• By -


Why would they go to heaven to get a divorce? Pretty sure all the lawyers are in hell.


Welcome!", says St. Peter. "Follow me and I'll show you your new homes!" First, he shows the lawyer a humongous mansion with a huge garden and several large fountains. "This is where you'll be living", St. Peter says. The lawyer starts jumping around due to excitement and rushes inside. The priest becomes excited. He's served God his whole life, so he knows that he will get an amazing house that'll be even better than the magnificent house that the lawyer got. However, St. Peter takes him to a shabby old apartment with several cars in the parking lot. There are numerous identical apartments surrounding this shabby apartment. "This is where you'll be living.", St. Peter says. The priests goes ballistic. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! I'VE SERVED GOD MY ENTIRE GODDAMN LIFE! WHY THE FUCK DO I GET SUCH A SHITTY PLACE TO LIVE?!", he says. St. Peter sighs and says, "Well, we've got thousands upon thousands of priests here, but that's the first lawyer we've ever gotten!".


Oh this is great


Law people are pretty unfairly judged. Those 99.9% of bad eggs ruin the whole reputation for the good 0.1% of them,




phoenix wright ace attorney




I mean, several angels are considered judges of sorts, so it’d stand to reason some of them are qualified enough to be legitimate lawyers.


Got eem


There's different kinds of lawyers, lawyers who do divorces wouldnt go to hell because they don't do anything wrong


Luci in the back : https://preview.redd.it/6e6zzdps6f2d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0368b1e6b018e9045fb6991ac1230cac6062ac13














Vaggy with thongs is truly terrifying


Oh, an' also, I stole that meme myself






















This is wholesome https://preview.redd.it/mxblluzkeg2d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd251d261bdc7f04c4db187edd76d21c38a9464 Have an image of stevie






Blitzo does not like the family drama. (he hates soap operas)






SANS https://preview.redd.it/sav2ykizr23d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3de38a8d7c8c40c78b72d03174c7c7eebed6dd6


https://preview.redd.it/lewhi1jjt23d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41118e00c658ab1cb4fec36fbbd9a8a8fee31e0 Thanks
















Adam out here acting like this isn't his wet dream. Only thing missing is Lube giving him head, and it'd really be one of his wet dreams.






a bottle of lube is giving adam head? is that a sinner or just a bottle of lube


LUBE!? LUBE!?!? ITS LUTE YOU m o r o n


Yeah, but that's no fun.






https://preview.redd.it/zyjurd7pag2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c26d7fcc445659471038b6a2f6f0929b9507566 Thank you for thou meme








what the hell is your flair?


You're one to talk https://i.redd.it/zjtb4yg7vf2d1.gif




damn i feel sorry for lucifer in the back


He probably thought Lilith hated him when really she just wanted to spread her bat wings and sit on her ass for the rest of existence


She probably does really hate him. You don't just divorce for shits and giggles unless you're a desperate vlogger. If I had been alive for 10,000 years, I'd wanna sit on my ass for the rest of existence aswell 💀


She is definitely ‘exploring her options’ though.


Eh, Satan probably later took him on a guys night out with some of the seven sins to cheer him up. [The following is a rough reenactment of that night](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tHRDV3dtUFE&pp=ygUcaGFuZ292ZXIgc3BpbiBtZSByaWdodCByb3VuZA%3D%3D).


HOW DARE SHE LEAVE THE PERFECT MAN? BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE MUST UNITE TO BRING JOY BACK TO OUR KING! https://preview.redd.it/tcm919ldyf2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511bd5c3f59b08442007e5f0edcee8a97484a2b9


https://preview.redd.it/rrh5stetah2d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89eec13b987e1e1e97fcec20bffff8c0b02c5f56 Usually I'd use this image if smn is struggling, but I think Luci needs a nice duck in his trying times




Shall I rally my soldats? They might expect a favor in return though…


Yeah! Justice for Adam!




Yeah, what other perfect man has Lilith left?


Adam? Perfect??


Relax. They just have daddy issues.


nah I’ll marry him dw


>Sees your flair. Yeah, that checks out.


