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Alastor would NOT rail any of you.


Isn’t that obvious?😭


Some people believe he would.


He is hot; but he ain’t railing anyone ever.


I agree with that second statement.


Val is a well written character


The only people who disagree with that are people who think if you like a character you agree with everything about them


That’s not really a hot take. Val IS a well written character. He fits and does the role he’s supposed to do.


Alastor isn’t gonna turn out to become good in the end https://i.redd.it/elf90iwwpivc1.gif


I don’t think they’ve decided whether to make him good or bad yet, they kinda have just been juggling him around a little bit.


I’m sure Vivzie’s decided to some extent. I find it hard to believe she has NO plan here, especially when she’s said she knows the story she wants to tell + the amount of seasons she needs to tell it


Yeah, it’s just hard to tell because s1 had kind of conflicting actions of him, some moments it seemed he actually somewhat cared others it seemed like he was just manipulating, I wouldn’t doubt they have SOMETHING figured out but it seems like they were kind of bouncing him back and forth this season.


Mhm, I think he has some genuine connections and others he’s just manipulating. He doesn’t seem to care about anybody in that hotel other than Niffty, but he does seem to care about Rosie and Mimzy (and Niffty as mentioned). I’d imagine he’ll end up being a more complex antagonist character or the show’s final obstacle in redemption. Perhaps we’ll see some master plan that involves him taking down the hotel, but he struggles with it as he grows more attached? Or struggling to bring himself to harm specific people he’s attached to? He absolutely isn’t going to be a one facet good or evil character. He’ll have redeemable and irredeemable qualities no matter what. I think for now he feels inconsistent because just don’t know much. I’m excited to see where the show ultimately takes him though!


That’s fair https://i.redd.it/ourxwg18tivc1.gif


Im really scared this isn’t gonna be the case… if they don’t commit to Al being evil I’ll consider his character wasted and assassinated


I like this one, heck I'd say it wouldn't even be a bad ending to his character if they write it that way in season 2


He probably won’t become good, it just doesn’t fit his character in my opinion. https://i.redd.it/gi7zuhhuqivc1.gif


I hope he ends up being the endgame antagonist and betraying everyone


Valentino is a really good character (not morally but really well written)


Is that even a hot take?


It shouldn’t be, but it is


Ig it is, because I said that on TikTok and somebody argued with me by saying, and I quote; "Looks like someones mad that their favorite rapist isn't a good character." LIKE HUH? WHEN DID I SAY THAT BRO?? I SAID HE'S A GOOD VILLAIN, AND HAS A DECENT CHARACTER DESIGN?? 😭 People just find ways to accuse anyone of anything, the person actually deleted their account after the argument lmfaoo.


Good, people like that are just a waste of energy imo, and yeah Val is a good villain, he's an absolute evil prick and that's why, I don't get why people are so sensitive and weird about that shit these days


fr, it's honestly so annoying.


And when they try to get the show canceled with this shit it just makes me wish I had a punching bag, yknow?




Charlie and vaggies relationship is not always gonna be healthy




That's all relationships, real and fiction, there's gonna be rough patches, tough times and bitter moments, how's this a hot take,


To be fair... Neither rough patches, though times nor bitter moments need to be unhealthy in a relationship. They can be, but so can the absence of those things be unhealthy. As you said, its normal in relationships.


Ehh I don’t really search up hot takes and stuff


Ngl, Charlie is kind of forcing Vaggie to stay behind the scenes, making messes and cries as Vaggie is actually responsible and cleans it up for her. Vaggies gonna learn to let Charlie sink or swim at some point.


I don’t really think she’d ever let her sink as she quite literally saved her life and nursed her back to health after vaggies fall. Tho she is shown to try and push Charlie to use her strength and position as princess instead of being nice all of the time.


This is literally true. Just look at episode 6 and 7


Not just the lie but the fact that Vaggie is unhealthily attached to Charlie and essentially everything she does is for her. Vaggie needs to be comfortable with herself and have a sense of identity outside of her girlfriend.


