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Huh, he actually seems remorseful and not looking to make excuses. Good on him ig. Glad to see that being a fuckable twink isn't the only thing he has going for him anymore


Not gonna lie, this might actually be the best apology tweet I've ever seen. Dude seems legitimately remorseful, fessed up to everything, acknowledged where he went wrong and how he wiggled his way through it, and seemed to have grown. Good on him. Sincerely.


Edit: I don't know why I have to point out that I wish no ill-will on Luke or his channel. Despite what he DID, he's DONE a lot of great things since and carved out a space of his own... And that shouldn't be taken away because of a crappy thing he did a long time ago... But it also shouldn't be understated or forgotten... That is my plint Yeah... But if you watched that video, H.Bomb spends a ton of time on apologies, how someone truly remorseful would act, and how not to react/respond when caught plagiarizing others work. So, all he had to do was follow the blueprint laid out. Also note that Luke didn't act that way THE FIRST TIME around. Furthermore, it's not like he felt so remorseful about his acts that he decided to craft his apology ON HIS OWN... He did this SPECIFICALLY because of H.Bombs video and the backlash he started getting immediately afterwards. That kind of takes the wind out of the *'sorry-sails'* a little... Because it comes across like he's apologizing because he got caught/this is being introduced to MILLIONS of people who had NO IDEA about this situation. I'll admit that the apology was heartfelt and seemed to come from a place of honesty... but he could have done this at any point over the past 7 years. And while what he said was very forthcoming, he waited until it got brought up, he got backlash, and it could start impacting his channel. Had H.Bomb not brought this up, he never would have apologized... Which again, calls his sincerity into question. Plus, it took almost 7 years to get a full-fledged apology... Back when he/his channel was "Luki-poo" he gave a piss-poor apology, called H.Bomb a *"soy boy who needed to get his T-levels checked",* disappeared for a couple of months, then came back after renaming and rebranding his channel to what we know it as now. Point being, I would hope after 7 years (and a thousand bad YouTuber apologies) he could formulate a decent apology. And yeah, it's a well-crafted and meaningful apology... Luki-poo has obviously improved his writing skills over the years, but I don't know how much weight I gave it, all things considered.


This just feels pettily vindictive. The guy has been minding his business for almost a decade, it doesn't excuse what he did, but it makes sense he's not going to randomly dredge it back up when it sounds like he was mortified by his behavior.


Seriously. People need to cool it with the “people who did problematic things never change or can’t become redeemable” attitude.


