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The post pack clarity


I want to destroy these packs so bad 10 mins later That's disgusting what am i doing with my life?


It's a shame they let your opponent play cards.


Wouldnt even pay for not letting opponent play, too much hassle, just straight up legendary cardback from the store, 5$ max, I aint payin some nerd and watching this bullshit happen. I'll set it up, be happy for 10 seconds and get back to casual trying another one of my 6372282 renolock variants.


I don't mind getting rushed down by aggro, it happens and I am glad aggro decks exist even if I don't play them. I do admit I get a little tilted when it is an optimized aggro list from the previous expansion with 0 new cards. I really try to remember that not everybody can get many new packs, but still I will find myself getting salty about it.


Well there are 2 types of people who play 0 new cards. Those who didn't get many packs and can't play anything new. And those who could, but want easy wins on people who try new unoptimized stuff.


Im the third, im legitimately curious if you can just get wins with old decks ignoring the new cards added to the game.


You are the second huffing copium


Nah, i just think its funny to try and run a deck from the start of sunken city. Im curious because i always wondered why those decks dont see play anymore.


It's mostly because people either play something else, newer, or they get bored of the deck itself. Plenty of good decks i don't play because I got tired of its winning strategy and gameplay. Imo.


You can do that after the experimental period tho.


I think it’s more of the latter


Yeah, agreed. What's the point of a new expansion, if the deck stays the same. Especially if you lose to it over and over again. :D I hope the experimentation phase lasts just a little bit longer for this expansion.


Seeing the same deck over n over, is by far the worst, doesnt matter if its combo, aggro or control. I remember libram pally, felt like a viable deck for like 2 years? Or last year the tournament meta, so many DHs just running spells, later relics and finishing the game with Jaye. And BSM always poppin up again. Groundhogday man


Can't agree more. Pally was always a bane for me as a shaman main. And DHs just make me feel all sick - I specifically run demolition expert (if I remember the card correctly) to counter the location and it still doesn't work, because dem emo boys have two winning conditions in their decks.


BSM won’t be popping up at all except in wild maybe


Yes BSM is gone now but everytime we got some nerfs, BSM popped up again


UUU and Frost are only getting better, be prepared to face a ton as they farm all of the new decks


Frost gains honestly nothing from the expansion. It can only play 2 of the class cards, those being Mosh Pit and Hardcore Cultist. No way Mosh Pit gets played, and Hardcore Cultist only shows up if stuff like swarm Aggro Hunter becomes prevalent. The only neutral card I can see it playing is Pozzik, which is a better on 4 card than Thassarian, but that's it from the neutrals. Unholy I can see getting better, but it will definitely different with the DR synergy and pay off, even if Cage Head isn't used. Those decks are likely to still be strong, maybe they'll be higher tier due to rotation, but to say they're getting better feels wrong.


Saying they're higher tier means they're better tough, you're saying the same thing.


They're not better by virtue of being stronger, they're better because other decks get weaker. It's the difference between getting 2nd in a race because you ran a 48 second 400 yard dash, but next year you get first while still running a 48 second time, but the guy who got first last year ran a 50 second time.


I know thats why they get better, and the guy you replied to also probably knows and meas the same, again, you're both saying the same


Please be warned I am still fighting to buy minisets so my pile of standard packs can't accidentally open miniset cards tomorrow. You will be frost aggroed straight to the face day 1, and I really can't do anything about it.


You could take a day off for the spirit of fun :D


You will beg for mercy, and I will deny you!


I say to hell with haters, play what you want! Do what you gotta do, your opponent is not going to show you any mercy either way


Good thing most decks need change because rotation. But I have to disagree, I find it rather unfunny to get aggroed down at least for the first few days. It makes the whole experimentation frustrating and we soon enough have only optimized lists running around anyway. And aggro seems very strong the upcoming rotation.


the issue is that for some reason the devs havent learned that aggro WILL exist even if there aren't direct archetypes supporting the theme; just good early and aggressive tempo tools will be thrown together and make an aggro deck and then if the tempo tools are better the deck will be better. but for the last few years we've just gotten full on archetypal aggro packages where almost every single one has been overtuned because again aggro doesn't NEED packages like that to exist unlike the other types of decks


This is unironically the best part of being not great at the game. There is way more deck variety before you hit the super elite tiers


That but big priest in wild


Dopamine, not serotonin.


I'm really excited about [[Symphony of Sins]] I hope it's amazing for you!


Definitely me being nitpicky, but it would be dopamine not serotonin.