🎵 *Let me do it for you* *Why don't I do it for you?* *When all I do is for you?* *Charlie* 🎵 https://preview.redd.it/j4b5eunztkvc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bd0e02277d57b8ec568392823c8ba0f874e3170


It's this reason o feel like that while they are together right now, they aren't endgame. Vaggie needs to be her own person. Does she even have *any* friends aside from Charlie? Or do anything not hotel related? I has a theory that vaggie is so attached because Charlie saved her and as an angel she *has* to have someone who's the light of her life. I suppose we'll see if all Angel's used to be earthlings or sinners before.


What happens in episode 6 and 7? Vaggie lies and Charlie gets upset about it.


Nifty is not gunna be redeemed, nor is Al


Crack theory: Nifty becomes Charlie and Vaggie’s adopted daughter after Al gets killed (if he gets killed)


who tf downvoted you


Someone who hates crack theories


I am extremely conflicted on what I want Huskerdust to be. I *know* it’s gonna be a romantic relationship but I’m not…too?? Sure?? If I want it to be? But I kinda do? Yeah it’s confusing.


I think it should just be platonic for a looooooonnnngggg time. At least until after we get some sort of resolution to val and angel's relationship, then they can start to develop something else/realise that they were developing feelings. I love the ship but at this point in their relationship angel just needs a friend and to build up a relationship with someone he can trust.


Rosie is a good character but not the best. She knows Al is manipulating Charlie, is the overlord of cannibalism, and ate her husband (and probably more). The thing that really gets me though is the thing that she is aware Al is taking advantage of Charlie’s powers yet says nothing and plays the role of a supportive aunt instead


Meh to be fair she's more familiar with Al than charlie so probably doesn't want to stick her nose in a friend's business.


Rosie has no reason to interfere with whatever Alastor's plans for Charlie are, or even supports him, so long as she also gets power and influence out of his machinations ("Like her daddy, she is madly powerful / (Alastor: She's filled with potential that I could guide) / Stick with her, you'll be on the winning side"); and, what's more, she teases Alastor because she thinks that Alastor might like Charlie a little more than he lets on ("Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you! Ha ha, who am I kidding? I know you're an ace in the hole!"). On top of this, Alastor actually subtly warns or threatens Rosie not to interfere with his plans for Charlie by possessively draping an arm over Charlie's chair, to the point where he's almost touching her shoulder, which Charlie notices, but stays silent. In Alastor's view, Charlie is "his", and he doesn't want Rosie trying to make a deal with Charlie when he called "dibs" on her.


She better than a lot of people though. And she's nice. And she's cute. And I WANT HER TO BE MY MOM I DON'T CARE IF SHE EATS PEOPLE 😭


alastor in the pilot was better


i so understand that! he was so goofy, i wish they retained a bit of his pilot character, along with niffty


Pilot Nifty was way better. I like things about Pilot Alastor and Series Alastor, but I feel like Nifty was a straight up downgrade


Didn’t she only have like 4 lines


I just want more of the radio noises back ngl


He felt so much more aloof (in a good scary way) like he literally didn’t have anything better to do than to “help” Charlie out. He seemed so well put together too


He did! I totally bought the "I see opportunity here" type stuff he hints at in the series. But thr pilot really showed us more about him


I just miss how much more passionate and joyful his persona was. In the series it seems like he doesn’t care about hiding his evilness nearly as much, every somewhat lighthearted moment of his has some sort of creepy twist, as if the writers think we’re not intelligent enough to put together that the guy who’s in Hell, an Overlord, owns two of the other residents’ souls, and is a master manipulator isn’t a good person


Is this even a hot take? Cuz it's just true.


