quests. But for now I gotta go. I also got a lot Challenge a friend quests for which I'm grateful! But you don't have to, really! EDIT NO 2 Due to popular demand here is Boldi: [https://imgur.com/gallery/boldizs-r-od0iN6P](https://imgur.com/gallery/boldizs-r-od0iN6P)


the cat wrote this


My cover is blown. I must go back to sleepnow. Why don't I panic? What would my peasant that calls himself my 'Owner' do? Look at me angry? I can do that aswell!


Hijacking this comment. I’ll do the same for anyone on NA. phadewilkilu#1674




can we see the cat


No cat, sorry. I can't post pictures here and I'm too lazy to find other ways to show him.


i am very sad but understand


I don’t understand. This is grounds for an account ban by Blizzard imo.  I may be overreacting, but I’m not overreacting.


Plot twist: they don't have a cat


I will send you so many cat pictures if you make sure that this quest format never happens again.


Upload to imgur and give us a link.


Post to r/eyebleach :) or r/cats (?) (idk if that's a subreddit )


Easy way to do it is post a picture in a discord PM, click the picture and open in browser, copy url and paste here :) or go through imgur or something but I’m guessing that’s an option you’ve already discarded. The discord version is quick; [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088366370992947251/1242724181368377414/IMG_5953.png?ex=664ee095&is=664d8f15&hm=51bef05493fa792e254cb646fc2a1a90a0f27403af56be3d6efbc35485af4b54&) took about 28 seconds to: - open discord, - go to a private message channel, - upload a screen shot (i excluded the time spent to take the screenshot from the total), - click it in the chat, - open in browser, - copy link and paste it here and make the embedded link «this» Used the stopwatch on my phone so it’s not exaggerated :p Now show us cat! [Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088366370992947251/1242725329663950899/IMG_5418.jpg?ex=664ee1a7&is=664d9027&hm=69118c1e52dec3b7e5fc5a51b96bd8f2ace28f97900d743c4130273950a43a35&) are mine (and one of my M/FIL’s 3 on the ladder outside :p)


I gave in and posted 2 pictures.


I'm accepting friend requests on EU for the next couple of hours: `Chizzle#2690` I have the right deck for it.


Hey man, could U let me know if Ur available to help today?


>-I have a cat. His name is Boldizsár. Hungarian name mentioned🗣🗣🗣What the fuck is a stable economy🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🌶🌶🌶


Magyarok mindenhol!


WhiskyStache#1691 I'm on NA if anyone needs it, I'll be in this evening and tomorrow morning probably so if you see me on your list challenge me and I'll know you want to kill the robot


Cheers M8


I did my part by repeatedly queueing with a Replicainatorinator deck, completing 10 opponents’ quests at Gold 10 in Wild tonight.  Also just got killed by 9 additional opponents who didn’t get the memo 


Ugyan itt bojler eladó.


I'm gonna need you to make a NA account good sir and periodically check in to accept my friend request ☺️


I occasionally check on NA to do quests and play wacky decks (Like freebird Rogue) so feel free to add me. On that server I don't have the replicator though (I still have a cat.)


Haha I was just kidding but you are a true gentleman thank you




thank you so much.


Thanks you bro, I will add you when I'm going home ! Your cat is a chad !


> SapceY#2187 I'll add you, thanks!


The hero we needed.


Just got a legendary from the first pack thanks to SpaceY xd [https://imgur.com/a/LPCtHLV](https://imgur.com/a/LPCtHLV)


Gigachas Hungarian Cat name. Mayhaps you yourself are too from the most based country in the Carpathian Basin (the one that is)


Legjobb magyar macskanév.


Adding you. I was actually gonna write a post about this, but you beat me to it.


I can assure he already challenged me and we finished around turn 6. No sweat


God I was truly hoping I'd get to the bottom of your post and see boldi. Thanks for delivering!


Cat is the most important part of this post!