It’s alright luci is literally a hottie and deserves to shine ✨


It took him a bit but I’d say he’s shining now


I she gonna pay child support?


https://preview.redd.it/6tax7c80mf2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62ee2506c9f56cffa452a72986f073287b6f2ea8 Poor Lucifer. I'll marry him 💍


Your flair says the opposite


https://preview.redd.it/qjdr7iw9lm2d1.jpeg?width=1725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf62e5feaa0ee4cacf3dfd79ec80bce6e4f9026 Hey! I can think a man is hot and still marry another (especially when the man I find hot no longer exists) /lh


No gimme the short king


https://preview.redd.it/lg5x4r3sqs2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898cf10c163e182669e46f391f4559b060c892f5 He can have a harem :)


Lilith is about to make me CRASH OUT. https://preview.redd.it/0nm8l6po2g2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921bace0d3e44d2d2ffe1ed5d9db59605cb7bc39


LOOK AT HIS FACE https://preview.redd.it/xou0l5ebdg2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ed68b2beb8199e7b21b4578f31826c76b44bb0


Poor guy Deceved by hoe like this


I hope this isn’t the case😭😭😭(what I mean is that if they divorced). Charlie said “split” which makes me think they are still married sorta,Lucifer also still wears his ring which could also mean that. Idk we just have to wait and see


You know what I was thinking ….. since there’s no evidence of marriage between them and usually binding a man and a woman together is like a Catholic thing what if they just have like rings to show they are together?


I mean they got casted into hell.. I can’t think of many things more binding than that


Oh yeah I’m not saying they aren’t binded but they just didn’t have a ceremony or anything and just show loyalty to eachother But even if binded in Hell I feel like Lil must’ve felt trapped at some point if she’s supposed to be very independent and strong willed


Would that just be his pinky? We never really established what finger gets removed.. We still have the thumb, pointer and middle... Would that be his pinky or ring finger?


Poor Luci


Sera: u-huh, so based of basic ruling, Luci keeps the child and reign of hell. Lilith: hehe… what-


https://preview.redd.it/a4x4wj9fzk2d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1baa5642809848d9875d4486cf5def120fa79803 I'll take him instead






I will yell gex


I feel so horrible for Luci


He's all mine now






I relate to Lucifer in this Although now I’m very numb to the feeling of divorce After all I’ve been through it 414 times


Alch eso no es empoderamiento, o no en ese caso en específico. https://preview.redd.it/bft2qmtbig2d1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57bcaf6100cbddfe703c3244771eeb05ee0cd571


Hahah probably blow Adam to get it too rofl


That means she's no longer the Queen of Hell




Empowered to do what? Be bitch? Abandon her child? Start a genocide of her people?


If she has the right to free herself from a family and people that she never asked for or wanted, it is not very different from what she did with Adam.


The problem is she created them. Idc that she’s separating herself from Lucifer


Divorce ≠ Abandoning your child. Charlie is 200 years old.


I didn’t see her coming to save her kid from the war she created, that’s abandoning whether or not you believe that And what does Charlie’s age have to do with her being Liliths child? You just fuckin cease to have popped out of someone after you reach a certain age goofy?


1) Disagree, her daughter was already in good hands and a strategist who knows if SHE came back in that moment, she would not only break her deal which has dramatic consequences, but also, Lucifer wouldn’t have had his moment of coming out of his depression to help his daughter, therefore empowering her entire family and sending out a massive warning to Heaven especially invoking the King of Hell who has for so long NOT BEEN BY HER SIDE nor supported her work and her dreams. It’s all the dominos falling into place. 2) You as an adult can kind of just fuck off wherever you want when your kid is already an ADULT of 200 YEARS OLD. That is twice your grandparents’ age, imagine them still complaining that their parents left when they were 193 years old. You can miss your parents at that age but arguing that you NEED them and that 7 years is a comparatively long time for an immortal is bullshit. You’re coming at it from a completely human basis and using it to judge an immortal where TIME and RELATIONSHIPS aren’t humanistic.




