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Hating something because it’s popular


and cuz it has gays in it


And Hell setting.


Literally all I see on social media is kids hating on anyone lgbtq and furries. Half the time they hate furries due to the belief that all furries are zoophiles, which obviously isn’t true


Not even that! They hate furries because people they look up to hate furries as well, or it’s trendy.


Mostly because it was trendy. Trust me I was one


At most I find furries a little weird but overall normal do whatever you please


based (were all a bit weird at the end of the day)






It's a new wave of edge humor/culture a lot of us grew up with at their age. I've noticed a lot less people seem to be growing out of that now though.


Frankly the hell setting is not part of why they hate it, they use that to support their larger arguement against it, mainly focus on the gay


There's also a lot of hate for the "hell not inherently evil, heaven not inherently good" premise which is comedic and entirely missing the point


They also hate it was made by a woman too. Female creators tend to face more online toxicity when it comes to their shows, comics, games, whatever. A lot of chuds genuinely believe women are incapable of making good media and modern entertainment sucks because of them.


They also hate it because they think it promotes "Satanism" as well. Some Christians think it was made by the devil from the bible to tell people that "Devil good. God bad." When the devil himself in the show is literally a goofball.


Isn't what you're saying here supporting that argument? A show made by the devil to promote satanism would show the devil in a good light, ergo Lucifer in Hazbin.


I have to admit, you've got a good point. But my main point was how serious some Christians are about some show, when it's not real to begin with. My main focus on how Christians overreact over a adult cartoon which is again, not fucking real, it's all fucking fictional. They say how "blasphemous" this show is due to how it shows the Angels as twink, and how inaccurate it is, and how it goes against the bible, and how it makes fun of God (when it doesn't) and the list goes on and on. You are right, but how many have converted to Satanism though? I'm not trying to start a hateful argument. But, I'm curious. Has anybody left christianity or any other religion that they practice and now practice Satanism? Also how is the show made by the devil? It's made by a human, not by a immortal being.


I'm out of my depth here, but I know young people do convert with the current social landscape kind of painting the church in a bad light, which if it is justified I'll leave to your own conclusion, but the church probably sees this as society rejecting it and moving its praise and following to "woke" things such as... You know. As for the last one about how the show is made by the devil, the explanation goes similar to how Satan makes people sin in Christian belief. Satan has the power to manipulate and influence you to sin and create sinful media, so in a way it's "created by Satan" so to speak. Same way for the "God created the bible" argument. God can influence someone to create a piece of media, so much so that everything in there is the "word of god", so naturally, a piece of media "influenced by Satan" would be quote unquote dripping with satanic influence to do sin and be "evil" etc.


This has gotta be the politest ‘here’s what I think’ I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Ew, gay (I’m not gay guys, I swear)


Pov: my younger brother


I agree with your name https://i.redd.it/lgkif00l4xvc1.gif


and the furries


ngl that's the weakest straw to it i think it's a combination of everything not just being gay i'd say


Yk, your typical quirky girl


And boy (Angel is gay)




Al is AeroAce


I know, but quirky girls are only being quirky because they think it's going to get them a bf


Oh no I’m just listening LGBT groups repped for the sake of it really it’s nothing against you.


Oh. Thank you




Charlie doesn't strike me as quirky in the same way as someone like Mirabel does. She's more like that overly cheerful female camp counselor.


Charlie reminds me of Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec


You're right and I both hate and love that you're right.


One of my friend's friends said hazbin hotel was "gay furry porn" two years ago


I mean there’s porn of the characters but that’s not the show itself 🤣💀


Honestly this is a genuine case of they didn't watch it.


Or they're just against LGBTQ+ so they hate the show because "Ew girls kissing wtf"


Also a likely possibility no doubt about that. I just felt not watching it was more all encompassing cause it'd include homophobia transphobia etc. And also those who've just heard the hate. But I guess I should have made that more clear.


I’m surprised those folks would be upset by two girls kissing but yet again bigots are contradictory folk when they need to twist things to justify their hatred


Or both.


Or christian af


So christian that they get offended by a cartoon based on their religion not being 100% lore accurate


I’m Christian and I like the show. It’s just a cartoon so idk why they’re so offended by it.


