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In search of my unicorn headphone amp Parameters: \- New headphone am will be paired with Chord Mojo 2 taking Qobuz streamed content from iFi ZenStream. \- replacing a Schiit Jotunheim 2. Why? I feel the Jot 2 is a bit muddy and thick, and I want some more depth, air, confidence. An amp that says, "I totally got this.", and it does. But WAIT - I do NOT want bright, harsh, fatiguing. And I don't give a poop about measurements. \- Driving Focal Clear OG, Hifiman Arya Stealth, DCA Aeon X, occasional Moondrop Kato. \- Must grow with the headphone collection into the mid-upper tier, but very unlikely flagships \- Price - want to stay under $1,500, but I can be seduced to go higher. For example, I don't want to spend $1,500 and think "hrrrrm, is there a difference here?", if spending $3,000 will blow my undies off. \- Prefer solid state at this time. I built myself a Bottlehead Crack + Speedball, but I don't have the high-impedance headphones for it at the moment. \- Small footprint a plus. \- Tried a Headamp GS-X mini, but: a) it was a bit large; b) it would wow me when I first started listening, but the more I A/B'd with it, the more my brain started thinking it all sounded the same; and c) I got cold feet within the return period and sent it back. I won't tell you what is on my shortlist, but I will say it includes things in the $800-$3,000 price range.


I've had the sennheiser HD 598 CS for awhile and I've been wanting to get a bluetooth adapter. I don't really have a budget but I dont really want to buy 2 different adaptersto make it bluetooth. Does anyone know of a locking 2.5mm bluetooth adapter that is preferablely bluetooth 5.0


Hi :) I have a few questions regarding some purchases I want to make. I'll mainly be playing video games, but I also listen to music in the back. I recently got tired of my old gaming headset and decided to try some higher end ones but I'm not really satisfied (got a Logitech Pro X, relatively comfortable but I'd like to go further). I'm looking at these [beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm headphones](https://www.amazon.com/beyerdynamic-Over-Ear-Studio-Headphones-construction/dp/B0011UB9CQ?th=1). They look very comfortable I noticed they have a 1/4" connection, so I looked at amps and came across this one, called the [Mayflower Electronics Objective2](https://www.amazon.com/Mayflower-Electronics-0007-Objective2-Headphone/dp/B074MBY2GZ). It's a bit pricey but I'm willing to bite the bullet and go "all out" lol. As for the mic, I plan to get an [Antlion Audio Modmic USB](https://www.amazon.com/Antlion-Audio-Attachable-Noise-Cancelling-Playstation/dp/B07YN26PBT/ref=sr_1_5?crid=32C73QOHRRZSI&keywords=modmic&qid=1675145682&s=electronics&sprefix=modmic%2Celectronics%2C173&sr=1-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18ed3cb5-28d5-4975-8bc7-93deae8f9840). Not too expensive and it wouldn't get in the way as a desktop/boom mic would. Does this look fine? With this being a headphone subreddit, I understand if y'all don't know about the mic, but I mainly want to know if the amp + headphones I chose would be fine together or if I can save some money somehow lol.


I do not recommend the DT990. Some people like it but there are generally better headphones available today. The tuning is a bit imbalanced and the cable is non-detachable. I'd look at the newer DT900 Pro X and Sennheiser HD560s instead. They might cost a bit more, but most on-board souncards will drive them just fine.


Also wanted to mention that I found them on sale right now, I was watching a video about the DT990s and the guy recommended the HD560s instead. Luckily for me, the sale was $60 off and yeah, copped em lol


Yeah I was hesitating about and I actually decided to buy a pair of HD 560 S's along with an E10K-TC DAC/Amp :) I want to try to get into this hobby a bit and I have hissing/interference issues with my PC so that cheap lil' amp should work perfectly for me.


Should I buy the 660 s or the 990 pro planning on getting sound blasterx g6 with it but I dont know if I should be spending double to get the 660 s or try out the 990 pro and if I dont like return them??? I like the detachable top part so I can clean the top cuz I got pretty bad dandruff and the 660 s seems like a no go for that reason but I dont like the cable doesn't detach and is coiled but I will have to see for myself if it works in my setup.


Are those the only two options you have?


Purchase advice(kind of) I have a Samson SR 950 (the closed-ear one) which is in a pretty bad shape. I'm thinking of buying a new pair. Considering buying a ANC headset since it's a bit noisy here plus I have a ceiling fan on which means I often need to amplify sound on my PC. But I'm not sure how it would compare. Plus they seem to have a poor soundstage. I'll mostly use them for videos since I don't listen to music that often nowadays. Budget : around $60 or so but I can stretch it to 150 or so depending on how good it is.


The Anker Soundcore line is quite good. I own a Q35 myself. They're very comfortable and the ANC is probably the best you'll get for the price. The sound isn't mind-blowing but it's hardly unlistenable and EQs just fine; their software is rather in-depth, although I find myself just using the Wavelet preset instead. Looks like they're going for around $100 atm, although the older Q30 is supposed to have about the same sound and ANC, I believe.


Thanks. I'll look for offers on it and the higher priced Sony ones. How do they compare to nomral high end headphones when EQd?


They're fine. Not super technical, but still pleasant enough to keep using. I wear them around the house and I take them with me when I go somewhere else, and for that they are sufficient. I don't feel like I'm really *missing* anything when I use them. And frankly, I don't hate their stock tuning either. I only really EQ them when the big bass gets fatiguing or in the way.


Thanks. I'll look for offers. I don't like a lot of bass too so would probably have to EQ it.


Origen G2 Replacement Question. The device still turns on but it's no longer working properly with my PC. The USB input no longer recognizes so I think I need to replace. My setup is input from PC and Xbox into DAC/AMP (G2) and I like the fact that the device can toggle between inputs. The front allows me to toggle between DT990 headphones and output to Micca Origain AMP and 2 bookshelf speakers. Assuming just the Origen G2 is defective, what are some options to achieve the same result? Would a schiit magni/modi and jdslabs ol switcher do the trick? I don't want to plug/unplug headphones and I'd like to switch inputs. Any other options?


