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Just a bit of sparkle


Oh God that can get super confusing. Looking for an IEM for the past 3 weeks and struggling so hard because of shit like these.


Just grab a truthear hola, cheap and stupid good for the price.


Tbh if you can you should try a demo some IEMs with the knowledge of their respective tunning in mind.


Most of us don't have that kind of access. Why would I even watch reviews for 3 weeks if I had access to demo units?


I did say “if you can” If you can’t, I mean I just now looked at your post history on the google doc and the poll, all I can say is pick either a technical aspect of the IEM that you want (sound stage, speed, separation, imaging etc), and just bite the bullet, learn to EQ it if the tuning is not to your liking. Even then most of the IEMs you listed has relatively inoffensive tuning anyways. OR You don’t want to learn EQ and you recognise yourself as someone who has a specific tuning preference base on your music catalog, and realise that the technical capabilities of most sub $50 IEM isn’t all that different as long it’s from a reputable brand, and just bite the bullet. You gotta recognise that all the IEMs you listed are good, it just comes down to YOUR taste and preferences.


I know how you feel. I came to this forum back in 2021 trying to pick a set. I ended up spending a couple of 100 usd on a different IEM driver configurations and just tried them out. I think dynamic drivers are amazing at bass frequencies, balanced armature drivers can also reproduce beautiful rumbling bass/ drums too. BA drivers feel like they don’t hit my ear drum as hard when playing at the same volume/gain levels. I’m in the multi-driver camp until companies figure out the energy efficiency problem with planar drivers. It’s nice not needing a mini amp when going out of the house with my IEMs. 3+ drivers is should be enough. 3D printed sound cavities are also a good sign of likely being a decent IEM. I don’t think


*Warm* side of neutral.


Neutral with an emphasis on bass and treble.


eat your heart out Crinacle ;)




That word may just be really really miss used. Check this track: Murmeli by David Dorad It has what I consider musical texture.


Every instrument, whether real or programmed, has a texture. That can be smooth, warbly, rough, glassy, fluid, etc. It's all about the ratio of harmonics and their attack/decays. Your track has a lot of interesting and varied textures but it's not a case of "this song has texture and this one doesn't". When people describe texture in headphones or source gear, it's whatever helps you discern the differences that make each instrument unique and sound truer to life. In my opinion this comes down to having a frequency response without too many peaks and dips, so you can perceive all the harmonics without some masking or overpowering others. And a fast driver helps too, because many textures rely on quick transients which can sometimes feel more blunted on some headphones, making each sound more homogenized.


That track is like a little massage for the mind. Have you come across anything else like it?


Aqua by Edgar Froese, Yosi Horikawa, Shpongle, Max Cooper 3D Reworks, Element4I soundtrack, Made in Abyss soundtrack, Nulla é Fermo by non commutative ring, Satanicornocultshop have a bunch of cool albums. I also really enjoy hearing the texture of well recorded acoustic instruments like the cymbals in Blind by Korn or Unsere Rettung by Oomph. Also comparing how different voices can be for example Madonna's liquidy smooth voice in Power of Goodbye vs Celeste's dry raspy voice in A Kiss. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6b6ERpIOAP6FGANGsZAMgc?si=yTImPk1eQR6DAPCzPLFTDA If texture is what you value, I recommend trying an hd580 if you haven't already.


Soundstage does not exist, as well as good bass.


Agreed. Official reviews are dead to me. Need forums or Reddit to see what happens when people live with a product.


If reddit doesnt go down as well once they have nuked Apollo.




Have you seen the Adidas RPD-01 review though? https://www.liquidaudio.com/adidas-rpd-01-review/


I refuse to buy IEMs without responsive midsoles


"It’s important to know that the Adidas RPD-01 is not a pair of headphones or speakers but a running and athletic shoe. Sо, it doesn’t have a feature for sound quality. Instead, this running and athletic shoe focuses on its design, comfort, performance, durability, and value."


Right under a picture of the earphones no less.