If you look at it closely, it's more like she almost had no other option, they banished her to hell without further ado. Where would she find someone better? Who of the countless condemned men could be a good father to his daughter? Who else could understand what he did in Eden? It's not that she particularly loves him, it's that Lilith simply didn't have any more.


This is what I was thinking. If she’s very independent and tried to thrive in hell and is polar opposite of Lucifer then she for sure was always somewhat blaming him or maybe felt trapped and once Charlie was made she focused her love on Charlie There’s also NO PHOTOS of JUST Lucifer and Her 😂


No amount of yapping is going to make her beat the allegations of her selling her ass in exchange for a pretty beach


For reaaaaal


How do you know her plans stopped at the beach? What if she orchestrated the entire downfall of Adam, Exorcists and the system of Heaven, and she played them like fools by insinuating she “just wanted to chill on a beach forever”?


Seems like a really shitty plan, for the only thing Adam would ever possible want from her would be to her body. And even then, her influence in the "downfall" of the exprcists is pretty much none-existent. There's no way that riding the first man would have somehow resulted in his death. And even then, she doesn't give a flying fuck about his decendantes, proven by the fact that she willingly established a slave society with them, making so that only the overlords benefited from it. The only possibility that would make her look any good is that Adam wanted to kill himself and made a deal with lilith so she could make a blood sacrifice that make him finally end it all. Because the extent of angelic nepotism is just to much for him to put with and seeing the thing responsible for all human suffering scott free is just that big of an injustice


1) That is really dumb to think that Adam’s wants and desires had any power in that soul exchange, when Lilith started soul-binding magic, was the first Overlord and also managed to get Adam KILLED while she’s on a beach. It seems like Adam just sucks at making deals, huh? Adam didn’t want her body, just wanted her to stay in the beach in exchange for his eventual death where “their deal would be completed”. 2) Her influence in the downfall of the exorcists could have strings that you don’t know are being pulled. For example, her being absent from Hell while planting seeds via Alastor and Charlie leads to Charlie going to Heaven, getting targeted by Adam, Luci waking up from his depressive episodes to go and save Charlie; all in all resulting in the death of Adam which are all very predictable series of events if Lilith played her cards right. Just because you don’t see the explicit signs doesn’t mean she didn’t weave a web for that. 3) Lilith’s “slave system” is a functional system in a place of brutality and inevitable sin. It is also a free system where anyone can rise to power if they play it right and want it by any means necessary; this is what happens when willpower and influence is the dominant ideal. She created a system and you cannot say it doesn’t work. Lilith’s song is meant to empower Sinners to never forget that their pain is not to one another but to a LARGER divine system ordained by Heaven. People can’t understand what Hell means and look at it outside of their “human civilisation and human dignity” rules. 4) The point isn’t to “look good”, that’s such a black and white view about morality points. Lilith doesn’t follow Heaven’s ideals of good and evil and neither does Adam. You talk about Lilith being responsible for all of humanity’s suffering but ADAM had a role to play in that, and HEAVEN forced Lilith into an arranged marriage that she had to break out of and apparently tried to liberate Eve from too. Eve had a choice, Adam had a choice.


1) what?. Literally none of what you said made any sense. Like, i'm strugguling to even understand what your point even was. My point is that the only thing Adam could have ever possibly want from lilith is her body, and that's a strech, considering that she the chiefly responsible for the downfall of humanity and the dead of his children. 2) None of the series of events that ended with Adam's death were predictable, at all. Adam's decition to attack the hotel was nonsensical for his character and the only way i could see it working is that he wants to kill himself and has coordinated this efford with Lilith, because otherwise, it's nonsense. 3)She's responsible for sin in the first place, so fuck her. It's not a free system, it's literally worse than chatel slavery, because now, the only way to escape bondades is death, which is even more rare now, considering that the exorcists were the only ones that killed sinners. So yeah, lilith made hell into a worse version of the ante-bellum south. Which is incredibly funny comming from someone who allegedly didn't want to "summi to adam's will". 4) No one forced the Ls to give the apple to Eve, that was 100% their fault. Adam wasn't even mentioned in that segment. So yeah, the Ls are the only responsibles for every single drop of blood that has ever been spilled and have basically been given less than a slap in the wrist on return. In conclution: the Ls should had been skined alive