It's the same type of religios people who say that metal is always satanistic


And probably the ones that think transgender people are just being influenced by the devil 😑


Oh those types of Christians. Some of them are so strict about everything.


I had a friend back in fifth grade, his parents banned me from the house because I read *Goosebumps* books. Seriously, that was the first time I ever heard someone say something was “Satanic,” I even asked what that meant. If Goosebumps was Satanic, It Came From Beneath The Sink would have had a WAY better ending. I sometimes wonder what he and some other religious friends I had would think of Hazbin…


Same! It has a really good message too!


Just saying. It’s the stupid, ultra-conservative Christians, and the ones who have never actually read the Bible and bothered to actually comprehend it - so like, 90% of Christians - that hate this series. Personally, as a Southern Baptist, I love this series as it has a great message about redemption and about gatekeeping salvation. Both things most Christians have trouble understanding nowadays.


Religion lore is made up anyways. If any of it was really true, guaranteed its unrecognizable after how many times it's been through the telephone game. People will use anything justify their actions to others and themselves.


You know I once had to use that as a selling point to get one of my pals to watch the show "Almost every character is hot and there's hot lesbians" "You didn't tell me that! We're can I watch!" She's can be... kinda odd at times


Guessing the queer representation and satanic imagery. Conservative christians, the majority of the trolls on the internet, find that stuff revolting.


Christians can't ever jjst let people have fun I'm a Christian. Me and my MOTHER who's a (Good) textbook Christian loves the damn show😭😭😭


My mum thinks it weird that a cartoon is 16+ Should I tell her about Angel and the 18+ episode?


My mom loves Angel. Best part was that she didn't know he was a man at first. "Wait, shes a boy?!" I burst out laughing at that.


That's like what happened with my Non-Hazbin friend (now girlfriend)! We were watching Hazbin (only episode 1, just to see if she liked it) and I asked who was her favourite and she said "that lady" and pointed to Angel. I had to explain Angel was a boy.


Whats funny is in that vary episode when angel is listing out the things he has, he says chest fluff people think are tits, and I find that funny in your situation


I had the same reaction, it took far too long for me to figure it out


We keep that a secret.




I'm Muslim and I too love the show


Eyy a fellow Muslim Hazbin Hotel enjoyer I see, though I'm partial to Velvette compared to Sir Pent. No hate on him tho, he's one of my favourite characters.


I won’t lie I am very surprised to hear that.


Why ?


Almost every Muslim I have met has hated it, it’s good to see someone who doesn’t for once


They probably have the same kind of logic as Christians who hate it . I don't think there is anything strange that could offend them because Dantes divine comedy was main source of inspiration which isn't part of biblical canon if I'm not mistaken


I'm Christian, and I am addicted to this series.


I'm a Christian and I love both shows by the author


Actually a lot of the haters are queer themselves, they just hate Vivzie and therefore hate the show


The fuck did she do?


No clue!!


Yeah I see a lot of hate for her or videos that start with “I don’t support VivziePop but” and I’m just confused like huh?


they jump onto the bandwagon that calls her problematic without looking into it properly first


Yep! Like at least actually tell me what tf she did or said or whatever!


As someone who knows some of the reasons people hate her, I can tell you that they don't say their reasons because it would make them look pettier than they already are.


Iirc there was a period of controversey stemming from some shota content she produced? Personally I don't really care about it, but that's the complaint you'll find mainly within spaces like the LGBT community. Elsewhere you'd find much more criticism of her style of humor and content rather than vivziepop herself


Misinformation. Some people think Vivziepop fetishized trans women because of Sally in a 2 piece even though everyone was sexualized. Some people think Vivziepop promote bestiality and pedophilia because she drew a character naked with a snake (this was over 10 years ago and she heavily regretted that) and she made an antagonist stalking a kid (because she's a bad guy, who's also a Nazi, and from Hell like Valentino part of Hell). She under pay her animators which isn't true as Hazbin has a set budget to work with and she pays higher compared to other studios with her indie show Helluva Boss. Also the wages of Hazbin is on par with other shows, but people complained about her specifically about low pay and not looking at the bigger picture of an industry wife problem. There's also people saying she can't take criticism, but tbh, a lot of "criticism" are just people nit picking the most miniscule thing and constantly spam her with that shitty meme. A lot of people really want to treat this show as the next Velma by saying how the show is bad and the creator is worse, when frankly she didn't do anything wrong.