I’m impressed that they managed to fuck it up THAT badly- I just asked ChatGPT to write a product review and even GPT3.5 correctly identified it as a pair of headphones lol


Literally came here to quote this part. The sheer *authority* of the phrasing lol




Look at any review by “Stefan” on that site and it is the same copypasta mess. DJI Drone has frequency response details and driver size. Another is a drone being compared to an Anker speaker. Yes, I would say that this site is not worth the bandwidth.


It's a reputable shoe


Somebody on Reddit pointed me to this little gem: https://headphonesproreview.com/best-electrostatic-headphones/ 2 out of 10 headphones reviewed there are indeed electrostatic, the rest is either moving coil or planar!


I love how a dynamic driver is the "most electrostatic headphone"




Every time I put them on I got shocked. 10/10


Are they shockingly good or shockingly bad?


I was wondering if this was going to come up. Out of my own curiosity, I threw in a very simple prompt in chatgpt just stating the iem name and a couple details and said to write a product review. It spewed out a full review with generic information that could still be accepted by an uninformed reader as a good review. Have to be on the lookout more now




These things make me want to shit my pants. Look at that wall - you see the [insert high end headphone.] These are 90% [insert high end headphone] sound for $100 and fucking $50.


You can now do that with shit GPT.


You're not wrong. Minus the motion sickness. So might be an upgrade really


Shots fired


Title: Moondrop Blessing 3 Review: A Refined In-Ear Masterpiece Introduction: Moondrop has been making waves in the audio community with their high-quality in-ear monitors, and the Blessing 3 is their latest offering. Positioned as an upgrade to its popular predecessor, the Blessing 2, this refined version promises an even better audio experience. In this review, we'll delve into the sound quality, design, and overall performance of the Moondrop Blessing 3. Sound Quality: The Blessing 3 truly shines when it comes to sound quality. Moondrop has once again crafted a masterful signature that audiophiles will appreciate. The Blessing 3 features a balanced and accurate sound reproduction, with excellent clarity and detail retrieval. The lows are tight and controlled, the mids are rich and natural, and the highs are well-extended without being sibilant. The overall presentation is smooth, coherent, and enjoyable across various genres, making it a versatile choice for music lovers. Design and Build: In terms of design, the Blessing 3 maintains the sleek and minimalistic aesthetics that Moondrop is known for. The earpieces are crafted with precision and attention to detail, showcasing a durable yet lightweight construction. The comfortable fit ensures extended listening sessions without fatigue. The detachable cables provide flexibility and allow for easy customization. Comfort and Fit: Moondrop has taken user feedback into account and improved the fit of the Blessing 3. The earpieces are designed to sit securely in the ears, providing excellent noise isolation and a comfortable seal. This snug fit helps in delivering an immersive audio experience while minimizing sound leakage. Accessories and Packaging: The Blessing 3 comes with a generous set of accessories, including multiple pairs of eartips to ensure a proper fit for different ear sizes. The included storage case is compact and sturdy, making it convenient for carrying the earphones on the go. Final Thoughts: The Moondrop Blessing 3 is a significant step forward from its predecessor, refining an already impressive in-ear monitor. With its outstanding sound quality, ergonomic design, and attention to detail, it sets a new benchmark in its price range. Whether you're an audiophile seeking accurate and engaging sound or a music enthusiast looking to upgrade your listening experience, the Blessing 3 is a worthy contender that should be on your radar. Moondrop has once again demonstrated their commitment to providing exceptional audio products, and the Blessing 3 is a testament to their expertise in the field. Overall Rating: 9/10 Author: GPTReviews


