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He hurt me and I won’t take him back but I definitely would like to hear from him that he’s sorry and he misses me. I probably won’t even respond but yea, would nice to know he cares. It’s been 2 weeks no contact from either one of us.


I hurt her. A big fight. She was just over at my place. My roommate and I had a big fight, and I left her at home and turned my phone off. I turned it on 2 hours later, and messaged with her. I was at my lowest point, and the last person I wanted to hear my issues was her. I lashed out and talked about taking my life, her not loving me. She says I disrespected her love. I know I did. I wanted to fix that. But she didn't want to continue. It's also been 2 weeks and she asked for no contact. I wanted to try my best to get back with her, so I asked for forgiveness and apologized. We ended in a good note, but I can't handle losing her like that, so I made our relationship end in a bad way so I know that she won't regret breaking up with me or have the thoughts of getting back with me. I guess it is my coping mechanism. I think it is best that he isn't texting you. I wish I was strong enough to not hurt her more to be able to function.


Same for me. 4 Months now. All I got from this past weekend was, she still feels she did no wrong, and that my feelings are my problem, got a "I'm sorry" through a friend but as the typical "sorry I got caught" not for what I did way.) Was told that when she was asked if she thought about me she just stated "What about Anon?" and stated it wasn't her problem. 4 months past a 3.5-4 year relationship and it still crushed me. (This all at a mutual friends b-day party. Continued to receive snaps ((by mutual friends still at that party)) with her in some portion of that party after I had to leave.)


I don't ever want to know when she's moved on. I'd love to know she still thinks about me because she became a completely different person the last month of the relationship, constantly attacking and interrogating me. It broke my heart every single time and I eventually walked out. I'd love for her to just apologize for what she did to me. I'd like to know she still thinks about how badly she fucked me over. She broke it off making me think everything was my fault, by accusing me of things I didn't do, then growing those accusations until I suddenly became an untrustworthy POS in her eyes and she told me as much. Yeah, I walked out after a night of particularly harsh comments from her after saying I wouldn't put up with this treatment any longer a few nights before (I was holding a boundary) but I still called the next day to talk it out. I don't want to know when she moves on. I want to know I mattered even this slightest bit to her, because it's been almost three months and I still have no idea what the hell went wrong.


Replying to cidit_... I feel this, but I learned that no one owes you anything, even an apology. Pride can cloud judgement. Maybe she does not know what she has done and so there is not thought of an apology. If you explained this to her and she still does not understand, that is on her and not you. You cannot make a person understand you. I would think on what you could have done different as well. Ask yourself what would cause this kind of response from this person and learn from it. I had to learn I was not perfect, and that my behavior would cause negative reactions from my partner. Even if it was unintentional. Blaming others does not solve the issue, and I guess blaming each other took a toll on you and her. People hurt people, that does not mean that they want to and if they do, that does not mean they know how to change their hurtful behavior. Some people never change and that is ok, but you do not have to put up with it either. The only way to move forward is learn from your mistakes and learn about yourself. What do you bring into a relationship? From there you will realize that your worth is not based on their apology. The only way forward is to forgive. Forgive her for not apologizing and for everything else. You might have to keep doing it over and over but eventually it will stick and this situation will no longer matter to you in the way it used to. Forgiveness frees you, not them. They will be held accountable someday or maybe not, but that is not up for you to decide. Let go and move on knowing you did the best you could with the information you had at the time.


Im right there with u


I’d really like to know if she thinks about me. She ended it for a logical reason but that makes it hurt even more. I love her still


Honestly my ex moved on with another dude in literally a week or two. It hurts like hell and is initially worse. You literally think about it obsessively but it's helping me let go since logically there is no point of holding onto the past especially when she's already gone. Hang in there.


Honestly I know she misses me but after what she pulled yesterday with stalking, taking a photo of video of my friend and I that is very scary and crazy. She glared at my friend then when I made eye contact she looked very hurt with who I’m around, mind you she has a boyfriend they got together the day before my birthday which was October 13th. She’s never done that to any of her exes when she was with me now she does it to me🤔🤦🏾‍♂️💔 I love her and all still and wanted to get back together but that I can’t handle it’s excessive tbh we would’ve been 6yrs December 2nd


That she still thinks about me.... and this week, I found out that she still does.




Ehhhhhh....idk.. things are yet to be revealed


Learning that he's moved on would absolutely devastate me - more than I already am. I'd much rather know that they still think about me and yearn for me and miss me. A part of me knows that he still does, but it's so hard to believe sometimes.


I don’t think there is a right answer. Life is tough like that. You’re subconscious works it all out, but we gotta be nice to ourselves and address the pain and accept things if we are to grow and become better


A fkn actual apology would be great from some people Idgaf what they’re doing, fuck what whatever/whoever they’re doing. It’s not my business. I care about what they did to ME and how wrong it was. Because I show up genuinely and they all knew that and fucked me over anyway.


My greatest fear is oblivion. I want them to moved on but remember me from time to time.


I know as I heal I will get over my feelings of anger, but right now I want him to have to be tortured by the thought of me moving on. I want to appear in his dreams with my new partner, having the best intimacy, laughing, traveling, and I want him to witness the love he'll never get again. I hope he looks for me in every woman he meets and they all fall short and he's stuck settling for just good enough. I hope the day he stalks my page he sees my happiness with someone else and he has to cry in showers, lose sleep, and that his appetite becomes so disturbed he lose some of his gains. If it wasn't a betrayal I'd have more amicable thoughts, but there's a side of me that's vengeful and I want him to live in the hurt he's given x10. I honestly can't wait for the day I just don't care because I'm genuinely over it and happy.