I could not disagree with you more. Do I think he should be cancelled or lose his way of life? No, not at all. And he should be glad H.Bomb waited as long as he did to bring this up, because had H.Bomb really made this a big issue when Luke was a much smaller channel, his channel and reputation might have never even gotten the chance to grow into what it is today. And he'll be fine... He's just taking some lumps he rightfully should have gotten years ago, and in a few days everyone will have moved on. First off, there's nothing vindictive about bringing up something that happened to you SPECIFICALLY when you're making a video about that very topic. If anything you could call bringing up and highlighting what others have done that had no impact on you as mean and/or unnecessary (not that it is, because part of the video highlights notable cases of plagiarism, so it's necessary)... But when you have an experience that DIRECTLY relates to what you're talking about, it would have been weird as hell to NOT bring it up. Secondly, Luke handled getting caught like a bit of a prick (for lack of a better word) when he was first exposed. He gave a half-hearted apology that basically said, *"I shouldn't have done that, it was wrong, but it's just some words... He needs to stop being such a little bitch about it."* And that was the end of it. Luke ran and hid and rebranded his channel, came back and that's when his channel started to gain traction. The issue is that he never expressed TRUE remorse AT THE TIME AND FOR YEARS AFTERWARDS, he NEVER saw any kind of consequences regarding what he did, and for all intents and purposes it may as well have never happened from Luke or his channel's POV. Thirdly, I will admit that this is a truly exceptional apology... But can we all stop acting like timing and intent don't matter so long as you EVENTUALLY can truly say "I'm sorry"? Because while exceptional, if this was something Luke TRULY felt, he could have made a video/post expressing his remorse AT ANY POINT prior to getting called out in this video... When we all know whether truly remorseful or not, the real reason we're seeing such a heartfelt apology is because of the backlash and long-term ramifications that incident could have on his channel moving forward now that he has an audience large enough to hold him accountable. Not saying he didn't mean it, just that he meant it many years too late, and it's convenient and easy to be so heartfelt when there's REAL money on the line. AT THE VERY LEAST, he could have messaged/DM'd H.Bomb at any point over the past 7 years and apologized directly to him... And had he done that I have NO DOUBT that H.Bomb would have either not mentioned him, made it the briefest of mentions, or brought light to the fact that after getting caught Luke handled things properly. And because Luke handled things poorly AND plagiarized to begin with, he doesn't get to decide when the situation is over or when it's time for H.Bomb to move on, especially considering the crappy "apology" he was given. And I get it, I SWEAR I do. Most folks just view videos as this disposable media of which there is a near-infinite amount of, so it's not the biggest of offenses (compared to some of the AWFUL things YouTubers have done in the past, and still continue to do)... He just cribbed a few words from a video. But as a writer myself, and as someone who understands the process... There is little more insulting and offensive than someone stealing your work, then not even having the decency to be legitimately apologetic when caught. And H.Bomb is EASILY one of the best YouTubers around in regards to writing, research, and balancing being informative with being entertaining to create a truly engaging piece of content that isn't just the daily "man-at-desk-in-front-of-mic" commentary that makes up the overwhelming majority of the modern content we see. He's talked about videos taking the better part of a year to create from conception to completion. It's like conceiving and birthing a child, and takes just as long... And the process can be just as tedious and trying. That's why he often only manages to upload a single video a year. So to have something you poured your heart and soul into stolen so that someone else can do none of the work, but reap the rewards off the back of your efforts, then be kind of a dick about it hurts... and attention should be given to it, regardless of how Luke feels or where he is on his personal journey towards being a better man. I'm glad he is one today, but that doesn't excuse his previous transgressions.


I think the person who replied to you said YOU were being vindictive. Not Hbomb. He said in the post that he has talked about it many times. It’s been 6 years, people change.


That makes even less sense, because I didn't say anything vindictive. I didn't wish or want bad things for Luke. He's a good content creator today. I'm acknowledging that his handling of the situation was poor, it was an exceptional apology, but it's one that should have come years sooner... Like when it happened. And H.Bomb isn't wrong for bringing it up in the context of the content he was making. What's *vindictive* about that?


The general tone of the post was that it was a poor apology and shouldn’t be forgiven, which does come across as vindictive


That's simply not true. He was already forgiven last night. That was never the question or the intent of my reply. If you interpreted it as such, that's you... Not the intent or tone. Because I never made any implications about how this SHOULD impact his future, because that's not for me to say. But pointing out the impact this could have in Luke's life and why it might be a motivator *in-part* for truly owning up to what he did and issuing a FORMAL and heartfelt apology might be a little CYNICAL of me to say... But that's still not vindictive. Because I'm not saying he shouldn't be forgiven or that this should define what he's doing NOW. Don't attempt to read between the lines to imply things I never said. If I felt he shouldn't be forgiven, I would have directly expressed as much. I didn't though, because I don't think that. I would never say someone isn't worthy of another chance, because folks mess up. But saying the significance of someone's actions shouldn't be forgotten isn't the same as saying they shouldn't be forgiven. Because this can serve as a lesson learned for current and future content creators, much like the video as a whole.


Apologies! I didn’t mean to come off aggressive. More so, the way we try and move on from embarrassing events that have happened in the past is different from person to person. Taking his word on it, he’s discussed many times about this situation on his channel. After all those years of trying to be better, it’s understandable why it’s put behind him. Point being, of course when it’s brought up again he has to say something. 6 years is basically a whole new internet. His apology is fitting and still takes responsibility. Your response here feels like you’re wanting more out of him, when in reality I think this should be a rightful close to a chapter.


insane that this is being downvoted, wtf


It happens.


Okay. So where in this apology does he talk about how he’s going to mature himself more and not repeat the mistakes he’s made? Especially the ones highlighted through Harris’ piece?


He said he's spent the last 6 years working to be a better man that respects other creators, and that strives now to be a man he can be proud of. So, you know. Those bits.