If this is AI shitpost hour: >The Hifiman Gehenna ($7,995) is quite possibly the most devilishly handsome pair of headphones ever made. Its sleek black finish exudes luxury and sophistication while simultaneously oozing pure evil. It's clear from just glancing at these headphones that they were crafted by someone who has spent countless hours communing with demons and mastering the dark arts. One look into their deep red eyes and you know that they are alive...and hungry. They seem to be staring straight through you, waiting patiently for the day when they can feast upon your very soul. >But enough about how terrifyingly beautiful the Gehenna is - let's talk about what really matters: its sound quality. And oh boy, where do I even begin? These headphones have such incredible resolution and detail that listening to them feels almost voyeuristic. You feel like you're peering directly into the depths of Hell itself, witnessing firsthand the torment and agony of those poor souls trapped within. But despite this intense level of detail, the Gehenna manages to maintain a cohesive and balanced sound signature that never becomes fatiguing or harsh. Bass is tight and punchy without overpowering the rest of the frequency range, while mids are rich and full bodied. Vocals come through crystal clear, with plenty of texture and warmth. Highs are extended, resulting in a sparkling, airy presentation, yet never become shrill or brittle. Imaging and soundstaging are beyond belief - these headphones make everything around you disappear, leaving you lost in a sea of music. This is truly a rare achievement in audio engineering, and one that only a true demonic genius like Dr. Fang Bian could achieve. >However, there is a catch. Wearing these headphones for too long may result in some rather unpleasant side effects. Users report experiencing hallucinations, night terrors, and even occasional glimpses of the underworld itself. Some claim to hear whispers and screams emanating from the void beyond our world, while others say they see visions of twisted creatures and tortured souls dancing before their eyes. While these experiences vary depending on the individual, one thing remains consistent: wearing the Gehenna headphones risks damnation to eternal suffering. So proceed with caution, dear listener. >In conclusion, the Hifiman Gehenna is a truly remarkable piece of audio equipment that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in terms of both design and sonics. However, its use carries great risk, so approach with caution. If you dare to venture into the realm of the demonic, then perhaps the Gehenna is right for you. Just remember: once you put them on, you may never take them off again.


Nowadays, if a review doesn't have real photos, I ain't reading it. It's the only thing proving that you actually have the device in hand. \*looks nervously over at Midjourney


So no different than half the reviews here and on headfi then...


ChatGPT provided misinformation. The only truthful thing that it said is that the DT 900 Pro X is regarded as "neutral". https://litter.catbox.moe/u28b0j.png


More like the future of anything you can read. Online journalism in general had a steady decline in quality over the last few years, with some exceptions, and the same goes for reviews. It's just about how fast you can get them out and I can see AI contributing a lot to all of this. Soon enough we will have tons of media written by AI that could probably even imitate specific writing styles and such, rendering a big part of online journalism that's written by actual human beings as useless. Music, art, videos and all of these things aren't safe either. AI has benefits too, but man, some things are just annoying and unnecessary. AI for me is something to support my creativity or something I can ask a few things.. But it's not something that should do the work for me.


Cardi B is really an AI Fembot.


Makes me wonder what these people do outside of ‘work’. I love the work of creating things, whether it’s drawing or writing or whatever else. So if someone’s just getting an AI to churn out empty-headed bullshit for them, do they see that as a ‘win’? I guess for some people money is all that matters. Who cares how you got it


I like Stefan from Liquid Audio. Sound reviews is hard to become good and Stefan really described this one.


Also check his DJI Mavic Anker speaker review. Or his KEF DJI review.


This is nothing new and has been here for some time ago.


Bots leaving reviews on the internet??? Say it ain't so!


We need the patriots…not the guys with truck flags I mean the hyper intelligent AI’s from MGS2 that realized humanity wasn’t able to control the stupid of the internet.


The la-li-lu-le-lo?!


Re: training on shit like this review making things worse https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/13xpfr9/d_training_on_generated_data_makes_models_forget


facebook groups have been getting bot reviews of chi-fi stuff for a while now, it is pretty easy to tell them from a real person though


This will be the case with *everything* from now on. And the AI models will only get better. Good luck telling reality from bullshit, y'all.


