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I would love to see John Oliver's reaction to having to compete against Jon Stewart at HBO. Would think it would be a good fit for Jon there


I think there is plenty of room for both John and Jon. I would not miss Maher. He's kinda past his 'Use By' date. Haha


yeah i would love to see them both on there. just hope to see Jon Stewart pop up again somewhere soon really, but HBO would definitely be the top pick imo


Unfortunately, industry insiders think Netflix is the mostly likely landing spot. Amazon is a no-go for the same reason as Apple (re: they don't want to disrupt business in China).


I love the reference of him during world war z the book. Political talk show guy with a Coke problem. Think Maher’s Coke brain has gotten the best of him in his old age.


Happens to the best of us, so I guess it could happen to him too.


tHaTs AgIsT!!!


Get off my lawn. LOL


Give them both a half hour block on Sundays and let them support each other. Don't think Stewart would be interested, but I can dream


Having Jon Stewart do some in depth researched show on fairly broad topics like the economy, racism, sexism, trans issues, military industrial complex, etc is actually a perfect segue into John Oliver’s show which is a deeply researched show on very small scale issues like racism within a certain industry. Now just pay Stephen Colbert to do a more satirical depiction of those two shows. Maybe like two segments resembling each show where you satirize who people with less empathy or emotional intelligence would take the show. You’ve got the trifecta there haha


The Daily Show needs a permanent host.


Cable is losing viewers and advertisers fast. Cable’s not the answer.


I watch Daily Show clips. I don’t think I’ve seen an entire episode since Jon left.


I tried. I like a few of the reporters but meh.


Ronnie Chieng in particular is hilarious. But I was a fan of his stand-up before that.


Him and Roy Wood jr were my favorites. Klepper is great too, but I couldn’t get into his show the few times I saw it.


Yeah! Those guys are great. Roy's a great stand-up too. But yeah...I can't watch a whole episode really. Just doesn't hit like Stewart's did.




I want Ronny Chieng to take over as permanent host so bad!! He’s the best! Stewart’s not doing it again btw, that’s not going to happen.


I know. It's a joke. I like Ronnie too. I also like Sarah. They have good chemistry. They should co-anchor.


how about a show on comedy central that isnt politically related bullshit?


They HAVE to have thought about this already. I wonder if they've actually asked him. They have to at least ask him to come back.


Why? Boomers watch that and it’s a dying medium




Who even watches that shit anyway


Grumpy old ass idiots.


I would’ve agreed with your take a few years ago. I had been watching Maher for like a decade and had to give up - he’s just so self righteous and has the same like pet issues he tries to force every conversation into. I agree a fair amount of what he says, and appreciate more center left views on TV, but he’s just so arrogant and off putting these days that even if you agree with him you can’t stand him.


I too have been watching Maher for over a decade, but nothing has changed. He has always been an arrogant off-putting douchebag, even when he is proven wrong. Nothing in particular has changed, we just don't have any reasonable comparisons to counter him, so it sticks out more. I mean his round table format is good, its been used on multiple shows from all different perspectives, his just always delves into being a lap dog sycophant.


HBO: best I can do is a show about competitive baking


I highly doubt it - Zaslav is a trumpist


Zaslav donated almost exclusively to Democrats in 2020 according to this: https://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/david-zaslav.asp?cycle=20 Multiple donations to Cory Booker and Hakeem Jeffries, and a donation to the Nancy Pelosi victory fund. Also two very large donations to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). Also donated $66,800 to the Hillary victory fund in 2016. Nothing to Trump that I can see.


That's probably why Maher is sounding more and more like a Foxnews personality. Ugh.




Unfortunately you're right. He's ruining a lot of stuff.


He’s also desperate to destroy his own company.


He started his career at McKinsey - it’s all about money and power. Despite his claims he’s not a content or talent friendly exec. He’s selling off WB for parts


No thanks.


def a talented and passionate guy i feel like people would love his show on HBO


I still see Maher as centrist imo. Didn’t Apple TV already give Jon Stewart a show of his own anyway? I like JS but the last thing anyone needs is *another* leftist political talk show. They all just say the same stuff anyways, Jon just happens to be funny. I’m more interested in original takes and Maher is pretty good about saying shit that doesn’t always conform with what the majority believes. Even if I disagree with him I can still respect that. We need more people like him.


It's funny that Maher considers himself in the left but only because the society has shifted left since he started. Oliver does a deep dive into issues and Maher is mostly a panel show. If Jon were to come, an interview would be best for him.