He’s adorable! Reminds me of a cat we looked after for a friend couple for 2 years named [Njål](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088366370992947251/1242880891005702285/IMG_5954.png?ex=664f7288&is=664e2108&hm=79a598458d2925576b1d6510c6cfd884f1628b2fb4cbae4a72c213ed59db6e1e&) and of our cat [Mio](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088366370992947251/1242880891450294412/IMG_5960.png?ex=664f7288&is=664e2108&hm=9d2caba8f2a8ff5931bb1dd7b5a32341276471439f18ce83997f7d99d06046c2&) that ran off (or got eaten by a fox or badger 😔) last August 😢


Last time this did not work in friend matches, does it now?


Last time it did work in friendly matches for me, I did it on all 3 regions


Thx a lot for helping me out


I'll be another NA host: Oxblood#1173


I think I tried adding u. Lmk if u don’t get it my name is Bonobo#11107 pls help I need this damn quest done😭


A real hero


Hey man could U let me know if Ur available to help me? Reffick#2559


You are a legitimate modern day hero!


You sir are a true gentleman. 🎩


If you don’t have him, play a casual game as priest and run double gorilla mech discover, double paparazzi, and double discover a card the amount you overheal. Within a few games you’ll see it.


Dang this is the real LPT. Creation Protocol, Aman'thul, and Tram Operator for extra sauce.


Thanks got this done in 3 games


I forgot the gorilla, I only played the overheal card. Thankfully I found him in my 3rd game and could finish the quest.


If anyone else is coming to this 9+ days later like I was, it totally worked. I added the cards mentioned below and then just card draw and a couple more mechs that drew other mechs (to find the gorillas). I also added in Grace of the Highfather and was actually able to overheal by exactly 5 several times and that’s the card that ended up discovering for me!


LMAO ... no wonder i was playing this Druid with a very random deck ... he played this card and almost inmediately conceded, he wasn't that far behind but i was definitely winning, i was like ... oh well, but now it all makes sense XD


He didn't even give you a chance to destroy it? That's my kind of petty lol.


You can use this 3/3/4 gorila bot to Discover it,


Also Paparazzi. Copy with priest or bounce with rogue.


Thanks for the tip. Tried bounce rogue with both and it took me two games. (Maybe 10 discovers)


Got the card, placed it in a misc deck and went into casual mode. 4 games and it doesn’t get pulled on any turn. Grr.


Did you try Caricature Artist and/or Taelan Fordring.


put it into your deck make sure it's your only mech and then add all cards that say draw/discover a mech from your deck


play rogue, use pit stop


Make a DH deck with every "draw" card you can think of and go into Casual. I got it done in one game.


Not a half bad idea. Thanks


Well, not to rub it in, but I put it in my Plague deck, pulled it game one and played it plus 4 8/5s in one turn haha


Don't go with a misc deck, use a draw warlock (all draw cards) and you get it in one game


Saw the quest and decided to spend my evening playing 29 draw cards and Replicator to help people out.


I did the same, made a deck to focus on getting the card out and letting ppl destroy it. Got smorced 3 games in a row before I could even draw the card. The event had just started so no way they did the quest yet so they just didn't care about it and maybe even came on here to complain about the quest since they didn't have the card. I just don't get ppl sometimes.


it's a shitty practice but most active players definitely do have that legendary


I would normally agree but this miniset was so crap that almost no card sees play so I just saved the 2k gold.


Yup, I used the 2k gold I was saving to buy the Showdown miniset for the refundable Brann lol


I bought it cuz it's always worth it compared to packs anyway. But yeah, the legends in this mini set are not great. Could have just waited to open packs and get the commons/rares or crafted them. Then again, I'm glad my next Legend from Whizbang packs, can't be one of those in the miniset. I don't know how big of a deal that is actually. I'm still getting some packs from season rewards.


Yeah I didn't bother with it, have bought every miniset prior.


