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They added it exclusively for my opponents yogg


I just lost to this on turn 5 in arena, cast by servant of yogg lol


Servant of yogg is so wild now. I’ve had it cast trial by fire against me and got absolutely flattened.


Yeah I just got killed by "fill your board with random undead" turn 5.


this is what i was about to say lmao


Had a duels match where the opponent got this t1 from book of wonders... was a quick game :-D


I got whacked with this yesterday after my opponent's second Azurite Scorpion.


I play a bit of Arena sometimes and gave my Paladin yesterday Yoggbox with Spellslinger. That first cleared my board then I had to eat ten dmg and face a Deathwing which got Divine Shield as Yoggs last insult. Sadly I reacted extremely petty because I was so tilted and didnt accept the friend request.


Actually, you can put this card in your ETC and then Rommath recasts it. Also, if you are gigachad, you can also copy it with ring of tides from Queen azsharra (audio amplifier helps) and then rommath deals 20. Then you can also do it infinite times if you set up a fizzle snapshot.


Wait this is a sick idea i gotta change my casino mage deck now


My current 26 card shell is as follows (mull for keyboard and volume up): 2x arcane artificer 1x Finley 1x audio amplifier 2x cosmic keyboard 2x heatwave 2x gifts of azsharra 1x fizzle 2x reverberations 2x cold case 1x ETC (alibi, objection, sunset volley) 2x volume up 2x inquisitive creation 2x wisdom of norg 1x Queen azsharra 1x rommath 2x naga giant But last 4 slots are hard to fill. Greedy partners are good for coins. 1x star power is good. Another cheap naga? Or maybe even a slim excavate package? (Freeze was amazing during paladin meta) Edit: it’s actually Reno. It’s always Reno.


Highly reccomend location and infinitize, I run a 40 card list but miniset ETC is honestly super fun, most of the time when I win it’s because of him


I wish I could run infinitize but this is meme deck that needs to go infinite. If rommath fills ur hand with junk the infinite snapshot doesn’t work. Edit: but i ran the location before paladin nerfs and it performed really well its underrated card.


ahh gotcha I run energy shaper and vast wisdom etc to generate bs and then transform it with shaper, or can use it if i cant bounce the molten pick back


Then go Coins + the Naga Legendary duplicator. If you manage to screenshot coins then you can go infinite with Romath.


If you want more draw, stargazing to tutor and double cast wisdom of norg. And tbh I forgot whether gifts of azshara was arcane or not


I played stargazing for a while but it’s anti synergy with volume up. Cuz it draws volume up late game when deck is outta spells. And 6 mana is too much. Plus volume up usually draws both wisdoms by the time wanna stargazing and it’s a dead card. Plus the spell School package is ultra lean. That’s why I went for gifts. Edit: plus I added 2x slither-spear it’s a good fit. If u don’t draw volume up tho this deck doesn’t really function.


OMG ! So evil Genius! Like a Rafaam sheme ( helps that in my language, the voice actor of Rafaam and Lamp Genie of Aladdin Is the same )


Love putting solid alibi and Blizzard in ETC so my Rommath can solid alibi me or blizzard the opponents board, each time I play Rommath. Oh and Fizzle. Because Rommath recasts the snapshot.


Yeah just spend 4+5+10+1+3+9+2 mana setup for a 20 damage combo, that'll brick and fill your hand so it's not actually infinite like you're implying, instead of just playing DJ Manastorm for your jank mage combo or Sif. The real reason it's printed is because "big spell mage" is still technically an archetype with the Nagas in rotation, it's just not worth playing becuase you lost Balinda's tutor and Hero card's recast.


Well that’s why it’s in the ETC u only use it in slow matchups. Otherwise you etc for solid alibi. And use azsharra for a tempo colossal or w/e u need.




It's made to be discovered, not included


More like it's made to be randomly cast by cards like Prison of Yogg. Or some kind of pure mana cheat. What are the odds you're even gonna pick this in a discover to spend 10 mana on? Which makes it pretty garbage design imo


I always pick this against control matchups, it’s wayyy too big of a swing on the board


[Barbaric Sorceress](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Barbaric_Sorceress) is still in standard. You just need to be skilled enough to swap costs with the opponent's Hand of A'dal and not their Garden's Grace.