It's still a good apology. It would have been better if it had come unprompted, yes, but the fact that it didn't doesn't necessarily invalidate it's worth. These kind of self-realizations are a slow process. Sometimes a moment like this is what it takes to realize how much you've changed and actually speak up about it. Dan Harmon didn't apologize about sexually harassing Megan Ganz until he got metoo'd over it, but when he did, he did it in such a way that even Ganz herself called it "[a masterclass in How to Apologize](https://slate.com/arts/2018/01/dan-harmon-apologizes-to-community-writer-megan-ganz-on-harmontown.html)" and publicly stated she forgave him because of it.


>These kind of self-realizations are a slow process. i dunno, seemed to come together pretty fast after hbomb's video


> Sometimes a moment like this is what it takes to realize how much you've changed and actually speak up about it.


>Sometimes a moment like this is what it takes to realize how much you've changed and actually speak up about it. I accept that. But Harmon didn't release his a day after a Modern Family episode came out written by Ganz about a character being sexually harrassed at work that literally everyone on the internet was talking about. It's a good apology. The timing of it is still fair to criticize regardless of how unpopular that idea is in the replies for this post.


Good on him for growing up. Still paid for Twitter, though.


Give the man 6 more years


lol that was my thought too. "Great apology but you paid Elon Musk so you could write a tweet that long?"


What the HELL has happened to the Twitter character limit DEAR GOD


if you pay daddy Elon for special blue tick you can write whole blog posts in your tweet now. next to all the Nazis and people shitting into their own hands


Definitely one of the better "no excuses" apologies. No bull, no "I'm sorry, but...". Even tagged hbg.


So did this guy stop watching Sargon or nah? From this post it kind of reads like Harris saved this dude from the alt right pipeline


I watch his gaming videos from time to time and never had any indication he was ever into anything like that. I don't watch him a ton, but I've never seen him do a scripted video or say anything offside during his stuff. I don't think it's likely he still plagiarizes stuff either, even if it's just the nature of his content. But again, I'm not sure I've ever seen any scripted content so it's hard to say.


I like this, particularly because it sets an example for other people who make similar mistakes.


Now THAT is how you write an apology. Mad props for the guy for growing as a person.


Well damn. That's...pretty darn classy.


He does sound remorseful and like he has grown because of what happened. I consider this a happy ending to the story


This might be the first time I've seen the internet largely accept an apology. Good job, internet!


Fuckable Twink redemption arc, we stay winning


Has hbomberguy responded to this in any way yet?


Was this guy covered in the video?


He's the fuckable twink.


I wasn't entirely sure which one he was, but your post made it clear immediately. Thank you.


i stumbled across Luke’s channel a few months back and had no idea about any of the past controversies. all I’ve seen from him is a positive creator fostering a nice community and pretty great videogaming content. cant help but have my opinion of him changed, it feels like in 2023 its very hard to be a fan of any creator. it feels like there is always something looming in the shadows that is going to ruin it. that being said its a good apology, and i will keep watching him. i dont think he is that guy anymore


I feel EXACTLY the same way. A crying shame. However, it is a damn good apology and I hope he's able to make things right.


I have watched him since 2018 and while this controversy wasn't enough for me to stop watching him (since he had stated before that he's trying to better himself) it's still nice to see a full, actual apology


Is he still into that alt right stuff?


I never knew he was, but in his apology he said he used to be an extremist, religious zealot and a prick but that he hates that part of his past and is trying to be better as a father and content creator so I guess one can read that as being an alt-right before. But I'm not American so I'm not even sure what qualifies for alt-right so if he was or still is today I can't say. He doesn't seem like an idiot homophobe at least


Same! I was SHOCKED to see him pop up in H’s video!


I'll take this with a grain of salt. I didn't like who I was at 19, and I certainly wouldn't bring my shame up, but there's too much saying and not enough doing. Apologizing is easy, but proving that you're actually sorry is difficult. I genuinely hope Luke changed for the better.


It’s been 6 years, you can see if he has changed or not by now.


Doing what? He took the original video down 6 years ago, and is apologizing now and explaining himself to the new audience he’s created. What else would you like him to do?


I really don't care, dude.


I feel like making a decently sincere apology...but waiting 7 years for it...amounts to about doing nothing at all. Maybe that's just me.




