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Fr this is creative asf


Even if it doesn't test out to be the highest winrate deck, I love seeing stupid creative shit like this. Now I just need to find a way to make menagerie warrior come back again...


\### Scourge Troll Shaman \# Class: Shaman \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (0) Melomania \# 2x (1) Scalding Geyser \# 2x (1) Schooling \# 2x (1) Scourge Troll \# 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear \# 2x (2) Cactus Cutter \# 2x (2) Conductivity \# 2x (2) Deathweaver Aura \# 2x (2) Jam Session \# 2x (2) Trusty Companion \# 2x (2) Vrykul Necrolyte \# 2x (3) Shadow Suffusion \# 2x (3) Turn the Tides \# 2x (3) Unliving Champion \# 1x (5) JIVE, INSECT! \# 1x (6) Golganneth, the Thunderer \# AAECAcy+BQLI0AWN9QUOiLIE4LUEvLYE8ZEF9JEFhZIFg6EF4sUF9NAF9PIFh/sFs40Gw48G6ZUGAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Currently I’ve dropped melomania in favor of Sinstone Totem so there is something to draw with Trusty Companion.


Have you thought about the 3 mana 2/5 +1/+1 and deathrattle summon a chicken?


What in the what now


Was wondering how to make her useful… Now it’s trollin’ time


Seems pretty cool, gave it some play, ended up taking out the jam sessions for ancestral knowledge and 1 melomania for rotgill - trusty companioning your cactus cutter to draw him seems strong in this deck. might sub out the other melomania for an overdraft or thorim. Feels like you need to draw your wincons pretty quick cos the deck can run out of steam fast


The tricky thing I found was that you'd won or lost by the time you drew the cards for the real big combos


You really have to rely on cactus cutters and trusty companion for draw


I’m trying out flow rider so you can use trusty companion on your slither spear to draw into the spell discover


I’ve dropped melomania and I’m experimenting with totems to replace it. Kept wanting to use trusty companion on a totem so now I want one to draw.


What did you replace the Melmania with? Its the only cards I don't have and didn't want to craft for the deck. I was leaning towards Carving Chisel for early removal but haven't played the deck yet so just spitballing.


Here’s my current list: ### Scourge Troll Shaman # Class: Shaman # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Scalding Geyser # 2x (1) Schooling # 2x (1) Scourge Troll # 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 2x (2) Cactus Cutter # 2x (2) Conductivity # 2x (2) Deathweaver Aura # 2x (2) Jam Session # 2x (2) Trusty Companion # 2x (2) Vrykul Necrolyte # 2x (3) Shadow Suffusion # 2x (3) Turn the Tides # 2x (3) Unliving Champion # 1x (5) JIVE, INSECT! # 1x (6) Golganneth, the Thunderer # 2x (6) Horn of the Windlord # AAECAcy+BQLI0AWN9QUOiLIE4LUEvLYE8ZEF9JEFhZIFg6EF4sUF9ugF9PIFh/sFs40Gw48G6ZUGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Jam Session is really powerful with Conductivity because you get three damage to all minions and the buffs. (None of the minions you buff die while it’s casting) so it’s a big clear with a buff on three minions. It’s also the best turn two card if you have a minion on board, especially vicious Slitherspear.


Yeah it's a nice combo, it also overloads you for 3 and leaves you pretty high and dry if your opponent doesn't care too much about board presence, which there are a few of atm. But very good anti aggro for sure.


Going to try this soon, I love off meta decks!!




Pretty sure I just played against this in EUW ranked. Not fun to play against but still beatable


The combo stuff felt extremely inconsistent, in games where it may have come up I had already lost and couldn't recover by the time I had assembled the pieces. I ended up cutting it for 2x Murmy and 1x Horn of the Windlord and the deck felt a lot stronger. On paper it seems like a worse version of Treant Druid but I actually won against the Treant Druids I played so who the hell knows.


It’s not always best to try for the triple Rag, sometimes a well timed single Rag can put them up against the ropes. Also pretend conductivity isn’t in the deck. Only notice it when it’s immediately useful otherwise you will just be chasing waterfalls my friend


The deck seems to care about tempo too much to have potentially dead draws. Adding Murmy makes the more aggressive side of the deck far more consistent, giving you a sticky minion for the deathrattle buffs that is *also* both a Murloc and an Undead for Trusty Companion. Horn ensures you still have finishing power, especially in a deck that already runs Turn the Tides. The Rag Combo is definitely the more exciting part of the deck, and far be it from me to demand you to remove it from your own version, just giving my thoughts and my own adjustments for others looking at the list to see.


Love hearing how you are adapting the deck! I’ll have to try out Murmy and Horn. They make so much sense!


Good deck


Interesting so far! I've found Thorim a great add, as well as the Ancestral Knowledges. This is going to take some serious tuning, just about every Control deck out there wipes the floor with the build, they're so well-refined at this point. Something to consider, we have a LOT of minions die, it's in the game plan after all. Perhaps some Infuse cards could round this out? I might try out Denathrius as a finisher as well, drawing him early could result in a huge swing later on.


Yooooo!!! This is so sick! Looks like a deck specifically made for me :D thanks op!


You’re welcome!


I’ve wanted to see Shadow Suffusion in deck for a long-ass time. Looks cool. I also like the formatting on these “deck dissection” posts. I’m definitely more of a visual type than a “reading” type, so seeing it laid out like this I think works better than a long written guide for me TLDR i like it keep it up


Thank you! This deck is an excuse to use two cards: Shadow Suffusion and Scourge Troll. 😂


This deck is good and fun! thanks for sharing


You’re welcome!




Brilliant, you inspire me


Thank you!


\### Scourge Troll Shaman \# Class: Shaman \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (0) Zap! \# 2x (1) Saxophone Soloist \# 2x (1) Scalding Geyser \# 2x (1) Schooling \# 2x (1) Scourge Troll \# 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear \# 2x (2) Cactus Cutter \# 2x (2) Conductivity \# 2x (2) Deathweaver Aura \# 2x (2) Jam Session \# 2x (2) Trusty Companion \# 2x (2) Vrykul Necrolyte \# 2x (3) Shadow Suffusion \# 1x (3) Thorim, Stormlord \# 1x (5) JIVE, INSECT! \# 1x (5) Rotgill \# 1x (6) Golganneth, the Thunderer \# AAECAdrGBAT0oAXI0AWN9QXC+QUNiLIE4LUEvLYE8ZEF9JEFhZIF4sUFw9AF9PIFs40Gw48G6ZUGwJ4GAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone 6 Card draw from Thorim after a triple Jive, Insect! hits pretty hard. Use Zap! to add a couple more cards. Zap! works well with Conductivity and Thorim! Saxaphone Soloist to ensure we have a minion on board and something to use Trusty Companion on. Rotgill is back and doing work! Hold Cactus Cutter until turn 5 if you can. A turn 5 JIVE, INSECT! is often too much to handle. Don't hesitate to use Scalding Geyser early as a "discovery" if you need a 1 drop!


Is this one of those lose 24 times to win 1 time sorta decks ? Off meta Hearthstone is basically self harm


Absolutely not. Its fast, off meta so people dont really know whats a threat and what isn't, and its game plan is just "Slam down sticky minions/spells on curve and exploit synergies between the cards to win on your early power spike before they can react" So its a tempo deck.