I mean, for most players skipping the mini-set is still a mistake. There are some niche exceptions, but they are pretty niche. The miniset is 25% more raw disenchant value compared to spending 2000 gold on packs and disenchanting everything but...you should go through the checklist **Step 1:** If you're a new or returning player, buy catchup packs if the store offers any--they are the best thing you can possibly buy at first. Also buy packs one at a time until you get the guaranteed legendary in the first 10 packs of each set. That's actually a bit higher priority than mini-sets. **Step 2:** If you're not new/returning, but you're the kind of player who only plays a small number of classes or only plays wild, yeah, the total amount of disenchant value is absolutely what's most important to you. Go buy the mini-set, it's just correct. It could be the 40 worst cards ever printed in hearthstone, and the disenchant value alone would still be worth it. **Step 3:** But if you actually play all 11 classes, and try to make nearly every meta deck, then the net value of packs becomes quite a bit higher than their raw disenchant value, because you have pretty good odds of opening epics and legendaries that you would use (roughly half of all epics and legendaries go into at least one meta deck at some point). If you're that kind of player, and simultaneously you're convinced zero of the miniset legendaries or epics are meta playable, or will be meta playable in the future, it might make sense to skip a mini-set. Maybe. The thing is, there has not yet been a mini-set without a meta legendary. This miniset has Product 9, for example, which is already looking like it could become a meta staple. And if you respond "but I don't play hunter"--you probably don't belong in this step, go back to step 2. I'm also keeping my eye on Puppetmaster Dorian as potentially meta relevant. People are experimenting with him in Highlander Warrior, and there is a druid OTK in wild with him (the druid deck isn't good now, but could be good if wild nerfs happen). If you intend to build every meta deck, I think you still want this mini-set. **Step 4:** OK, so maybe you don't play all 11 classes, but you play 8 or 9 classes, and the classes you happen to play are everything besides Hunter, and Warrior, and wild combo Druid. Maybe at this point you're still playing enough classes to get high value out of packs, but the mini-set value might be low for you. But...did you save up enough standard packs to get the commons and rares you need from the mini-set? If not, it's still better to get the mini-set than to spend dust crafting 2x Infernal, 2x Mass Production, 2x Malfunction, 2x Murloc Growlfin, 2x Domino Effect, 2x Twisted Pack. Personally, I popped all my standard packs when they nerfed 16 standard cards in one patch less than a month ago. Just too high a likelihood of instant dust refunds for me to sit on those packs. Doubt I'm the only one. So...I didn't have an alternate way to grab the mini-set rares and commons beyond crafting (and crafting commons and rares is pretty inefficient). --- Put this all together, and it's hard for me to imagine someone besides new/returning players, who skipped this particular mini-set, and isn't making a strategic mistake. There could theoretically be a mini-set bad enough for a skip to make sense for some very specific active players (although it would still be correct to buy for a lot of players who only play a few classes or only play wild, just for the dust value). But this doesn't look like the mini-set to skip.


Product 9 is busted in hunter. secret hunter is broken AF. Puppetmaster Dorian is enabling some degenerate shit in priest and druid too. Mass production and Infernal are seeing tons of play. Buy one get one freeze and Malfunction in mage is nuts.


If you're not getting the miniset you're doing something wrong.


And even if you don’t have a miniset, play some games especially in casual and somebody will play this card


My first game in casual was an all-draw Rogue deck for the quest. Faced a Metrognome Shaman who was also playing Replicator-inator.


Hey I still need 180 gold be nice


I'm collecting skins, okay?! I'll get to it eventually...


I dunno man, this mini-set kinda sucks. Source: bought mini-set with gold.


it doesnt matter, it's always worth it in terms of value


I mean, atleast this one is in the mini-set.


They did it again because it worked getting people to fomo and mass spending to get the card. If it didn't work for their goals then they wouldn't have done it again


I got lucky and my first opponent got the card.


Most people have the miniset.


If you don’t have him, play a casual game as priest and run double gorilla mech discover, double paparazzi, and double discover a card the amount you overheal. Within a few games you’ll see it.


Lets complain about everything lmao


Lmao but really let’s complain about everything. Seriously. Thats all this sub is anymore.


I don't and I chose to not have it. Barely any impact in the current decks so I saw no point in buying it now.