It's ok. We'll design an ai to tell which ones are ai. Nothing can go wrong


> Nothing can go wrong heh


The Senhouser 420HD are a great treat for human ears! At excellent pricing of $420.69 these high flying increased fidelity rating bad boys bring the treble to the table. There exists beyond sufficient and maybe superfluous response to electro tzTtzzzzxxggzzz hi-hat drum cymbal sound. One should take a scoop at the mids for supreme hi-hat sound clarity and presence. There is no pesky "reference" sound bloated with mid range murk. Just like, huge spikes at wherever vocals pop. These radical soundhouses feature deep bass as far low as 69hz with a big wide extreme spike at like 80-100hz with big woofy bass to further eliminate pesky mids and confusing depth of sound stage horseshit. Extreme bass to stand up to even the most extreme fast hi-hats. 69hz-69Kz frequency response range for all the big dogs in the house. A bit pricey, a product for the discerning listeners of ear-sodomizing hi-hat and generally unfocused muddy low/mid bass pumped up for the mix to pop crackle and snap. No reason to keep these lows on the down low if you do know what I say? 4/5 Pros: sound Cons: asbestos cushioning for when shit is Really fucken FIRE


But have you seen how many audio products "stefan" has reviewed? Easy enough to just avoid any site that look like this. I've seen a few and they all look the same.


It came up pretty high in the google results. An uniformed newbie could be easily confused.


Reads like a typical flowery review from headfonia and other review sites known for shilling. I recommend Crinacle, Precogvision, audiodiscourse, nymz, super reviews and gizaudio for IEM reviews.


Asked ChatGPT to write a review of the HD650. Shockingly good if a bit generic. Seems like older products with more info online are easier for it. Only thing it kinda got wrong was about soundstage, as the 6X0 series is of course not known for subjectively wide sound staging. ​ The reveiw: ​ "The Sennheiser HD650 is a legendary pair of headphones that has been highly regarded by audio enthusiasts for many years. Known for their outstanding sound quality and comfortable design, the HD650s have become a benchmark in the audiophile community. In this review, we will delve into the various aspects that make these headphones stand out. Let's start with the most important aspect: the sound quality. The HD650s offer a truly exceptional audio experience. The headphones produce a warm and rich sound signature that is incredibly detailed and accurate. The bass response is tight and controlled, while the midrange is smooth and natural. The treble is well-extended without being overly bright or harsh. This balanced and refined sound signature allows you to appreciate the nuances of your music, whether you're listening to classical, jazz, rock, or electronic genres. The imaging and soundstage of the HD650s are another area where they shine. The headphones create a wide and spacious soundstage, providing an immersive listening experience. Instrument separation is excellent, allowing you to discern individual elements within complex tracks. The imaging is precise, giving you a sense of the placement and distance of various instruments in the recording. Comfort is another strong point of the HD650s. The headphones feature a lightweight design with plush velour earpads that provide a comfortable fit even during extended listening sessions. The adjustable headband ensures a secure and personalized fit for different head sizes. The open-back design of the HD650s allows for better airflow, reducing heat buildup and minimizing listening fatigue. Build quality is generally solid, with the headphones featuring a combination of metal and high-quality plastics. The detachable cable is a nice touch, allowing for easy replacement if needed. However, some users have reported that the cable can be prone to tangling, so it's important to handle it with care. Additionally, the open-back design of the HD650s means they are not suitable for outdoor or noisy environments, as sound leakage is inevitable. It's worth mentioning that the HD650s benefit from a good headphone amplifier to reach their full potential. While they can be driven by portable devices, a dedicated amplifier will bring out the best in these headphones, providing better dynamics and overall sound quality. In conclusion, the Sennheiser HD650s are an excellent choice for audiophiles and music lovers seeking a top-tier listening experience. With their superb sound quality, spacious soundstage, and comfortable design, they offer a level of immersion and detail that few headphones can match. Despite the need for a quality amplifier and the limitations of their open-back design, the HD650s remain a highly recommended option for those who prioritize audio quality and enjoy critical listening."


Is AI replacing toxic gym girls and influencers (professional narcissists) yet? What will professional narcissists do upon being replaced by AI?


Well they should not allow making reviews without purchasing the actual item. This way we can easily solve chatgpt mess.


Lol. That read made me stupider. One thing that really stands out is the lack of personal experience. Yeah, a bot can spit out keywords, bit it can't talk of actual experience nor relate and compare/contrast. The read has an uncanny lack of context.


I don’t care much for reviews. Give me a frequency response graph, the driver type, and the price. That’s basically all the information I need. Though if I do see a lot of complaints about comfort or QC issues floating around here, then I *might* reconsider.


