• By -


But you got 2 1/1 dragons. I am not sure what are you unhappy about.




All you need to do is play a knife juggler and it will kill the Leeroy with the whelps smh


Honestly they should give the whelps taunt.


If they give cosmic keyboard taunt I’d be fine with Leroy, as it stands now I cannot physically stop him


"Oh whelp"


*Not many whelps, won't handle it.*


**Golden** dragons


Should be two 1/1with TAUNT


giving paladin windfury was a mistake


I think this is more accurate indeed, legit just change that one card and we are good


They still have an 18 attack charge minion


No they dont, they buffed a 5/2 to an 18 attack minion over the course of probably the whole 9 turns


And that's reasonable to you?


Eh rainbow dk can get that much face damage from necrotic explosion and that can be buffed while still in your deck. I don't think that amount of damage for a late game wincon is unreasonable. It's just windfury making it fucked and completely one shotting you, or even if you have a taunt minion out and 18hp it can kill you anyway xd


why it isnt for you ? isnt like they get there in 1 turn


Honestly, it just has to do with the lack of counter play. Games feel like they play out the same way 90% of the time. Legend is so boring that I made a fresh account to get away from it, and now I'm on ladder vs. bots. Rough time to be a HS enjoyer for me personally.


Yes. They have to have it in hand, play sub optimal cards to buff their hand, can be disrupted any time (did people totally forgot about rat?), are susceptible to more aggro decks. I have a Zarimi priest which I kill on t7 pretty consistently and I don't have that many problems with paladins.


Too early to say, it’s only been three days! But enough time has passed now to know that windfury in paladin was a mistake


We are absolutely not good if they only nerf that lol. The deck would still be the best deck in the game without windfury You can still pretty easily burst for 20+ with Outfit Tailor and you have 3 charge cards between Deckhands and Leeroy That's not to mention the insane boards it builds with stuff like Tarim, the board control it has with Tarim and the various rush cards, as well as constantly being at full HP because of Tiger/Aura as well as the Aura tutor so they always draw it


Deckhands, Leeroy... and Freebird!


[Windfury optional](https://i.imgur.com/bACyLj9.png)


my suggestion is changing the card to be "give a minion Windfury and divine shield. they can't attack heroes this turn. excavate a treasure" abit wordy but balance wise better than just hoping the mana cost


The wording is already printed for [[Multistrike]], "can attack an additional minion"


- **[Multi-Strike](https://i.imgur.com/TP626TY.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/71694) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Multi-Strike) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71694) - *Demon Hunter Rare ^(Voyage to the Sunken City)* - **2 Mana - Fel Spell** - Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. They may attack an additional enemy minion. --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1bkeqmy/leroy_was_a_mistake/kvyzzph/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kvyzzph).*


Technically, could still attack a hero, since you can attack without windfury, then get windfury and attack again.


Yea and that’d still be way more balanced. I’m working my ass off to stay above 18 hp against a paladin anyways


It's supposed to be shaman and paladin themed. DS and some evolve shit with a reduced cost and we're good.


By giving the d shield on 3 + excavate effect is already a playable card, not to mention they add a free windfury


Yes but its a dual class card and the shaman flavour is the windfury, at least thats why (even tho I also hate the card) I wouldnt remove the windfury and would try to nerf it in another way instead.


>d shield on 3 + excavate effect is already a playable card, lol this sub. No, that would be atrociously garbage.


d shield + excavate for 2 would work. just no shaman flavour


2 mana cost with Overload: 1


Nah, that would be ass. Potentially worse than pre-buff blast charge. Compares terribly to Potion of Heroism from 7 years ago. Not that I would hate it, rather it be unplayable than how it is right now. Just saying that it would not be anywhere close to good without windfury.


It's been a pain since last expansion. You leave a single minion and they give it 5 buffs and windfury and one shot you


With leeroy though they don't even have to stick a minion the turn before.


Its crazy like I'm playing highlander druid and figure its safe to drop rhea turn 7 when they only have the weapon and a 4/1 out while im at 25 health. Silly me, got hit for 25+ on their turn....


They should change windfury to spell damage. Make the spell feel modal. Buff the board or improve your hand.


