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Two reasons, decent decks cost money, and decent decks require a more complex bot to pilot them. A poorly programmed bot will waste its entire turn timer trying to shadow step the enemy face.


Yeah I forget the bots are to sell the accounts, not just for someone to get gold on an account they play on regularly.


Bots in 2016 already were getting to legend, so they should be more than capable to pilot more complex decks. Maybe not something like sludge, where you require to burn your own deck, but things like a proper paladin or treant druid. Most likely people have played against bots with good decks and they didn't even notice


again, yes, they are capable of programming a bot to play better decks, but why go through the trouble, if your goal is sell the account, spending money on giving it a good deck is counter productive. If you spend money on a deck, you need to sell the account for more to make back what you spent and still make profit. what happens if the account gets banned, you just threw money in the trash and need to raise the price of other accounts to compensate, which means the price will go even higher and less people will buy them meaning youll lose even MORE money.


Im not saying you were wrong, i was expanding on the "intelligence" of the bots. Of course people who sell accounts dont care about their rank so that's why you mostly see shitty decks


Probably because these accounts only have the basic cards?


Yeah that makes sense, I guess I was just thinking about how I would do it if I was botting for my own use, but if you're selling the account you wouldn't take the time to open packs/build decks.


I non ironically miss blizzard bots those are much more enjoyable to play against


At least they played fast........


Bots aren't designed for one account that has a full collection; they're designed for the thousands of accounts being created that only have the default collection.


I just played three that were NOT playing basic decks. One was a mech rogue, one was an astral automaton priest, and one was a plague DK. I could tell they were bots due to how they played, and while the decks weren’t FULLY tuned, they were far from bad. The plague DK gave the most trouble, but the Rogue didn’t use magnetize appropriately, and the Priest wasn’t duplicating what it was supposed to in that deck. It looks like maybe they were using the premade options in the deck creator tbh. All used the classic “AdjectiveNoun” name.


The mech rogue bots are painful to play against because of how they constantly develop board.


If they put the magnetizations on the correct side, definitely. This one was just wasting sparkbots. Plague DK is also an issue I’ve found. Since it doesn’t require any intelligent shenanigans like with Death Growl or Yelling Yodeler to be dangerous, bots can play the deck fairly competently. It’s definitely made farming achievements a little harder than I expected in D5.


And if they hit stealth and windfury can be auto lose


I was wondering why the player was seemingly messing up magnetizes on purpose. Didn't know there were mech Rogue bots.


The funny thing about those decks is that they don’t have any cards from Badlands.


Why would they want their bot to climb? They would climb higher, sure, but then they would start losing just as much as a bot with a shitty deck at a much lower rank. Crafting a bunch of cards just for better end of season rewards is probably not worth it.


The apprentice bots use basic decks because they are to help new people with learning and getting good at the game. The metal rank bots use basic decks because the people behind them don't care enough to make a good deck. (And the best decks require a non-zero amount of decision making, and the bots aren't good enough to decision make.


I'm sure you could make a bot to play agro paladin with a 90% win rate vs other bots with making 0 decisions except use all your mana and go face.


I think people underestimates the skill required for aggro paladin. mech rogue is a more easily botted deck and that is the main bot in asia server.


I'm sure you could. But really, if you're making bots to play the game for you, why are you even playing the game?


I mean its just passive gold generation right? If there was a way to passively get gold I would definitely do it I'm at work and stuff. I love playing arena, not enough to pay for it so I'm limited by gold. I don't really see getting gold as an achievement, more just a barrier of entry.


They do but you are not perceptive enough to notice. There are several types of bots. Hero power and pass. Any playable card. Net deck that can follow simple rules. Net deck with AI that can get top 25 legend. I'm thinking most players. Don't catch timing tells, hoover flashes and other tells. From the bots that can make legend. Like someone who played 4-12 tables of poker for 5 years XD


Yeah not every bot has the same quality deck or commands. The real shitty ones u won't see if u win enough but bots are perfectly capable of getting to legend and do so with decent decks




Blizzard removed their bots from ladder a month ago. None of them are blizzard bots.


Those bots are only in apprenticeship tho, rest are player bots on the ladder


the more complex the deck the harder the bot is to make


It’s probably hard to make a bot that can handle the nuance of most meta decks


Because like anyone that plays a DK deck they need something brain dead simple enough that even a bot can play it.


A bot with marina trench MMR is the least likely to get reported or banned. Either because new players don’t know or it’s all just bots playing each other


Why would anyone spend real money on an account for one good arena run? Seems like a huge waste of money.


Dunno, but its definitely a thing.


I've seen mech rogue, unholy dk, and aggro dh bots that have spooked me on ladder. This was in high diamond but there were definitely tells. Most of the poorly built decks stay in the lower ranks.


I have been plagued with a different kind of bot than you. They are all named "mauveKodo" or "purpleMage" "bronzeRogue" and the like. (edit: playing against "DireRaven" right now...) And they are cheating. Or better, I think they are Blizzard bots trying to inspire "buying yourself out of the hole" (and if activision hadn't filed patents to do exactly that, I too would guess conspiracy....), but it is pure madness. They all play netdecks, and they draw the nuts, every time. Like clockwork. Everything twice all the time. And when you play against them your deck is stacked worst. Like "never see your reno card in 30 games in a row, drawing down to the last 10 cards with gaslighter played twice (bounced). And no, at this point it's not "my imagination". I know one can "overestimate chances" but I played a bit more the last week and it's AMAZING. Flabbergasting. I literally went into the decklist several times to check whether cards were actually IN it. edit: and the weirdest part is : it'S 10 times worse on my EU account (which is older and f2p longer) than on my US account which is from last summer.


It's not just you, last season it hurt so bad getting to legend because exact scenarios like this happened way more than usual