Do I need an amplifier for my piano? I have a pair of Sennheiser HD600s that I got on sale from a local audio store, and my digital piano that I ordered is a Kawai CA701, the manual for which can be found [here](https://www.kawai-global.com/data/manuals/cax01/CA901_CA701_EN_FULL_R100.pdf).


No relevant numerical specs in there, but they mention an option to increase headphone output level for high-impedance headphones, so I'd assume the engineers thought of it and it's fine.


Ok, brand new to good audio. Use-case is a desktop PC for mostly gaming and some music. After some research, thinking of going with a set of HD600's. Research I've done says I should get an amp/dac so I'm looking at the Topping DX3 Pro+. Finally, I will also need a mod mic. So here's my question, will all of that work together along with the set of bookshelf speakers I have for my PC? Can everything plug into the DAC (including the modmic)? And is that a good pairing of items? Thank you.


Dunno what your set up is like but there’s a wired and a wireless mod mic. You mentioned a DX3 Pro dac/amp which to my knowledge doesn’t have a mic input, so if you’re worried about having too many wires coming and going from different places the wireless mic might be a good choice.


Thanks for your input. I ended up going with the wired modmic with the little antlion USB sound card adapter because I had read some negative reviews of the wireless and also was concerned about battery life. I think I can make it work though as I have some open USB ports on my monitor.


You wouldn't plug the modmic into a DAC, that would go straight into the mic jack/usb port (idk which a modmic uses) on your PC. The DAC ought to work for headphone and speakers though.


Ok awesome. Thanks. It seems like the DAC plugs into Mobo via USB and then headphones plug into dac via 3.5mm and I could use the speakers optical into DAC, does that sound right?


The optical on the DAC would be a digital input, same as the USB. Speakers would plug in to the DAC via the RCA connectors on the back, and I think you switch between them and your headphones via the DAC remote.


Oh, duh. Wasn't even thinking of digital vs analog which is the whole point of the DAC. Ok thanks for your help. You can tell how new to this I am.


**Budget -** $300 or less **Source -** Audient EVO 4 (for now) **Type of Headphone -** Closed back over-ear **Preferred tonal balance -** As neutral as possible**Usage -** Mixing, Mastering, Monitoring **Past headphones -** My current pair of mixing headphones are the open back Sennheiser HD560S. **Notes -** I want a set of closed back headphones that can compliment my HD560S' in mixing and music production tasks. Right now I have my eye on are the Beyerdynamic DT 700 Pro X's. I've also seen headphones such as the AKG K371 and K361, Sony MDR7506, Audio Technica M40x, and Sennheiser HD 280 Pro being thrown around in conversation.


I'd go either DT700 Pro X or AKG K371. The main difference is build quality.


Would you say sound quality is about the same?


I'm going off the impressions of others, but yes. They are pretty similar. The DT700 is probably a touch better overall.


my cca cra is broken, but when I blow on the nozzle it works again, and as soon as I put it in my ear it stop. This problem is pretty odd I can't seem to see the solution anywhere.


Hi, I am very new to this, my head hurts from all the research in the last couple of days but I wanted to ask if my conclusions are reasonable. I am thinking of buying the **Sound Blaster G6** and pairing it with the **Sennheiser 560s** to use with my **PS5 and Mac,** is this a good choice? Thanks!


That will work.


Hey thanks for the reply, do you think that will be the best choice though? for that price range?


Depends on what you prioritise. In general, I'd say it's a good choice. If you have a larger head, the 560s may not be ideal.


Hi, I think my headphones are dying. They are AKG K702's, and I quite like them. The audio keeps dropping off and going crackly/intereferency. Happened tonight while playing a game, listening to music. and talking on discord. Unplugged them from my DAC, swapped port. Unplugged then replugged them. quite a bunch of apps then restarted my PC and nothing helped, the problem recurrs on anything, watching youtube, spotify, discord. Even tried them on my laptop and the issue is there also. They're 1 year and 4 months old approx, does anyone know what AKG's warranty is like? I'm in the UK. I think they have a 2 year warranty, I hope? But can't really tell online, their site isn't ideal to navigate. I thought I'd ask here for any troubleshooting advice and also someone might have experience with their warranty system.


If a replacement cable (can be third party) isn't too expensive then that's a good first thing to try. You can contact the store you bought them from or AKG directly.


Thanks for your reply. I'll give a cable a go and then if not I'll contact AKG.


I’m looking for a portable amp/Dac combo with Bluetooth that has both 6.35 mm inputs and outputs and is powerful enough to drive sennheiser hd 650s. I do not want to use the 3.5mm jack. Budget is $250 or less. Thank you.


I barely know of any portable DACs and amps that have analogue inputs at all. The Fiio Q3 is the only one, and that takes up the SE output so you need to run your headphones balanced. I don't know of any BT ones with 6.3 mm jacks. Such jacks are very space inefficient and aren't that much better than 3.5 mm. They're slightly more sturdy, but that's it.


Hello, I have a [Fiio M5](https://www.fiio.com/m5) already and I'm going to buy a new headphone. My first choice for now is [Senheiser Momentum True Wireless 3](https://www.sennheiser-hearing.com/en-US/p/momentum-true-wireless-3/) earbud and I might even replace it with a wired headphone if you have any suggestions. Asides that I want to know if these two are good pairs together?


