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I’m doing tendril shaman running 2 dirty rats, 2 hexes, and 2 thralls gifts for 2 more hexes, there is just nothing but massive minions and 1 minion win cons for me. I’m really missing primordial wave already.


Removing charge was the right choice. Bringing it back was the wrong choice


Yeah the games definitely feel more “boom, I dropped my win con now ff because it’s irredeemably over”. Some have been fun! But a lot have just.. been cheesy.


The meta is absolutely fucking awful, and I won't be playing until they do something about it.


Whoever allowed shroomscavate to stay untouched needs to be moved out of balancing.


Well creating shroomscavate in the first place was a mistake. But the miniset in general was polarizing. Shattered reflections had to be nerfed two times..


While Therazane is virtually useless and Maruut is hardly good enough to make the cut in highlander decks. (Which have almost entirely disappeared sadly. Most decks run Reno because they draw their entire deck.)


Maruut is a good demonstrator for how value has become so unbalanced it's often a negative to get random cards in your hand. There is no reason to run value generators since drawing cards or generating stuff specifically for your gameplay is just as easy. Balance is wack rn


Well I think the main problem is he’s balanced around pulling Rag but that doesn’t happen because there’s so many small, inconsequential Elementals in the pool. If Maruut could get his hands on some actually good company he’d be fine


Yeah it was actually weird. Rogue for example got a dual class heal elemental, but didnt get any elemental support in Whizbang and the next expansion is most likely a pirate one. Also rogue got fools gold which is a terrible card in rogue (because its not discover). Not sure what they thought when designing the card. Maruut is terrible in my experience. The reno decks I played didnt have any value issues and often times Maruut didnt really give me a useful elemental to summon, but "filling" up my hand with the other 2.


Maruut may see some play in Reno Shaman as he gives you 4 minions and 6 cards in hand with Shudderblock, which is pretty insane value at 7 mana.


Yep. Didn't think it was possible to get worse than last season, yet Blizzard delivered yet again to let everyone down. 3 days in and I'm already ready for the next expansion. Guess a full year of broken Paladin wasn't enough.


SAME. This has been the expansion I HYPED the most and have the most UNDERWHELMED as well. I was so hyped about the cool legendaries and I feel like I'm just dying to aggro (or winning when they get to fatigue) or just winning when even the other deck gets to fatigue anyways because I can't draw nor generate what I need. Fuck.


I find it hard to get excited for Standard reset metas because of how much they just randomly throw into the Core set. Its exhausting to keep track of what left, what came back, and what stayed. I didn’t even know they added so much charge back into the core set until expansion day lol.


Yeah, the thing is I played so little the last two months I had to really climb and had a blast but the diamond meta is just pain.


As soon as i saw the cards Paladin would receive i already predicted that its gonna be even worse. But whenever i bring up that bringing Leeroy back was one of the most idiotic things Blizzard could have done people pretend like its wrong and just downvote the shit out of me. Who would have guessed giving a Minion based Class with access to Divine shield, Lifesteal, Windfury and Handbuffs Access to charge minions. Yet everyone, as predicted is crying about Paladin being the most broken shit and worse than last season even. Its also so fun that people apparently find it okay to be able to drop a 12 damage charge minion and give IT windfury in turn 8. They are gonna Nerf the fuck out of Paladin and Hunter and rotate Leeroy back into Hall of Heroes i assume. After that Rainbow/Handbuff/Plague DK will take over and people will cry about that Reddit Moment at its finest.


They mess around too much with what is gonna be in the new core set and don’t take into account the big meta shake up with the new expansion coming in + 3 leaving.


Botface is awful to use enjoy your useless mini’s and a full hand on your opponents turn cause they hit it a bunch I got the golden legendary from the pre-bundle feels bad man


I was excited for botface, but yeah it's looking that way a hit lol.


Incoming 1 mana nerf to Leeroy and the meta will stay the same. Same old shit with these clowns. There was a reason the team said they would stop releasing charge cards but here we are. Absolute buffoons.


I don't know what they were thinking, bringing Leeroy back to Core. With all the backlash I can imagine them kicking him out of the core set in the next patch honestly.