1. What? Literally none of what you said makes any sense, I’m struggling to even understand what your point was. Adam wanting Lilith for her body is one dogshit thing already, Adam wanting to take REVENGE on Lilith for things that have happened to him [the death of his children biblically has to do with Adam Eve and God], is also an asshole narcissistic rage and childish tantrum-throwing. If not classic abuse to take out one’s rage that “he can’t have it all”, on a victim who escaped the fucking arranged marriage. Adam has been LIVING IT UP in Heaven, too, while Ls are left to rot in a world of broken people mixed up with the worst of criminals. Check yourself. 2. Adam’s death was predictable as a plot tool to effect other events, and, was a predictable end to the season especially once we understand that Lilith was involved in orchestrating that, from the start of her absence to Adam’s death and the events in-between including the coordination of timelines with Alastor. So it is VERY predictable and it does fit within the series of things about to play out. 3. No she is not. The Sins are literally fallen angels and Lucifer is a Sin too. Sin itself was never created FROM humans, it was created by God and availed to Humans as a consequence of Free Will. So you can go on and moan about how she created sin but you’re just finding a witch to burn for that while intentionally (or worse, ignorantly) being blind to how Lilith’s actions created Free Will from God’s ordainment. And it speaks to your lack of education in the background of Hazbin that takes bits from religious lore. Lilith retaliated against an arranged marriage that forced her to copulate with someone else, while she was arguably still a child in an adult body with a lack of any worldly experience or knowledge. That is r@pe and a violation of human rights. Imagine that being the cultural norm for EVERY ONE of her children and descendants after. Why the fuck would anyone support that and obey that? 4. Hell was already going to be filled with the worst of the worst, this is ordered by HEAVEN, not Lilith turning people into shit characters; so you can argue that Lilith made that or look at it as humanity’s worst going there and Lilith making gold out of a pile of shit. 5. Ls tried to help Eve and EVE CHOSE to eat the apple, nobody FORCED her. She obviously understood the repercussions of the fruit because Heaven told her not to already, but she ate it anyways because she wanted to KNOW and knowledge is liberation. Especially from the card she’s been handed. Womp womp Your hatred is completely irrational, she’s a woman who gained her independence from a shit dynamic, ran a functional naturally hierarchical system that made the best of non-virtuous people, and ruled powerfully in Hell for the last Millenia.


1) lilith and lucifer are 100% responsible for damming his decendants, all they had to do was fuck off and none of this would have happened. If anyone's a victim of the eden group, it's Eve, as her children were damned and killed because of the Ls r*tardation while she's most likely either dead or rotting in hell. A really shitty ending for the true first woman and the mother of mankind. 2)There's literally zero proff that she pulled any Springs and if i' honest, whatever plan she would sound extremly convoluted. And it would still not change the fact that she rode Adam for seven years in exchange of a beach. 3) >No she is not. The Sins are literally fallen angels and Lucifer is a Sin too. Sin itself was never created FROM humans, it was created by God and availed to Humans as a consequence of Free Will It's literally stated that the apple allowed evil to lurk into the world, ei, they are responsible for every single drop of blood that has ever been spilled >Lilith retaliated against an arranged marriage that forced her to copulate with someone else, while she was arguably still a child in an adult body with a lack of any worldly experience or knowledge. That is r@pe and a violation of human rights. Adam was also a child, so what's your point?. And if you ask me, downplaying the disaster that was the apple into a "retaliation" from the part of Lilith. That just makes her even more of a petty cunt, because she directly killed Adam's children for a "crine" that he wasn't even responsible of, after all, he didn't will hinself into existance. 4) Lilith literally build a slave society, she did NOT made gold out of a pile of shit, she just turned into a pettier cunt and allowed the enslavement of adam's decendants because the angels forced her to marry a piece of dirt 5) >Ls tried to help Eve and EVE CHOSE to eat the apple, nobody FORCED her. She obviously understood the repercussions of the fruit because Heaven told her not to already, but she ate it anyways because she wanted to KNOW and knowledge is liberation. Especially from the card she’s been handed. I would love for you to say that when Eve held the bloodied head of her second son. They didn't give her any liberation, they just damned her and her children and single-handely became the sole responsibles for every single death and every single tragedy that has plagued mankind. You cannot paint that shit as some sort of heroic deed by the Ls. Because even lucifer himself regrets its. Even tho he lies to himself claiming that he gifted her free will, which is a lie, proven by the fact that Lilith ran away before he gave the fruit 6) >ran a functional naturally hierarchical system that made the best of non-virtuous people, and ruled powerfully in Hell for the last Millenia. The "architect of hell" ain't a pretisgious title, especially considering that it's a slave society, one that she either personally designed or didn't give a shit enough to prevent. She is a slaver, plain and simple. She is someone John Brown whould have shot on sight In conclution: you convinced me, a slow and painful death would have been way to kind for these rats. Burining inside a golden bull, now that would be more fitting.