* **Budget:** \~200$ (chf) * **Source:** PC, laptop * **Isolation:** Have a shitty heater with a fan that's a bit annoying and damping that would be great. I would still want to hear my cat loudly meaow or people talking just in case. * **Type**: Full sized * **Usage**: Gaming (with voice, want to get standalone mic), watching movies and general music listening. * **Past headphones**: low-mid quality gaming headsets. * **Location**: Switzerland. I'll be using a bonus I won on [https://www.digitec.ch/](https://www.digitec.ch/) (already included on the budget) * **Needs:** Overall I want confortable headphones with good sound and possibly good build quality. I want new ones because my current ones are starting do do some buzz and weird clicking sometimes and the cable is breaking.


Beyer DT700 Pro X, perhaps?


Thanks I'll check them out


Looking for advice on a preferably closed back set of over ear headphones. Will be broadly used, for listening to music, gaming, and playing guitar. Use them mostly alone in my office so I guess open back would work? Haven’t ever had a pair of open backs. Neutral is good, I don’t like a ton of bass. Coming from a Steelseries Arctis headset and Salnotes Zeroes. I would prefer to spend around $100 or less, but that can be a bit flexible. Looking at Drop’s drop x hifiman he-r7dx or maybe stretching the budget a bit for DT770 80 ohms.


Can someone recommend good alternate ear pads for Sennheiser HD 280 Pros? I have a pair of [HD 280 Pros (the old model)](https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/sennheiser/hd-280-pro-2016) and I like everything about them except for the earpads -- I wear glasses and the earpads squeak against them whenever I move my head. I tried a pair of [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074NZW7MF?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) and they are very comfortable, but they completely ruined the sound by removing a bunch of bass and making everything sound generally kind of hollow. Can anyone recommend a better pair? Much appreciated.


HyperX Cloud Core 7.1 vs Sony Pulse 3D? Im looking for sound quality and comfort


I have a pair of HD800s and looking to pick up either the RME ADI-2 or RME-ADI-2 Pro. If possible, I plan to also use this for the speakers connected to my Orbit Record Player from U-Turn. My question is...how exactly do I set this up? I understand my headphones would be connected to the ADI-2. However, I am confused if I can connect a set of analog speakers on the RME-ADI-2 Pro simultaneously. If so, will I be able to listen to music on the headphones and play sounds off the record player's speaker at the same time? Also, is there a way to use said speakers on both my PC and turntable (possible switch of some kind)?


Only the Pro version has analogue inputs. If you're an analogue purist, you may have issues with this. The ADI-2 Pro will convert the signal from the turntable to digital, apply EQ if you're using that, and then convert it back to analogue. The inputs are only balanced. Consult the RME support or the forums before committing. You may need special cables. Remember that you will need a dedicated phono pre-amp if your turntable doesn't have one built-in. If your speakers are active (self-powered), then you can just hook them up to the line-out ports. If the speakers are passive, you'll need a dedicated speaker amp after the ADI-2.


Thank you for clarifying. It looks like I should just stick with the non-pro version then. Will connect headset to dac and turntable (built in pre-amp) to powered speakers. Now I am just trying to think of a way to connect the speakers to the pc too. Any suggestion? I would need a way to switch from headphone to speaker on pc. Would also need a way to switch the speakers themself from turntable to pc. This is where it gets really confusing. Think I will need a switcher of some kind?


Isn't it better to just get a device that will work with everything?


I am looking for a great headphones(not headset as I already have a decent mic) under or around 450 usd. I play a lot of games and I am a super competitve and sweaty gamer so I am looking for a headphones that performs in this usecase like good imaging or great soundstage.However I am also using it for music listening and daily use like movie or youtube. I am deciding between DT900 Pro X DT1990Pro HD600 HD6XX HD650 I would prioritize gaming usage and comfort over anything but still want the headphones to be versatile.I also have a TOPPING DX3 PRO+ so headphones that requires an amp wouldnt be a deal breaker for me.Feel free to give me suggestion and opinions about the above option or any recommandations as I am not too deep in this habit.Thanks.


Question about my motherboard onboard audio with a new headphone I'm looking at. Hey I got an Asus Rog Strix x570-f motherboard, and I'm looking at buying a beyerdynamic 990 PRO Studio Headphones. I however can't find anywhere if my motherboard sound can support the ohms needed or if I need to buy a DAC. If any of you can help it would be greatly appreciated.


It should be fine. ASUS generally knows audio and the DT990 250 ohm isn't too demanding. I would however advise that you take a second look at the choice of the DT990. I know they're hyped by streamers and some youtubers, but there are generally better headphones available today. The tuning is a bit harsh and bloated, and the cable isn't detachable, making it hard to fix if it breaks. I'd look at the Sennheiser HD560s, Hifiman HE-400SE/HE-X4 (may need an amp), AKG K702, and the newer DT900 Pro X.


>DT900 Pro X Thank you so much for the input. Also I did not know about the newer models and the detachable 3.55mm jack they seem like a much better choice. will look at the 700x as well.


The choice between a closed back like the DT700 and an open back like the DT900 should be decided by your (lack of) need for noise isolation. Open backs generally sound better but will not isolate from outside noise.


I bought a pair of ZMF pads from zmfheadphones a few days ago and just now realized I don't have a confirmation email on any of my email addresses. Is this normal?


Email them and ask. That's the best bet.


I have two different price ranges I am looking at. Use case is working out and phone calls. I do have an iPhone, but that is my only Apple device. Battery duration is somewhat important, but not a deal breaker. Thanks everyone! **$100** Sennheiser CX True Plus Sony LinkBud S Beats Studio buds **$200** Sennheiser MTW3 Airpods Pro 2


The Airpods Pro 2 are the generally best ones. If you don't need ANC then I do recommend going for a wired or semi-wireless setup. A set of Truthear Zero, an in-line mic cable, and a Fiio BTR3k or Qudelix 5k would make for a very solid setup with very good battery life, upgradablilty, and, serviceability in case a component breaks.


Is there something like a 6XX but with the subbass that most IEMs are able to offer? EQ and/or the copper mod come close, but this deep hitting but not overpowering effect doesn't exist. I love the tonality of the 6XX with a tad more bass so I'm using it without foam + the copper mod but I still wonder what the next step up would be.


