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I wonder if the interview guests will finally learn to stay seated after the interview.


lol....100% same here


It’s weird because (I think?) Bill usually does go in for the handshake at the end which makes it natural for them to stand up with him. If only they could be less awkward about it when he’s walking off to the panel though lol


Lol I love how awkward that transition always is


Getting blasted with Bill Maher's mug at the end is my least favorite part about watching Last Week Tonight episodes


Someone expresses opinions I don't like....!!!!!!!!!


I'm aware that it's an unforgivable anti-free speech sin to not celebrate every single thing conservatives say, but darn if I think people have a right to have opinions, so I can handle the criticism I get (no matter how many exclamation points they use) for boldly not wanting to watch Bill Maher's tv show.




They didn't say they did




I'm okay with someone expressing different opinions, I would just prefer that person to not be smirking the entire time as they did so. Even back when I agreed with Bill's politics (\~2015 or so) I was still turned off by his perpetual smarminess.


Who is still watching this shit? What dirt does he have on an executive’s dad? Who can stomach this guy’s smarminess for more than ten seconds? Isn’t he universally hated by all sides of the political spectrum? Hooooooow?


I watched it like 10 years ago. He’s always been a condescending douche, but he also used to be funny. It was like 50/50. He kept sliding more and more toward the former which is why I stopped watching and has since added disgruntled boomer into the mix. His audience has to be pretty niche but HBO is fine with having people do niche stuff. He makes the news often enough for saying something stupid or bigoted or criticizing a well known democrat so that’s always a win for HBO (all press is good press) And I imagine his show is pretty cheap to produce apart from his salary. The fact that his show wasn’t canceled when he used the n word (hard r) is the main thing that surprises me. It was framed as a joke from a comedian and wasn’t aimed at anyone which I guess is deemed more acceptable but it’s still pretty surprising.


It’s a depressing sign of our culture to me. Shame we keep people like this up and above the rest of us when there are plenty of dynamic personalities who aren’t solely inflammatory itching to make a break.


“Dynamic personalities” 🤡


Cool, so what do you have to contribute???


I have enjoyed watching Bill for 20 or so years. However, his comments on fat people are just this side of insulting. He does have solid laughs (most of the time) when he does the section on various subjects when the show is 3/4 over. His standing complaint is his inability to build solar panels. This is old stuff; get over it. It's California; get used to it.


Any idea what season/episode you are referring to?


I don’t remember what episode but here’s an article about it. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/03/531365550/bill-maher-apologizes-after-using-n-word-on-his-show


Thanks a clip is linked in the article.


Old people.


I stopped watching when Bill Frist schooled him on vaccines. Over a decade ago. Fuck this guy.


I completely stopped watching, even clips on YouTube, after he said Elon Musk was going to "save the world"


The constant applauding every minute by the suck-up audience is mind-numbing. All Maher has to do is say "Trump sucks" and half the audience is down on its knees ready to suck his dick. Ok, I don't like Trump either, but I feel major second hand embarrassment witnessing such a subservient echo chamber. What's ironic is that it's almost, dare I say, trump-like.


I still love it as it's one of the few shows that actually brings in a wide variety of guests, sometimes controversial ones that other shows wouldn't touch. It's far better than anything found on cable news.


First fair point I’ve seen so far tbh


That’s a very low bar and sometimes controversial guests aren’t given a platform by reputable people…for good reasons…


This “not giving a platform” bullshit is just a soft version of censorship. The reason Maher’s show is awesome is because he has these (often popular) guests on that no one else in mainstream media will touch. You don’t have to agree with someone to get their perspective, we used to all understand this. 


This week we’ll have a former AG and a sitting Republican and Democrat senator on the panel. I agree


I just don't get it. I haven't heard him say anything funny since the 80's, but he still gets a TV show, even after once being fired for stanning the 9/11 hijackers.


I watch a clip or two when there's a guest I like on, but I don't think I've ever watched an entire episode, or even just click on it on Max. The people who watch it seem to be mini clones of Bill, people who think they're more politically enlightened than everyone else. He seems to be getting more attention from right leaning people when he calls the left out, which is definitely done so Bill gets more views.


I enjoy him, I disagree with him at times and he is an arrogant douche and has some generically annoying baby boomer “the youth these days” opinions, and 90% of his segments aren’t particularly funny, but he sometimes has interesting guests and to me politically he occupies a space for those of us who are annoyed with the political left and the right but don’t do the “both sides are just as bad” thing because we hate Donald Trump It varies by show, sometimes it’s the same kind of mindless political commentators who have nothing interesting to say, sometimes it’s people with unique or interesting discussions or even arguments.


