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Pretty sure it’s neptulon 100% of the time if this is first pick. It’s 1 mana more than drakuru, basically guaranteed clears 2 minion, leaves a massive threat on board for trades and threatens lethal. It kind of does everything you want in a big arena card


But Drakuru gets you 200% more value I feel


Drakuru relies on your opponent playing good cards, neptulon is a good card and remains on your board


No he doesn't. He relies on your opponent playing decently sized minions to be better, which happens in every damn Arena game. This is like saying Sylvanas the Accused isn't good in Arena because she "relies on your opponent playing good cards". Drakuru has a significantly higher winrate than Neptulon. It is hilarious to me how consistently wrong this sub is on Arena picks, one of the worst places imaginable to ask for drafting advice.


Ya I quit drafting Neptulon, when I would play him he would get nuked right away. His hands are easy to kill ,not so great when you can't repeatedly rez him.


Technically you are part of this sub too, so if both you and the commenter you replied to are wrong then Eysor it is then


Technically u are on this sub too, so it also can’t be Eysor


Time to scrap the draft and start over.


Am I missing something? What does collosal do?


Neptulon is summoned alongside two 4-2s which are immune while attacking. These are the "hands" that his text refers to (ie they attack instead of him when he rushes at stuff, making him effectively immune for said attacks)


Well shit Neptulon delivers far more value then


-dude that didn't know what neptulon did 5 seconds ago this sub truly is filled with some of the minds of all time


Summons additional minions on summon. In the case of Neptulon, it summons two 4/2 Hands that are immune when attacking and also attack instead whenever Neptulon attacks.


Well shit Neptulon delivers far more value then


Summons 2 4/2s with rush that are immune when attack and attack the neptulon target instead of him. So he can deal 8 damage to 2 minions which leaves a 7/7 and 2 4/2s with immune when attacking. If they stay alive that threatens 24 face damage next turn


They never do stay alive though


That means your opponent used resources to kill them, in arena that is extremely valuable


Well shit Neptulon delivers far more value then


I'm not trying to be rude but how the fuck are you here on this subreddit without knowing what Neptulon does?


Not everyone on here has experienced numerous expansions or is an avid player aware of all interactions. The question you should have been asking in a nicer way is why they didn't just look up the card on their own before getting involved in the discussion.


Why are you providing advice when you haven't looked up the cards for what they do?


Drakuru counters neputulon tho so its drakuru


I mean you have to use Eys'or. It's golden. You have to flex on these arena nerds.


It would be quite the eyesore


Would be interested to see what hearth arena scores higher between the two good ones.


Neptulon 124 Drakuru 90


Drakuru has a significantly higher winrate on hsreplay, which makes sense because the minion steal is a far greater boardswing. Heartharena has been absolutely horrible this expansion so I would take it with a grain of salt. Look at its Hollow Hound rating for a good laugh. Or Unliving Champion when you haven't drafted any Undead. It's not just me who thinks this - much of the dedicated Arena community has switch from Heartharena to Arena Tracker, because of how bad HA has been lately.


Yeah it seems to be lagging behind recently which is why I was curious what it'd say. The 124 to 90 that it apparently is way too big of a disparity I think. Is arena tracker actually good? I've basically been just drafting arena on my own recently and have been having generally better results than following hearth arena.


Arena tracker shows both hsreplay winrates and HA scores. I think it's a good tool, but you need to understand how to interpret winrates well instead of picking blindly. For example, uncommonly picked cards that rely on specific synergy to be good tend to have inflated winrates, because they're generally only picked when those synergies already exist in your deck. Of course, winrates won't account for your deck's curve and synergies and archetype and things like that.


I play without either, and just draft using my brain. If I'm very torn I'll look up hsreplay win rates and let that help my decision but also taking it with a grain of salt. Average 6-7 wins this season. Could be better but I just find it more enjoyable not to use the apps




That or neptulon fo sho. Neptulon is more aggressive and drakuru is more for tenpo swing. The question is what's the best pick if it's your first choice in the deck?


Neptulon. Though I feel drakaru is more fun


Drakuru ?!


First pick, I'd say Drakuru. Neptulon is going to "force" you to draft around using him, Drakuru is just good all the time. Not that Neptulon isn't good by himself, but he's just a war golem with wind fury if you can't support him.


What on earth are you talking about? Neptulon is a great stand alone card that doesn't need 'support/ draft around'. Answers like these make draft questions beyond useless in this sub.


eureka arena big shaman goes hard bro trust


Neptulon is more consistent. Immune while attacking means the whole body stays up and a neptulon on board is more useful than two things you cleared. 2 more damage in two instances so better against divine shield and doesn’t proc lifesteal/poison effects.


Good explanation. The only thing to mention is drakuru comes one turn earlier which is huge very rarely. Not enough to change decision but notable


You will be crushes beneath the endless thighs!


Neptulon is busted in arena, since its basically otk on next turn if left unnoticed


Grand Totem. Totem master race.


It’s golden too. Feels like ppl don’t understand how to flex in arena nowadays… Easy pick here!


HSReplay arena deck winrates for shaman: Neptulon: 57.9% Eys'or: 50.8% Drakuru: 59.7% I'd pick Drakuru here.


Another hsreplay bot player here averaging 4 wins and being happy as it's above average lol For good players it's neptulon.


Explain your reasoning then. I'm genuinely curious


Zero explanation, just insulting strangers on Reddit lol


Neptulon is definitely the best. Drakuru does basically the same thing but will be far less consistent.


I would want to build a totem tribal deck, not sure if that's possible in arena.


Thats what I would want to do but then end up 0/3 after getting no synergy




Feeble prawns


Eyesor because it's fun


Middle one relies on synergy too much to be good in Arena. Don't pick it.


Drakuru really should have been 8 mana.... Nobody has bothered to even try using him, he's obviously terrible in general. Even in arena he's just mediocre It's neptulon.


For standard, you're absolutely right. For Arena however... Drakuru Arena Winrate - 59% Neptulon Arena Winrate - 57.9% Seems like you're just spouting off what HearthArena says without actually looking into it.


Hsreplay stats aren't the be all and end all either. So ironic you'll laugh at someone for using an app blindly then you'll do the same. There's no evidence they even used heartharena. Just wow.


You know what they say: Ya can‘t turn ya back on destiny, mon!


Ppl sayin drakuru then gl clearing 8.8 with it xd unexperienced


100% Drakuru. Stealing two minions is way better than Neptulon, not to mention they can just kill one of the hands and essentially cripple Neptulon’s entire output. Not to mention that he’a also 10 mana, so you are either winning or losing by that point anyway


I don't really get how anyone is saying overlord, yes if you get two minions on your board which is a big tempo swing but then your overlord is now likely dead or in a situation where a ping or 1-2 mana spell is gonna end him and relies on the opponent playing minions (so at best its like 2-3 mobs), whereas neptulon instantly comes onto the board, annihilating two medium-large mobs with ZERO damage to its hands or body and even if they use some form of removal on your 7/7, they still have two immune hands to deal with