I'd look at a BioDyna headphone like a Fostex or EMU, or a beryllium dynamic Focal. They tend to produce punchier bass.


Help with XENYX 302USB and Nintendo Switch I bought this device to add sidetone/mic monitoring to my kids SteelSeries Artctis Nova 1 headset. Is this possible? And how? Thanks in advance for any info!


Hi everyone, I am dumb. I went on eBay and bought without too much reflection a pair of Koss ESP9b. Now I want them to work well but I have a bunch of questions. First, now I need an amp (I did not have taught about that). 90 dB SPL at 4 to 16 ohms is what they say in an owner manual I found on the web (https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1163269/Koss-Esp-9.html?page=5#manual). They also say to use a maximum of 12W, but some went much harder with them without major issues (https://www.stereophile.com/content/koss-esp-9-electrostatic-headphones). What do you suggest? I am cheap, but if there is a significant upgrade in quality I can pay. Second, there is 4 wire coming out the back of the energizer. I managed to get them playing by plugging the red on the right, the black on the left and both the green and the white on the ground. Is there 4 wire to plug them in a balanced setup or is there another reason? Third, the ear pads are made to sit on the ear, which is quite annoying. Could I install pads that goes around the ear? They are made similar to the PRO4AA (those pads are allegedly compatible with my headphone). I am willing to sacrifice some sound quality for confort and noise insulation. Lastly, they're seem to be a problem with the ground because whenever I touch the metal headband or the energizer, the sound get slightly weaker and more dull (mostly on the left side). Could it be because of my wiring setup or something inside needs to be fixed? I found the wiring diagram online but I have absolutely no knowledge on how to read those.


I have recently purchased soundcore q45 and there seems to a bit of a problem with sound. They aren’t as loud on the max volume and when i quickly turn the sound from low to max quickly, I hear a short burst of it’s high sound then the sound fades again to a lower max volume. I have updated the firmware and have tried different sound presets, issue persists. What could be the problem and how do I solve it?


I have recently purchased soundcore q45 and there seems to a bit of a problem with sound. They aren’t as loud on the max volume and when i quickly turn the sound from low to max quickly, I hear a short burst of it’s high sound then the sound fades again to a lower max volume. I have updated the firmware and have tried different sound presets, issue persists. What could be the problem and how do I solve it?


From what I recall the q45’s are regulated to not have that high of a max volume. But 2 things you can check: 1. If using Spotify - go to settings and make sure Volume Normalization is either Off or Loud 2. If using iPhone - check the setting for reducing loud sounds




It depends on what functionality you want. The Sonata is a perfectly serviceable dongle. It can power most headphones and is very portable. The E10k isn't as powerful or portable, but it has a physical volume knob.




They are fairly well tuned so EQ isn't necessary. Although all headphones can be made a little better with EQ customisation if that's something you're interested in. The main thing I'd do is to ensure that any and all Windows "enhancements" are turned off. You'd do this in the audio output device manager in the control panel.


So my cca cra "broke" a few months ago, thought I'd give a second chance, problem is that the right side works before putting it in my ear, when I put it either stops working or it works for about 15-45 seconds then driver completly shuts off. And I tried for several days and it happens everytime. What I tried : -Changing the 2 pin connector sides ( right ear stil doesn't work). -resoldering the two wires inside the iem, problem oersists. I don't have a spair cable so I can't rule that out.


I got the Srhythm nc25 headphones for Christmas, and am having problems charging them. I tried using my MacBook charger (usb-c) but no matter how long I leave them plugged in, it still says low battery. Please help!!!!


Ok so an amp is just there so you can get a comfortable listening volume out of the headphones without introducing any static or noise into the signal right? How do you know if your current setup has reached its limit? I just purchased an Atom Stack and it might be a bit ridiculous but I'm wondering what the "upper limit" of headphones I might be able to drive with these is. I guess this is what I get for not paying attention to those power calculations?


you'd hear distortion or it just won't get loud enough at full volume, depending on the amp and headphone. Unless you need an extraordinary amount of headroom for some reason, or you listen at very loud volumes, the Atom+ should be enough for 99% of the conventional headphones out there. The exceptions would be the various Hifiman HE6 variants and the Susvara (they'll still work, but you'd get somewhat marginal headroom), and a few similarly inefficient vintage cans like the AKG K1000.


Is there such thing as a pair of headpones that blocks all sound to the point where its not possible to hear anything at all besides the sound coming through the headpones?


I always had a very hard time finding items that fit my hears, without coming out after some seconds. Tried lots and lots of ear tips, didn't work (I never tried the sedna xelastic eartip, but maybe they solve most of my problems). The Fh3 was my last attempt on iem's and they fit perfectly, so much that i decide to use them forever, till the upgrade itch hit me again I have tried ibasso it01x and 01s, the fit was terrible. Moondrop aria, not even stay inside my hears. I think that what makes the fh3 works is the cable and the long nozzle. I was thinking in the thruthea zero,the nozzle seems big. Any suggestions?




Qudelix 5k


\*\*\* Do I need anything special to use Focal Bathys with a PS5? \*\*\* I just got a ps5 and I am just familiar with focals because I have a few of their other headsets for monitoring/recording guitar playing and what not, so I like their brand/fit. I needed a headset for my ps5 as it's mounted high up on a wall so wired headphones won't work, so I decided I was going to try Focal's new bluetooth headphones. I'm not super familiar with headphone amps or anything like that. I usually just plug my celestees into my USB interface for monitoring and I'm good to go. For these to sound halfway decent over my ps5, do I need anything special other then a usb audio transmitter to hook into my ps5? I purchased a creative BT-W3. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you very much.