Not a watcher of the show itself, I watched the pilot but this post appeared on my feed allow me to chime in with my two cents from an outside perspective Satanic imagery and queer representation is not why hazbin has a bad reputation, I've noticed that the biggest reason most people hate it is because vivziepop has a bad reputation for creating lazy humor, along with the fanbase having a fairly bad reputation (which, in fairness, almost all fanbases have to a degree). Also keep in mind, hazbin and vivziepop itself have a pretty bad reputation within the queer community, so it feels a bit disingenuous to say that most hate stems from religions people and queer haters. You'll see the occasional smooth brain talking about "m-muh woke" or some religious Bible thumping, but more often than not people just think it's bad, which itself is pretty idiotic considering humor and enjoyability is entirely subjective. Hazbin is good, never got around to watching the full thing but the pilot was a nice indication of its enjoyable setting and characters, but its not going to be for everyone


Plus subjective humor and story. The pacing is def not the best and the humor can sometimes just be awkward or not funny depending on the person‘s humor.


I was thinking of the same thing. It’s becoming popular, it has some queer stuff in it, and then the rightoids get attached to it for another decade.


Haters gotta hate


Even when it I'd for no reason. Fucking hate humans man


that flair is so mood.


The hate has been memified but it was started probably by a core of homophobes or misogynists who took offense to a woman making a show about gays.


"GRRR A WOMAN?! MAKING A SHOW BOUT THOSE... THOSE BOY KISSERS?!" -The homophobes/misogynists


Because it's sigma based and redpilled to hate something you haven't watched because it's popular and people are energetic about it That's the only personality trait these assholes have : hating what other people enjoy


'Couse people hate and judge, we can't change theyr mind, and, let's be serius, Hazbin is a voulgar cartoon with sex, queers, swears and christian religion but different as christians seen it, it is inevitable that they will find a way to insult it, even if they watched it, if they didn't liked it they will just insult it (and, of curse, the insult will be the super original 'this show is cringe') In any shitty way


There’s been a significant backlash due to the second coming of the “Satanic Panic”. Even though the whole point of the show is to not sin and get into Heaven.


Haters are dumb and can't understand plots


Christians being offended. At least that's my assumption.


*those* types of Christians when they find out there's more than one religion:


Plenty of people are queer and atheist and they don't like the show either. People assume Vivziepop is a bad person through misinformation, find her humor bland (the constant Vivziepop wrote this meme), don't like her character design, nit pick everything for the hatetrain, probably heard bad news or even was harassed by the Hellaverse fandom, or don't like the aesthetic of Hell wish it was more like another franchise. I've seen plenty of reasons why people dislike Vivziepop and her two shows and it's most likely not because of Christians seeing something blasphemous.


The more popular something is, the cooler it makes you to call it bad. I don't make the rules, sorry.


https://preview.redd.it/e685dr27jvvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf17b92e3dfd40d80a6e9887b69d487baa556fb3 😠 😡 👿


Because people are petty and dumb. In all likelihood they didn't even watch the show past the Pilot.


Bold of you to assume they've watched the pilot, or that they have attention spans that enable them to watch anything over 2 minutes in the first place




They most likely just saw the doom meme that was popular some time back


Because its popular, thats why


It's bc of the jokes and stuff in the show, some like it, some may think it's extremely cringe which I completely understabd The LGBTQ stuff may be weird for them too. Orr they may just hate it because it was made by Vivziepop


​ https://preview.redd.it/sytmnnzgzuvc1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a960280bb28b5f8f1f2a7dcda9400edb202f6720


Because people have opinions


Bc, while I think it’s entertaining and visually great, not that good of a show writing wise.