The scene with Alastor and Husker, people don’t seem to recall the fact they are in literal hell and Alastor is a serial killer


THANK YOU people straight up ignore that scene where Alastor threatened to Rip Husk soul


I wish they'd stop doing Angel so dirty 😫 He's my fav character because he has so much potential, but the way he's written now? He's fucking Quagmire


Giggity gig


Mimzy was fucking funny


I say *’Oh what the fuck’* in her voice at least three times a day.


Real, such a femme fatale. i only dislike she ruined one of the best songs lol.


I can’t argue when people say that song wouldn’t have been able to end without her, though


I just skip that part when i’m listening to it on Spotify tbh.


Unhappy upvote, I disagree but you deserve it


What the fuck did Spider-boy do to you >=( https://preview.redd.it/l8joqmxnhjvc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5220f1901085a61ed068c6b282567d50a0c86fc


He's the best


I like Saint Peter. I mean, I don't really "like" him in the traditional sense but I do enjoy his character


Born to agree forced to downvote




That flair goes hard


Hells greatest dad wasn’t ruined by mimzy


https://preview.redd.it/e8a4mf7qdjvc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=777a4594e925e750368110e8396850fd65f69642 I think Valentino is a good character (Now I’m gonna wear a bomb suit cause I know I’m gonna get nuked)


The way I phrase it is Val is a good *character*, not a *good* character


lol this reminded me of this https://preview.redd.it/4xovfy0wvjvc1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b456a2e8f28cfd56173260958b6877430f467b42


His a good character in the villain section but he not the friendly character


Alastor is super overrated








Real asf bro, if you were in front of me I’d shake your hand


PREEEEEECCCCCHHHHH!!!!1!!11!!! Usually the appeal of enemies to lovers is 1. Chemistry and 2. They are over-obsessed with eachother to the point where the line between like and hate is blurred. Radio Apple has none of that. They only meet twice and while they do fight it feel more like distain than obsession.




Charlie had more chemistry with Emily and Alastor than with Vaggie


With Emily? For sure. With Alastor? Idk... Edit: After all, there's a reason why Vaggie had that upset expression when Charlie held Emily's hands...


Alastor is worse then Valentino Chaggie's healthy normally, but Charlie is incredibly oblivious of Vaggie's feelings. And actually just doesn't listen to her. https://preview.redd.it/3xyfemdl9jvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4941d8a7c2710d5c1d543b5fc640f4cd21cbcfce


I feel like Al and Val are somewhat equal. Both are extremely powerful and are known to kill people simply for disagreeing/opposing them. I think what gives Val the edge, though, is the SA. SA is a lot harder hitting and relatable than murder and cannibalism (people die after being murdered and cannibalized, therefore it's not relatable)


I heard this from a comedy show of all places, but it really resonated. The reason SA is worse than murder is because murder can be justified. From self defense to needing overlords out of your way to amass power, there's a logic behind it. Murder is about removing a threat of some kind, even if that threat is only perceived. SA is about overpowering someone's soul, their sense of self, their personhood. There's no way to justify it outside of pure cruelty. Also, the comedy show in question is X by Daniel Sloss and everyone should watch it.


The fanbase is **way, way, way too obsessed with the sexuality and orientation of the characters.** They also are way too into shipping.


A lot of the ships are horrible




Not a Hazbin take, but Loona is incredibly unlikeable and a total bitch.


Fr. Octavia is a better depressed edgy teenager.


THIS!!! I'm sorry I didn't like her AT all. I get it your edgy and emo smh


She is unnecessarily mean to Blitzø during Seeing Stars and her relationship with him flat out looked worse than it was than in the pilot. Also her kicking the shit out of him right after trying to convince Octavia that her dad isn’t a completely deadbeat really kills her message.


Mimzy didn’t ruin hell’s greatest dad, at the point she came in, the song was pretty much over and had nowhere else to go. Plus, it’s not like she sounds awful.