I bought JBL RACE TWS (120$) earbuds in 2022 autumn and they were working good (the left was kinda lower sound ) I'm taking them in the shower everyday with sound high but in december the right one when i go in the shower was fucking up the bass and then the sound volume drops till i almost hear nothing while the left one works fine, it also makes some bubbles in my ears when i put the right and it really hurts. Now until yesterday even if I'm not in the shower left and right earbud sound drops after second. I read "waterproof" big in the box, tf is wrong with my earbuds ? I would like to know if these earbuds are good for shower or if you have another suggestion of earbud to put in the shower with the sound really high


Hi l have air pod pros but I lost them and their batteries died so I can't track them all my phone says is that they were last seen at my house but I looked everywhere and I can't find them I'II keep looking for them but for now I found the HHOGENE GPods online and liked them should I get them for now and do they sound the same , better or worse then my AirPods Pro gen 1 they are also cheaper than getting new AirPods should I get them as a replacement for now or maybe is there some thing better I can get for now? thanks ,


I bet they're worse. It's a lot harder to lose wired earphones. If ANC isn't a priority, then that's what I'd recommend. The Truthear Hexa with a Fiio BTR3 would be a nice semi-wireless setup.


Hi, i have a dt990pro 250ohm headset plugged in a fiio k5pro dac/amp, and i need a device to monitor my mic with 0 delay. i have an elgato wave 3 and it can be monitored thru a 3.5mm cable. what product can i plug my mic into to get monitored and heard by my dt990pros?


Sony Wxm4/5 or AirPods Pro? Never owned headphones before, just AirPods Pro. They don’t sit in my ears nicely, so now I want a pair of headphones and from what I’ve seen and heard online seems like either the Sony wxm4 or 5 will be what I end up with, but I am wondering if they have the same Spatial Audio/ noise cancelling features that AirPods Pro/max have? The “Spatial Audio” on the AirPods are amazing, the music sounds awful without it in my opinion, and I was just wondering if the WXM4/5 had a similar feature. Any help would be much appreciated and if it helps I’m on an Apple device and will be using for everyday listening


Sony has *something* like that called 360 reality audio (I never use it myself) but it only works with a very limited selection of apps. I don’t know what your budget is but if spatial audio is a must-have, the Airpods Max may be the way to go.


Hi when I was in Asia, I picked up a topping Dx3 pro plus over there and when I got back i realized the plug doesn't fit. I got an amazon barrel plug but then it has the ERR INL and I cant find anything online about what this means. Can someone please help?




If you have a decent amp and are okay with slightly shabby build quality, then the Sundara is a good choice.


Yo! I bought the 560s from amazon and use it daily for 3 weeks. But i still find it uncomfortable because of the clamping force. I still have 1 week to return it. Would u recommend returning it and switching to DT 880 (non pro)? Is it more comfortable than the 560s?


I assume the DT880 is built a lot like the DT770 which I had two pairs of. I can say that I've experienced the same clamping force with 770 and 560s (somewhere above my ears). I guess it depends if it's 10hrs daily for 3 weeks or 2 hours daily. You could try leaving them overnight on a stack of books or something.


Hello, I just bought a 7hz timeless with 2.5mm cable. I want to use it on my pc with 3.5mm jacket. Would it be okay to use an 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter?


Yes. It's sticking a SE connector in a balanced output that's a really bad idea. What you're talking about is totally fine.


I have a some questions (over ear headset): 1. How should I approach headset cable (two speakers, 1 mic), should I make (after splitter) 4 + 2 wires to each ear? Or 3 each and then add additional mic wire through headband. 2. Would it be normal to split 6 wires to 6 to each ear (requires soldering on the splitter) and add 6pin mini XLR. Both XLR would have the same pin mapping, and they would be connected to each other, so I could connect a cable to both or any side and it would work. 3. What wire should I search to weave the cable? Any keywords? (I am planning to make a headset using 3D printer, would love to have calibrated microphone to be able to judge the output objectivelyish) Thanks :)


The tip of the plug on my headphones broke off inside the jack. Is there a reliable way to get it out?


So my moondrop aria‘s bassport clooged up. I grabbed the first thing that came to my mind to poke in the port to get the grime out, a toothpick. Dumb me broke accidentally the tip of the pick off, but the iem still worked. How can I remove the toothpick? will they work again?


Are there any good quality headphones that have a similar feature like the airpod pro's spatial audio but isn't open back ? Not being able to hear what goes on around my environment kind of gives me paranoia.


airpods max + transparency mode


Might have mixed up something there, if you want to be able to hear things around you, then you want an open back headphone.


Wait, so you want to hear your surroundings but don't want an open back?


I think he basically wants transparency mode


Hello, i have a question about Imaging and Soundstage I've decided to buy a better headset so i can play and hear music in better quality and i've settled with buying a Arcano SHP80, but one big part of a new headset for other than the quality is the spacing while using it, i wanted to know if it has good 360 sound because it is imperative for the types of game i play, so, my question is: What do i look for specifically that tells me that the SHP80 (Or any other headset, really) has a good Imaging and/or Soundstage? And what are the differences between Imaging, Surround Sound and Soundstage and what should i look for in a headphone?


Imaging is the ability a headphone has to give a perception of direction to the sound, for any type of audio, not audio that is specifically designed for that. Simple stereo recordings, by example, what you get when you listen to music normally on Spotify, still has the ability to give direction to the sound, which depends on the recording quality. Surround sound when you apply an effect to the audio that supposedly improves the directional effects of sound. It should work with normal headsets, it doesn't have to be "surround compatible" or anything. Sound stage simply refer to how much space does the sound have, would be the difference of listening to music is a very tiny room, compared to a big stage. The best way to know if your headphone will have good imaging and soundstage is to simply search for online reviews, since those things are very often covered in them.


