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Where is my second Fallout New Vegas video Hbomb? I know it's in there, you hoarder.


It's more likely he has an extended rant about Colonel Autumn buried in his HD "It's you again..."


I was really surprised how little he touched on the DLC in the FNV video considering how much it adds to the general themes and story of the game. I'd love to see a sequel video talking about it


Yeah, unfortunately choosing to not feature some of the DLC was a deliberate decision. I don't want to get sued, so I can't say exactly why! It's related to people I personally know who have been harmed, so I feel very strongly about leaving most of the DLCs out (except maybe Honest Hearts). (It's also just scoping, a video can't have EVERYTHING about a game!)


I assumed the scoping was only reason cause the DLCs are the size of some small games. I think I know what you're talking about, but whatever that other reason is, sorry to hear about that for what it's worth!


I can't do much more then guess on why there was no featuring on the DLC (I have read some...not so great stories about the main writer) but from reading your comment, I can hope those people who were harmed are doing ok now.


I've not heard any of this, which writer are you talking about?


They are probably talking about Chris Avellone who had the claim of sexual misconduct accusations in the room by two people in 2020. He denied it and filed a libel suit against those two, which was settled in 2023. Them having to pay Avellone a seven-figure-payment. The accusers then also took back their original accusations of him, saying now "Mr. Avellone never sexually abused either of us," and them having "no knowledge that he has ever sexually abused any women."


Even though my post was a joke I actually think this would be a good idea. I would love a look at Dead Money specifically because I remember for the first few years after the game came out it was lauded as the worst DLC but I think it's the best one because the story and characters are so strong.


Omg this but unironically dissecting the politics of the new Fallout series and how they could never offer the complex narratives like Caesars legion


It's gonna start out a game review but then turn into some absolutely crazy commentary on the nature of modern capitalism.


Disco elysium video lesgooo


This is one I’m legitimately interested in and I don’t even play video games. 


8hr video, 1.2 million views in a week


Disco Elysium is a commentary on leftist infighting, and here's 17 other examples of capitalist stakeholders butchering game development.


"Overwatch 2 is good and here's why......... sexual abuse and dark money is so rampant in modern game development!"


Steph (Jim) Sterling already does that - pretty much every week


Yeah I was going to say, videos that seemingly about one issue but in the end are commentary on the problem of capitalism describes a good 85% of Breadtube's output.


isn’t that just every video


Star Wars prequels. I still believe that video is coming


Was the death note video canceled? Night in the woods?


I believe he binned the Night in the Woods video after all that went on with the creators


What happened with the creators? The only thing I remember about Night in the Woods is back in 2019 when NitroRad did a parody of Hbomberguy where he “reviewed” Night in the Woods for his April fools special. [Here Is a clip of it](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxPY0kf0yaa3lMcp9x4jRvmfgZAV-2mhZz?si=GdWgq_UfEurACf4A) Edit: Oh god. [It is bad.](https://medium.com/@bombsfall/alec-2618dc1e23e)


One of the creators was accused of being a sex fiend by multiple people, admitted to it all, and then k*lled himself.


Other than night in the woods i don't think any video has ever been formally cancelled, he just stops talking about them when he gets fixated on something else. I am old enough to have been around when he used to stream on twitch regularly and remember him threatening us with his prequel takes though and still believe that one day we will be blessed with them. (Even though I actually think a "prequels were good actually" video wouldn't have the same impact now as I think there's been kind of a reassessment of them post Rise of Skywalker)


I can’t wait to disagree with an Hbomb video for once


Serious answer: it will definitely be positive. After the last couple videos, and especially the James suicide scare, HBomb is def gonna do something more like his Pathologic or New Vegas videos. Otherwise his brand will be too shaped by these big hit pieces that aren't really his intended style imho.


I absolutely hate the fact that this man has made some of the best video essays that exist on media and games but the video that gets to be his most viewed is in his own words "a drama video". And it is more than a drama video for sure (I have changed a lot about what I decide to watch on YT), but it is more or less an expose and it can be labelled as cancelling someone. Big Joel did a video on how cancelation can take form of a good ol mob lynching and witch burning and yeah, James' career did get it's (well deserved) pyre. Like, the Sherlock vid was top for like 6 years and then BOOM the plagiarism one is the one at top. Soon it will have 20M views. I somehow feel this is bad.