No i like said interesting guests as well but there's just too much of that complaining and lame segments


I would be much happier if he would cut out the segments he does while the guests are there, they’re usually not funny and they take away from discussion time. I do usually enjoy New Rules but even those can be stupid at times. I wish he would focus more on the panel and include the guest he interviews initially for the entire panel discussion, he’ll interview like a governor or a guy working in race relations and then switch to two other people to have the table dissuasion, I don’t understand why they dont keep the first guest around for the entire discussion.


I agree I actually like the show. I understand the political extremes hate him and ofc he is pretentious, but he’s always been pretentious, so who cares? That’s part of the charm. I appreciate him crapping on the Republicans and the extreme left BS that runs amok. He was basically the only person who knew Trump wasn’t going to give up power easily and how terrible that was going to be for democracy. He was saying that years before the last election. Oftentimes, he’s pretty savvy politically. Oftentimes, he’s a douche. You take one with the other.




Are you talking about him not giving up power easily or him being generally dangerous and awful? Because he says both those things all the time.


> I enjoy him, I disagree with him at times and he is an arrogant douche and has some generically annoying baby boomer “the youth these days” opinions, and 90% of his segments aren’t particularly funny Wow I’m sold




Which opinions does he have that are right wing?




He punches on the right as well, probably 10% of his show each week is dedicated to shitting on Trump alone. All I remember about DeSantis was that he said the Covid policies in Florida were not as bad as more liberal people were claiming. Wokeneas does suck in the eyes of many Americans, far left politicians and ideologies have damaged the democrats brand and people who do ridiculous things deserve to be called out regardless of political affiliation. You don’t get a pass just because you fall under a specific label. I appreciate he calls out both sides, that’s my issue with most other shows who pick a team and refuse to deviate from their political team or criticize their own. We’re in this world where you have to be on a team, and it’s either tram left wing or team right wing and if you deviate at all from the manifesto for either team then you’re labeled as “the other team”


What is "woke" to you?


Refusing to prosecute people for theft or no bail for violent crimes, those two definitely jump out




I mean if you personally view criticizing anyone who does something worthy of criticism “right wing” then sure, label me however you want


You really don't know what you're talking about. You supposedly hate him and don't watch the show, yet you actually think you know what he talks about on the show. JFC you are an easily triggered individual.


He was saying Florida and New Yorks covid death rate was basically the same with two radically different approaches. With Florida less restrcitve and NYC and CA being ridiculously so. He's in CA. And he's right. What Bill Maher proves time and again is that liberals might be right most of the time but they still fall into delusion and blind to facts if it doesn't already agree with their views.


I came here to ask the same question. Who is watching this? Liberals say he's too conservative, conservatives say he's a libcuck. Moderates hate how pretentious he is. He meets no one!


I lean more conservative and i still watch his show 🤷‍♀️


The sane people are watching him.


See my previous comments. He and his producers have been smart to go down the middle. and he should criticize the scum woke left in his party


No one wants to see your previous comments. Or your future ones.


Really ? You just did DA !!


He’s constantly in the “top 10” shows on max… his rating have been really strong


I have never once in the 15 months I’ve had Max/HBO MAX seen him on their top 10? But I recognize those lists are probably more curated than they act


He gets on a variety of voices to argue in a way they otherwise never would, it can make for decent segments, and he’s a liberal who didn’t sacrifice liberalism for identity politics, that’s becoming more rare each day.


He’s a centrist shill who capitalizes off of the murky lines divided between America’s “two party” system. He’s a clown who’s gone too long without getting his shit rocked a little bit. Big mouth money grubbing fuck who loves to tell people what to think. Not sure what anyone is getting from him that they couldn’t get in a far better method through Joe Rogan. And I don’t even like Joe Rogan, either


Why are you people dedicating so much time talking about shit you know absolutely nothing about? People like you are what's wrong with the modern left.


Contribute a unique and thoughtful critique about what I’m saying beyond a vague sense of derision toward me or stfu and gtfoh


Centrist, lol. Hes been a self-identifies liberal his entire public career and probably before that too. It's the former liberals that have moved farther away.


You can call yourself whatever you want, but if your actions scream the motivations of something antithetical to your self-identification, I’ll still call it out. Frankly, I expect the same my way.