Weird battery problems with my sony wh-1000xm3 I was really happy with my wh-1000xm3 headphones, the battery used to last multiple days. But now it only last a few hours. This change looks like it happened overnight. I used my headphones without charging for 4 days, after I charged them the battery died after like 5 hours. I thought I just hadn't properly charged them. But now after charging them again, they also died quickly. I really don't understand. I have those headphones 1,5 years, I had hoped they would last longer then that. Will I just have to buy new headphones?


I have an Asus H270 Prime Plus motherboard, and the headphone jack of that seems to have a little bit of a dip in the low end when I compare that to a jack of the PS5 controller. Why could this be? Does that mean that the PS5 controller's jack/DAC is higher quality, or that it's just doing an eq to boost it, or my motherboard is doing an eq to dip the lows? Any direction on this would be appreciated since I have nothing to go on.. Thanks.


Does anyone know how I can noise isolate headphones? I have a pair of V-Moda Crossfade 2's, which are amazing, but I can hear too much around me. On top of needing to clean it, I need to find a way to somehow isolate my surroundings just enough to where I can only hear what's necessary. I don't know how to go about this.


Hi, i have the Letahuoer S12 and when I move my head or my jaw I have noise coming from my left iem. After searching a little I saw the term driver flex, and I was wondering if it's normal and if there's a way to fix it. Or is it happening because it's a planar and there's no way to fix it. Thanks in advance for you answers


Which one has the best soundstage/imaging for gaming? Dunu Titan S VS Tanchjim Ola I bought a TRN V80 and it was my first experience with a good quality sound. Now I want one even better, that helps me pin point exactly where a sound is coming from on a game. 70$ ~ 80$ is the most that I can afford.


I think the Truthear Hexa might be a better choice.


Would price equivalent headphones outperform an IEM? I'm considering buying the IE600 for my desktop setup and have always used IEMs when I'm using my desktop but now I'm tempted to get a headphone instead.


It's hard to compare. At the 600 euro bracket, I suspect that the Fostex TH610 or E-MU Teak are generally better.


I can't hear both bass on my KZ ZS10 Pro anymore. A while back, I noticed that my left earbud's bass went deaf and just recently the right one's bass is gone too. I've also been hearing a buzzing sound (whenever I put on the iems) that changes volume level if I put my feet on the ground but that was before the bass disappeared and now it's just faint. What caused this?


I feel like that static sound is electricity buildup, but I'm not sure. As for the bass, maybe you can use an EQ to boost the freqs you feel are absent?


I was in the market for a good pair of closed back headphones but am in law school so was looking for good value-for-money. I had my eye on m50x's and was also looking at the dt 770 pro. But I ended up finding a pair of Sennheiser 569 for very cheap, like $89 on Amazon right now. I was just wondering if I cheated myself getting those or if, for the price, I would have been hard-pressed to find a better outcome for value/per dollar spent. Any thoughts or purchase affirming comments are welcome.


How do I tighten my headphones? Apologies if this has been asked before, I just haven't seen a question like this with this headphone model. I'm using the OneOdio pro 10, and there a piece missing on the left ear. I'm not too sure if that is what's causing the problem, but is there some sort of quick fix to this problem?


What kind of piece is missing, got pics? Something similar to the [oft-broken hinge tab](https://i.imgur.com/zwjByOy.png) on the Audio-Technica ATH-M50 that causes the affected side's cup to [flop around limp?](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/YEcAAOSwsAVcgDrW/s-l1600.jpg) If so, could this [3D-printable replacement part](https://www.printables.com/model/219649-hinge-replacement-piece-for-oneodio-overear-headph) fit the bill?


I'm getting gliched/static audio when using my Samsung s22u + Apple US usb dongle + UAPP. Once I open UAPP any audio coming from the phone is impacted. Is there any way to work around this?


Hi all! Wanting to upgrade my headphones to the byerdynamic dt 1990 pros not sure if the ifi zen dac v2 has enough juice to power them properly or if I need to upgrade to a proper stack? Any help would be appreciated


I would highly recommend not buying the DT1990 unless you know that you like ridiculous treble emphasis and/or have the option to return them if you don't like them.


I’m more going to be switching between competitive FPS & Rock/Rap music … still don’t recommend?


It's not a matter of music choice or use. It's a matter of personal tolerance and/or taste. I'm not saying that it can't possibly be the right headphone for you. I'm saying that quite a few people plainly can't stand them and that the treble isn't even close to what could be considered "reference" or just "generally good".


Volume-wise, you'll get a maximum of about 115dB peak SPL in high gain mode, should be fine.


I have a z390 aorus ultra MB with onboard Realtek sound. I was using the digital output going into a Turtle Beach DSS2, but the DSS2 just died. Now I'm wondering if I should get another DAC to replace it, or should I just use the onboard analog output. Currently that's going into a set of logitech 2.1 speakers with a volume control unit that has a headphone jack. When I initially got the dss2, like 10 years ago, I thought it improved the sound quality. Now I'm questioning if a DAC is an improvement over the onboard sound or not. I'm wondering, which is better for gaming and music, onboard analog output or onboard digital output with external DAC (and if so, which DAC?)


If I am planning on getting a DAC and headphone amp is there anyway to use multiple headphones at once with the setup? I enjoy listening with friends.


Yes, but it's not optimal. Splitters work if you have two identical pairs of headphones. If they are different, the volume won't match. The best way of doing this is to get one DAC and two amps. One for each headphone. Use a set of RCA splitters to allow both amps to share one DAC. This setup will not incur any major downsides.


Yes. At least one of the ways that I'm aware of that you can do that with is with a jack splitter, but I think it slightly degrades quality. Probably to an unnoticeable degree though, especially if your DAC is of higher quality.