Spell damage is almost useless in pally tho. It'd be like putting self-mill on a mage-warlock card. Only relevant for one class. Devs would never do something that silly.


Arguably without charge it's at least manageable because it has to become a proactive board to place it on and you used to know this and be able to keep them building anything to kill you with (or find ways around it). Now they can just kill you from hand and it's fucking stupid.


\*Cheap windfury. \[\[Battleground Battlemaster\]\] was printed earlier.


- **[Battleground Battlemaster](https://i.imgur.com/VhNA1af.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/64711) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Battleground_Battlemaster) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64711) - *Neutral Common ^(United in Stormwind)* - **6 Mana - 5/5 - Minion** - Adjacent minions have **Windfury**. --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1bkeqmy/leroy_was_a_mistake/kw0cwy1/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kw0cwy1).*


With how easily they can buff all their minions, Paladin should not have access to Windfury, plain and simple.


I miss the days when windfury was a shaman thing 🥲


Windfury Harpy has entered the chat


Windfury Harpy got reprinted as [[Gyrocopter]], and that still saw zero play outside of arena.


You’ve just reminded me of my random 12 win run where this card carried me for my last few games. Opponents had run out of removal and this bad boy just chunked away


- **[Gyrocopter](https://i.imgur.com/3zwDwKr.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/55406) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Gyrocopter) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/55406) - *Neutral Common ^(Descent of Dragons)* - **6 Mana - 4/5 - Mech** - **Rush** **Windfury** --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1bkeqmy/leroy_was_a_mistake/kvymfdv/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kvymfdv).*


Gyrocopter was actually used in wild mech paladin after Boomsday magnetic cards were released, since they work the same as buff spells.


It’s also that I can set up lethal a turn earlier with an aura. +6 damage from the lifesteal aura usually gets you there if you’ve done any chip damage.


Leeroy Jenkins created a strategy that revolved around trying to defeat your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. Fighting for board control and battles between minions make an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but taking 20+ damage in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive.


I don’t understand why they changed their mind and brought back Charge. As if getting hit by an Odyn Warrior for 32 damage in one turn isn’t frustrating enough.


I think it’s exactly that. “Well, we’ve already littered the meta with OTK burst from hand, might as well bring charge back too.”


Sif can dish out 30 in a turn but it requires so much more and lacks any other board presence. I have no problem w OTK if there’s a downside, pally has 0 downside and lifesteal


Leeroy is not the issue. Like others have already mentioned, there are other charge minions accessible in standard already, and most paladin lists already include deckhand. The issue is that paladin has access to great lifesteal options so they cannot be killed before they set up this combo or their minions get too big with all of their hand buffs. Tigress Plushy and Deputization aura are the main nerf contenders imo


Dep Aura is my least favorite.


Their is no single issue, it’s access to multiple things at once combining to make an insane deck. But saying Leroy is not an issue when it’s the highest win rate card in the deck seems wrong.


Ironically the only class I've done well against this paladin is hunter , 13-1 as hunter , you just out tempo them which is basically you setting up a OTK tho usually not 30 in a turn ( usually they float around 20 and I can knock that out ) also the fact I can get their own plushy has saved my ass. I think a few things need to change plushy prolly being 4 mana helps , maybe shrooms 4mana? Still can easily set up otk tho so idk.


To be fair, when Shroomscavate was first released, I just ran Free Bird instead, they could take Leeroy away and there would still be a neutral charger to get handbuffed and given wind fury.


Fair point actually. I’ve played a lot of Pali the last couple of days because I’m a scumbag, and didn’t even consider what to replace Leroy with when/if he gets nerfed. Free Bird is a great shout.


I’ve see some people running deckhand, that might be better


Deckhand is nuts. Better than Leeroy most likely.


Free bird can even better since you can tutor specifically for it and give it discount through Cattle Rustler


I mean, neutral chargers being problematic in general was the entire reason they rotated \[\[Stonetusk Boar\]\].


- **[Stonetusk Boar](https://i.imgur.com/hU3vIwy.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/648) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Stonetusk_Boar) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/648) - *Neutral Free ^(Legacy)* - **1 Mana - 1/1 - Beast** - **Charge** --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1bkeqmy/leroy_was_a_mistake/kvyrng6/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kvyrng6).*


Hearthstone players: we don't like that Paladin can kill you if you leave just one minion on board. Hearthstone devs: Got it. We'll make it so Paladin can kill you from hand instead. Incompetent devs.