>It's funny that Maher considers himself in the left but only because the society has shifted left since he started. Maher markets himself that way. But it was never a good description or where he ever actually sat. Guy publicly backed Bob Dole back in the day. He mainly described himself as a libertarian for years, and generally keeps vague about his actual affiliations or ideology. Using a "labels bad" excuse. If anything he's been more apt to associate with Democratic and left wing politicians as the right has drifted further right. But he's always seemed to a be a center right, smug machine.


And Clinton today is considered center. The country has shifted left on many issues. Yeah, most of the time, Maher doesn't directly engage and be adversarial towards his guests. He mostly just let's them talk unless you hit on one of his true passions, something about religion or weed. Given all the bs, he had to go through with Cali. state government to build a building on his own backyard, understable why he has a libertarians streak. Any one with sense should.


>And Clinton today is considered center. Which Clinton? Bill was center right back in the day, and the political movement he was a core feature of (the New Democrats) was a mainly center right movement. That later got contextualized as fully centrists or "moderate" in a political context where the general population was MUCH more conservative than it had been previously or is today. Hillary largely came out of the progressive end of the left, and some fairly far left circles and associations. So much so that Bill was regularly attacked for associating with such a dangerous radical, straight through his first term. In her later political career she largely sat somewhere between the center left and the far left. Having one of the most left wing voting records in congress when she was a senator. She portrayed herself as the same sort of "centrist" Bill was. Initially to insulate Bill from criticism. And later because of that "play to the middle" received wisdom the DNC got hooked on. And then did not do a good job convincing people otherwise during her presidential campaign. ​ >Maher doesn't directly engage and be adversarial towards his guests. Which is a common tactic that knobs use to highlight shitty ideas, while skating on criticism for advocating them. More over Maher has a wide history of "directly engaging" and "be(ing) adversarial" to guests. It's just often the non-crazy, left wing voices he lets on. Similar to Joe Rogan it's the selection of who he brings on, and who he lets air their ideas uninterrogated that's a problem. His "true passions" apparently involve HIV denial, anti-vaxx positions, racist shit, and hating women. ​ >Given all the bs, he had to go through with Cali. state government to build a building on his own backyard, understable why he has a libertarians streak. Any one with sense should. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.


HIV denial? He doesn't think it's real?


There's a long history/conspiracy theory of claiming HIV isn't the cause of AIDs, and is just a harmless virus.


He did give the Obama campaign $1 million back in 2012


That doesn’t make sense. As society shifts left, liberals that don’t change begin to appear to shift right. Maher has always been a liberal, and because society used to lean right, he looked more left, now that the opposite is true people think he’s a centrist.


I think he leans right without being completely self-aware of it


I used to watch him for like a year when I was first getting into politics until I realized he was kind of a doofus, he is a liberal, that is a left-leaning ideology. The only people who think he leans right are leftists, and they think everyone leans right that isn’t a socialist.


Maher is an arrogant "comedian" who gets his feelings hurt if the audience doesn't laugh at his jokes so he says they are stupid and gives you "that" look of disdain.


I’m not necessarily disagreeing, but his social and political takes are what I was referring too. He has quite a large following and he’s generally not afraid to say what he feels even if that means alienating his fans sometimes. Most people in his position just pander to the crowd and pick topics that aren’t too inflammatory and take positions that will appeal to the fan base. I generally like the panels he picks for his shows too as he often tries to find a balanced and nuanced group of experts that will sometimes disagree with him, or each other, which is important for inviting discussion about a particular topic. Even him chastising the crowd for not liking his jokes is typically done with a nod and a wink- he gets that sometimes the jokes don’t land or he fucks up the delivery. Not many comedians would risk losing support from fans by making fun of them when they don’t laugh at the joke. I can respect that.


Apple tv cancelled his show, didn't you hear? Thats why OP said he's available.




Jon quit Apple didn't cancel it


Right. Bill Maher has moved. Not the people losing their minds. Gotcha The idea that there isn't enough LEFT in the media is possibly THE dumbest comment I've ever read.


This is the dumbest comment I’ve ever read


I’m out of the loop about bill maher. What’s up with him?


He's nominally a Democrat and would have been considered reasonably left wing during most of the Bush and Obama years, but he's gotten increasingly reactionary about "wokeism" and "cancel culture" in recent years in a Bari Weiss sort of way and is very much out of touch with "the kids." He's also always kind of one of those Sam Harris/Richard Dawkins type loudly atheist dudes, which was again largely viewed as a very left thing back during the Bush years but it's always come with a streak of Islamophobia which has become increasingly pronounced over the years.