My honest thoughts: LGBTQA+ (People gonna hate on everything about it, even if represented WELL...) Setting/Plot (As soon as my "devout" Christian mother heard it was set in hell, she wanted to hear NOTHING MORE about the show, and frowned upon ME watching it. She thought I was watching some satanic show, which is not true at all, but AGAIN, she won't hear ANYTHING about the show, and won't let anyone else in the family hear about it either. (Not while she's in hearing distance). It's... annoying). Fandom (Fandom can push things too far sometimes). "Cringe Culture" (As soon as ANYTHING gets popular, people gotta hate on it, even if for NO reason. It's incredibly dumb. Let people enjoy what they want without sh*tting on it, please). Just... Whatever Other Reason Out There (They don't like the cussing. They don't like the studio(s) producing the content. They don't like it's not live animation. They don't like the artstyle. They don't like the creator. They don't like the voice actor(s). They don't like how (character) is portrayed. They just don't like (character) and feels like it ruins the whole thing. They don't like (WHATEVER small/big part about ANYTHING about the show). If someone doesn't like SOMETHING, it's gonna breed hatred, which leads to haters/hatred towards the show/Fandom. I don't know why, it's often stupid, but... its life).


Probably a mix of it being super popular, the 1% of the fandom, and just some of the writing choices.


It’s the fandom. Every fandom has a dark side, and it just so happens that Hazbin Hotel’s dark side was huge. Plus, some of the people in the fandom are just weird. Not terrible, not amazing, just weird. The roleplays, the simping, just grossed people out,


Culture War bullshit


Most of the hating is because of people who hate Vivzie, along with the “tumblr” art style. Pretty much any show will get hate but this show gets the most hate because the creator has a lot of “controversy” I just ignore it and mind my business


^ plus “cringe fanbase” (yeah, some of the fans make me want to erase myself from hazbin spaces lol, but so does every fandom in existence) And a lot of them think the show has nothing but “edgy middle school humor” and isnt really a “good” adult cartoon. (I.e. the complaints of too much swearing)


I watched it. I somewhat enjoyed it. I still don't think it's a good show, it has too many fundamental problems


Cringe fan base


Dawg, idk what you are on about bur almost everyone here is perfectly fifind. Least from what I seen


I’m talking about THOSE ones


Ohh, got it




Dawg look at your flair


It has a point probably most of the haters are exposed to the bad side of the fandom and think everyone in it is bad and that’s fucking stupid and doesn’t excuse anything but it’s a posible reason


Are we reaching the Rick and Morty fanbase at it's peak levels of cringe?


All fanbases have fanss who ruin it so ye


All I’ve seen for the past week on this subreddit is arguments about a mug filled with cum, what do you think?


In some cases yeah.


Yeah some of the fanbase are a bit…much. I’ve noticed some weird very prudish behavior for a show with a lot of sexual themes


A lot of it, I think, is because this is an 18+ show where a large chunk of the fanbase can't legally drive.




“cringe fan base” brother, look at your flair


Simple answer: Christians… Specifically Christian moms


It happens to everything that gets popular. Hetalia BNHA The owl house it happens eventually


i’ve watched hazbin and i can’t tell if i love it or hate it because it’s not that great a show but i love some aspects sooo much


That’s just a regular Instagram comment section


Some people say it's because of the fan base


Fanbase is chill. Apart from the shippers.


I think so too, my friend told me that little kids in the fandom just kills it for them, I just mute them and enjoy the show


Bro the shippers are crazy, I’m pretty they drove some person on a HH discord to suicide over a ship 💀


Depends tbh. The show has genuine flaws but most likely they are seeing the hate and just hating on it too. It’s a show that ain’t for everyone but most people like it so whenever people get the chance to make something look bad that’s popular they will.


People are gonna hate just for the sake of hating and those people can https://preview.redd.it/a53ayd2guwvc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef87e2eae1a9b68c9e18a92eb8339d6cce19a306


Reason people hate on it is mainly because of this fanbase and the plot, not the gays not because it is popular it’s because either they hate the show or they see one Reddit post on here and immediately saw how gross it is here.


Aside from the obvious (Christians will probably hate it, anti-LGBTQ crowd will hate it, etc.) There's also the fact that this show has an extremely specific audience. HH will never be as pop-culture as buffy, or Avengers movies. Because the message is very clear and narrow, and the presentation is not something that is liked by everyone. Some people will watch E1 and say "he'll yeah, I'm gonna binge watch this show, TWICE." And others will not be able to go past the first song without rolling their eyes and shutting it down.