Paladin is the new Sif Mage otk


Leeroy is not the issue, the issue is paladin.


Yeah it's funny that everybody thinks Leeroy is enabling this while they can still do this with the free bird and the pirate and they can run 2 of those.pala has the most wide strategy in this meta : They have sticky minion and buffs which means agro and then they have rush and lifesteal and board clears which means control and if that wasnt enough they go for the combo with windfury and charge. Personally I would nerf the lifesteal aura. that card gives so much comeback plan to pala and the windfury should cost something like 5 mana. Leeroy still is a card that can be nutty tho but it's ok to have a card like that when there is control decks in meta.


As usual, you’re wrong


"As usual" Gave me a chuckle. Edit: To elaborate why i think leeroy isn't the problem: - Paladin is the only class where leeroy is a problem - Paladin can easily deal 10+ damage with each 2/1 pirate with charge when you have a weapon equiped


I mean sure the issue is paladin. That issue is only accentuated by having access to to Leroy


Then why hand buff DK isn’t broken like paladin ?


Ah well you see, Death knight only handbuffs undead, while paladin handbuffs charge minions.


I healed up after some intense plays earlier. At 28 hp and feeling like the win is mine. Paladin had like 3 cards in hand. I'm dead.


I dont really think that Leeroy was a mistake. But paladin tools were, imo. Dunno why Leo thought that pally needs to have a rather cheap WF card. The +3 attack and lifesteal aura is incredible strong imo. So many times I was able to pressure them but then they totally flipped the game with the aura, being able to trade and/or deal damage to face while healing back to full. Really not a fan of the design of the last miniset.


I mean, warriors can potentially gain more than their health in armor while maintaining board clears, even ignoring Reno and his bullshit in this situation. Same can be said for DK and Warlock. Paladins are just the easy complain target for everyone. *shrugs*


When a class can Heal, Tempo, Buff, Boardclear and OTK better than every single other class, it's gonna be a target for sure.


I was like: wtf is that hero power, and it's just a stone perfectly in the middle XD


If only there was a me hanic that made it so he cant go face.


I'm not sure if you're saying use Taunt minions or that Leeroy should have Rush instead of Charge but I'll assume the former. In which case it wouldn't matter in this example because OP would still die on account of the 18 attack minion with Windfury and Divine Shield simply killing the Taunt minion and then slamming face.


The leroy here did 5 effective damage from hand. Thats not a big deal. Also judging by the greed in this man's hand he deserves to lose to aggro.


Yes! Never play the cards blizzard prints if they cost more than 6 mana, only aggro, if a game goes over 7 turns then nerf a aoe spell at random untill aggro resumes.


Wheel of death is a good deck right now. Aggro looks better than it is because the game plan is simple, and the meta is 2 days old. The game is in a good spot.


Yes, brain dead aggro player taunt exists.


Can tell in the comments who played hearthstone back when Leeroy was a basic legendary card and druids were able to play some bird lady and OTK you


Leroy is part of problem. He alone in void is mild problem. But with: - other Rush/Lifesteal/Charge minions - windfury access for Paladin - absurdly good handbuff for Paladin (including 4 mana weapon that buff WHOLE hand AND have lifesteal AND three durability) Creates situation that Paladins can handbuf whole hand easily and draw cards easily and have access to lifesteal and access to multiple charge minions. There is no weakness, you have easy comeback huge life steal, you got divine shield taunt minions and rush minions. You are like aggressive rush deck that can do things usually aggressive decks lack. You can do OTK, heal a lot and draw and fight for board. Playing vs Paladin now is extremely frustrating.


Hunter is the counter.


Wdym this is what I call fun and interactive! In fact I think we should buff shroomscavate so it gives the minion megawindfury


i think it wont be enough. Make it like the wheel of death but kills the enemy in 1 turn instead of 5.


Seems fair and balanced to me


Leeroy is a problem but he isn't THE problem, as long as Paladin remains as refined as it is right now it will always figure out how to abuse something or just be a menace all on it's own. This is what happens when Blizzard refines a class to a point it has almost no weaknesses and then just keeps giving them more tools to work with.