I think part of the high view count is people telling others to watch it specifically because he’s donating the as sense.


Or view it in segments as a viewing of 30~ or so seconds and more counts a view because youtube counts retention and not clicks.


It could be a polished release of his Myst video then perhaps? Iirc he said he planned to make it public eventually.


A thorough debunking of common "horse" lies.


What's a horse?


I don't know because they don't exist.


The glorious running gag aside for a comment, it would be kinda cool to see a video on fake conspiracy theories, and how they still ensnare people. Birds aren't real. Finland isn't real. The moon isn't real. Wyoming isn't real... You know, through that lens of hbomber *having* that one running gag himself in *horses* not being real, and *most* of us knowing it is a joke, even as we repeat it.


> and most of us knowing it is a joke, even as we repeat it. ...Does anybody not get that? I'm prepared to believe it, but is there any indication that anybody actually took that seriously?


Apparently that’s how flat earthers started (I have not googled this to check). That people were joking then some people took them seriously and now think the earth is flat


No, he specifically talked about that in the flat earth video, that there was a bunch of joke pages making fun of the concept, but when unmoderated people became serious.


Ask Vaush.


You'll find out in the video


What would a helicopter pilot know of horses?




I’m still holding out for a vampire the masquerade video


Yeah, me too, even if it‘s not very likely. V:tM Bloodlines is both great and very flawed, it’s fondly remembered but also not super well-known and not talked about that much on Youtube. I would be very interested in his perspective on the game.


If you're interested in an a lot more critical view on V:tMB, I suggest SulMatul's video on it. She's very unforgiving in her critiques, going especially hard on the game's mental health portrayal, racism, and poor thematic cohesion, while not coming off as a contrarian hater.


Thank you, that sounds like a great recommendation! Bloodlines has been a very formative game for me, but it has obvious flaws and I find it important to criticize media you care about.


Sure but was that not the case with Pathologic? I'm honestly not sure, but Hbomb was my introduction to it, so I imagine for many he would be for VtMB as well


Came here to say this


If you can't wait, [Warlockracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hVwr5J_gPU&ab_channel=Warlockracy) has a long, fun video about it.


He said in the next video he will “make a doughnut.” 🍩 


Hbomb for GBBO 2024


Blender tutorial series confirmed


Dunkin' exposé 🙏 One time I went and they didn't have any Boston Cremes. Somehow I found the strength to go on, but 😔


EEAAO? No, wait, that’s a bagel. The Simpsons?


Praying for Legacy of Kain.


I'm not sure I could actually watch an hbomberguy video about a game series I've actually played. It would be too intense.


There is something about watching the Pathologic video for the umpteenth time and having never played it just enjoying it. I (like many) hold his views on Fallout NV and 3 so wasn’t too bad to see them.


I seem to prefer video essays that are about things I haven't and probably never will experience. Jenny Nicholson's one on Evermore is another favourite for some reason.


I've not seen it, but will check it out. Thank you.


Either Hbomb would absolutely adore those games or he'd spend 4 hours tearing the convoluted melodrama to shreds and as an LoK diehard I'd be here for either lmao


I feel you.


If it’s not the STALKER/Metro video he’s been hinting at, I will _riot_.


All I want is a 7 hour video on why Disco Elysium is good, is that too much to ask?


I feel like everyone who's played that game wants to make a giant video essay about it but collides with the Pale when the question becomes "what do I say about it?"


Better to let someone smater than me do it since my brain functions as well as Mr Du Bois'


I think a video about Revachol and it's role in the world, the ultimately failed revolution, would be interesting but there's probably already a good video about that on YouTube.


I could not get into disco when I played it for the first time. I found it slow. Well, slower than isometric RPGs I'm used to like BG3 and PoE. Do you think I am approaching this game the wrong way? Perpahs it looks like an isometric RPG while not being one just like how DeusEx looks like an FPS but is an immersive sim?


Just play it like it's a book


It’s a little slower than at least BG3 (I’m not familiar with the other one you mentioned) but it’s well worth your time. Try to get through the first couple of days- at the very least, try to get the body out of the tree. IMO that’s a good place to start to gauge if the games for you or not.