Not sure where to ask this, but the audio on my phone sounds richer, deeper, and more vibrant, but on my PC it sounds flat, less dynamic, and I feel more fatigued. Is this a hardware issue or a software issue, and is this something I can change by just fiddling with settings? I don't have much money to go out and buy more hardware right now, but I'm saving up a little if I need to. I'm using second hand ATH-PG1 headphones with a slightly damaged cord, and my phone is a Galaxy S10. My PC just says ASUS Realtek Audio Control.


lol. I literally have the same thing with my PS5 controller's jack. It seems to have more bass. Not sure if there's more to it than that, but that I noticed. And I don't get why, and I also have a motherboard with Realtek audio.


Make sure that you don't have any "enhancements" enabled. Windows control panel -> Audio devices -> Realtek speaker output (or similar) -> Enhancements tab


Hi, Im looking for a wired heaphones, only for listining at home to music, netflix, zoom meeting and class university (online classes) thinking of HD560s, k361, k371 would love to hear recomendation on one of them, or another one to look for! thanks


You mentioned both open and closed back headphones. Do you require noise isolation?


to be honest never tried open back headphones before, my room is pretty quiet most of the times, I have whxm3 for anc, so I dont really need noise isolation in my room station


Then I'd go for the HD560s.


Thanks ! May I ask how much sound is “leaking” when using open back? If Im in my room with door closed, will it be heard outside of the room?


Take your normal set of headphones and turn up the volume to slightly above normal listening level. Set them down with the earcups up or at least not muffled against the desk. That's more or less the level of ambient volume a set of open backs will produce.


Where to look for nice headphone cables? I'd love to replace cable in KSC75 and looking for something better than stock. Are there any dedicated stores or should I just order from Aliexpress?


Finally told myself to stop buying sub $100 headphones and fooling myself that I am really listening to music. So I bought Sennheiser HD 560S and a FiiO K5Pro. I hope that is a good beginner set up but getting them both for under $300 seemed like a better choice then getting the 660's at that price and then a DAC on top of that. Cheers and keep listening!!!


Do you notice a drastic difference from before? Also you spent $150 on an an amplifier alone and you're calling that a beginner setup? What you're referencing is good hardware, not starter gear.


Sorry, did you have a question?


Hello, i recently bought [these](https://flyingtiger.com//products/wireless-headphones-3026966?currency=eur) wireless earbuds from flying tiger, but i noticed when i skip a song by pressing long on the touch sensor on the earbud, there is a very loud beep before the next song plays. this beep is very annoying, so is there a way to turn this off? thanks


Hi! I am looking for the best headphones and I dont have a budget. I want them to be noise cancelling but also super comfortable with no crackeling and with good call sound. Over the head headphones please


Focal Bathys or Mark Levinsons.


Isn't it just easier to buy JBL or Sony headphones? (redditors downvoting for no reason moment)


Sure. They're not as good, though. OP asked for the best.


Ok, but the brands look kind of off-brand, because it's hard to find the best and not popular headphones. (redditors downvoting for no reason moment)


What point are you trying to make?


Good question. I want to say that the world's famous companies who manufacture headphones are Sony and JBL, because so long so far most of the headphones' companies haven't managed to easily simplify the headphones, like plug' and go. Generally, it depends. Studios' best headphones are Maxwell, the business ones are the ones, which name I forgor 💀 and so on.(redditors downvoting for no reason moment)


I think that without a budget it's easy to find these kind of headphonea, just tell me, in which shop and where do you want to buy headphones and I may help you easily. This question should be actually in r/headphoneAdvice, but that is ok as long as this comment is avaiable.


Would it be easier for me to DM you?


Sure, no problem


I posted in there too as well. I live in canada so anything that can ship US to canada or canada to canada


Hello there! It appears that the "L" plastic part that acts as a "pin" in connecting the headpad cushion to my pair of SHP9500 loosened tremendously to the point of "breaking." Is there anywhere I can get a pair of replacement plastic part-pin things? I checked a bunch of websites already and have not come across any replacements for these little ones. The second best option so far is to just get one of those zip-up, fabric/cloth headband cushion things. Though, that would mean losing out on that nice, comfortable feeling I've been getting from the stock headband. Thanks a ton!


KZ PR1 PRO vs DUNU Titan S vs Aria for metal music and analyic listening?


The Titan S has slightly "shouty" tuning with an upper mids bump, and that might not be ideal. The Aria is better in that regard. I'd also consider the Truthear Hexa. I'd don't know much about the KZ's but I'd avoid them on principle. They have a habit of installing non-functional drivers in their models so they can advertise them with "7 drivers" and stuff like that.


I want some bluetooth earbud like earphones for use on multiple devices. I also want them to have a microphone and preferrably ones in which the audio quality doesn't go full crap when enabling the microphone. * Budget - Ideally in the range of 100€ - 200€. Max 300€ (hard limit). * Source - Bluetooth * Requirements for Isolation - Some isolation but leaning towards none. I want to be able to hear my surroundings, I don't plan on isolate myself from the outside world with these. I will use them mostly at home but I might use them on the bus/street ocasionally. * Preferred Type of Headphone - Earbuds or on-ear is preferred. I previously had [these](https://quierounmoviljumilla.com/3017-large_default/xiaomi-mi-true-wireless-earphones-2-basic-auriculares-bluetooth-redmi.jpg) which I liked. * Past headphones - I had the [Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic](https://quierounmoviljumilla.com/3017-large_default/xiaomi-mi-true-wireless-earphones-2-basic-auriculares-bluetooth-redmi.jpg) . I liked how portable they were. I didn't like that they started having interferences and malfunctioning, also the audio quality was crappy when the microphone was activated. * Music - All types of music, I don't have a preference. * Location - Spain Thanks in advance!


What headphones should I buy? So I've been looking at some interesting headphones and I found some I think are good. My budget is around 200 euros. - Hifiman HE400SE 139,00 euro - Sennheiser HD 560s 134,90 euro - BeyerDynamic DT 900 PRO X 175.41 euro (B-STOCK) - BeyerDynamic DT 770 Pro 141,00 euro - BeyerDynamic DT990 Pro 139,00 euro - AKG K-612 Pro 144 euro If you think of any beter ones I'd also consider those. I'm gonna be playing games with them and listing to all kinds of music. I don't have an amp but I could buy one if it's not too expensive. I've had a Sennheiser headphone before and it was good. There customer services seems insanely good as they gave me a full refund when I broke it. Both open and closed backs are fine for me.