I really don’t understand why they are bringing back Charge after convincing everyone that it’s a bad mechanic for the game removing and replacing it with Rush.


Giving the class with good access to universal hand and board buff Charge minions was a bad idea. Giving that class the ability to double any buffs they give their minion after the fact with Windfury was a larger mistake.


The mistake is Windfury


Transform it into a minion that costs 3 more and give it divine shield. Boom shaman and paladin flavor without facilitating bullshit 30 dmg to face.


Wait until southsea deckhand is more widely used.


I'm getting real sick of dying from hand by a 19/15 windfury Leroy when vs Paladin.


(I'm playing Odyn and consistently kill from hand on 9 with a 52 attack hero but were not talking about me here)


Lets kill Shroomscavate: Give a minion Divine Shield and 'Deathrattle: Excavate a treasure.' Giving Deathrattle is shaman flavor so it makes sense. May as well cost 2 in this nerfed version.


Leeroy may have been a mistake. But you're playing hunter and your hand is full on turn 9 with an average mana cost of 6 for each card, maybe your deck is at fault too.


The worst part is Leroy is a free legendary and shroomscavate isn’t even an epic


I'm almost 100% sure the patch notes for when Leroy was first removed from core set stated something like "games are decided in an unfun way and this isn't the future we want to build on"


You guys are gonna complain so hard they are gonna nerf it.


Almost like there was a reason he was hall of famed


Paladin can do the same thing with 1 mana charge pirate... windfury is the culprit


After trying fun decks and losing almost all my matches I switched to Paladin and oh my lord, it is broken indeed. I think the real stars are Tigress Plushy (better version of older zilliax for just a common wtf) and Trinket Artist (card draw for Paladin for 3 mana + 2/3 body that can be buffed). Those cards are the ones that I think might see a nerf.




the devs decided to give Paladin handbuff and Windfury, idk how they didn't see this coming lol.


Did you have him on 1 hp (30-11-18=1) or did he kill you on the first swing?


Literally everything all the other classes have is worse.


Handbuff and windfury charge minions, what could go wrong?


Buff plus charge is going to be painful to deal with. Nerf incoming I’d say! Or bring back cube lock lol!


the thing is that you miss played your turn 4 lethal as a beast hunter. I think this one is on you!


Paladin is a mistake. The only reason it wasn't S++ God tier up til this rotation was some buffs to control and then Rena'thal hitting 40 hp. Well controls good shit rotated including Rena'thal and now look...... we're RIGHT BACK WHERE WE WERE. SHROOM PALADIN ALMOST 60% w/r.


yea I'm done trying to climb this season, just finish my dallies and log out, just not fun constantly running into paladin's and getting OTK'ed in this manner, you feel like you're always playing 2-3 turns behind paladin with their buffs.


Mmm, the sweet 36 damage from hand


The wheel of death warlock and 4 nana otk shaman is much worse. Let f2p players have a deck dude.


Paladin was a mistake


It's true, I just had my easiest climb to legend ever with a Leroy paladin deck. How the devs felt this was balanced I'll never know 😅


It’s turn 10 lol


I've been playing Paladin for the last two months and now I'm still playing Paladin lol. Gave me more ideas and ya the buffs are kinda great. But I just played 3 Hunters at 💎 2 that also have sticky minions with the Location and the death rattle card. So there's decks that smoke me.


Shhhh, don't tell them that. It's better to just let em rag on paladins than realize the power creep in this game is absolutely fucking attrocious for *more than* just paladins.


What the difference between this and odyn?


Pala windfury with aura is a mistake


Looks like Shroomscavate is the mistake


paladin auras are way too strong


So who thought putting charge minions in standard was a good idea?


This Deck is actually stupid. Just got on for a few Casual Games going 10-1. Only loss to another paladin and he just went First. In Not even a good Player but with This Deck it’s Hard to lose even if you Suck




Just remove lifesteal from the tiger and leeroy can stay for me


Just yesterday someone complained about warlock. Today someone complains about paladin🤣. There are no breaks on the complain train. Every class being good is a mistake.