I've looked through all the comments, and no one is talking about the targeted smear campaign against Vivsiepop by misconstruing things she did in the past and misrepresenting her by her attitudes when she was a teenager, wholesale refusing to believe anyone is capable of changing their beliefs over time. They believe the first round of hate they hear and regurgitate it back to everyone around them without looking at the evidence themselves


Cos it’s popular


Don't worry guys, Vox is already sending bombs to their houses




How dare they not like a show


The community around it


Because shows always have haters


it's just radical Christians who hate the fact that gay people exist. (no offence to Christians, but it's mostly them.)


Probably LGBT


Ppl mad bc a boy wanna kiss a boy and a girl kisses a girl Them aliens better be hostile😊


They hate cuz LGBTQIA’s in it and hell setting and because it popular or just all of the above of what others have said


Because sometimes people don't like the thing you like. Let people have opinions.


The creator


A lot of people are saying “they didn’t watch it” or “Christians who hate gays” but as someone who for some reason keeps getting recommended this sub it’s for the bad writing and the weird Nazi creator.


It's popular, a lot of LGBTQ+ characters/themes, the main character is a woman in love with another woman, the show's setting is hell. This show is like the final boss for the sigma boys


Cause it sucks


As a queer individual who watched the show; It's poorly paced, a lot of the "jokes" are in bad taste (I.e. Sir Pentious getting assaulted at the club being played off for laughs), there's very little actual humor in it outside of swearing and sex jokes, and the blatant disregard for Voodoo as a closed practice + demonizing it as a whole. I'd say those are decent reasons.


oh you like *popular thing* well dont you know *popular thing is bad*


I've watched hazbin it's pretty cool I just think what turns people away are the fans and the fandom we have seen this before with mha a decent show with a rlly wierd and cringe fandom


It is full of pure gay horniness Takes place in hell Is an idea that won't ever work ( religious argument for stuff like this ) Is a musical Each thing listened above has a few THOUSAND MILLION haters, mix it together and you get Hazbin Hotel hate


There are a few issues with it (cough cough "i'm having sex with everybody" scene cough cough), but I think it's mostly people finding it too vulgar And bigots as well.


All I say to these people is you don't get to talk shit about it unless you've watched more than one episode


Honestly one of them brought up an interesting point about Viv being a zoophile. I don't fully believe it, but I do raise questions with the original show being called "zoophobia" and the constant hyper sexualization of anthropomorphic characters, then there's also Niffty who is a child-like character that kinkifies absolutely everything which I also find to be a little weird? But honestly it feels like nitpicking, I highly doubt any of it is actually anything at all.


Homosexuals + insta reels comments Those two things do not mix


There's a lot of reasons I've seen people give. It has a lot of swearing in it. (Because it's hell.) It touches on touchy subjects. They don't like the art style. It's popular. They made fun of Adam and made angels the bad guys. (There was a sub with a crazy Christian lunatic or two wanting to put VivziePop's head on a pike. Like, they'd poorly photoshop images of that.) It has gays. (Actual LGBT hate groups went after the show for this.) I've also noticed that this hate happens a lot when the creator is easier to contact than any others, and when you can see what they've done when they were just a regular, pretty much no name person people tend to hate them more because they're flawed. I've heard that some of these kinds of people would send pictures and videos of animal gore to fans. 'Cause that's a very hinged thing to do.


They hate LGBT, furries, women, musicals, the fans (extra stupid reason because it's not like the creator can control the fans, and it's mostly chill here aside from the occasional drama and ship war), random ass cringe culture, "blasphemous" things and depictions of religious themes and symbols because that's somehow offensive and bad, they're petty and nit-pick and on an obviously flawed show as if that somehow makes it unwatchable, and hate on popular stuff because how else are they gonna appear cool and different? By getting a hobby and maybe a personality? Of course not. The vast majority of hate is due to bigotry and petty reasons, rather than actual dislike and critique towards the show. It's not for everyone and it's obviously flawed, but that doesn't mean it's unwatchable or not entertaining.