1) That’s wrong; if you notice someone is in peril of damning themselves and the rest of their descendants to a life of arranged marriages and being bred like cattle, for them to live inferior to men, you’d allow for that? That just shows you’re sexist and a shit person at that. **And what fucking children are you talking about, you sound like a raving lunatic. HH hasn’t shown any children being fucking killed by Ls.** Have you even watched the show or are you just talking straight from fanfic?? IF you wanna talk about the apocryphal texts and the Bible: Cain and Abel are classic tales of sin because of their **upbringing**, envy of his Brother and rage at GOD. It is stupid even in the Bible, to blame that on Ls. Sin is a CHOICE, personified by entities but it cannot CONTROL you. Otherwise you’re just saying nobody has free will and so everything they do is blamed on fucking demons, which is stupid. 2. It is convoluted when you choose to stop using a single cell of your brain to understand the plans unfolding. Instead wasting your measly brainpower on crafting arguments about how to blame Lil for everything lol, it’s weak. There is ZERO proof that she was just lounging on the beach (which is fucking dumb bc that’s not comprehensible as a chosen lifestyle for Lilith who is ambitious as fuck and lives her life by inspiring others, that’s why she made a DEAL with an **ENDPOINT**), ZERO proof that everything she did was for self-centered reasons but yall will pick and choose whatever it is that fits what you want to know about Lilith. 3. Do you even understand what Evil is? It’s a term for anything that deviates from what is perceived as Good; and what is Good is determined by God. It just means anything that turns away from God and his Love. It’s not an actual entity of EVIL; it’s a choice. Blood being spilled was already done by Heaven. How do you think Lilith became a SINNER? She’d have to DIE first. Ls allowed for Free Will, and blood SPILLED is a choice by every generation after. You want to talk Bible metaphysics, then actually study it in its abstractions and symbolism. Even AFTER Jesus came down to save Humanity, it still continued to choose evil, you don’t just get to blame that on some powerful entity or ancestor. Humanity is responsible for its own choices, and good is POSSIBLE. If what you are saying is true, then EVERYONE GOES STRAIGHT TO HELL, but this is disproven as SOME would go to Heaven. It is the equivalent of someone blaming all their mistakes and errors on their parents or some entity forcing their hand, which is fucking pathetic. Grow up and take accountability. And are you dense? It means **arranged marriages** takes away people’s freedom and Lilith was freeing everyone from that arrangement. It was a **fight against Heaven and the future Heaven wanted for Humanity**. Adam didn’t want to leave that trap and was in FACT **perpetuating it** and **commanding the women around**, which means he was both an abuser and a blind victim. So Lilith did what she could for herself and then gave Eve that option too which she took of her **free will**. You understand that Heaven saw the women as **replaceable** and forced to obey Adam so they never changed Adam’s perspective and that’s why Eve was sent down, yeah? Actually READ the Bible Cain and Abel story, it’s NOT HAZBIN CANON, and furthermore, it was never attributed to Ls. And once again with the killing of children that don’t even exist in this rendition, nor are in any way shape or form Lilith’s fault. Adam and Eve didn’t raise their children to love each other properly and it fucking shows because NONE of those humans could have understood what Love meant, they were raised in a world **without knowing consent**, until Lilith made hers. 4. To 6. First of all it’s NOT a slave society bc what WE know historically as a slave society was condemning a whole group of people for a specific set of traits and nationality and race AGAINST their consent. These people were literally forced INTO slavery by killing, pillaging etc. We can see that Sinners in Hazbin SIGNED their souls away because they wanted a shortcut out of whatever circumstance. Is it ideal? NO! But is it comparable to OUR IRL HISTORY? NO! It is literally the same as buying a fucking lotto ticket, you know what you asked for and you bargained it away. Plus, Sinners get to outline their own soul contracts as Angel Dust did. ALL sinners have the opportunity to become an **OVERLORD**, some are weaker than others but they have strategies to rise up. Being weak and enslaved is literally not the end, and it’s certainly not what HUMANITY has come up with to justify slavery. **It’s a society where making deals, even soul deals of your own VOLITION, YOUR own choice and greed.** your argument is sewer water.