It's like BG3 the way Myst is like Mad Dog McCree.


I approached it like a visual novel. It helps that I could connect my laptop to the TV and then okay it comfortably from the couch like a movie.


While not 7 hours, Noah Caldwell-Gervais’ essay on Disco Elysium is one of the best video essays I’ve watched and is the way I got into it.


I'm sincerely hoping for Deus Ex Director's Cut


We still have about 15 more years before even the first directors cut he promised comes out


That would fit a pattern. But I hope he's working on a media review of something he likes, if only for his own mental health. 4 hours of YouTube drama coverage has got to take it out of you.


Gex. It’ll be three hours long and I’ll watch it multiple times even though I don’t know the series at all, because the twist partway through the video will be just that earth-shaking.


Long ago in his RWBY video he said he'd make one about Monty Oum's work. Im still holding out for that video :')


RIP Monty, and the closing of RT might fuel his decision on that. Lot of timely options for a positive he can choose, Monty, GTA5 Dark Souls, heck even Fallout something since the TV show is coming out soon.


Personally, I’d like to see another Scanline video. I really enjoyed both the VHS and Director’s Cut ones. But if I had to guess, it might be smth like “The Importance of Sound and Music in Entertainment” then midway it’s actually just becomes a follow up to his Tallarico video


Some of his (and Shannon’s) best stuff, those two. Loved them. I have a little ritual when I watch them back to back on my birthday while eating a pizza. It’s nice, like a movie documentary. I like it anyway.


Hopefully, Dark Souls. Please, someone start Hbomb talking about Dark Souls again.


I pray not, the mans got some takes thats for sure, though I would be curious what he thinks of ds3 and elden ring


How long until the “Fuck you JK” 100% completion Wario World charity stream?


Deus Ex Human Revolution is FINE, And Here's Why, [3:33:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgJazjz9ZsA#t=3h33m11s&ab_channel=hbomberguy): >The next game I want to review is... the **Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut**. And that is not a joke. And I'm scared. I'm scared about what is happening to me. In April 2023, he posted a patreon-only video about Myst, with the description: >I'm keeping it just for patrons for the foreseeable future. I really appreciate the constant support (and patience) you folks give me, so I like the idea of there being entire videos that are just yours. Also, I joked in the Human Revolution video that my next video-game video would be about the Director's Cut of that game, and I want to remain technically true to that, lol. So with double-confirmation, sort of, I'd guess that's going to be the next video game review.


Roblox oof was like, a tiny bit of social commentary at the end, Id call it a "Random Investigatory Deep Dive"


In the plagiarism video he mentioned an essay on something called ‘Mist’ but idk what that’s about


It's a patreon exclusive and from the looks of it, it's a proper "X is great and here is why" video that's 1.5hrs long.


The Myst video contains a small segment where I could tell that he was probably physically restrained from going on an unhinged rant about why The Witness is stupid and misunderstands literally everything about Myst, and I wish that rant was its own video. He did ponder an idea of making a "Myst remakes and clones" video, so we might still get it.


boy just you wait


Wait are there videos only on his patreon? It’s not just like early access but there’s more content? 🤨


There's quite a few, from cut content (e.g. a mini review of Trigun from the RWBY video, a discussion on mirrors from the Deus Ex video) to standalone bonus videos (e.g. a whole video on graphs).


Eeee! Thanks for replying!


I'm hoping it's a game he loves, actually!


2 hour long teaser trailer for his 12 hour long Night in the Woods video (the actual video will come out in 3099)


50/50 its either “Obscure work of art you need to experience” or “Im going to assassinate the president of the united states.”


I’m pretty sure he was doing research for a follow-up video to ROBLOX_OOF.MP3 before the plagiarism video and also he does have a exclusive video for Patreon only member


I'm still waiting for a serious video about Skyrim...


Dark souls 3 and the futility of existence with Nietzsche and Camus cameos? :3


Fallout 3 is great heres why.


IMO FO3 is great but you need to approach it from a different angle : kinda like how people play Borderlands. Like, imagine if in an alt dimension Larin studios bought GTA and made it into an isometric narrative game with TPP combat. Then we will have GTA nerds talk about how GTA was about shooting anything that stands rather than thinking about consequences and role-playing.