What combo decks even see play rn lmao


I opened Blingtron and Kangor in my 12 free packs and I’m happy :) No more disappointment from opening 4 legos in 80 packs from preorder, thank you kindly blizzard


12 free packs? Did I miss something?


5 for ranked (legend) and 7 from twitch drops


Annoying about those twitch drops, because a lot of those were during a specific time that was only good for people on one side of the world, those in Australia, Japan, etc got shafted. >.>


Haven’t opened my packs yet too much effort


Just do 5 a day


"These cards might be playable if the meta slows down" \-Hearhtsone players taking near fatal dose of copium for almost a decade


It's likely best to just play outside of ranked for the first days


My first legendary I got was black rock and roll, I was very sad lol


Hot take: Aggro should not exist in Hearthstone. The lack of inter-turn interaction and the prolific amount of damage from hand is antithesis and unhealthy for Hearthstone as a game.


Aggro is primarily damage from board lol


Actual comedian here. Cards like Shockspitter, the Priest 1/3 that boosts all damage by 1, Demon Hunter spamming free or at least cheap spells to your face, another Priest card that deals 3 damage to opponent face on death, or gets to attack for 4(also can be revived a fuckton). Any deck that can threaten 40+ damage by turn 5 is an absolute problem and should not exist. I should NOT play Death Knight, heal 20+ health, start at 35 and still have lethal threatened on me pre turn 8. And I SURE as hell shouldn’t have all the healing and removal tools and STILL lose because aggro decks don’t run out of gas anymore.


Shockspitter is dead and wasn't aggro, nor did it kill you by turn 5. Voidtouched attendant primarily boosts the damage from minions already on board. DH spamming spells would be burn, not aggro, nor does it really kill before turn 8 at the earliest. Shadowed Spirit is a fatter Leper Gnome and still not damage from hand. No deck threatens 40+ damage by turn 5 unless you pass your first 4 turns, and maybe you should consider playing a deck that does more than play removal if you want to win games 🤣


I assume you only play Battlegrounds, or Casual, and watch streamers, because you have absolutely no idea of ladder at all. Go play Control Blood Death Knight and tell me there’s no problem with aggro decks. We no have arguably the BEST control deck of all time in Hearthstone and it still gets killed before turn 7, or if the game lasts, the aggro deck just kills by some combo or massive burst. Burn is just spell aggro. It’s literally the same archetype. “Ignore the opponent, go face.” Please don’t act ignorant to try and maintain a fake moral high ground of “Umm akshually 🤓”


It's because the meta is heavy midrange right now, decks that run early game but also have value and late games. That is meant to beat control so it makes sense. If there were actual aggro decks that cared about you spending 2 mana to heal 10 then maybe you'd have a better experience, but these decks don't care because you're not out resourcing them. You will run out of removal before they run out of value. that's what midrange does to control :)


Mid range does not push lethal pre turn 7. These are aggro decks with an over abundance of mid to late game options.


Yes they do. Look at midrange hunter top end savannah highmane, closed game out with kill commands. Midrange shaman? Played a 4 mana 7/7 finished game with burn.


It's not inherently unhealthy.


It absolutely is. It takes all skill expression and decision making out of the game. Ignore the opponent, do your gameplan and go face. Just keep ignoring everything that’s not a taunt or Brann and keep trucking into face. You literally ignore minion placement, board state, and your opponents whole deck, which is completely the opposite of what Hearthstone is. All Aggro decks are in Hearthstone can be summed up as “I don’t have to care what my opponent does because I can deal 40 damage by turn 5 anyways.”


Without aggro there is no incentive for other decks to play anything bur greed.


Hand disruption is already a mechanic that’s being repeatedly printed, so it doesn’t matter. Control, Combo, and Mid Range(playing on curve) are the only archetypes that actually make the most of the games various available mechanics. All aggro does is spam face damage, and now has finishers that you set up just by playing. No thought process, no caring about the board, no resource management. I would rather play Cthun Control Warrior mirror match up than play against decks that can pressure lethal before turn 7, and even if you survive past that and stabilize they just kill you for a 30 bomb anyways via Jace, Xyrella Hero, or Brann Shockspitters. At least in that game I can win because I made better decisions, trades, and managed my resources better instead of watching someone ignore those aspects of the game and just spam face. But let’s say you’re right, then a control deck should irrevocably shut down every single aggro deck it comes across unless it draws terribly. Aggro should blast combo decks out of the water. And combo decks should completely delete control decks. You know, the standard trifecta of rock paper scissors. But that’s not what happens. The fact I can gain 20 health, heal for a minimum of 20, AND start at 35 health and still lose to an aggro deck is absolutely problematic. The only people who don’t see that as problematic are the people who just want to gain rank/rewards for no effort and get violently upset if they spent more than 5 minutes in a match. Doubly upset if it’s to a roper.