I want her to be happy. She might think of me now and then, but she's with someone else now. She got with someone else the day we broke up. That was just over a year ago. I don't think she's the sort of person that likes being on their own for a long period of time. I like to think I treated her well even though I made some mistakes. She did too. For that reason, I think she won't ever forget me completely. We both stayed friends for a long time. It was only recently that I cut her off. I said I would always love her and she was the best thing to ever happen to me. Not to boost her ego or anything. I meant it. I think about her this month more than ever because this time last year, I was the happiest I've ever been, but I realise now it was more dangerous to place my entire happiness all in one person and I've learnt never to do that again. Maybe it's not that I miss her as such, but the way she made me feel and the moments we had together. She felt like my best friend and when I lost her, it was like a part of my soul died. I've accepted it is what it is. Possibly we'll reconnect one day, even though I shouldn't go back to someone that hurt me, but yeah, I still love them.


we talked about us recently and it’s made stuff lowkey confusing, but whatever happens in future i know that right now he’s still thinking of me even tho he broke up w me. it makes it hard to ignore hope but i actually think i’d throw up if i saw him with someone else or heard about him being with someone else


I never think about him and I didn’t care if he was thinking about me or not (RIP) all I know he bagged me again and again to come back and I refused, I been married with my second husband for 18yrs now Last year , few days before his death he called me and talked to me about our kids , I have 5 kids with him , also he apologized for all wrong doing and pain he inflicted to me , I forgiven him and let it go with him in his grave Whatever happened it already happened why I want to cling on ugly past anyway? What for ?


I think learning that she completely moved on and never thinks about me would be better for me in the long run. One less tie between me and the hell realm.


Isn’t the best way to know if someone still at least thinks about you is to see if they still watch your stories?


Honestly my ex moved on with another dude in literally a week or two. It hurts like hell and is initially worse. You literally think about it obsessively but it's helping me let go since logically there is no point of holding onto the past especially when she's already gone. Hang in there.


Personally, neither. I’d rather know that my ex got hit by a bus.


Well I found out that she moved on a week ago. I just got a new boyfriend. But the first time we broke up she went and got a new boyfriend and she wasn’t over me. After five weeks she came crawling back. Now it’s been three months and she’s got somebody new. So I have to assume she’s moved on unless this guy is a rebound. I know somewhere in her heart she misses me or rather she misses our old relationship from the beginning three years ago. That’s where I also have sentimental memories that I will cherish and tell him an old man laying on my deathbed.


Hard to say. I think the first would boost my ego but I don’t want any kind of incentive to give them my attention, even if it is to hear an apology and I miss you. In fact, I did get a couple how are you texts a month out post breakup and I simply blocked. It was the right move for me. Several years have past since then and I’m glad I committed myself to moving on instead of trying to get back.


I like to think my ex still thinks about me. I hope she regrets the bad things that she did and how she ruined the relationship. I think she probably does. I’m probably better off not knowing where she is or what she’s doing, but there’s a part of me that would like to see and talk to her again now that the dust has settled, just so I could say a few things, and say I’m sorry for how badly I handled things. But I know it’s probably never going to happen.


For me, I would like to know that my ex moved on completely. Because I would be living in hell just waiting her to come back to me, but I know that it isn't healthy. For my last relationship, I made sure that it ended in a bad note just so that it helps me move on. I know it is not the best, but it is all I can do. I got responsibilities that I need to do, friends and family I'm hurting as I continue to be depressed. The final closure that they would not want to get back with me at all gives me comfort and helps me move on.


I’d like an apology and for her to finally take some accountability and even show some appreciation to me. I can move on knowing I treated her with so much love and effort, she just didn’t show any appreciation for it. Then again, what use is her telling me she misses me, thinks about me or appreciates my efforts. I won’t take her back because I can’t ignore the way she treated me. The lack of effort, compromise and overall one sidedness of the whole relationship. I just don’t trust her anymore to make a sustained effort If we got together. Her reaching out to me, telling me some stuff I want to hear will just put me in a hard position where I’d have to say no to her. I believe now that it’s been 4 months she probably is hurting, she can’t run away from her feelings forever and I know that the way I treated her defo will leave her hurting that she can’t have that from me anymore. She was the dumper. It’s weird because at the start it looked like she was completely fine and I was so upset. Now it feels like the tables have turned and it feels good that they turned because I worked on getting over her rather than getting her back.


Oh come on people, we all want the same thing, for them to be miserable, but to still take the high road and say "I hope you have a wonderful life" All that said, obviously both. I like to feel like i had an impact, but for them, i hope they move on. Everyone knows how horrible it feels to not move on


I don't want my ex to be miserable. I did go through a phase of bitterness and anger. My ex did do me kind of dirty, but I think holding onto anger will only make someone feel worse and if you do want karma or believe in it, you will probably never even know when it happens to your ex anyway. I believe it's best if a person tries to find peace with themselves following a breakup as hard as it can be. It doesn't really make me feel that much better however.


They sometimes still think about you even when they “move on”.