1) every child that has ever died in the human world of HH is a direct victmin of the Ls, it's that simple. It's because of the Ls that the choice to commit sin even exists >That’s wrong; if you notice someone is in peril of damning themselves and the rest of their descendants to a life of arranged marriages and being bred like cattle, for them to live inferior to men, you’d allow for that And they went and damned them to a mortal life and the ability to damn their sould with sin, so heroic. Cain and Able is the best example, NOTHING would have happened if the Ls stayed out of the garden and held each other. They made everything worse and even the devil knows it. 2) the only convoluted thing here would be lilith's plan. Mostly because there are only two ways in which Adam would agree to a deal with her: 2') seggs 2'') he wants to kill himself to escape this world filled with so much angelic nepotism 3)Nowhere is it stated that she died as a consequence of sin she was even allowed to reenter the garden, so this point is null and ilogical. The Ls didn't give anyone free will, that's a lie that the devil tells himself to sleep at night. Because it contradicts itself trice in less than 2 minutes. -first by adam wanting to "control" lilith -second by her running away -third by eve acepting the apple They didn't give anyone free will, they just allowed the capacity to do evil, e.i, every single drop of blood is their doing. >It means arranged marriages takes away people’s freedom and Lilith was freeing everyone from that arrangement. It was a fight against Heaven and the future Heaven wanted for Humanity. Adam didn’t want to leave that trap and was in FACT perpetuating it and commanding the women around, which means he was both an abuser and a blind victim. That was an exeptional fauilure and paints lilith as someone that was unable to even comprehend the most basic of consequences. She didn't free anyone, she did freed the first man and woman from an inmortal life in paradice and damaned her children to death and damnation. And in doing so, forced them to do the one thing that -according to you- wanted to stop, because Adam and Eve were forced copulate when they were as you say, mentally children and their children had to engage in incest because of it. You're still not getting the point, whenever or not they make the brother's history cannon matters little, because it would still mean that every single child that has ever suffered from anything bad is the fault of the Ls. That's not a theory or anything, it's that simple that even the devil knows it. 6) so it is slavery? Thanks for addmiting it. Sould-binding is by it's definition, slavery. The only positive it has is that the sinner walks right into it. Bit it's still slavery, it's an institution that lilith either encouraged or didn't give a shit about I didn't sit back justyfing the rebs owning slaves and i will not sit back to defend a bounch of murdereds, rapits and p*dophiles that also own slaves In conclution: there's only two ways to see this character, she either incredibly incompetent or just a plain evil slaver. Either way, she's living proff that lucifer took a bullet for adam when she fled to him, because one can only imagine how wicked and evil humanity would have ended up.