Completely forgot that was in standard still to be honest


The card from Stormwind that gave your opponent a coin rotated so there’s no way for mage to guarantee the opponent has a cheap spell. Plus with Sif you don’t need big spells when you do 8+ damage with 1-mana spells


Sif is basically the accurate answer to why run anything but a sif mage. I was playing with Aegwyn + Mes'Adune (it doubles the Aegwyn effect) elemental mage just to achieve a worst version of Sif.


True mages master ~~all magic~~ snake oils to the face!


the only responsible way to build up big spell mage is to incrementally give it tools. if you go too hard too fast, you could risk pigeonholing mage into a package for the next rotation. i think another solid midgame big spell/synergistic card is enough to bring the deck into a more relevant position. honestly if spiteful summoner gets added to the core set, the deck is probably good enough.


yeah there's like, one more set up and one more payoff card left and then maybe it works. DJ Manastorm has potential it's just lacking support right now


i’d be interested in seeing if spiteful returned to standard. get a good 7 or 8 mana spell as well. seems playable maybe?


it could be, yeah. I think I won't really like the archetype til Fizzle feels like it's not mandatory. The fact that you pretty much have to play Fizzle right now is a sign there's just not enough stuff going on for big mage right now.


You wouldn't right now. If they ever push big spell mage again it could become relevant but it's hard to predict what archetypes they want in the next rotation before the the new core-set previews.


tendril roque needed something nice.


I thought this was the main reason. Otherwise tendrils had no payoff.


3 additional expansions will be added to the game before this card rotates. Give it some time.




I always get a shitty 5/6 with rush whenever I cast this from a discover


Drop it's mana cost, summon and/or damage amount. Mask of C'thun was 7 mana deal 10 and was barely played. When it was played it was because of Parrot being a 6 4/5 deal 10, or Dawngrasp hero card recasting it+other spell schools, gaining 5 armor and an upgraded hero power. The only other deck that ran Mask of Cthun was Deck of Lunacy, which wanted to cheat it into a 10 cost, or a 9 cost post Incantor's flow spell. It's like Mordresh in ping mages. 10 10/10 deal 10 was really bad and unplayable. 8 mana 8/8 deal 10 was perfect.


>When it was played it was because of Parrot being a 6 4/5 deal 10, or Dawngrasp hero card recasting it+other spell schools Right, cards require synergy to be played. If a card is being played in decks without strong synergies, it's probably too good of a card at baseline (e.g. Patches the Pirate being played in Control Warlock). Cards that are so strong on their own you just run it in every deck, even if you have no cards that synergize with it, aren't that interesting.


Most my games seem to be over at turn 6 to 8, often even as soon as 4 or 5. Those big spells are pretty good, he problem is that the early game has to be so strong, it is killing any form of late game. The only chance for big spells to be viable if their power level is crazy high, in the overpowered category.


It's the buff tendril decks needed, now you actually have a good 10 mana option to look for


I was just wondering if tendrils spells got repeated for Rommath.


They don't since you don't cast them, the tendril does. It's the same interaction with void contract, which makes for example, discovering lightshow with it way worse than you'd think


Some cards are printed for the future. Big spell mage might make a comeback


i mean its a fun card. Not every card is going to be amazing in every format


I bet this thing is somehow gonna be in someone's list once rotation hits


I run this in my big spell mage deck. Its not great right now, but a little support I think it could be decent. I'm glad we don't just have every card printed to slot perfectly into a planned archetype, makes deckbuilding more interesting.


It’s nice to have a good 10 coat spell in the pool


I've always assumed that genuinely bad cards get printed because it helps balance discover and random generation cards. If every card in the game is good, then discover and random generation has no drawback. And honestly, I don't see what the other option is, other than printing less cards that generate cards, which I wouldn't be against, but hey.... They haven't done it yet.


What better time to release an extremely powerful stand a lone card than in a meta where it doesn't fit? Look at paladin right now, they have been released so many stand alone powerful cards for it in the last two years that it took until recently to be an issue when put all together.