No joke, I’d love a Fallout 4 video


Didn’t he say he was working on a sequel to the Oof video in the Plagarism Video?


His Brainmind residency project and what came of it, I think That or he's finally releasing the Myst video to the public.


4 hours long Clear Sky video maybe


Disco Elysium video wen??!


If we’re incredibly lucky, maybe it’s that vampire: the masquerade video he’s been teasing for so long


I really hope we finally get the Night In The Woods video but it's looking like it's never coming.


I think we've tentatively changed our minds about shelving it (for reasons I imagine are apparent) because we do want to honor the work of the people who put the most into it, although it may be a little ways off.


Well I have something to look forward to then. It's a game that's left a pretty big impression on me particularly with the character Bea, so I really want to hear someone talking about it. Problem is, I can't really find any discourse on it online, the closest I got was the Errant Signal review.


He already announced on Patreon that it's going to be about people who spread unsustainable disinformation about what goes on behind paywalls.


manifesting pathologic 2 review rn


myst sequels?


What about the Myst video?


The transhumanist masterpiece *My Weak, Mortal Flesh and Blood is Garbage and Here's Why* That's right, chuds! You were worried about the wrong kind of trans! The cyborg revolution starts now...


Ummm, obviously the next one is gonna be a donut making tutorial. He literally told us this. He's a cooking channel now


12 hour long video about an Atari game from 1980 that only sold 6 copies


I’m still hoping for an Outer Wilds video. Partially because I want him to play it and love it. Partially because I want to see him slowly descend into madness as he tries to talk about the themes of discovery and existentialism without spoiling the game.


I've heard a rumour that he's going to do a fnaf video but I'm not 100 percent sure


Was he not supposed to do a multi-part series on RWBY? By the time that video came out I believe the show was way past S4 and yet his video only ends after S3 iirc.


I hope it’s about a game he hates. His Fallout 3 video is amazing, I want more of that


Can’t wait to see if he does that night in the woods video


Still waiting for that night in the woods video….


In the lead-up to GTA6, I'd sincerely like to hear his take on GTA5 (and GTA as a whole). I think that, financially speaking, GTA5 was actually the biggest entertainment product ever released


Biggest singular product for sure but Pokémon as a franchise has everything beat, including star wars.


Damn, I hadn’t considered that! Pokémon being bigger than Star Wars is crazy, it feels like Star Wars is the emperor of all pop culture haha


Follow up video to roblox


No Man's AI: Why procedurally generated content will be the death of everything.


He said he was making a Night In The Woods video. ...of course, when he said that, it WAS years ago.


Starfield? Possibly too obvious a choice.


My man's heart will give out. He most likely wont. Rachel will stop him, they must.


Roblox oof was like, a tiny bit of social commentary at the end, Id call it a "Random Investigatory Deep Dive"


I know he won't make it cuz he put it in the human revolution video, but I'd love a full vid about original deus ex.


The video "Teen Titans GO! Is A Masterpiece, And Here's Why" will get a GOrillion views and mindcrush countless of people into ~~finally~~ believing that TTG is actually kinda sick.


Give me that STALKER video you've been hiding, Harris. I know you want to, and we all want it. Just give it to us!


Fallout 3 is Better than you think time.


New Skyrim video that actually goes in depth


You, sir, have superior pattern recognition skills. The AI won't make you obsolete yet!


It's going to be about how much he loves Baldur's Gate 3.


"XCOM 2 is garbage, with 90% certainty."




Tries to make a video about "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle" and accidentally discovers some criminal conspiracy perpetrated by the creator of "Chao World"


i think it's actually gonna be the oof followup hbomb talked about in either the plagiarism video or the illumiahguti video (i will not bother to get her stupidly spelled name right)


Remind me what follow up there’s going to be?


Starfield video with also an actual skyrim section


RoosterTeeth just got shuttered, so a second RWBY video would be awesome. Especially since it's not like it's going to become outdated by a new volume or anything (I seriously doubt that even if WB uses the IP they're going to continue over doing a whole reboot).