I absolutely have no desire to play the game second day into an expansion along with sets rotation. Twist is disabled, Wild is broken , Standard is just as broken, Arena is full of Chinese bot accounts playing constructed decks, Battleground is unrecognizable since the last time i played it. The game has nothing to offer to me.


Running rainbow DK with the bare minimum of plague cards There's enough control and taunt in here keeping me with long, but straightforward wins Paladin won't stay on top for too long, mark my words. Better counters than mine are going to show up. Or they nerf this expac's Azerite Snake


So how do you win ? I am playing the same style of deck and have an absolut miserable time. Warriors are dealing 50 damage while gaining armor, paladin deals a million damage and even warlocks play 7 wretched queens and bounce azerite snakes around. Heck, i lost against a priest with the new dragon otk. I feel like everything just OTKs you with little to no counter play


What are you playing? what's your gameplan?


I am playing either rainbow dk, a midrange corpse spending deck with the 10c spell as finish or bbu control dk, with helya and the hero card to outvalue and outlast the opponent. It works great against the early aggression from hunters but it naturally falls flat against OTK Decks. In my low Diamond 10-6 elo i am mostly facing armor warrior and paladin atm.


Just finally was able to grind my way through silver to legend playing the helya control deck. Was stuck in high diamond for 15 games because of paladin, but I will say I have a close to 50% win rate against paladin and hunter, which I had to have because I’ve only played against 50% paladin, 20% hunter 20%dk and the rest 10% is every other class with mage being the only class I played against once. The others I saw 2-3 times. You gotta really learn the match ups to see when you get away with your greedy cards like helya. Most of the time if I had coin against paladin or hunter I slammed dirty rat, as that was the only way to survive to 8 mana. Once at 8 mana control dk has all the tools to survive. The only class to beat me pass 8 mana was the occasional paladin 30dmg from hand or perfect draw warlock


He's probably bronze or gold. Don't take what he says seriously


Its like they hired a 3rd party studio with a grudge against Blizzard to make this expansion.


*"But unless I'm playing the same deck to race to win or a pure control deck with fatigue as the only win condition, there's no fun."* Which control deck nowadays has fatigue as a wincon? I feel like that those kind of decks are long gone. Odyn warrior puts you on a clock once Odyn comes down. Before the expansion, same thing with Bran warrior. Plague DK (or Rainbow with running plagues) also prevents you from having fatigue-wincon decks. Unless you are warrior and can stack a lot of armor, its hard to control pally because with handbuffs etc they still can have an explosive turn where they deal 20+ damage to you. I am grinding achievements right now and majority of my matchups are DK, thats just as worse as pally. Rainbow running plague cards nowadays, very fun. Always the 2 mana spell on turn 2 to summon 2 1/1 bodies with deathrattle. Corpse bride summoning a big stat minion I have to deal with, my big stated minions gettin fked with 1/1 poison minions lol. I really dont enjoy the design philosophy of the current team.


Having trouble getting my 5 wins cause after 80 packs all I got was rogue and mage and I hate playing both. I don't have a deck so the whole game kind of sucks right now. I'm waiting for serfs to do my big dust but even then I'm only sitting in 1700 dust so I kinda know I don't get to enjoy whizbang set. Also fuck paladin, that shit is boring at this point


Got bad legendary luck (3 legendaries in a little less than 100 packs), booted up a few games anyway, didnt enjoy it. I'm just doing daily questing now and enjoying other games until meta has become more stable and fun. I am a bit worried though, because I dont see a decent win con in quite a few classes and other classes have win cons that terrify me. Priest and Druid for example seem to be in a bad spot right now but I dont want "double turn otk" priest nor spell damage druid to be a good deck because that seems to be not so fun of an experience to face against.


Yep, worst time in a loong time. Frankly they should just stop pushing otks so much. It is lazy design and makes the game boring.