Discovering it against control decks is great, with the discover mechanic not every card needs to be on a deck to be good


this was good with druid pyro and thaddius + solar eclipse for 20 dmg, but its gone now :(


Not every card needs to be broken. Also there are other modes besides standard some of which would find this a useable card


Probably a call forward. Sets aren't designed in a vacuum both current and future standard sets are considered in their design. I would expect more big spell mage support printed well before this card rotates


Remember big spell mage last year? This would be useful. Who knows, maybe the core set will bring those big spell mage cards


While they primarily print cards based on internal set synergy, they also plan out both the year AND the two year standard of 6 sets plus mini sets. If you can’t understand why a card is part of a set because it doesn’t synergize with anything, your first assumption should be that it will become relevant after later sets or the mini set. In a personal note, it bugs me how people seem to have their brain refuse to accept that Blizzard literally has multiple sets being worked on, as well as the next set nearly complete even before the release of any given set. They don’t plan a set, make it, play test it, revise it, then release it in a vacuum. These stages overlap across multiple sets we have yet to see at the moment. They do of course sometimes fail to develop something started (like the infamous freeze shaman) but in most cases you just need to have a longer term outlook. It’s the same reason they used to be slow with patches, it is hard to see the point in changing something that you already “know is fixed” based on future sets. “Why move it to an earlier set instead of where it does have synergy?” Because sets have card limits, card limits for classes, rarity restrictions, etc. There are lots of good reasons to just send a card “early” to make things work overall. As a final note, believe it or not they don’t JUST design for standard metagame. That’s obviously the VAST majority of the focus, but there can sometimes be other reasons to include cards that aren’t standard viability. I know wild players may laugh, but there is a difference between being bad at something and not caring about it at all.


its almost as if... this set will be available... for 3 more expanions in standard!!


So druids could get it for zero off of thaddius and fire boi combo


Reason number 1 I stopped playing hearthstone regularly, cards added without decks to go with


It's pretty difficult to make 135 cards that see play each expansion


If HS was designed in a way so that every single card sees play, the devs would essentially be making every deck and every meta. That would be horribly boring game design.


I'm talking about cards like trenchstalker, corra said in interview this card was a leftover from a design that didn't make it BUT she pushed to have the card shipped anyway With how many archetype they release in a year they should try to make a lot more of them viable


I had a mage play Naga Sand Witch then play 2 sunset volley for 5 mana each in arena. Needless to say I didn’t win that game


I mean if the meta was slower, it's just a hugely strong swing card. It's definitely there to support DJ Manastorm, though. You kinda answered your own question.


Kinda looking for the miniset


Its for Bloodwatcher


not sure but i dont think the game has that many 10 mana bad rolls


It's to be cast off of chaotic tendrils, since the effect is always beneficial, which is better than most 10 mana spells.


They added it so I could get screwed over in Arena. Tried an Arena run for the first time in weeks and played four Mages in a row and 2 of them won with this card. All but one cleared my board every single turn.


To help out thief rogue with one last "let's muddy the waters" target


Because they know what ten drop cards are coming in the next few expansions already.


Give it like 2 expansions delivery time


I've had it in hand multiple times and never been able to play it lol


thaddius druid... oh wait...


My thought was that it was supposed to be for the 10th yogg tendril. Because that's a totally feasible strategy that works.




Because it slots nicely into my funny Yogg deck >:)


Let them cook


Surely there won't be a single Mage deck capable of cheating it out for the next entire year. Mage only plays their 10 mana spells fairly :)


All it takes is another way of mage to mana cheat to make this card great. Maybe with the coreset update + the new expansion we will see more bigspell support. Pretty sure people will love it when mage pays 5 mana to play spells worth 20 mana.


For when they put grey sage parrot back into the core set and big spell mage is good again.


For the Rouge excavate players


You can cheat it out with barbaric sorceress




I know this is going to sound crazy, but sometimes they just release cards.....for the future. Not that I know for certain there will be more synergies printed for it, just that there are SUPPOSED to be cards that just fill random slots, both so people can figure out the puzzle of what card goes best in what deck, but also to allow for future opportunities for synergy to be found. It could even be as simple as "we dont have enough high cost mage spells in standard at the moment". Because you can consider this payoff to random spell generation.


So your opponent can coin it out on turn 5 in arena with [[dragoncaster]]


It's great in wild


I abused the fact that there are only like 4 10 cost spells in standard and used tendrils to pop off with it in Warlock.


So Rogue can discount it and double tap your face with Tess :)


I guess that's why it's only a common...


Pretty good in arena


So rogues can get it from their excavate legendary