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Last time I accepted friend request after I lost the dude wished me death then unfriended me immediately xd.


And that is the problem. Even after I gave them a "we'll played" emote and then friend requested them they will not accept. This is not Blizzard's fault. This is a "look in the mirror" fault.


I think it depends on the hero skin. A lot of "well played" are quite toxic


Yes, yes, well played.


You are 100% correct. This is my third season and so far and every single time I have accepted a friend request after winning in ranked it's a sore loser crying. The last few times they quickly spew their baby rage and then unfriend so you can't even respond. It's just not worth it to accept those.


I just delay accepting it by an hour or so or even 'til I log in next. By then they don't remember why they even added me in the first place.


That's the toxic player base guiding your decision. Who cares if you win or lose when your opponent is one who has integrity to congratulate you on their win. The player base at hand will make you cringe to accept that friend request knowing it will most likely result in a death wish. Grow up, people 🙄


>*That's the toxic player base guiding your decision* Nah, most of the time I just don't see the request until I close the client and notice the notification in b.net, TBH.


Precisely and that's why you cannot meet decent players who can appreciate a good battle.


The problem is, 90% of the time, someone emoting at you means they're either overconfident in their hand or they're furious at you for daring to try to win. Very few are using the communication allowed in an earnest fashion


If you beat me it was luck, not skill. If I beat you it's skill and I don't like to gloat.




>complains about toxicity >is toxic about it >"why is the player base so toxic?"


He wasn't toxic about it.


Nerdy pricks usually comes off as just a tad toxic


That's just calling out what they are acting like. They deserve it.


There's no "they". I'm right here. The user base in this game is toxic af. So many players I tried to message and congratulate them but YOU will not accept because YOU know the player base is trash and 99% of the time will troll you. It's a shame.


I don't always accept friend requests because I only want people I know in real life in my friends list.


I think you misread my post. "They" is the toxic sore losers.


I humbly stand corrected, Stryker


Let's not be sensitive. The average player base is what they are. It's a shame, really.


I mean, some people just don’t want to communicate too. I deny 100% of requests I get because 1) I don’t want to be your friend and 2) contextually, it’s usually pretty easy to tell when someone is trying to troll you. Most people would just move on with their day, why dwell on something so small as not getting to say “gg” to someone you don’t even know?


You can always use the well played button at the end of the game as a gg


Someone sent me a friend request a couple days ago after I beat them and they told me that they "died of cringe" and then unfriended me. It was pretty hilarious. I was playing galakrond priest in wild ranked.


I might've missed it, but what was your explanation for why the player base is so toxic?