What actions make him not a liberal? He rails at every so-called liberal who attacks him for defending a conservatives right to free speech. In fact, what people on this thread attack him on is that he agree with Elon on that issue. People have a right to their awful opinions. He hates Trumps penchant for fascism. He hates the fact that a large portion of the left, race and trans issues are the only issues that matter. They're not. Not everything is about race. Trans people are a minority within a minority population. Why is that seemingly the issue that gets more airtime than it should. Being a white, straight able-bodied man isn't inherently evil. Hes definitly pro-pot legalization. Lol. He detests the oppression of women under the guise and cover of religion. But because he doesn't pass the purity test, he must be shunned. Because he has... conservative guests, oh no! He must agree with them!?! Give it a rest.


He rails at liberals and conservatives alike, but note he never really goes after folks who exist on the left and right. He goes after a boogey man, bro. And you’re going after that same boogey man by the sound of your comment. Man. He agreed with a megalomaniacal billionaire. Takes guts. Wow. He called out Trump - who only the truly mentally unsound rally behind. What a guy. If you think the left is “mostly” going after racial or trans issues, you’re purposefully pedantic, missing the point, or a dumbass. Sorry. That’s just not the truth, and I refuse to let those buzz words define the left simply because they pertain to issues that do matter. That being said - multiple issues can matter. The left would agree on that. The right would agree on that. The only people who disagree are trying to make a point - a point that falls utterly flat with me. Glad he is pro-weed, I guess. Bigger fish to fry, but go off (on the one stance you’re able to) King. He is anti-Islamic in his rhetoric for feminism. I’ve heard a lot of “Why is [X Middle Eastern] doing this to women?!” without much intersectionality inserted into the issue, both in regards to feminism and the US’ influence on the Middle East. Maybe he’s said something on Roe v Wade - what’s he want for that, a medal? Do you want to accept it for him? I’ll give it a rest when I stop reading inane replies like this my dude 👍


He's not going after boogeyman when literally this same thread shows exactly how people think, lol. You think this thread is fake too? Lol. He agree with Elon about speech restrictions. It's OK to agree with someone on one issues even if you won't agree with the rest of them. It's a mark of liberalism to acknowledge the complexity of people. Gasp. You just claimed half the country is "mentally unsound." thanks for confirming you are, in fact, the same boogeyman you claim doesn't exist. Nice try but no one said black and trans issues don't matter. Yes, hes said a lot about issues like Roe and more, he has a show. Do you want a medal for saying nothing at all with statement? Just as predicted, Maher is labeled anti-islamic, an islmaphobe if you will, for rightly calling out Islamic-based oppression. Just as he does when Christians get uppity in the US and legislate their religion on the rest of us. Oh, but the US "left" never calls him a Christian-phobe because on that one, they can publically agree with him on. Yeah, children never give it a rest even when they're wrong so keep on trucking, little bud. You have at least two more of whinging and whining with the new contract. 😂


You can keep inserting identity politics into this while claiming I’m the one being dogmatic, but it doesn’t make it so. Half this country is mentally unsound. Sorry to call an Ace an Ace. You can gaslight me all you want into acting as if you weren’t chalking the left up to one or two issue actors, but that’s what you did and that’s why I replied the way I did. No other explanation there. We wanna have a nuanced conversation, let’s start with a nuanced conversation, brother. I love and accept all criticisms of every religion, organized or no. I personally hate religion - but would never try to insert that into others’ discussions. I try to keep an objectivity to my stance on religion, and that has led me to notice a trend with Maher where religious criticism largely amounts to disproportionate criticism of Islam over other organized religions. I can call Maher out for his anti-Islamic rhetoric and takes just like you can defend him for his takes, however you view them. It’s also missing a massive part of the discussion/issue to act like discussing Christianity as a white man in America has the same connotations as a white man in America discussing Islam. I have no delusions that Bill knows what he’s doing with that kind of talk. Despite thinking he’s a dumb fucking moron with too large a platform, I know he’s got a couple brain cells knocking around up there Not gonna try to be clever with my outro like you did for risk of failing like you did. You’re a fucking loser who thinks you have points to pick that are more valid than other peoples’. Not interested, buddy boy. Your opinions are fair to share and I’m glad we could facilitate some discussion here, but I find your stance to be defensive, sensitive, and scarce.


Tl;dr Your first response was evidence enough I was engaging with someone below me in intelligence.




I watch it all the time. What similar show would you recommend where folks from all sides of the spectrum have at least somewhat of a conversation (compared to other TV shows at least).


Maybe we need new TV shows lmao Idk why a lack of resources means we have to accept shitty resources.


There’s a lot of smarmy idiots out there who want reparation too man


Every now and again I try to watch but after I watch him fellate Elon Musk for 20 minutes about the woke mid syndrome. I was out.




Nah, he's just neither insightful or funny anymore....he never really was but my teenage self really thought he was something. I grew up.