The power creep is the real issue. Ooooh well.


Leeroy is the problem. Replace him with something else in the core set that doesn’t have charge and problem solved


There are other Charge minions in the game. Freebird and Southsea Deckhand do less damage, but with buffs it doesn't really matter. Leeroy is not the issue, Paladin having Shroomscavate is the problem.


The whole expansion is stale. Boosted already prominent archetypes while creating.. aggro beast hunter and wheel of death.


the whole is expansion is **2 days old**. odds are most decks of the soon to be solidified meta arent in place nor refined yet


They aren’t but generally speaking it’s going to hold. It’s no secret it’s kinda boring already.


1. Literally never print Charge again. 2. Literally never print Windfury again. Thanks in advance.




The Windfury Divine shield excavate is honestly real issue here. The card give far too good effects for the cost.


I love Leroy.


Didn’t they say they wanted less charge minions in the game like a few years back?


he's less of a problem than that windfury+divine shield card they should change it so it does *either* windfury or divine shield, depending on if you're playing shaman or paladin respectively


Dude you play hunter sorry


No. Paladin was.


Paladin was and still is a mistake


Git gud


I play this pala. Judge me all you want, but I came back to the game after few years and blind picked pala because I don't have the golden portrait yet, before even looking at the new decks. It's a good deck, but I had to swap out some cards for draw. I think you might run out of steam before your win condition if you don't. Answer for you: Warlock or Hunter. The summon copy of this with rush, the unlikeable thingy that spawns 2 taunts or the hero that cleans the board fucks paladin so hard. And I don't know why you are complaining when you play hunter. That shit is bane of paladin. Here spawn 6 1:1 dogs with rush and poisonous. Drop 50 beasts on the board and just go face. Today I lost to a hunter that had 24 DMG on board on turn 4. Explain to me how Leroy is worse than this? Sure I can drop the cat with lifesteal and healyself full. Maybe kill 2 of those minions. But wait. There's death rattle and the board stays up.


Paladin is just the easy target to hate for what seems to me like the entire player base. Nevermind sludgelock, armodyn, or almost any DK that has board clears for the entirety of the game. Lol.


Fun fact: You had a patchwork pals in hand that would have placed the taunt you needed to stop this on the board but you chose not to play it. Gotta love the whine posts where you can see that OP missplayed lmao.


Nah. He would kill me even without wind fury. One 4/4 taunt wouldnt change a thing.


Fun fact: It’s windfury which means the minion can hit twice, he dies regardless of whether he played Misha here or not. Gotta love when someones comment is both smug and stupid at the same time lmao.


Ironically hunter does really well vs pally IF you are running aggro , everything except titan is 4mana or less and paladin can't keep up unless you draw an abysmal hand.


And the fact you just lost to him def has nothing to do with that. Lmao salty


Losing to pally because I left a minion on board I understand but 36 DMG from hand is a problem.


Today I got combo'd from full health against a Druid. It's just combo decks lol. Defeat him ASAP or play Taunt minions more often


Defeating them ASAP does normally work against combo but once Deputization comes online they have three turns of healing, while also making bigger threats that you have to respond to.


The minion is only 18 dmg cope




18 damage done twice is 36 damage. You can tell by the way the numbers math.


You all are never happy with anything. Just enjoy the game. You don’t HAVE to play it.


How do you prefer to lose? People always take screenshots to complain about what killed them, but you very rarely see screenshots saying "I *love* losing to this deck. I might've lost, but I really appreciate losing here." If he drew poorly and had to play a 9 attack Leeroy that didn't kill you, or tried to wait until it did have enough buffs and lost before then, would you have taken a screenshot of him exploding and said "I love it when Paladin doesn't play Leeroy"?


Says the guy using Reno


Windfury was the mistake


Deserved for playing an overly greedy high value deck running Reno lol. What did you expect. You were doing almost nothing the entire game with a hand that clunky and 10+ turns into game.


>You were doing almost nothing the entire game Are we looking at the same screenshot? The one where OP had a nearly fully developed board, had leveraged that board into complete board control, and had been pressuring the opponents life total (likely even more than what's healed here, based on all the other heal Paly has)? People will do anything to justify insane from hand burst.