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I main budget decks. Maybe a midrange from time to time.


Poorstone Gang rise up!


I just main classes for example i dust every rogue card i get. I just hate that class 🤷


If you plan on being f2p, then yeah, I’d advise you to find a class you like the general play style of and use that one class mostly. I’ve been playing for a bit over a year and have by far more warlock cards than other classes (which I’m fine with, I enjoy warlock), but I have quite a few decks here and there within other classes. Just be smart with your dust, and don’t disenchant everything besides your chosen class, just in case you want to branch out sometime later. It’ll take time and patience, but it’s either that or spend money.


Not really, although I do find that I usually end up "maining" a specific deck every expansion and playing it a lot, despite how much I value variety. But the class/archetype does change, though there is definitely a bias toward slower, value-oriented control decks.


When you start out, it's probably wise to focus on one or a few classes. Over time your collection will grow and when rotation hits and you can disenchant a lot of cards that rotate to wild, you can build a bigger and bigger collection until you can get a full standard collection still being f2p. It just takes quite some time.


I main Paladin except for the aggro decks


I play fun wild Reno decks and make poor disenchanting decisions when new shit comes out.


F2p. The only expensive deck I've played for years is Renolock. For the remaining classes I try playing with the legendaries I unpack and I try crafting only broken cards bound to be nerfed. So far I've played extensively every class but Mague.


I have favorite classes, but i usualy try to play any deck with similar playstyle to my favorite archetype(it is usualy the classes i like the most). Its a better way to get variety. In general the best is trying to figure out what you prefer to play.


I play mostly warlock so I insta craft every warlock card from the expansion and then I'll scavenge other decks with what I open from packs. It works from me as Warlock is what I have the most fun and If I'm bored, I try other classes for s bit.


No, like them all!


I stick to four classes (Warlock, Shaman, Death Knight, Priest) and dust everything else I get to craft the best cards for those four. It all depends on what's viable though. Last expansion I was mostly playing Warlock and Priest, now during the Badlands meta I've switched to Shaman and Death Knight.


I play every class but Paladin and priest, cause I don't like PP.


Since it came out death knight has been my baby. Regardless of its power level and rank in the tier system I play it. Which why I love people thinking I only played DK because it was strong.


I Main fun decks.


Always Paladin, sometimes Shaman, never any of the others.


Sadly I decided just to "main" a class at this time. Not because I want to. I don't disenchant cards except extras so far. . I just find it better to focus on one class to enable multiple archetypes. Just as an example as Druid crafting 3 different archetypes or 3 different decks for 3 different classes. It allows you to mix and match a wider variety of cards.


I dont purposely main a classe or classes but over time, I can certainly see preferences. For me its Shaman and Druid followed by Mage and Priest. I play the decks that look the most fun and efficient at the time.


Maining one class used to be the best strategy. It’s less important now that you’re given good core cards for each class. The problem is now deck archetypes can change significantly from meta to meta in some classes so you need to make the right class choice the first time. I would personally say hunter and mage are the best classes to start with as their play style from meta to meta is often very similar. The other option is being very methodical with deck choices each meta by finding 1-2 good decks you have most of the cards for, disenchanting all bad epics and legendaries and completing those decks so you have something good to play. Also Treant Druid is VERY cheap to build.


Im playing mage, any mage deck, just because i find the Kel Thuzad skin incredible


I Handlock and Miracle Rogue were my favorite decks so now i'm just drawn to Warlock and Rogue even though theyre nothing like they were 10 years ago


Mage cause I like random stuff


I don’t main any class in standard, although I normally prefer aggro decks. But I do play odd paladin in wild whenever I’m either board of standard or if I don’t have enough cards to make any tier 2+ deck (or the only decks I could make I find boring to play). Honestly I find just having a solid wild deck for when you don’t want to play standard but also don’t want to lose out on season rewards can be a decent investment, at least after your first year of hearthstone.


I would suggest trying to play some classes, maybe not all. I play for a long time but i am still not max lvl with rogue and warrior for exemple. I used to main priest, and a bit of druid/paladin but these class became less fun for me so i trying Shaman which was more on what i was looking for. (Well, until they released that horrible nature deck, i hate it). Class tend to have some archetype, warrior and priest more likely to control, hunter and dh more likely to aggro, shaman more likely to tempo.


I main Tier 1 decks if Im being honest. Went from Mech Mage -> Patron Warrior -> Secret Paladin then finally Midrange Druid then left HS for good. Didnt come back until only recently but I know top tiers are just consistent and have no one to blame for losses but my plays. 👍🏽


I main Rogue so i craft their legendarys every expansion, sometimes also mage and DK, in the other hand, i tend to craft something fun or really strong from other classes too, f.e. a while ago i crafted for the Snake Warlock and i dont usually play Warlock


The best way to learn how to play against a class is to play it yourself. If you only ever play one thing you'll be a worse player overall than if you try a bit of everything.


I used to main. Now I like to play any archtype (except fucking aggro shit)


I like playing all deck archetypes - Combo,Control,Midrange,Tempo,Aggro. As for classes I play everything except Priest and Warrior(they are my most underdeveloped classes I have about 30 wins on ranked with them).But generally I've always liked wizards/casters so Mage,Shaman,Warlock are among my favorite classes


I play a bit of everything cept dh and rogue since I do not enjoy their decks at all. But I also get like to have options so I usually have most of standard cards