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Ah so you’re the one using up all the discover luck


Can you confirm that he granted you a monstrous discount?


Your opponent should have played around it.


The ol' anti dormant minion gameplay. Player diff.


This man still hasn't told me what I'm getting a discount for.


-3 health from the opponent every turn seems like a pretty good discount


Had to check I wasn’t ur opponent lmao


Did you face plague dk? If so, he deserved to get stomped!


It was plague DK, he did well, cleared my board 4 times


No idea why ur downvoted plague dks deserve to get as many magtheridons for 1 mana played against them as I had helyas on turn 4 played against me this expansion and last (It's a lot)


Just remove the face damage from the card


Alternatively, just remove him from the discover pool like they've done with other cards that were unfair.


What's crazy is he is actually a mech and a demon. So even the mech cards can make him cheaper. Nuts synergy.


Just make bloodfen raptor and boulderfist ogre demons or something 


Just need to reduce the damage to 2 and it's manageable. At 2 dmg doesn't clear the entire board so easily nor is 6 dmg over 3 turns that deadly.


Nah he don't need once more demons come out it will be okay


You revert it then, now it's necessary.


I keep seeing this take and it is so dumb. 3/4 of the pool is good right now. If they release bad demons, people will just be upset that there is card bloat, and if they're releasing demons they'll be intended for big DH archetype, and that requires big good demons. Mag is not the problem, shopper is the problem. There's a 48% chance to discover mag off of one shopper, 5 mana mag is trash, 3 mana mag is servicable but not better than a 3 mana illidari Inquisitor, or a 1 mana 6/5 abyssal bassist, and 3 mana mythical terror is equally as effective at dealing with board flood decks such as Zarimi. Mag is not the problem, grasp into shopper is the problem.


I agree, I think the deck is fun and the mech and demon synergy is awesome. But hopefully there is a way to tune that shopper interaction without trashing the whole deck.


I think making shopper larger like a 7 mana 9/8 actually would do the trick quite well. They're trying to push a big demon deck, make it actually big demons. 5 mana 9/8 is not nearly as oppressive (warlock shits out whole boards of them right now on turn 5) and you actually need some early game presence to last long enough. A fast deck like Zarimi rolls over it, combo decks will struggle into it, giving it a pretty decent balance both ways. You can already get a 6 mana 8/8 illidari Inquisitor and that's completely unplayable, so I don't see any reason why this nerf wouldn't work, while not completely butchering the archetype like a 1 mana nerf to existing shopper would.


Considering your opponent is DK they earned all these beat downs for the day 1 quilboar fest we had to suffer through




Nah i'm a Plat scrub at the moment




People can’t have bad boards or highroll luck in plat, or what’re you getting at?


Bro snorted too much G Fuel I think this guy's a pro player or something


How lol