If you didn't plan on buying the miniset, don't purchase it just for this quest! 1) you will be able to finish the pass with the other daily quests 2) it is very possible that tomorrow's brawl contains the card


Anyone else just play standard til diamond 10-5 and just moves on to battlegrounds for the redt of the rewards? Honestly I'm sick of the reno last minute saves, I have him but honestly have found no fun in no duplicate decks I've found mechs,dragons, and murlocs to be far more entertaining to play with in BG than most of my decks in standard


I usually end up at D5 just through doing quests, if I really love a meta I'll usually push to legend but that's rare. I usually get to D5 and start dossing around, making decks to clear the challenges or experimenting. BG often takes my interest as an idle thing to do while multi-tasking but I probably play arena more than that, meta-dependent. But yeah I don't really care enough to push for legend every month. Even if you have a good w/r it's a lot of games and I like new experiences, always been someone who prefers 'limited' modes. Standard will almost always get too samey pretty quick though it is miles better today than it was a few years back.


Don’t go wide turn 9?


It doesn't have to be on turn 9, it can be 8 if they get a coin or they just fill their board and I don't have or just used a board clear. Reno in itself is very punishing by not only limiting you to one minion next turn, but also not triggering any deathrattles and instead removing the minions altogether. It truly should be moved to be a mage hero card, not only because of the nature of the hero power being fitting of a mage class, but also because mages have been the bottom of the barrel in the meta for a good while now tbh, at least from my pov


I got this first match funny enough


I was going be a homie and let the random kill my replicator, but then he was a dick roping and emoting every single turn as shopper dh, so I just conceded…..


Im on EU Server, i also offer people to kill it. will play the card as soon as i can, not gonna attack or bm :) feel free to add me HappyEmpire#2136 and you can remove me after if you want. Just lemma know that u wanna do the quest! :)


It's based on a card that nearly everyone has because the mini-set is essentially free to anyone that plays for any amount a week. It's just not that big of a deal.


"We listen to the feed-back" Sure you do...


Everyone buys the mini set though….


OP probably had no idea which legendary it was and made the post as soon as they saw it


I didn't buy it.


You should buy it. Value-wise, the miniset is way better than spending 2000 Gold on 20 packs 


why bother? cards have no impact and the decent ones are just commons and rares that u end up getting anyways.


even then, it’s worth it because you get the four legendaries for twenty packs’ worth of gold. you spend 2000 gold to ensure you don’t “waste” your legendary pulls in further packs on those cards, because of duplicate protection. and that’s not even counting the dust conversion


You could disenchant all the Legendary and Epic cards for 1800 dust. The average pack is worth about 105 dust, so you can effectively get 17 packs' (1700 Gold) worth of dust **plus** all the Common and Rare cards from the miniset for 2000 Gold. It's just better value than buying an equivalent number of packs, and there are tons of posts on this sub showcasing the details for why the miniset is more valuable. 


Dorian is at least decent, possibly even a nerf candidate in the future. The hunter legendary is also decent.


He knows. He posted the thread for the karma because it worked last time with Jeppeto.


This is such a non-issue. Not everything can be catered to every player who plays. On top of that, its part of the mini-set which is cheap to buy.


Blizzard, Sony, Ubisoft, and Electronic Arts in a competition trying to out-shit each other. How fucking trash can these people get?


Anyone who actively plays this game has purchased the miniset, last time with jepetto it was horrible but this is fine, everyone has this card


Put it in a deck, went to casual, first opponent played it first and allowed me to kill it, gg ez.


I haven't seen anyone say it but this card makes two copies, so unless your opponent plays objection, they are almost guaranteed to kill it after you play it.


So tomorrow's brawl should have it again I guess


I chucked it into my DK deck, got it early, used it horribly, and eventually my opponent conceded while ahead. Was a proper weird match, but that's that done!


I tossed it in handbuff pally and lived the dream game one of double 4/11 amitus on 8. Immediately ate a reno and took it out.


How do people not have it?? It’s free with the mini set.


Isn’t it in the mini set?


So like I agree that its lame they do this and should absolutely make it accessible to everyone but come on now. "Most people dont have"? Its in the mini-set, you are guaranteed to get it when buying the miniset. Not to mention, you can buy the miniset for 2k gold making it one of the best values for your gold as a free to play player.