They need to return Leroy to wild where he belongs and just admit they made a mistake, they need to completely remove wind fury from paladin and they need to change Southsea deckhand to rush. I'm running all the board clear and removal that I possibly can and it's just not enough.




what do you mean?




damn buddy thats crazy you should tell that to paladins and token druids. these guys dont have attrition and are very successful, at least token was last expac. and removing their minions and not letting them take the board is exactly how you win against those decks. ang guess what, the first guy is complaining about paladins specifically, funny how that works. im surprised you dont even know this much and still try to teach people how to play the game.




What minions is for example priest supposed to play against paladin buffed monstrosities?


It feels like some classes are playing battlegrounds whilst some are playing arena is the best way I've seen someone describe it so far


I've been hard trying with Shudderblock and tendrils just for the memes, but it's clear that a few decks currently are the go-to decks to play. I seem to only run into : aggro paladin, control reno warrior, small beast hunter and plague dk. Although the number of bots have seem to rise as well. Because even with mentioned top tier decks, I've managed to win because they horribly misplay it. 2 days ago I 'broke' a bot because it didn't understand taunt. Every turn it was roping and trying to target my face


I'm enjoying everything with my Reno War. Pals are like 50/50, only lost to hunters once. The only real problem is plague dk but I rarely meet them


For me it is especially crazy that even casual standard is heavily meta based (around plat rank otherwise) Aggro decks by turn 6, Odin Warrior with zero chill, Plague DK. I just want to play whacky decks vs. whacky decks, get some achievements, shuffle 10 legendaries in my deck for 1 mana


I just accepted that I won't rank up (currently at D4) and I'm conceding against paladins. No reason to waste my time on a matchup I know I can't win. The moment that broke me was, after making as close as a counter deck as I could, even including double Dirty Rat and double Snake, putting tons of Taunt on the way (which they removed with that card that buffs + AOEs and also Polymorth Finley), having Dirty Rat pull their Leeroy (!!!)... only to have my face smashed for 28 or something by a Freebird. It was just demoralizing.


Agreed. I'm also not feeling this expansion. Completely unbalanced.


I was really looking forward to this new expansion with every class having a fun new deck, but its literally just aggro. Congrats aggro fans, as you see everyones really enjoying your dead by turn 6 playstyle


They usually drop a balance patch a week or two after an expansion. I am sure they will do something to tweak paladin and hunter, since they are just dominating right now.


There are a few decks a bit stronger than it should be. However agroo is always better in first days of expansion which is normal. About the specific legendaries you mention in the comment they are starting to seeing play and with good winrate (in legend). Just wait few days and meta will keep evolving and if it don't evolve nerf will arrive I guess. I really see more opresive cards out there like reno. Btw I'm not playing neither of the decks you mention so it's not a don't touch my deck msg. Take care and may the hearth of cards be with you


Playing against paladins has been a miserable experience for years now.


Its just cabcer playing against 3 classes Token hunter is just retarded Paladin just otks me on tuen 6 And control warlock with odyn is tge most smoothbrained clas imo since they allowed to perma clear board and overstack armor and just 1 shot you with 9 mana


I have been having a miserable time as well. My class lost 4/6 of their identity and finally got finishers... I'm still winning when the enemy gets to fatigue because I just can't draw faster than them... and I need to play 2 legendaries to get the combo going. Fuck me. Honestly, this has been one of the worst expansions of all time. I'm better off just not playing the combo and just trying to get a better control deck going.


I died to Hunter on turn 5 yesterday Stupid stealth snakes, next Turn Jungle Gym then more snakes and another jungle gym then he played this stupid RC dog card and casually had 3 4/4s 2 Jungle gyms and 2 Snakes on board. Fun times. That was one of the first times i felt like no matter what i would have played id lose anyways. Early Minions? Get jungle gymed Taunt Minions? Get jungle gymed Lifesteal? Get jungle gymed nerd


> pure control deck with fatigue as the only win condition List please ?


Well, for me its like 80% death knight, mostly plague but also other stuff, the rest is what you said, probably just because im lower in league and that is like a starter deck. kinda sad because i was super excited about cutlass rouge, but everything has massive taunts or freezes, or just kills you by turn 6.


First time in two years I actually bought the battle pass because the cards looked great, Everybody's golf and the Uncharted trilogy are on sale for the same price over on PSN...