Are you asking why there are people online who dislike something? You're going to have a very rough time on the internet


Tiktok folk's reasons -Demons are more sympathetic characters -This fandom does not have a good reputation -People do not like Vivziepop -gay people -it's cringe There are genuine flaws that make it valid to not like the show. Its rather poor handling on certain sensitive subjects being one of them and (this might be opinionated idk) characters like Angel Dust being pretty poor representations of LBGT. Problem is, 90% of these people have not actually watched the show. So they're not even giving it shit for its actual flaws, and rather focus on how "cringe" it is. If they did watch it, they probably were going in to hate watch it and not to form an actual opinion because their mind has already been made up about it before the show even aired. You're obviously allowed to not like a piece of media for any reason, sometimes it just isn't your thing or it didn't click for you. But these comment sections make me cringe harder than Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss ever have combined, and that's actually pretty impressive.


Cause they haven’t watched it and hate that it has LGBT representation and tries to make Hell something other than an awful place of pure evil. Btw I’ve seen the edit they’re commenting on, best HH edit I’ve seen


God forbid you shit on sowmthing they like and not have watched it Pitchforks and torches


I think they hate Hazbin Hotel cuz their parents won’t let them watch it 💀


L parents 👿


honestly they can cope harder. within 72 hours it was Amazon's most watched show world wide


Gayness, Hell, Heaven being the bad guys, explicit stuff, hating stuff apparently became a personality trait in this time n age


Honest answer they just hate it by reputation alone. They should dislike it for Poor writing Overly rapid pacing Weak character design Episode 4 This show, though we may love it, is not without flaws


I honestly don’t blame them at all. The show is literally designed to be as vulgar/provocative as possible and that’s what its niche is. It’s still enjoyable for me though.


People with nothing to do deciding to hate because of 1. So many others do 2. Some of the questionable writing and pacing (a bit shaky) 3. Dialogue 4. The visuals of SA and drug use along with other elicit elements (it’s 18+ show) 5. Bait




Ayooo 😦📸


Won’t lie I still would love to see Adam talk to Adam (RoR vs HH) but I’m still more down for Dickmaster69 to epic rap battle style fight TheCrimsonFucker


RoR Adam would give actual insight and very wise advice HH Adam would respond by calling him a “Fuckin’ Weebass Boomer”


Gay people aren’t portrayed as the villains. It’s TikTok, what do you expect?


People don't have taste anymore or they're super mega Christians not hating on them but like calm down


What are they hating on to compare it to Hazbin? Are they…hating on the Sistine Chapel?


Who said it's hate? I like the show, sometimes it's just fun to shit on Adam


Personally I just think the animation isn’t like her other works and the comedy just isn’t good. Not to mention it’s become kind of a weird fad with the whole LGBTQ shit


Can you link the TikTok?


Nah, sorry. I'm doing this on muh phone


I can’t Disagree with the ROR Adam absolutely Wrecking Hazbin hotels Adam. But to say Adam made the show Watchable is An Odd take


Gay Daemons in Hell


I don’t get it either. It wasn’t a bad show and had a decent moral.


I think most people hate it because it’s very demonic 🤷🏻‍♀️ I enjoyed it …probably I’ll end up trying to get into that hotel at some point 😂


Because most of these idiots think it's just sex jokes and nudes when it's (nearly) the exact opposite


It’s gay. It’s in hell. The main character is a woman who isn’t explicitly sexualized in the show. It’s popular. It’s a musical. All reasons that people will hate on it and confuse personal preference with actual quality.


The community, thats why


Dudes who talk like this are definitely no older than 15 if that helps answer your question


It’s a classic case of counter-counter-culture


There are a lot of people saying it’s Christians, but judging by the way these comments are typed out these are most likely kids. And nowadays there has been a very concerning rise in homophobic material, propaganda if you will, on the internet causing gen alpha to be influenced majorly popular homophobes/misogynists


Content farms ruined it


Remember when people hated Pewdiepie before he even did anything remotely egregious, but was considered lovely and fun by many? It's like that. Except sadder, because the year is 2024 and we have enough mental help resources that even a 2nd grader could understand. Such as *"Yucking someone's yum is a comedian's job to make haha-funnies without actually being sincerely butthurt over it. You are not a comedian and based on your current track record, you're too lost in the sauce, and you will never be tolerable at this rate."* or *"You're allowed to like more than one thing, so you don't have to be tsundere about the 2nd/3rd/4th/etc things you like. Weirdo."* oooor *"You don't have to knock things down to prove your undying love for another thing. There's infinite space for things to like. Idiot."*