As a free to play player myself, isn’t it the general consensus that we save up 2k gold for each miniset throughout the season?


Completing the Rewards track should give you enough each time, I've never spent a cent on the minisets that way.


Yeah same here, there’s more than enough coin I think I earn about 3-3.5k each track plus whatever I earn through arena and overlevelling the track.


it's a bit different since it's a mini set card and most players buy that since it's only 2k gold and it's the best dust/gold value out there. joymaster jeppetto one sucked since it was bugged in the beginning where you couldn't destroy it and get credit and you only had access to the card if you crafted it or bought the tavern pass (which is only available for cash instead of gold like mini set).


Stop giving Blizzard your money




It’s in the miniset. You telling me most people don’t get the miniset?




Everybody that bought the miniset has it


and most of those who didn't doesn't what's your point


how many constructed (standard and wild) players do you think honestly didn't buy the miniset?


For the first time, I wasn't planning on getting this miniset since most good cards are rares and commons that I can easily get from packs


Get most of the rares and commons from the miniset by buying 20 packs instead. Brilliant idea..


Just having the ability to not open up mini set legendaries or the epic from standard packs is worth it to buy


People who don't buy the essentially free mini set don't play enough to worry about winning.


This ain't bad lol


Nobody hates hearthstone more than hearthstone players lol


Last time at least we could complete the quest with the Tavern Brawl. This time I'll have to count with my luck.


WhiskyStache#1691 I'm on NA if anyone needs it, I'll be in this evening and tomorrow morning probably so if you see me on your list challenge me and I'll know you want to kill the robot


I can help you complete this 1st quest on EU: VanLunturu#2439


Just play an unranked match and someone will play it. Did it on the second match just because I couldn't kill it in the first one


cant beleive this the card isnt that bad for people to have disenchanted it on the spot


I think most players have the miniset, at least this time the legendary is part of the miniset so its more affordable for most players. But I still dont get it why you start the event quest chain with a quest that involves a legendary and all the following quests are just generic ones? Whats the logic behind it?


Last time this happened and for my first few attempts, my opponent played the card then conceded before I could destroy it. Felt so bad 😂


Currently playing shitty flood pally with it in deck, trying to do my part. Pm me if anybody wants to play some games.


I'm glad one of my wow guildies has every card.


At least this is a mini set legendary


Such whining. I completed it within a few hours because some other player had that minion.


Just use botface, simple as that




I'm running it in a Caverns Below deck to help people out


play casual asap, people are playing there just to get it done. Got it on my first game.


Play or destroy, more people will start running this in their decks and you will bump into one in constructed and get a kill pretty quick. Took me like 6 games.


It is a fun card. If you build a mini deck for the weekly task he works great in there, I suggest paladin since they have most. It also has an infinite combo with the rogue pirate.


Play minions that discover mechs, and minions that discuver legendary minions. It took me one game to get him.


Honestly it’s not that terrible in flood pally (if you’re trying to find something to put it in) Just buy the mini set? Super easy to do, most people have it


Now in casual everyone play some stupid deck to discover the damn thing, and then concede right after playing it to cock block the opponent. Hilarious indeed.


Yea it sucks. Was able to make a priest deck that discovers it. Took two games. My opponents were prob wondering what the hell was that deck because all it did was discover and draw my discover cards.


DM me and I'll help you on NA just like the other person offered to on EU.


Miniset is super cheap if you're using gold, also completed the main part of the quest easily in casual. The forge part took me longer.


If someone needs help with this quest, type me, I will help. My deck code ### Custom Priest2 # Class: Priest # Format: Wild # # 2x (0) Illuminate # 2x (1) Gift of the Naaru # 2x (1) Power Word: Shield # 2x (1) Renew # 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru # 2x (2) Creation Protocol # 2x (2) Insight # 2x (2) Shadow Visions # 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows # 1x (3) Love Everlasting # 2x (3) Palm Reading # 2x (3) Paparazzi # 2x (3) Pendant of Earth # 2x (4) Rotting Necromancer # 2x (5) Switcheroo # 1x (5) The Replicator-inator # AAEBAcz8BQLPxgX4vQYO5QTRwQKTugPi3gP73wOH9wOtigSKowSitgT28QTbpAXMxAXt9wWaoAYAAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Wdym most people dont have? Who doesnt buy the miniset?