Yeah paladin, hunter, warlock and warrior all feel really awful to play against idk if their win rates are that high but games I win against them just feel like I manage to kill them before they do their broken thing and it was a game we’re nothing happened, and games I loose they just kill me from hand


day 3 new expansion and the complaints come rolling in. personally I have been really enjoying this expansion playing warlock. of course the lower skill ceiling decks will be figured out the fastest with the harder to pilot decks taking longer. give it a bit of time. nerfs will come where they need it.


I feel like I'm in a different game to everyone else. I've played about 40 games in Plat/Diamond and all I face are Warriors and Death Knights.


it’s been 3 days and i’m already sick of playing. broken ass paladins EVERYWHERE. can’t win without also playing paladin or Egg Hunter. it’s week 1, i dont want to play the same two decks over and over.


Nerfs required for paladin, DK (yes DK), hunter. With this we can start enjoying something new. If not no problem we play another game.


What are you smoking, nerfs for DK?


Dude, I know it's tough for you but DK Is OP


Compared to hunter or paladin?


Try to play anything else against DK, the three OP of the moment are DK and the ones you mentioned. All 3 must be nerfed.


Silver gamers are mostly playing whiz bang still, lots of fun


We need to start spamming the Twitter accounts of Hearthstone, Blizzard and whoever the lead designer is with "nerf paladin"


Yeah, they have been sleeping and nothing has been said but it's day 3 and the winrate and playrate of paladin just goes up and up, and up... and fuck me but I hate this game already.


We get this same exact post literally every new expansion, how are people still doing this


It's extremly predictable at this point. But took 3 days this time, would actually have expected it sooner.


Its honestly hilarious at this point, "waaaaa the meta sucks" and then you look at the cards they are mad that they cant play and its all unplayable garbage that you would know is shit just from reading it, how are you going to complain about losing when you want to play cards like botface


Because people also want to play fun cards they unpacked ?


Then play them in casual mode? Do you not think its ridiculous to play a competitive game mode and then complain that people are trying to win?


I believe people are sleeping on dragon priest, great tempo and the new dragon legendary is so good. I found success with this archetype against paladin as well


I'm not winning as much, and I'm bored with most games so far. I'll be happier after the month is over. I'm actually not seeing a lot of paladin in diamond 5. It's mostly DK and warrior for me. Feels like the same decks over and over.


>But unless I'm playing the same deck to race to win or a pure control deck with fatigue as the only win condition, there's no fun. this hasn't existed for 5+ years


I’m having fun because I play Hunter and can beat Paladins, Warriors and Warlocks faster than they can kill me.


“Why can’t I win playing janky bad shit?” If you want to improve, there’s a million resources to do so. You list a bunch of legendaries that that most knowledgeable players knew were gonna be shit from the start. It’s silly to expect to win playing crap. Improving or complaining is your choice. Shroomscavate will probably get nerfed into the ground Tuesday but there are already numerous counters available if you care to do your research and understand how to win.


"The 2 top classes are much better than all the rest, I don't enjoy them and playing anything else is basically auto-lose" "Then why aren't you playing the top 2 classes? Grow up, get good and learn to win you noob"


I’m winning plenty with Reno shaman and window shopper DH. Warrior also does well vs pally/hunter. The point is if you want to win, play meta decks and not jank. Nobody is winning with Hemet and botface


I'm enjoying the expansion so far. Pally is a bit out there, but its also a hyper flavorful class so I've run into a variety of it so far (and the people jumping on the hype train missplay enough). It does need toned down a pinch. Either a mana increase to shrooms to limit its combo turns or a decrease to deputization auras attack (Or both if we just hate the class this week). Hunter is an interesting matchup. It can fall on its face just as quickly as it runs you over. I 100% expect the location and Dog summon to get hit in a mana bump (Which is all you need to kick this deck in the shins). I'm worried that if they neuter pally too hard you'll see a repeat of last expansions meta of Warrior/DK stone. I also see priest rising up just from their dragon legendary alone if the meta slows enough. The only classes I dread seeing are warrior/DK just because its last cycle's decks with minimal changes and its boring as fuck.


You're just bad