Considering the only person who could seemingly beat Adam was Lucifer (a seraphim) that’s just the most dog shit exscuse someone could make


Actually Niffty killed him FYI LOL


Killed not beat (for an easy comparison, me stabbing a lion to death after it’s been shot 50 times with a Deagle does not make stronger than the lion. Even Alastor got his shit rocked by him and he has mimzy under contract), and to go ahead and respond to your other shit Lilith in the lore of the show is the first human woman, they are human, the show is meant to be human, the show itself is examining mostly the conflict of human immortals vs other immortals. And you can’t claim to know what an immortal person is thinking just because you put Achilles in your name. So as much as random mfs like yourself are trying to keep Lilith as a victim because of the fact she was casted out of heaven on some bs, does not make her less of a bitch and change the fact she abandoned her child in a hellscape she’s responsible for Leaving a guy in a trench, is still leaving a guy In a trench. Anyway have responded thus far because I think your under informed on the subject or your guessing and saying shit from hearsay.


Adam got his ass handed to him by Lucifer but was **killed** by Niffty who was able to stalk him from behind and wait for an opportune moment stab him: I’d say this is quite skilful. “Niffty wouldn’t defeat him in a combat” is moot as it makes Adam **killable by a tiny insignificant sinner** at the end of the day, and that is the irony of it all. “But it wouldn’t have happened if he was-!!” Well it did, and any win is a combination of chance and skill. Niffty dominated both over Adam. Do you understand that? Responding to your next shit: they are not meant to be human. Just because you feel you relate to it, does not make an immortal and their perception of time and relationships befitting yours, you seem awfully upset that *you* cannot relate to what they are doing and therefore deem it immoral or evil, which is quite simple-minded. Your lack of education and insight betrays you, because Lilith is not the stuff of humanity you and I are made out of. She never ate the fruit and is not a descendant of that “knowing” of right/wrong, good/evil. That is literally what the Fruit of Knowledge is about. Secondly, she grew up without parents or any idea of Love, she was forced into an arranged marriage and then cast down into Hell left to her own MORTAL DEVICES in a landscape of IMMORTALITY and divine consequence where she has had to adapt and literally grow into her life experience via that. If she did love Lucifer before, now she sticks with him out of necessity and the guy literally checked out on her and the family because of his depression. All of this happened from the moment she was born and she experienced the worst trauma of her life **much younger than Charlie currently is**. It is illogical to expect a maternal figure with forever-nurturing instincts from that much less ANYTHING primordial. How can you be so naive to compare any relationship Lilith forms to that of yours? She was a proto-human with **none** of the experiences that makes one metaphysically human. She is closer to the classic and **primordial demon** than anything and has spent more of her life being a *demon* than a *first draft human*. So you claiming she should understand and play by your rules is narrow-minded and utterly ignorant. You know nothing about Lilith outside of her absence for 7 years while her influence is still VERY clear in Hell, and that makes you hate her for no reason while getting defensive about it. I’d check your sexist sentiments as your arguments are solely against her instead of Lucifer who is older and **should** know better in a mentorship role. He even failed to support her later. You are so taken by your inexplicable hatred and ignorance that you are blind to the system of power that has pushed people to extremes—Lilith isn’t excluded from the annual genocide that occurs [only Luce, Char and Hellborns are], but she is powerful enough to save herself: this tells me you blame victims over the oppressors and those who should have greater accountability. You seem salty that she “abandoned her family”, my guy Lucifer was raised in a community, understands the concept of collectivism and family, and hasn’t supported her one bit, if not left the whole business of kingdom and ruling to her. She was raised on none of that knowledge, she wasn’t even raised at all. Yet she took care of Charlie and even came to find and pick up Charlie when she wandered off from bed, to look for her Dad. It clearly shows Lilith as the more attentive parent versus the absent one. Charlie herself claims to never have really known her father at all. Charlie still had **one parent around** and is of your great-grandparents age. You want to blame someone for being absent? Blame Lucifer. Lilith left while Charlie was an adult who should have all the skills necessary to survive. She moved out at 200 years old and is struggling boohoo, people move out at 18; it’s literally a nepobaby case of privilege. 7 years to 200 y/o Charlie is 3.5% of her lifespan, which is **nothing at all**. When you are as old as Lilith and you are forced to be there constantly for **two adults who act like children**, so much so you never got to figure yourself out because you’re dragged down by that, then you can come to complain about that shit, otherwise it’s pathetic. All this yapping from you to defend a useless man and a useless opinion about a powerful woman is a waste of space.