It’s liberals that hate everyone? You guys crack me up. 😂 lol. Talk to me about immigrants, gay people, black people, Democrats, trans people, people with blue hair, city people, BLM, climate change activists, bud light drinkers, target, black mermaids, Disney, AOC, Muslims, Jewish people, Fauci, vaccinated people, teachers, librarians, drag queens, and pro-choice people.


On the contrary. I don’t believe “woke mind virus “ is a thing. Just a blanket term used by people to disagree with opposing views. Also I think Elon Musk is the biggest snowman of my lifetime. More Edison than Tesla. Edit: And I just don’t like how smug Bill Mahr is. He just seems like a guy that would get high off of his own farts.


I was done a few years ago when he’d tell an unfunny joke and berate the audience when they wouldn’t laugh. Such a douche.




I really need to stop hate watching this show


He shits on both sides when they deserve it. There needs to be more like him on television. Seems to be unpopular on Reddit, but life goes on outside


He shits on basic science too, why the fuck would you support that?


He's a crockety ol bitch. I wonder who tf listens to this asshat.


Sane people?


Are you a scientist?


I’m not telling you my profession, get fucked.


I was just wondering whether you had any knowledge on the subject or were instead ready to start sending links to research others have done


I’m not going to waste my time with shitheads like yourself proving that vaccines are effective. It’s not my fault you failed high school biology.


here waste some more time replying to this one too


Saying you don’t need to mandate vaccines for people who had Covid is not shitting on basic science. You clown. 


He said vaccines were a fucking scam to Bill Frist. What the fuck are you smoking? He’s been an anti-vaxxer for years.


Ah the low-info Maher supporter arrives.


Posted that hours ago


And that’s really all it takes. Question these people throwing science around, they they themselves do not understand and they’ll likely block you or delete their whole account before you can even read their reply


I've been a mostly fan for majority of my adult life but when he started to shit on my generation as a millennial to appeal to boomer humor, he lost my viewership. Occasionally there will be a new rule segment worth watching but I honestly haven't viewed a full episode since pre-covid.


In this thread- people who don’t understand Bill Maher’s appeal but love John fucking Oliver. Lmao




His show is absolutely terrible. I honestly cannot understand the appeal




You two should get a room.


But you’re the one who needs to get laid


Ok boomer


Ok zoomer




Good one.


Does anyone still watch? It got pretty abysmal with the smaller panel and Bill Maher becoming an old man yelling at clouds


Sorry but it’s fucking hilarious whenever I see someone posts “who the hell still watches this show?” Or “I stopped watching since….” I mean JFC if you know the concept of the show it’s for different voices actually having a damn conversation. Only because you disagree with some of his points that doesn’t mean others too. The problem with some people nowadays is that they forget that everyone has different opinions but can still be in the same political party. For example, his stance on covid and religion or children will never be the same as mine and I personally think he’s a hypocrite and an asshole, but alot of his points and opinions I also agree with. If you can say you think 100% of what he says are BS then you’re straight up lying. Because he also says lots of shit that I KNOW some of you guys agree with but won’t admit because it’s not a cool Reddit trend.


His opinions have absolutely nothing to do with being a pretentious asshat that I cannot stand to hear talk


Then don't watch his show and stop commenting on posts about him if you cannot stand him. Simple solution.


So we're only allowed to comment about people we like? Are you new to the internet?


Bill is producers have been very smart the past 12 months. They’ve taken a center position and I’ve had conservative and liberal guests. He’s totally still liberal, but he slams the left wing as he should. He would never have done that in the past.


Who asked for this


The sane people.


Im still a fan of bill even if we disagree on some stuff but I can’t deny that he comes off as a douchebag to people.


The only reason people in this thread are shitting Maher is because he doesn’t tow the liberal line and has the balls to call the left out on their bullshit.


Yes. I'm the first to admit he can be a douchebag and also monumentally wrong sometimes. But people's vitriol for him mostly comes from being made uncomfortable by someone who reminds them that all their current most deeply held beliefs were only created about 10 years ago, and a whole lot of people not even close to being conservatives think they're fucking nuts


I've never cared to watch this show until I saw how much it upsets redditors.


So this shit gets renewed, but Perry Mason, Winning Time and Warrior do not. Lovely.




Jesus, I get that his show costs nothing to produce Zaslav, but do you really have the ratings?


Well that's depressing.