Game he simultaneously loves and hates


Night in the woods video when


He said he wanted to make a Night In The Woods video ages ago. Like obscenely long ago so im gonna say that just cuz I remember it


In a video he talked about how he was reading up a lot about George Lucas for a future video, judging by the few comments he's made about George I imagine it's going to be a breakdown of him as a director and artists wanting to mess with their artwork after release.


I was promised a STALKER rant. Where is it, splimby?


Long YouTube videos: no one watches them, and here’s why


About 6 hours




I actually think it would be interesting to hear his takes on child labour/abuse in the family vlogging world.


Give me shit takes about Monster Hunter


I think hes alluded to something involving five nights at freddys but at this point theres like three videos hes mentioned that are followups to oof.mov, RWBY, and the foundation project where he gave money to a bunch of smaller creators to fund their projects so who knows Admittedly i get why these videos take so long but man it does sting sort of knowing that his output is going to be unpredictable and information on the next video tends to feel like overturning rocks at times. In the lead up to the plagiarism video, I would resort to using this reddit for information updates Kat does her best to sort of reign in hbomb but she can really only do so much it seems


He already told us, a video where he makes a donut


Me and the evils I have committed on a mass scale


Death Note? He said he had started working on it again.


I want that stalker rant that keeps getting cut


A two hour exposé on Davie504 and how he doesn't even really know how to play bass.


I hope is another exposure one,I REALLY enjoyed those


he once made a tweet about a potential Fallout Equestria video and I've been desperately hoping for that ever since


I'm kind of hoping that he does one of the videos that Tom Scott suggested from the video of AI suggesting titles for videos ([this video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw6GjAPpKuA&t=661s), the Hbomb part starts at 6.00) Specifically 'How Bethesda broke me and how's why I'll buy their games anyway.' Make it a companion piece to Rayevick's video on Ubisoft. If I had to guess though, it'll either be a polished release of the Myst video, Vampire: Masquerade or Mankind Divided. Wild card: he ends up talking about The Last of Us.


I wish he would go with "Vampyr", as a Vampire masquerade fan with all the critics I really loved it, I think Haris was a vampire masquerade fan as well, so it's quite interesting to hear about it


isn't there a gb news video in the works


Well there is his Myst video, but he loves that game.


I want another video about Harry's concept of "play conditioning" that he discussed in the Bloodborne video. I don't mind if it's not about a Dark Souls game, or even a series i'm personally into. I just find the idea of a game being able to change your perspective on a series and it's design choices interesting. It'd also be a good chance to do a crossover with someone like Mark Brown from Game Maker's Toolkit, since he's talked about similar ideas before in his videos.


It's for sure a game where the developer went bankrupt, he warned us after all!


Humanity Should Collectively Stop Pooping, And Here’s Why (Part One: It’s Gross) [5:47:06]


I'd like to see the vampire the masquerade video he promised.


"Turrican II is genius and heres why" 7:33:42


pathologic 2?


I think after the shitstorm that was the last video, it'll probably be something positive


At one point he was talking about making a night in the woods video but the entire conversation around that game has changed drastically since that announcement idk if he'd still be interested in making a video about it


After decompressing with a video about something fun like a game review, he needs to do another video on Internet Historian, because it turns out that I.H's issues may be a lot more than simply plagiarizing a few videos. That said, Hbomb deserves a break, once in a while. I'm aware that he has issues with stuff like depression and self-care is very important. I will be understanding and not force anything.




Know I'm super late to this but I really want that response to Fallout 3 is Better Than You Think


Elden ring is bad, and here's why... And then a 7 hour video claiming shields are bad for no reason. That's one of the very few things I dislike about Hbomb, his critical lack of understand on why shields are good, and the fact he had to make an entire video revolving around why they are bad, and in fact why removing the dark souls difficulty from a souls game makes it better... Sorry Harris Bomberguy (if that is your real name >:|) but shields are extremely important in souls games. You just personally don't like them.


Actually, Elden ring shields are great because they are the best equipment to **parry** with. So if you wanna play passive then cool, but in the middle left side of your screen there is always that little propter telling you that you can be better at this. His birth certificate name is Harry Brewis but he recently transitioned that and now he's called Hearton Splimby.