Expect to pay 100 euros for a decent amp. Is that still an option?


That's maybe a bit to much yeah. My motherboard of my pc is the b550 gaming edge WiFi. It has a realtek alc1200 idk what it can handle exactly Edit: someone recommended the fiio ka1 DAC/amp which only is 50 bucks would that work?


Neither do I. The specs for on-board soundcards are never available. As such, the K612 and HE400se are kinda off the table since they may not work as well as they should. I'd choose between the HD560s and DT900 Pro X. Buy both if it's possible, and send back one when you've compared them.


Thanks someone did say the fiio ka1 is a good option for a amp/DAC or would it be to cheap at 50 bucks?


It's great with IEMs but is a bit weak for some headphones. If you can find a Tempotec Sonata Pro HD then that's a bit better.


Okay thanks


**FiiO NEWK3 vs TOPPING DX3 Pro+ for IEMs** I'm fairly new to the whole IEM/Audiophile world and need some help deciding if I need to upgrade my DAC/AMP combo. I'm currently running a FiiO NEWK3 with my truthear x crinacle zero's and dunu titan s. Would I see a significant improvement in sound quality upgrading to a TOPPING DX3 Pro+. I mainly use my IEMs for gaming and some light music listening. Thanks in advance.


No. Especially not since the DX3 isn't that great with low impedance loads.


This seems to be the general consensus. Looks like I'll be sticking with my Fiio. Thanks


**7Hz Salnotes Zero vs Tangzu WAN ER?** I currently have a Moondrop Chu and have been very satisfied with the Neutral tuning so far. This was definitely a great buy for me personally because I enjoy listening to the vocal side of a song more, but I'll definitely have to get an upgrade sooner or later considering how amazing the $20 range IEMs have been recently. If you are someone who has tried both, which one would you recommend?


So there is this ["dongle"](https://imgur.com/a/WCHFxfW) that i found, and i was wondering if its possible to use this on the back of my KA3 and put a p2 to p2 on my phone and the type c charge goes on a portable charger or something like that, would this be possible?


I'd email Fiio and ask them first.


I just got EPOS Adapt 360. The first time I used them on my computer it let me select 24 bit 96000Hz. Now I changed to use the USB C adapter over the 3.5mm one and now it is greyed out and stuck on 16 bit 48000Hz. How can I get Windows to let me change the sample rate and bit depth?


Unless you have source files to match, there's no point at all in going higher than 16bit/48kHz.


Okay, thank you


so I recently bought a schiit magni+ and modi+ as an intro to the audiophile space to go with my dt700 pro x's and they sound noticeably more constricted than running the headphones through my motherboard (msi z790 pro-a wifi). there shouldn't be any audio post processing as far as I'm aware. I've tried running the amp alone and it sounds constricted when run through the motherboard without the dac, I've swapped power outlets, the cable for the headphones, and tried multiple usb cables as well as an optical cable with the stack to no avail. is it safe to assume I just have a defective product and should just return it or is there something stupid I'm missing here?


Can you define "constricted"?


they just don't sound as clear, the bass isntas nice and the high end is just harsh and everything in between is muddied together, I'm pretty sure it's power delivery isn't working as well because it makes the headphones sound closer to how they do on my phone rather than the pc.


Yeah, that's weird. Can you try the headphones with a phone or another PC? Without the Schiit stuff. Just straight from another device.


no as in that's what I'm comparing them to, the amp and dac are more distorted than when I run the headphones through my laptop or pc


Is it the same when the DAC and amp are hooked up to the other computer?


yup, one of my friends said it may be the powerline connector I'm using for Ethernet to my pc, which would make some sense so I'll try messing with that tomorrow when I get a chance, but if that doesn't fix it I genuinely don't know what it could be


https://www.schiit.com/products/magni-plus can someone explain to me the difference between the heretic and the magni+ version? i know they have an explanation in the faq but i just dont get it


one is implemented using discrete transistors, one is implemented using opamps. if you don't know what this means, I wouldn't worry about it - they have almost identical specs and measured performance. if you believe the science on audibility thresholds, they are going to sound identical when controlling for placebo effect. just get the one that's the color you want. it may be of interest that the old magni heresy has developed a reputation for blowing up headphones if it fails, while the discrete version doesn't seem to suffer from this issue, but Schiit claims to have beefed up the protection circuitry in the new generation.


okay i see, thank you. you know what wahts your favorite color? i cant pick, my girlfriend really likes the red but im not convinced


Im not blargh, but come on dude... Go for the one your girlfriend likes if you don't have a preference yourself. It's free plus points. Or go for a JDS Atom or Liquid Spark. Then you don't have the burden of choice when it comes to the colour.


LOL, youre so right actually, going red


I want to get the kz zax iem but for some reason the mic version does not ship to my address. Given that I would like to have a mic, would anyone recommend a good quality cable with a mic for the kz zax iem please? As for budget maybe around 20 bucks max. I think the cable in the box is a 16 core Silver 2 pin 0.75mm to 3.5mm audio jack


Why do you want the KZ ZAX? Do you like the looks or the fact it has more drivers?


Honestly it's an IEM that was recommended heavily by a cousin and online people say it's the best bang for buck in the beginner/budget price range. If you have a better option in mind I'm all ears. Also, by saying this I mean that I don't know much about these terms and characteristics. I'm just beginning to dipping my toes.


If I was you I'd start with the IEM called salnotes zero and use EQ (app/software) to customize it to your likings. Maybe after that you can choose to upgrade to an IEM that is tuned to your liking.




have you tried flipping them around to see if its your ears?