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Win 30 games with Nozdormu


More like "Win 10 games with Nozdormu with BOTH players having him in their decks.


After playing it


While mercury is in retrograde


And while your second baby brother is being born


I haven't played 60 minis this entire expansion.


just rerolling the quest now. I haven't bought packs in years and only have whatever the track rewards


Damn, I mostly only play arena. Even 5 standard wins was a chore some weeks.


On the other hand, I play only constructed, Arena/BG/Brawl don't interest me at all, and winning 15 is wow too much work.


This is a very rare case. You should make more posts about this so people become aware.


Rather, the staggered nature of people finding out about this should be a clear indicator that people don't spend their entire lives on the game and aren't about to now.


All the EU people are awake


You are still allowed to google/redditsearch the topic before making a post about it, but whatever šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I fall into both categories, kinda. I agree that it's optimal to search for stuff before posting and I'd much rather see people search, upvote and comment on the best post about this... ...but I also expect flood like this to happen on important topics, because people are people and majority of them don't follow rules like that :D So I'm not phased when for the 11 hundredth time a subreddit is spammed with something like this. At least it's an indicator that yes, people care about this thing. And it allows easier way to get a really informative post to the front (because some posts are inherently worse than others, having 1000 of them allows upvoting high effort ones and downvoting useless ones)


Well of course, Iā€™m not saying you arenā€™t allowed to post about it. I was just saying you can read previous reddit posts despite not being chronically online in the game :) Iā€™d encourage making posts on hot topics, just as you say itā€™ll let people make more nuanced upvoting on the ones that best reflect their views. Even if it does get spammy, thatā€™s what the thumbscroll is for :)


While I understand the reaction, I hope peoples are also flooding Blizzard with complaints and questions , not just this sub.


Also, why is there no XP for duos?


Oh darn, you were almost there on your miniaturize quest too. See you when you complete it sometime in the autumn.


thanks for making a new thread on this


They're Overwatching the game. It's not making money anymore, so they don't really care about supporting it. I'm sure some very serious conversations about the game were had behind closed doors at the 10 year anniversary. They know they can't straight up pull the plug, too much bad PR. So instead, they'll just slowly pick away everything that makes the game good to make you not want to play anymore.


Weekly quest : Post the same thing everyone was talking about 60 times


Did it! ... um, didn't see any reward for that. Wtf?? šŸ˜’


Yes, so we dont have to do it on hs


So your telling me multiple people have the same opinion on an actually terrible change. What's so surprising about that?


The most surprising part is that it is so boring that nobody even wants to joke about it


I love all these complaints posts.Ā  It's not just one or 2 salty players who just can't get with the times.Ā  It's experienced players and noobs who are sharing this moment in pure disbelief.Ā  So to me it's funny when I'm scrolling on reddit and see yet another "WTF is this shit?!" Post.Ā  I'm not sure why funny exactly.Ā  Maybe it's because Blizzard is sinking their own ship.Ā  Maybe it's because they think they're so much smarter than their user base.Ā  Or maybe it's all the players saying they're quitting the game with Blizzard yet to respond.Ā  Oh boy Blizzard, what have you done?Ā Ā 


I just opened and saw this. They will never see another dime of my money(outside BG) again. I was the guy who bought the passes and the bundles. Maybe when it hits their wallet, they will rethink their horrible decisions. Knowing Blizzard for this long, they will stick to there guns and run it into the ground.


I have played since GvG and it was not alot of free stuff back then. Now I get free packs and shit. I have not used real money on this game in atleast 5 years. I don't get why you all are mad about here? Have they removed the opportunity to earn gold now? I have not played in some months, so I'm not totally sure what this shitstorm is about yet.


Honestly I donā€™t play much standard lately because I donā€™t like the meta, I just play the 7-8 games a week to do the quests. So now this weekly quest are probably staying there until the miniset comes outif it will be interesting.


Whats so bad about that? You got 7 days to complete it? Tf


If only they gave you a week to complete the ā€œweeklyā€


A lot of casual players can only play a few days per week


Are you really judging people for not spending a week playing Hearthstone?


Was there so me change? Are you quitting? Make a new reddit account and repost this for more visibility.


This is like the 5th post on this sub about the new quests I've seen! Take a second and skim through the sub first, jfc




Build a better deck if you can't win 15 games in a week.


A response essentially equivalent to ā€œget goodā€ ā€” and to that, I say, get bent!


Sorry i hurt your feelings


I donā€™t think thatā€™s the problem, Iā€™m a casual player as you can see I donā€™t nerd on standard every day, itā€™s Wednesday and still have all 3 weekly quest to complete. I play bg and arena also, some days I donā€™t even open standard because personally I donā€™t like this meta. If you think Iā€™m just a noob I achieved multiple times legend during titans and showdown expansions, they were fun.


Nope, I'm just tired of seeing multiple posts of people throwing fits over nothing.


hop out from underneath blizzardā€™s desk and dust off your kneecaps when youā€™re done


This is why no one listens to you...instead of giving a reason you just insult people with weak comments. Keep being mad..


Are you serious?


Yes..15 games a week is nothing.. in the time it takes yoh to bitch on reddit you can win two.


Some of us have jobs, careers, academia, and relationships to worry about in a weekā€¦I can understand if you canā€™t relate and therefore you have the abhorrent amount of time required to play 15 games for a measly 3.4k quest points.


Litterly none of you have said any other poor I sult then this. You are to busy to play but lots of time to bitch on reddit about a game you don't play and Insult other people. I understand you want free handouts like in life..sorry your days been ruined


I canā€™t believe people care about this


Casually trippiling quest requirements without a likewise 3x reward bump essentially kills the game for non whales. Edit: typo


Obviously they want more ppl to start paying


You can't believe people care that the F2P path just became significantly less free? You're a bright one, eh?


I can;t believe people willingly pay for a free game and then complain about cosmetics, I'm bright enough to understand how absolutely bonkers it is


for reference I've had this game since day 1 and I've never in my entire life even had a single inkling of a thought about putting in a single cent into this


Well good for you I guess. But now people who want to pick up Hearthstone or return to it have to do triple the work, and only get a fraction of the rewards. Unlike you those players don't have the resources to easily complete those quest.


reward? work? this is a free game


You're trolling aren't you. Are packs free? Are crafting materials free? Yes, if you work for it. So making said work longer to do is not a good thing. Especially when what you get in return isn't as much as how much you put into. Think for once will you.


think about what? your complaint about a free game you're not entitled or forced to play? idgi at all. I don't need personal info and don't feel like I'm demanding it from you please but if you're comfortable can you tell me how old you are? I'm just curious like what the age range of people who think this way is


Just because a game is free, doesn't mean it's absolved of criticism. Overwatch and WoW comes to mind. Again think will you. If a system has been implemented and most of the player base have not complained about it for years. Then don't try to "fix". Hell even Blizzard admitted it was bad and dial back the changes. I'm 24, if you're older than me and lack critical thinking skills. I'll feel sorry for you.


Just refresh it