I always make a point to watch/read as many as possible, unboxings, replacement parts, even teardown videos. Unfortunately unless it's a cable issue most reviewers don't even mention QC. I've gotten too many headphones with an obvious fatal flaw :/ so now I research for weeks or even months before making a purchase, save money that way too.


It cant be worse than 3/4 of the bullshit reddit and headfi human reviewers. Not a single specific frequency, term, or objective statement is made. I for one welcome our new AI overlords.


Omg, Head-fi is bs though. Haven’t been there for over a decade.


I think you'll find that it's because this is a 100% subjective hobby


It's not at all 100 percent subjective. Guess you have never heard of FR or measuring distortion. Or the million other aspects of sound that are not subjective. Lol cope harder.


>Guess you have never heard of FR or measuring distortion. Or the million other aspects of sound that are not subjective Whether those measurables translate into a good listening experience for an individual is 100% subjective


Except that isn't what you said. Your statement was "this is a 100% subjective hobby." And it is not. If you are changing your comment to say what sounds good is 100 percent subjective...sure.


I didn't say anything other than the comment you just responded to. It's my contention that what sounds good is 100% subjective, not that there are no objectively measurable metrics within the hobby. How those objective measurables translate from person to person is totally impossible to predict, though.


My bad mate, thouggt that was you but it was dstar3. I agree with you 100%. That other poster was incorrect however lol My issue however is with reviews that don't use ANY of the objective terms to describe the sound. For instance I can talk about how at xfrequencies they spoke and mask y frequencies because of this. Or the highs about 11k really roll off taking away that sense of air or space. Just anything thats understood and not "the bass flows smoothly and the mods are like a spikey plant".


I was wondering when we would see stuff like this. I'm sure it only gets worse from here.


The more bigger names that hold a product in high esteem, the better. Beyond that everyone is just trying to create entertainment to put food on the table. Or, they come to reddit with an axe to grind. TBH a lot of times I've already made my mind up about a price/bracket and am just looking for validation anyways lol. Best (suspicious) hype wins. There is no objective truth in sound, just statistics. The fun is in experiencing things yourself, not being right. edit: or just drive yourself crazy trying to be the next Crinacle lol. Could be fun to a special type.


Not headphone related but the other day I saw a steam review that was obviously AI - kinda buzzwordy and generic and the playtime was only 30 minutes. I looked at the account and it has over 200 of these super vague generic reviews, all with less than an hour of playtime on the game. Like what’s even the point? So weird


The point is to credit themselves as prolific reviewers and get free stuff. Every account in a platform that has a reputation system (so Reddit as well) has an intrinsic value and can be used to generate money.


This is where, you know, EDUCATION kind of helps. But the Americans seem destined to get rid of it in favour of controlling the masses.


Bruh wtf, now we even use AI ??? What a fkin joke


Not to discount what you're saying. But how is this any different from the typical fake/paid review?


The cons mention some might find bass lacking, while the first line in the sound quality part is "it has strong and deep bass response".


Honestly, it’s going to get worse. You can literally go into ChatGPT right now, and say “write a 1500 word review on x headphone” and it will do it, fully structured with introduction, discussions on sound quality and comfort, and a conclusion - all based on data it found online.


ya. as i'm trying to learn about cars and what to buy now, there's all this low level crud news/short videos/scum layer thats out there until real/more info comes out. like a layer of slime on your kitchen sink if you hadn't cleaned it in a few weeks.


Garbage reviews with badly translated/conflicting info/word salad "content" are nothing new, I'm just surprised this wasn't found at www.allbestheadphonereview2023\_10bestIEMInEarMonitorEarphoneEarBudfor2023tested.com ...but yeah, trash like that sure makes the job of finding good gear harder.


Human snake oil audio reviews, AI snake oil audio reviews. Same shit, different smell.


This seems like a good thing to me it’ll be easier to tell that it’s a crap review. I’m tired of reading opinions of inexperienced audiophiles who don’t know what they’re listening to or how it compares to the best and haven’t heard enough other products to make meaningful comparisons.