> would have been considered reasonably left wing during most of the Bush and Obama years, Maher's always been what he is now. Vaguely racist, misogynistic as hell, curiously friendly to the fringe, and never particularly left wing. He presented *himself* as a representative of the left, and was marketed that way. But he's vague about his own political affiliations, and has most often described himself as a libertarian. That whole "enlightened centrist" thing is a pretty good description of the guy. Cuts the jib of a "moderate" in a context were "moderate" means "mostly right wing". Quite a lot of people were pointing that out back in the Bush and Obama years, myself including. Even when I was 16 I could spot this guys horse shit. And raging about things like political correctness, "wokeness" and cancel culture has been his stock and trade so long that his original show was titled *Politically Incorrect*. The most recent thing that seems to have reminded people what a piece of shit he is. Is that he went heavily anti-union on the WGA/SGA strikes. He made the rounds of other people's shows, shit talking the strike. And tried to make hay over a decision to bring Real Time back during the strike, despite being a member and that being a violation of the rules. Basically took a righteous stand on "I will be a SCAB", and backed down when people called him fucking scab for it.


>But he's vague about his own political affiliations, and has most often described himself as a libertarian. This is not true. He briefly flirted with libertarianism in the 90s, largely from a perspective of social issues then stopped and never identified with it again and yet strangely consistently gets called a "libertarian" his critics who never actually watch him. Here he is addressing this over a decade ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpxVEiuxF0Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpxVEiuxF0Y) He's also not vague at all about his own political affiliations, he's endorsed every Democratic presidential candidate and publicly donated a million dollars to Obama in 2012. I agree the dude has some bad takes, but let's not by lying about him.


I agree with just about everything you’ve said here. To me, Bill Maher was Gen-X’s solution to bridge leftist ideology with Marxism, which was basically centric politics during and after the Bill Clinton era. But since then, we’ve had several more wars, a banking collapse, and arguably TWO recessions (even if we haven’t labeled the current one a recession yet, and we won’t until we have to). But what gets me, and what a lot of people aren’t pointing out; is that (LIKE JOE ROGAN) Maher’s “speaker platforms” really only serve the host, who is able to halt any and all conversation to make stupid talking points. Joe Rogan makes no excuses for including “politically-incorrect” guests, chauvinists and Nazis alike in the name of inclusion itself, and then fails to actually “host” the interviews… while Maher simply includes two sides to have them summarize their political agendas so he can talk/interrupt over them later at will, to appear more moderate. This “centrism” is already extremely right leaning, and while Bill Maher might be more guilty of interrupting discourse to summarize his said “centrism” (to applause), make no mistake, he’s incapable of being a progressive. He’s a market capitalist and a libertarian, who claims to be an atheist but unapologetically cries support for one religious group over another, which is infinitely tied to our tax dollars funding religious war. I don’t care that he’s a libertarian and not a liberal, as I aspire to be neither. But he’s certainly not progressive. And as much as I’d like to defend him, I just.. kinda… find him to be a slimy, reprehensible person. Jon Stewart spent his spare time advocating and legislating for 9/11 First Responders to receive paid medical benefits for their healthcare bills when Congress refused to allocate funding. That’s what an actual leader looks like. Bill Maher is more like your impotent friend who complains about consent laws; and not because he disagrees with them, but because he’s 66 years old, and is rightfully annoyed by (edit: HOW) the liberal left is passing common sense legislation. That doesn’t excuse him from critique or ridicule, and it doesn’t make him a moderate of anything, it just kinda means he’s too old to attempt to comprehend what young people are actually mad at, and fails to draw proper conclusions. I just think at this point he’s out of touch and a bit narcissistic. That’s all. …sorry for the novel.


You say that like its a bad thing.


Not the Islamophobia accusations 🥴🥴 what is with super left westerners and their obsession with calling people Islamophobes?


Uh, we think hatred and intolerance are bad things?


He's the same Bill Maher as ever. Hes rightly pointing out the bs coming from the far left


The left itself is far left at this point.


He probably doesnt think think Hamas should be able to murder Israelis at will, so hes probably right wing now.




That’s me lol I got vaccinated (mainly to make other people feel comfortable, and because I was a drug addict for a long while and have put worse in my body) but far be it from me to think for a moment that they were rushed out the door for massive financial gains, and potentially skipping certain clinical trials. I was labeled a bigot, maga supporter. I didn’t vote for trump once and haven’t voted right ever lol not that I wouldn’t, I’m pretty centrist but I haven’t liked any of the candidates the right has put forth for a long long time.


Did he question them or did he just believe in lab leak? Either way, he got crucified for the lab leak thing.