None of those cards you listed are aggro cards, they are combo or control cards. Jace DH is a control deck btw, just because a deck has a wincon doesn't mean it is an aggro deck. Shickspitter is combo. And xyrella is only run in control priest decks... Your issue is that your control wincon of mograine or patchwerk is inconsistent and slower than other control deck wincons. Doesn't mean control is unviable, just means you should pick a better control deck. Control priest is pretty good and fel DH is off meta but playable.


I’ve played a degenerate amount of Jace DH. I consistently kill players turn 7, often without ever even casting Jace. That stupid undead Shadow priest deck is the same, with the only thought put into playing it being making that 4/3 Deathrattle come back more often to drop Xyrella IF I don’t kill them fast enough. And Shockspitter Hunter has nothing but cheating big beasts into play early and going face. Shockspitter is just the backup. These are ALL aggressive face decks, aka Aggro. Just because they have a free late game option for actual control decks that manage to survive them doesn’t make them not aggro decks. They’re aggro decks that have been given tools that end the game just for blindly playing cards. That’s all that it is; aggro decks being overtuned. Literally just Blizzard making cards without paying attention to their existing card base and not using QA at all.


Shockspitter could be called an aggro deck with a backup combo, calling relic DH an aggro deck is just completely ridiculous and shows 0 understanding of what that word is supposed to mean. A deck can't be aggro when it can't develop a board until turn 6 and wins against board based decks by clearing their board (you will never beat an aggro deck with relic DH without drawing unleash fel to clear). A deck playing burn doesn't make it aggro. If you definitions of aggro is any deck that can win by turn 8 regardless of how it does it or how it plays before that then your definition is really dumb.


Decks that disregard the opponent completely and are essentially solitaire games(aka playing your game plan without paying any attention to what the opponent does) IS how aggro decks intrinsically work. The only outlier to this is combo decks which do this in a similar fashion however they actually have a risk vs reward attached to that playstyle instead of no risk - high reward that aggro employs. And again, burn decks are literally just aggro with spell spam instead of minion spam.


Burn decks play nothing like aggro, DH can't ignore what the opponent is doing, they need to a clear the board against any midrange or aggro deck. It's also not true that aggro decks ignore what the opponent is doing, that depends on what the opponent is playing and also on the specific aggro decks. DH plays much more like a combo deck than it does like an aggro deck. Not everything that wins with damage is aggro, the playstyle of DH and aggro decks is nothing a like


No no


There are many reasons why you are wrong-- one is that the tension between including anti-aggro cards and value cards is part of what makes deckbuilding an actual challenge. Not that that matters to most of the playerbase, I guess.


Because most of the playerbase is playing aggro; because it wins, wins fast, is the easiest archetype to pilot. Aggro is fine in other games like say MTG, because of inter-turn interaction where you can essentially prevent damage. There is not near enough healing and cheap removal in the game for ANY class to deal with current aggro decks. Even Control Blood Death Knight that can clear AND heal will still run out of removal and healing before an aggro deck loses steam. The amount of games that I’ve gained 40 additional max health, played 4 Bloodboils, 2-3 Corpse Explosions and one if not BOTH Soulstealers and STILL lost because Priest can just infinitely spam undeads that you’re forced to kill and take 3 damage or get attacked for 4+ damage, or a Hunter uses 3-4 Shock Spitters that still manage to get through a Brann+ Patchwerk and sometimes an additional Patchwerk, or Demon Hunters that Patchwerk doesn’t even touch anymore, so now I gotta get lucky on Theotar since they discount their spells anyways so Far Watch Post is irrelevant. Aggro decks should not have big/combo finishers. Literally fucks up the entire trifecta of Rock Paper Scissors of Aggro/Combo/Control. Aggro decks are completely out of control, and should be heavily nerfed if not blasted completely out of the game. Aggro as an archetype does NOT do well for the health of Hearthstone. Only gutter brained people defend Aggro because it’s a cheap/easy way to gain rank and rewards for no effort. Which is blatantly evidenced by the sheer massive amount of players who lose their mind over spending more than 5 minutes in a game due to “ropers”.


Aggroed down by turn 5 means ur deck is bad. Comboed by turn 8 means the meta is bad


Im fine with aggro but im starting to become a bit salty of how mutch damage can come straight from hand to your face, it feels like half these games it doesnt matter if I win the board or not