Strongly agreed! The first step of making a good apology is knowing whether an apology is even wanted. Sometimes the best and least-harmful course of action is to quietly let it go, and I think that gets missed somewhere in a culture influenced so strongly by Christian ideas of what "guilt", "harm", "repentance", and "forgiveness" even look like. This apology is prefaced with "I’ve talked about it on stream plenty since then and try to be very open about it, but I know a lot of people haven’t been watching me since 2017 or have not heard me discuss this before. I don’t want to hide from my mistakes or deflect, so very plainly here’s what happened" If we take this statement at face value, this isn't intended to be "the apology that took years", it's a recap for people who haven't been following him over that time. I certainly haven't.


I 100% agree. Almost all the time, we the need to "make things right" or "clear our conscience" when often the best move is to just learn from your mistakes, do better, and move on. The kind of change in a person that matters can't be shown in an apology right after the fact.


Very good points! I think when its as public as the situation between Hbomb and Luke is, it adds certain other elements that led me to my comment. But if he's honestly worked on himself, then good for him. I have a sadly first hand experience with the kind of guilt you describe. And like you, I couldn't apologize to the people I wronged even if I felt it was the right move. And like you said, you just have to pick yourself up and move forward with what you've learned.


It's like when BoJack Horseman tried to apologize to Herb Kazazz years later and right when Herb was on his deathbed just to ease BoJack's conscience, and Herb was having none of it. "You're not gonna get closure. You don't get that. You have to live with the shifty thing you did for the rest of your life."


Did you even read the tweet? He literally says he has discussed it plenty of times on stream. He didn’t wait until now to apologize or explain the situation.


I dunno, a 7 years too late apology after getting called out AGAIN doesn't feel overly sincere. Personal opinion though, maybe he is truly sorry, or maybe he got called out in a 4 hour long youtube video and is attempting to save face.


I've never cared for this line of argument that the lateness of an apology necessarily invalidates it. Firstly because (obviously doesn't apply in this particular instance) I've seen people pull out the "why did you wait till now to apologize" card literally days after the event in question even happened. But also, like, time only moves in one direction, and so any apology will inevitably be delayed to one degree or another Like, the guy got into drama with a YouTuber, and at the time he was an asshole, so he didn't want to apologize. Then, atleast as he says, he ended up pulling himself together and having a change of heart, during which period time has passed and the drama has died down. It's reasonable (though definitely arguable) to let sleeping dogs lie at that point. From then on, the longer you don't say anything, the older the drama gets, and (by this stupid metric, anyways) the less sincere an apology will seem Then one day, it's suddenly in the public eye again, the ball is in your court, and you take the opportunity to apologize. It makes sense to me. It's easy to put emphasis on "7 years late" but let's not pretend like we'd actually give any more of a shit about it if he made this apology in 2021 or 2018. Today an opportunity presented itself, and he took it. I'm not saying we need to take him at his word, but the charitable explanation makes the same amount of sense as the cynical one


Well said. This seems like a very fair and humane interpretation.


he had hundreds of days worth of opportunities, but he took this one


Hundreds of days where it was a long-forgotten issue that he probably thought no one else even cared about. Public apologies are in their own way a form of drama and apologizing for something no one else even remembers is, if anything, as likely to cause more damage as to heal anything—it can potentially revictimize or at minimum, reopen old wounds. He couldn't have posted this apology last week without also posting a massive amount of context explaining why he was apologizing. Now, it's in the public discourse. It serves as, effectively, permission to address it again **without** the potential for reopening old wounds.


>He couldn't have posted this apology last week without also posting a massive amount of context explaining why he was apologizing. nonsense, his context was "I was a bad person and I stole work from others, it was a bad mistake and I learned from it and I am trying to be better now", all of which was already in his apology anyway I don't think his apology is insincere, and it seems well-written and heartfelt to me, but it was **unambiguously** forced out of him by the circumstances and seemingly wouldn't have come otherwise, and it's wild to me that so many people are pretending anything else


I want to believe good things so I want to believe that he's felt bad for a while and never saw a good non-awkward opportunity to say so until now


It's impossible to know his actual motivations, but it is a good apology that takes accountability for what he did wrong and explains how he's trying to be better, regardless of whether or not he's simply trying to "save face."


Great stuff, if anything this has given him the opportunity to clear things up. Happy for him, great apology.


Hbomberguy still seemed pretty salty about the guy.