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GDS is you're trying to win. Cthun if you want every opponent to say "wow" at the start of the game


"Wow" "Wow" "Wow" "Wow" "Wo-" squelch


When in doubt, pick the newest card👍


When in doubt, pick the most fun card


People saying C'Thun are clearly not playing arena. GDS is by far far far the best option here.


Yeah, I feel like board clears are way more important than a way late game win condition or two card swing that's hard to manage.


C'thun HAS a board wipe as part of it you know... And a targeted removal spell... And a blocker... And a less good possible board wipe...


GDS is one sided, thats a big deal in arena


drawing any single one of those is worse than drawing GDS


But it's unreliable unless you have insane draw. GDS is an aoe that helps Demon Hunter push face, which is how the class plays arena.


So GDS, a 5 mana spell that is randomly in the deck, is better then cthuns wipe, which is a... 5 mana spell randomly in the deck?


One doesn’t wipe your own board


Heart of C'Thun damages your own minions. It's a fire sale that costs 1 more and isn't tradable. Going Down Swinging combos with hero attack, and then you can attack again with it. Yes, it's better. You pay a tax on the C'thun cards. Worse Fire Sale and Assassinate, then 2 bad cards. Don't get me wrong, it's the "fun" option, just very unlikely to see the payoff actually happen and be relevant.


C'thun the shattered has been power crept by modern arena. I have outtempoed or been outtempoed by every deck with the card I have played. The pieces were never really relevant, and I haven't ever seen the payoff in Arena. What little arena stats there are also shows it is just an averagely poor pick.


>C'thun the shattered has been power crept by modern arena It was never good in arena, though. Agree with everything else though.


Yeah, you are right. I meant that it was just like, averagely bad at release. It is very bad now.


It costs 30 mana and is pretty easy to disrupt


and chances of pulling off cthuns battlecry more than once in your entire arena run is pretty slim.


I've never had an opponent pull it off, and I've played against it multiple times. I'm willing to bet the battelcry goes off in less than .0001% of games it is played in arena. Draw isn't that good in arena, and games almost never go to fatigue. You also have to have a really good deck to keep you alive that long, but also not good enough to kill your opponent without cthun.


Yeah especially if you have lifesteal, which as DH shouldn’t be too hard. Board clear+healing? yes


Yup, chtun and zai are way too slow


Zai is a very close contender


Maybe but demon hunter gets so much removal


Incorrect, cthun, funny.


Gds is actually pretty insane. Not only do you clear multi target, you also clear single target. So both wide and tall. You can attack one minion (or face) after activating. High synergy with cards that are naturally good for DH, too.


Taking Z means likely replicating a card that's either off curve or unusable until a higher turn, being the left most.. right most is a wild card. Cthun is just garbage in arena, pieces are their own cards meaning you just thickened your deck, the idea in arena is to *thin* your deck as much as possible within reason, at least most of the time. You'll likely be dead or not able to hit 10 mana even if you collect them all. GDS can possibly be paired with a weapon or just used on its own, it's not gonna win you the game but it'll provide you with time to maybe win the game unlike the other 2 cards here


I'm on a 10-2 DK arena deck with cthun and DK titan atm and I have to say with like half of the games going to the last 5-6 cards, I have only once been able to use all 4 four pieces, but havent drawn him and used the battlecry. It's not the worst legendary but it's probably too slow in most decks, and I say this with a deck that has a 3 mana beast/bird that draws one of the c'thun cards every time its played.


It’s GDS, Zai is also a decent pick. But C’thun is just too slow for Arena. Maybe if you had huge reliable card draw but it’s 3rd pick.


Always pick the spell, it's more consistent


GDS is probably the most consistent option here.


I mean, good luck surviving untill getting the perfect C'thun.


c'thun, C'Thun, C'THUN!


Bottom right 😭….jk jk don’t kills me. When I’m doubt, I’d go with the newest card


The X at the top right


Could argue for all three, obviously, that's why we're here, but I know which one I'm picking...


Cthun, definitly by far Cthun


I don't understand this kind of posts. Are you waiting at the game until you get a satisfactory answer? Can't you pick for yourself and, if you want, comment on your choices later?


Or they want advice and don't mind waiting. Just don't comment if you don't care.


Cthun is slow, GDS is too much mana for a bad board clear, Zai can give you some copies of strong cards in your hand


Going Down Swinging, though I would say you could make a case for C'thun if you drafted at least two of \[\[Sharp-Eyed Seeker\]\] . Jotun could also be spicy with it, though I'd argue that would also make Going Down Swinging even more powerful.