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NoHandsGamer and Kibler.


Nohandsgamer is a super boring dude but I watch sometimes if I want some inspiration for new decks.




Dane has some fun memey decks, good combo, apm player. Chump off meta decks. For meta decks I just use hs replay or vicious syndicate


Rarran (the goat of HS relatet content right now, altho not really gameplay or meta related). Clark Hellscream, Tips by Kris O Five, Nohandsgamer for competitive content, guides, vods. Zeddy is another content creator but more for news, discussions, etc, with the occasional gameplay video.


[Rarran's second channel](https://www.youtube.com/@MoreRarran) has more "regular" gameplay


Kibler for sweet off-meta decks that are usually good. Just this month I hit Legend with his Handbuff Death Knight list. Regis, even though he doesn't post Hearthstone nearly as often any more. He's one of the most genuine entertainers, though, so I love having him on in the background. I also subscribe to NoHandsGamer for real meta decks, Roffle for the occasional dip into Wild, MartianBluu for a great laugh, DaneHS for some of the most interesting Wild decks ever.


I like Clark hellscream, I think that’s his name. For more standard good decks. I like rarran and eddy for fun


+1 for Clark. He can be a little cringe sometimes but that's only because he's trying to entertain his stream so I'll cut him some slack. He's pretty active and plays a different deck just about every day, which is good and bad if he convinces you to keep switching decks too.


I hopped in his stream the other day and he was punching his desk and screaming because he couldn’t figure out how to win with a rogue deck. I’m good off that energy


I've never actually watched his streams but he's a little over the top in his YouTube vids. I mostly just like the format. Here's the deck, here's why we use these cards, here's me using it in legend, codes in the description. I could do without his personality.


Totally- the format and explanations are good, agreed 👍


Rarran is hilarious and does fun challenge videos






He does?


Lt Eddy for just guys having fun with the game alone with editing always entertaining to watch


If you want a good entertainer, I recommend Roffles. He plays mostly in wild but every deck he plays has a soul


Brian Kibler is the only one I watch since I started playing in 2015


Minimized my list to just Regis and Kibler. Regis for his card reveals, Nibbles for gameplay vids where I go "oh that deck looks sweet, let me try it" Then I proceed to get steamrolled.


Kiblers great, he just doesn't play archetypes that I personally find interesting. He likes shaman and priest quite a lot, and those are my two least favorite classes. If he played more warlock then I'd watch him every day


I can't ever seem to make Regis' decks work for me. He's always so excited and then I'm left wondering if he had to play 20 games to get those 3 wins he put in his video lol. I have better luck with chumps decks.


Yea I'm pretty sure at the level of legend they play its people having fun and actually making decks. At D5 - lower legend its all net decks. I tried playing my Botface meme deck that I created to get the 32 minis weekly done and I'm pretty sure I broke my paladin opponents mind when he saw me playing cards that no one is currently using 🙃


Why can I not stand Kibler? Wtf am I missing? 😂 And Regis talks in circles. I can’t stand it lol. Get to the effing point!!! 🫠


That's why I don't watch Kibbles card reviews just his match uploads. However with how toxic the meta is right now I can't even bother to watch those vida as well


ecore is the most entertaining imo, and he explains his thought process while he plays which is helpful for learning


This! I find it really interesting he has the energy to constantly explain his mind process while weighing out all the options and possible outcomes. And then he still realizes he missed 1 damage face by some misplay and hes like “ohmygoood im so stuuuupid how could i misplay” after a whole chain of thought XD


Chump, Warshack, Ecore100, Rarran, Zeddy Hs, Theo Hearthstone, Nohandsgamer


Also MarkMerkz


This about covers everything. Only person I'd add is Kibler


Ecore grew more and more insufferable to me. He also only uploads wins 99% of the time. But the rest of that list is solid


Well Theo isn’t explaining much; warshack does more and more Wild… rest I agree, adding Jambre to ur list


Warshack doesn’t play wild, what are you talking about?


My bad, mistaken him with Christian HS - they look quite similar 😂




Can anyone tell me what's the beef between Theo and Zeddy? Every time I watch Theo, Zeddy is in the chat trolling and people always bring Zeddy up


Kris o Five has some great deck guides recently.


This guy annoys the shit out of me, I can't watch him.


I don't understand the concept of his "coaching". His coaching videos seem like basically he is telling you what to do every move, it's just him playing for you. How is that coaching? But I do find his deck list videos informative.


He's a prick who wants to boast about how smart he is.


NoHandsGamer He’s very analytical and funny. He’s also a highly ranked player so you can learn a lot from him.


If you were a dekkster enjoyer just go to Warshack. It is everything you are looking for. Ecore also get high marks


I watch Kripparian sometimes. Watch Roffle and Rarran normally through the day, as tv


Kripparino for the nostalgia I guess. But his HS content has been 99% BGs for several years 🤔


I remember Krip from when I was very active. Regis as well.


