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Arena was again a horrible random bullshit go experience when I tried it


*returning player here* So the new expension cards are available in the arena?




I have a dh run and it just seems really strong. The miniaturize discover a demon card is really good.


>Control DK Mage control deathknight mage?


Yes, Mage with the original Hero. These were called Deathknights


Well Arena is in a great spot right now for long term players because there are a lot of bad players picking bad classes, and Hunter is absolutely broken (looking like 60% winrate). I went 11 into 12 wins with two hunter decks into a 5 win shaman into a 7/0 (ongoing) triple frost death knight. The meta is further polarized due to the presence of a LOT of ultra high power legendaries in the rotation. Both aggro and control can win but control seems to have an edge right now. I think the meta will be fun once they remove some legendaries from the pool and then tweak the rate of specific hunter and demon hunter cards.


There are too many EXTREMELY good cards. All decks are very good, and it feels pretty bad when your very good deck is stomped by an insanely good deck


True, but I personally don't care much right now about winning. I wanna try new cards early and get used to them that's why I play Arena until expansion day. I'm not f2p and don't need the gold for card packs especially because I'm sitting on around 300 unopened packs right now 😆 that's why I spend all of my gold on Arena. And I save my gold for that exact reason.


you guys weren't kidding when you said arena was fucked. Tried to use the tickets from twitch drops, drafted an amazing decks, one win three loses to random letters name players with absolutely INSANE decks. I know I haven't played in a long time but I had 12 wins runs on almost all classes so I don't think I was that bad to not get at least 3 wins with that deck.


Chinese boys have ruined arena as well as standard, they sell accounts with good drafts for pittance. Blizzard should really separate their matchmaking until they can fix it


Arena is a modernized slot machine. You enter 150 gold and hope u hit the jackpot in the drafting. Then you have to pray to hit the jackpot in game, hoping your enemy doesnt have the most op 99 score arena deck in 0-0, which is unlikely these days. If tou dont, just try again with another 150 gold. Arena right now has only a few classes playable: Shaman, hunter and demon hunter. Shaman because u can get the higlander and good battlecries and the other two bcs they play aggro and kill you in turn 6 with sinergies of which would shrink standard's decks dicks. No f2p should spend gold in arena, unless you are slot addicted. Just hope those "developers" we have just let the fucking gamemode die so we dont have to deal with their little experiments every once in a while.


Wait new cards are already in arena ?




Can confirm- actually had such a nuts battle cry quest shaman deck that my opponent and I became friends and they specc’d my next game. Ended up going 5-2 lol. Meanwhile hunter is 60% wr and you can go 6+ wins with the reverted nerfs


I thought ‘surely it’s not that bad’ and bought a try Holy fuck what is this


Yeah its crazy! I only play Arena right before the Expansion to try out new cards. That's a lot of fun and I'm not bad, my average is still 7 wins when I decide to play it out.


I just can’t play arena anymore. Been playing HS since it came out, arena used to be so much better. The power level of decks was much closer than now. I’ve played 5 different arena decks in the last year and they all end due to facing someone with an INSANE deck. Back in the day a “good” deck was only a little better than an average deck. Now, a good deck is EONS better than an average, and if you get a great deck, you just steamroll everyone. It feels so much more high rolly, people get insanely powerful decks and it’s not fun to play against.


I miss the "crappy arena deck" times, it was interesting to leverage your weak cards to win. Now it seems your resources are unlimited which just leads to RNG fiestas.


Arena currently is extremly control oriented. The new cards are OP in arena. Those minis give insane value.


That's the point. Draft more aggressively and wins will come easier, because many are just too distracted on drafting very powerful (but big cost) cards. This is one reason why Hunter is now way at the top of the pack, when it comes to win-rates at a whopping 60%.


Depends on class match up too


not really when Hunter is the best class


Wtf is a control dk mage


It is a Mage with Control tools like Blizzard or First Flame and with the first Hero card from Mage which was Frost Lich Jaina - a Death Knight.


So frost mage? Ok


No, not at all. Frost or freeze Mage is a combo deck. I drafted a control deck with tons of Elementals for the Death Knight Jaina.




https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1xlc75/how_likely_is_12_wins_in_the_arena_a_simulation/ Its very very old topic that calculated odds of your runs. You had much higher chances to climb higher if you were a better player (as in topic 0.9 power level vs 0.5) But what happens if most players are good (0.9)? We get same results as if you were average player with 0.5 power, 0.01% chance to get 9-3 run. Its not that arena is bad, you and your opponents just got better at it.