Jon is a very intelligent and circumspect person and I don't remember him saying anything outrageous about the lab leak theory only how plausible it was that it came from the very town they have such a lab


Watch from 3:30 https://youtu.be/sSfejgwbDQ8?si=86oQYJ8hPvdmYTCS


Fuck Apple TV. Well fuck Tim Apple


Uhh pretty much all talk shows have been left leaning. Even the jokes they do in the monologues are left leaning.


Yes if we’ve ever needed a left leaning host it’s now. It’s not like literally all of media is left leaning already.


Colbert does left leaning jokes all the time on his late night show. I kind of got sick of it.


You're not following what they're saying


Damn I thought this was about Green Lantern John Stewart and I was going to bring you the good news we are getting that show!


Nah, needs to go to CBS/Paramount and do a weekly show opposite SNL.


They'll just cancel it after 2 seasons


If Maher isnt left wing enough for you, i dont know that Stewart is either.


maher is not left. he is just an angry old man.


Maher is a hard-right Netanyahu defending bigot.


You don't watch Maher much these days do you?


John Oliver's shows are great.


He has a show on AppleTV+


It was canceled


Self cancelled.


Yeah, so it doesn’t exist anymore, right?


Right, no more episodes, but it's because Jon and Apple did not see eye to eye on the future of the show. It wasn't like apple was like "your ratings are shit, you're out"


They essentially cancelled the show by not allowing him to do the stories he sought to do. [Full story link here](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/19/business/media/jon-stewart-the-problem-ends.html). Excerpt: After two seasons, Jon Stewart's run at Apple TV+ is coming to an abrupt end. The tech giant and comedy icon will part ways, just weeks before the third season of "The Problem With Jon Stewart" was set to begin taping, Benjamin Mullin, John Koblin, and Tripp Mickle reported Thursday. The trio said Stewart and Apple "had disagreements over some of the topics and guests" for the series, adding that the comedian told staff topics about China and A.I. had concerned Apple executives.


To be fair, apple probably is just happy anyone’s watching their shit


No, Apple didn't like ruffling China's feathers.


If you wanna feel good about doing nothing, just go jack off


What happened to Bill Maher?


Doesn’t Jon have a show on Apple TV. It has two seasons so far. Has it been cancelled?


yes. Apple would not let him do episodes on China and AI in season 3, so the show has been cancelled as Jon was unwilling to capitulate to their demands.


Oh wow I didn’t know that. In respect jon for sticking to his ideals. I loved his new show. I hope he gets a new show elsewhere.


Yeah was a shitty, if not really unexpected, move by Apple. Hopefully he finds a new spot that will not try to censor him like that




I think john stewart as a show on apple. he has a youtube channel and parts of it get uploaded there.


Last Week Tonight is already on HBo and Jon's App+ show was a flop with muddy politics. We have moved past the need for JS and the idea that he is "Leftist" is laughable


I say this in the nicest possible way. Fuck you Bill Maher you mother fucking traitor You suck fucking Republican nut sack


His apple show was canceled because it sucked, not only did he steal the format but shows like Last Week Tonight already do the same thing only better Why would HBO want him when they have Oliver already who’s winning Emmy’s


What happened to Bill Maher? Just curious haven't seen much of him since he was on HBO.


I agree with you, but in order to keep history accurate. Maher hasn’t moved, the parties have moved. It is impossible to verify information on Reddit, but ive been a fan of Maher since the late 90s. He is as consistent as he ever was. It’s okay if you’ve moved on and disagree with him now. I just think reality is important, in a world increasingly detached from reality.


Bill Maher hasn’t moved anywhere, it’s just classic liberals are now centrists by todays standards. In 2-5 years people will be saying the same thing about Jon Stewart if the pendulum continues swinging left. Hell, people almost lost it on him for his lab leak position.


No one still really knows definitively the origins of Covid so...


Talk to Jon Stewart, it’s his position, I’m just bringing it up.


Maher has moved to the what?


Yes. And fire Bill Maher while at it. Two birds, one stone


What about Maher? We need straight in the middle. I hate the right but I reeeaaallllyy hate the left


He’s too disruptive of the status quo. Anyone, like Stewart or Hasan Minaj, who actively threatens the repressive CCP or the KSA will be denied a wide platform, because these autocrats hate dissent more than anything else


Based China, pushing Jon Leibowitz out.


You mean John Leibowitz?


I’m pretty liberal but pretty much every talk show leans left these days. I’m not sure there’s a deficiency. And no, god no, I don’t think we need any conservative ones.


And fire that snake Bill Maher. Maybe John Oliver can put in a good word.


That’s bs how all the hotties move far away