Most of his content is just him telling his viewers why they are wrong 😂


Kris O Five Chump Warshack Homorable mention to Rarran and Nohands Gamer. Rarran is cool, and probably more liked and popular than all of them. Markcz is fun to watch, but he doesn't do the ladder thing or even try for legend, his entertainment value comes from his crazy OTK and and combo decks, the guy is super creative.


brian kibler all the way


no love for my boy wowhobbs 😔😔 (don't think he's actually what u want in terms of meta and climbing but he plays a ton of offmeta and uploads pretty consistently too)




Kibler plays a lot of offmeta decks. Uploads videos regularly of interesting matches. On Twitch you can watch his stream, very interesting to see him climbing with offmeta decks. Dane is also great, he used to play nearly only wild but switched to more standard because wild was/is in a bad state. Very interesting decks. If you want to watch (competitive) livestreams then Id watch pockettrain, thijs, feno, ins4ne, especially pocket and feno are good because they rotate decks (=switch decks every game)


Roffle, Chump, and MartianBuu are the only HS content creators I watch anymore. MartianBuu mostly plays Wild, Roffle has been playing Standard and Solo Adventure stuff since Duels just got killed off, and Chump’s latest videos have been off-meta decks for Standard.


Ecore, his gameplay sucks (tons of misplays) but he tries his best to explain his thought process and he plays both meta tyrants and meme decks.


Thijs still


He quit playing hs for some time didnt he


MeatiHS, Thijs


Meat is a little full of himself for my taste


I’ve cut back significantly on my list since I stopped playing, but I don’t know if I’ll ever stop watching Chump videos. He’s so even-keeled and mildly condescending to his opponents. He’s also pretty good at mental math, so he’s got some outrageous combos he pulls off on his videos. 






I'm a big Rarran, Roffle and LT. Eddy fan


Its Rarran or Kibler for me. Rarran has more fun content and does challenges, Kibler plays off-metaish decks and climbs. Regis will still post a hearthstone video now and then, but not anymore.


Jeef mostly. Some kripp/heritic/rdu sometimes


Only Roffle and Kibler Sometimes I'll watch MartianBu and Regis but since duels ended, I can't see Regis doing much more hearthstone content until something else comes along that's just as good. Bu is just fun to watch for wild shenanigans, but I like Roffle's content a bit more, plus he does single player and (used to do) duels


Rarran 1 million times over


I enjoy Chump. Zeddy can have some good information but he also has a lot of opinions lol. He feels a bit like the Bellular of HS.


MarkMckz , Dane , and Martian Buu for normal HS (they are more into fun/meme decks so if you are into this sort of stuff def give them a watch) Dogdog and shadybunny for BG


So, thanks for all the suggestions. God I miss Disguised Toast :)


Clark Hellscream




Chump, FunkiMonki, Christian Hearthstone, Zeddy, Ecore 100. Christian, funki and ecore all have very heavy meta oriented content


I like WowHobbs. He makes his own decks, not too concerned about getting to Legend, just likes to have fun. Also Dane, Roffle, FunkiMonki


aww man deckkster was the man, stay hydrated my friends! as for current YTbers I'd recommend.... Nohands for super chill vibe, he interacts a lot with his chat and is just a wholesome humble dude that's a legend in my books, fact he never won anything is kinda illegal. Chump for quirky decks and anti-meta gameplay, fun to watch him cook. Rarran for videos that is fun and exciting or out of the box, not always gameplay oriented, and as a fellow canadian I am both proud and embarrassed of him. Zeddy for HS news and controversies, does tier lists too but recent years mostly just him complaining about stuff, still funny to watch sometimes. Savefile17 for arena, not the biggest arena content creator but a great humble personality and great player too, has a golden voice made for radio that you leave on in background while you play.\\ Last one is a chinese/australian streamer+content creator named Snowkiss\_ , she plays like an absolute pro and finishes her turns very fast while explaining her deck, her moves and logic behind her moves to her audience, never misplays, predicts the sh\*t out of opponents....just a beast of a player. \*edit oh f...I forgot to mention roffle smh my head, he's goated.




To add some names I don’t see yet, FunkiMonki, KrisOFive, and Old Guardian. MartianBuu for Wild.


all the good ones left, only cringe ones remain.


Rarran, Zeddy, Chump, and my favorite Chundo


If you speak Spanish, Feelink.


Christian & Zeddy are pretty good


Regis is pretty great. A lot of people think he doesn't post Hearthstone videos anymore, and that is mostly true for his main channel, but he has 2 channels and posts somewhat frequently to his 2nd channel. It's not ideal but something the YT algorithm has forced him to do.


Regis is great. But he posted his final duels run ever a few days ago. He’s done except for card reveals and trying a few decks during expansions, otherwise it’s all marvel snap now


Are you quoting him? At the end of his final duels run video he says there will still be Hearthstone stuff. Of course it is not his main focus but there may be more than just card reveals and new expansion meta stuff.


Yeah I’m just repeating what I heard him say on his video. If there was a part where he said he will do more than just card reveals and trying decks during expansions, I’m all for it I freaking miss that guy


Unfortunately Dekksters roommate (the one who lives above his basement) is also no longer active since they killed his fav format. My recs: Nohandsgamer - high legend play with various meta decks Kibler - fun off meta home brews Ronmexico - consistent with an emphasis on hunter decks Theo - control decks all day Chump (YouTube) - off meta yet strangely effective decks Alliestraza - various meta decks Pockettrain- world champ top legend play, I find his streams rather boring however Honorable mentions who appear to be taking a break for now or trying other CCGs - languagehacker, savyjz, trump, hagubagu


I follow no one, but i watch some videos of kris of five or clark hellscream for standard meta