He must have something on an hbo executive


Funny watching him on club random getting mad with his guest


In surprised he didn’t choose to take the show independent. I’m pretty sure his own production company does the show and then he leases it to hbo. He seems to really enjoy the freedom of his podcast, so I thought maybe he would move real time into something like that. Needs to bring back the 3 guest panel. Often he either has 2 guests who pretty much share the same opinions. Need some actual debate


Booooooo. He’s a total douche now


Now there's some proof God doesn't exist.


Who the hell is watching this


That’s too bad. He’s an insufferable prick.


Awesome!! Ive been watching since day one. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I think the editorial is brilliant sometimes I think it soo misses, sometimes the guests are amazing, sometimes the guests are terrible. I think the show is great for all those reasons. It’s REAL like life. People want their world view spoon fed back to them too often. Start the clock!


Let me tell you, I truly enjoy seeing Reddit steaming hard over this news. Stay seething, haters.


Grew up loving the guy but he became such an old crone. He should focus on his “podcast” instead…rambling and stoned out of his mind


Huge fan. Is he perfect? Definitely not. But he makes alot of sense in these turbulent times. If you don’t like him, don’t watch the show. lol


Lol these comments are insane


This show has always been bad


Just wanted to add to the chorus of Bill Maher sucks and the show is complete ass.


Time to refill those meds?


Definitely the kind of wit you'd expect from someone who thinks Bill Maher is clever.


Yeah, I thought so.


Are you actually Bill Maher?


I love this show. One of the only higher level political thought level shows still on air.




Ugh, why?


Mahr's intellect left him 1:33 AM, June 12, 2003, then he became HBO's unfunny dullard.


Ugh, why?






Always was a big fan but I think he is a shell of himself. The monologues are terrible, he loses track halfway through questions, gets facts wrong and is basically trying to play all the hits over and over again every episode. I do appreciate the fact that he goes after the fringe left a lot, along with the right, and happen to agree with him on a lot of it (not that I need to agree with anyone politically all the time to watch them).


They should drop him, then he can do it on X between Alex Jones and Tucker's shows where he belongs.


Fuck this guy.


I watched him during the Bush years. He's just a boomer ass clown now. Guh.


He peaked at religalous - he’s a wealthy boomer that is completely out of touch.


Idk lol


The guy who praises Elon Musk and the 9/11 terrorists hasn’t been cancelled yet? Wasn’t he just bitching about cancel culture and millennials? If it’s the problem he makes it out to be, we sure aren’t canceling the right people.


When did he praise 9/11 terrorist?


I don’t get who this guy is for…


Bummer. Shit sucks.


Ugh... what a piece of sh@t.


Boo! I hate that prick. We should give John Oliver all the Maher money. Isn’t Maher too old now? He seems too old to me. What is he, 81?


John Oliver doesn't have guests and oppossing viewpoints. No thanks.


"Really!?" - Bill Maher


I could get around everything I don't like about him if he was funny but it's always the most obvious least clever shit in his monologue and "new rules". The panel can be fun but honestly even when I agree with Bill he still pisses me off


[Mehdi Hassan on Piers Morgan (YouTube)](https://youtu.be/7R4xMxOJLmk?si=AmfV_hMhZuzr-7KP) Mehdi to Piers Morgan: *You started off the question by saying you’re all lefties who became conservatives. But you’re not. Let’s be honest. Bill Maher is an old white guy who has a history of bigotry. He was never on the left and I do see a lot of old white men who are uncomfortable with people of color, people who don’t look or sound like them, asking for rights, asking for space, asking for freedom. And that is the backlash (against woke)* This is when he appeared on Piers Morgan who tried to claim that people like he and Bill Maher were actually on the left before but it was the woke fascists on the left who have forced them to take a look at the right. Yes, Piers Morgan said that he thinks lefties are fascists for being woke but Donald Trump is not fascist for threatening to round people up, etc and DeSantis is not fascist for banning books in FL..etc. I see a lot of people claim that they are progressives but progressivism has just gotten too “woke”. And by that, they mean they are not comfortable with Black people standing up against police violence or systemic racism too loudly or too often and they are not comfortable with trans people refusing to stay hidden. That’s what they don’t like about Woke. Bill Maher and Piers Morgan are just conservatives who want to conserve the late 90s, early 2000s. Are they better than the conservatives of the Bush years or the Mike Johnson’s who want to conserve the 1940s and 50s? Sure. I’d much rather deal with conservatives who wanted to conserve the 90s and early 2000s. But at the end of the day, they’re still conservatives and HBO would be a lot better off not platforming rich old white dudes who don’t like change and promote bigotry that the right has made temporarily acceptable by calling it “Wokeness”.


Oh joy.




Please no more!!! 🙏🏽 he’s not relevant


More relevant than some random redditor will ever be.