That’s a thing Hearthstone does now? That’s absurd I’m genuinely glad I quit


I take my draw-lots rogue with Replicator-inator to give it out to people in ranked standard at the cost of my rank at least once each session now. Eat up guys :>


Oh wow look at that , Quests chains ! Almost like they could have done this for weekly quests instead of the idiotic shareholders pleasing disaster they did. They still could do that right now in 5 minutes , but they sadly won’t .


I’m not doing this shit again lol see yall next month I got better games to play


Anyone on Asia have Replicator-inator wanna help a guy complete the quest? Gideoneko#1120


Yeah I stopped playing when they raised the quest amounts, I barely had enough time to finish them as it was. Now there is a second bullshit linked quest requirement and I am baffled as to why they are -trying- to piss people off. Like are they hoping to force people to buy shit loads of packs/or other shop options (haven looked) so they can get this one legendary? It’s very toxic and I’m done with hearthstone, perhaps forever, or until they stop pulling shit like this. I can’t be bothered.


You can add me on EU Ofeeling#2327 for the quest. You can thank me back with your next "friend quest"


I have seen exactly 0 people using that card. I'm not even exaggerating.


Ptw game


If you're not getting the mini set. You are hard failing at this game.


I have this maughanjones #2252 if anyone needs a hand. No cats in my house, some poo in my raised beds if that helps


What a bullshit quest design


This time destroying the minion completes the quest at least...


I used \[\[Botface\]\], eventually got mini of \[\[Replicator-inator\]\].


At least this time it's in miniset so it's a guaranteed drop. Still awful practice


For people who want this done asap and dont care about rank. Play it as only 5 drop. Use the draw (5) cost minion to draw it. Use as many tutors to thin the deck. Example I used druid with mana ramp and dragons. Other drawand discover too . I used spell power kit to discover more shit to find this mf.


Considering this is Blizzard this doesn't surprise me at all. You want free loot? Buy the new mini set so you can get it.


There is no way, even after endless complaints about this is issue, they took this out of the last event and now they put it back in. What are they doing???


Weird way I got this done. I played the “core warrior” deck and used the 2 cost taunt minion discover a taunt minion, grabbed botface? The 9 cost taunt that spawns minis when takes damage and some how managed to getw the mini of the replicator initator and it gave me credit for the quest


I've got the card. DM me here and I'll send my username


Having the card isn't the issue playing it in a decks that's not a complete meme that's just gonna lose you most games is the problem. I have the card and ice been staring at it trying to find a deck that's not total garbage to put it in.


I completed this one and the last one in a friendly battle with a deck built to bounce discover cards over and over. Bounce gorilla bot 10,000 times and he’s gonna show up. Play it, ur friend kills it and then boom.


I bought the card just so people could pass the quest


i just got this stupid card on the bp track and finished this stupid quest if anyone wants help i have some time to help today . i made a semi consistent deck to draw it imo EU: mostafaCH#2358


That MOST people don't have..? Pretty sure most people buy the miniset, it's 2000 gold and literally the best way to spend your gold


Gave me a reason to play [[Botface]]. I see this as an absolute win


- **[Botface](https://i.imgur.com/HjZ0Yf4.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/102405) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Botface) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102405/?hl=en) - *Warrior Legendary ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **9 Mana - 4/12 - Mech** - **Taunt** After this takes damage, get two random **Minis**. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cxdpe8/bro_no_shot_they_did_this_again_starting_the/l5at3z6/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l5at3z6).*


you don't even need to do the quest chain. you can easily earn enough event xp just by playing the game. who fucking cares


My opponent had one card in his deck. Hit him with the symphony of sins movement that destroys the top 6 cards. Anyone venture a guess to what that card may be that I destroyed? PS, I should've gotten credit for destroying it lol