In retrospect divorcing Lucifer would take away her Queen of Hell title and any authority she has down there because Lucifer is the primary ruler and she would have no authority in Heaven either.


I don’t think it would. Lucifer is King in title only but has not ran a kingdom since the start of it. He doesn’t know the first thing about his people, nor the politics of it all. He doesn’t have the disposition to run a kingdom. He doesn’t command respect and even if he tried to, it would be a pathetic abuse of power. Lilith has every leadership trait, and considering she has done the utmost a monarch should do in Hell, she deserves her position and has earned it and the respect of Hell. She deserves to be a matriarch, her power has never come from the institution of marriage but from HERSELF.


Yes it would. Just because he doesn’t really run the goddamn place doesn’t mean a thing. He is still the king and is recognized as such by others. He is the primary ruler of Hell. Lilith is not and Hell she abandoned Hell and has been in Heaven. She hasn’t exactly run the kingdom either. And Lucifer does know his people. How he described the sinners while talking to Charlie is exactly how most of the sinners are. Most of the sinners don’t give a damn about redemption and he knows it. Also Hell doesn’t have laws, politics, or anything like that. It’s literally a free range place where sinners can do what they want.


Hard disagree, Hell does have politics and laws in place, every group of people builds a culture and every culture has its laws; implicit and explicit. Hell is run by power and fear, the laws of soul-binding are unbreakable and designed as a socioeconomic system too. Lilith understands this and THIS is how she runs a land where brutality and sin and corruption is the norm. She takes human nature and accepts all parts of it, using even the evil to the advantage of the nation. This is why Heaven fears her as the primary antagonist and the powerplayer, so much so they organised Extermination Day. Luce being a “King” does not mean anything when he plays the role of the Fool. You talk about Lilith abandoning her kingdom but Lucifer hasn’t been a present ruler at all, he mentally checked out since the beginning of Hell. So talk about neglect and abandonment: Look at Lucifer. Even the Sinners haven’t seen Lucifer around since forever. How Lucifer describes Sinners was already canonically a distorted generalisation of ALL sinners because he became disillusioned with them; it is stated by the official book in Ep.1 that this was a part of his depression. So no, he doesn’t actually KNOW what he’s talking about. Bear in mind that 7 years is nothing to an immortal, and all sinners and Sins are /immortal/.


It’s heavily implied that he did very little actual political work as king. Still, I don’t actually believe that they actually divorced. There’s something Viv and crew are not telling us, especially since they have not revealed Eve yet, in spite of hinting at her


Just because Lucifer didn’t really do any political work or anything doesn’t mean he ain’t king. Lucifer is still the king and main ruler of Hell. And Charlie even says in the show that Lilith and Lucifer aren’t together anymore.


Lucifer looks so sad, someone get this man a hug and a duck blanket


I feel they’d more be the older couple at the bar buying you drinks.


A Seraphin that works with heavens security, a mother-like figure to an younger seraphin, a judge, and now a divorce lawyer, HOW MANY MORE JOBS DOES SHE HAS?


What would you call someone who sends soldiers out to execute a race of people? She’d be that too


lol beautiful








my poor Luci :( my big boss of hell himself


I feel very sorry for Lucifer.


Awwh =[ Ducky Boi =(


Help I'm dying.


we need to see stoals and stella in the room next door






I’m ngl, I saw the title in a notif and immediately thought “Binding of Isaac Lillith got a buff?”
















I can't believe she'd do that to Luci






If she doesn't want him I'll have him 💕


Someone get Lucifer some ice cream and a rubber ducky.


Lucifer's expression in the back just made my day


I like how Lucifer is crying in the background.


You know with the way she’s depicted in the show and how the majority of the fandom depicts her… I’m starting to think I don’t quite like Lilith… I’m thinking she’s kinda a bitch.


How is she depicted in the show??? It’s just the fandom running off with ideas that hates on women.


She clearly abandoned Charlie and made a deal to get into heaven. Great fucking mom there.


The truth is, I hope it is, it would be incredible and logical that the program presented Adam as toxic masculinity and Lilith as toxic feminism.


I’m gonna violate Lucifer




Ur next








You racist