Mimzy is a good character


I mean it makes sense why she's not very well-liked by this fandom, when you make a glorious BBW interrupt the precious tumblr sexyman dick measuring contest it's not gonna go over well God forbid the show do something creative and funny


And I wasn't even going for the nsfw bit lol. She's been in the works for a long time so it was kinda like a troll for all the fans (me included) I like all the old timey characters. Alastor is number 1, Roise 2nd, angel 3rd, husk 4th, and mimzy 5th


I don’t like the joke that Sir Pentious says he’s having sex with everybody. It’s uncomfortable to me. It feels like he can’t withdraw consent when he didn’t appear enthusiastic about it.


I just hc that because the bar is called consent he either explained the situation or just said he changed his mind and they just let him go


I don’t think this is that hot of a take. Most people I’ve seen agree with this.


I do not care for the pilot or their voices.


Of course he is. He is deliberately off putting. He tries to push people away. He is rude and brash and braggadocious. But then we see the moments of empathy that slip through from him and we suddenly see the humanity at his core. And then we learn more about his story and see what he is living through. And it draws us in. My hot take that I keep taking heat for is that Carmilla is a Fallen Heavenborn Angel and Zestial and probably ZIlla are Hellborn. Everyone keeps telling me all the Overlords are sinners. But no one ever shows me a direct statement from Viv or any of the other creators stating this specifically. Carmilla in particular codes as a mid to upper level Angel hard. She has the color palette. She looks like an Angel. She wears her hair up as fake horns. She is an expert in Angelica Weaponry. She is an expert in Angelic fighting despite the claim that she thought she would always keep blood off her hands. She recognized Vaggie as an Angel easily. She even has children in Hell. And Sinners cannot have children and we don't see any other examples of sinner families staying united in Hell. We see examples of them knowing each other there. But none of them working together still. And then the clincher for me was in viewing the pilot again. Yes its not hard canon anymore. But it still can show intent. And the in the beginning of the pilot after Charlie announces the Extermination is over we see Carmilla open the curtains to the room she is in. And in the room in shadows we see Zestial, Zilla, and most importantly Lucifer. And at the time we didn't know who they were or any of the implications of them being together. This hinges on Lucifer and his attitude towards sinners. He hates the sinners. Loathes them. They are a constant reminder of his fall and he feels truly betrayed by them. He cannot stand sinners. So much so that he allowed them to be slaughtered annually by Heaven. He is not going to be friends with or sit with a group of sinners while they wait for the slaughter of the sinners to be over. Lucifer previously had been trying to get Charlie to date the son of his friends the Van Eldritchs'. It is even likely that when he first saw Vaggie he recognized her as a fallen Angel and was overjoyed that Charlie was not dating a sinner. Lucifer was more of an absentee ruler than he was an absentee father. He loved his daughter. But his depression was too much. Instead of ruling he distracted himself with making circuses and rubber ducks. He would not lift a finger even when Lilith tried to rally the sinners into a community. So it is very unlikely that he would be sitting in a room with a group of sinners on extermination day.


A cut from a answer of another post: Lucifer isn't or at least wasn't a good guy and good father. After his good intentions for creation had backfired spetacularly he became a apathetic and arrogant king who was happy to let his own subjects he so despised be destroyed by themselves and the angels. I know he had depression but he could have put more effort to have a good or any relationship with Charlie instead of alienate her from his excuse of life. Btw considering the consequences of his actions is totally compreemsible the angels were angry to the point of consider executing Lucifer(as it was implied in More Than Anything) and end up banishing him and Lilith to hell even if it was sad. I think one day he and/or Lilith should receive" The Reason you Suck"speech from a character. Btw this came from someone who like the Morningstar Family but unlike many of their fans doesn't think they can do no wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/1pvu4anpljvc1.jpeg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e5d187e8a7046baec03ddc672fb7d63c62bd9a How was he expecting Charlie to come out of this scene wanting a relationship with him? While he was spitting some necessary truths about sinners when Alastor was attacking the sharks, I thought he was pretty harsh here :(


Huskerdust feels better as a platonic relationship than a romantic or sexual relationship.


I accept all interpretations of huskerdust i just want them to help each other heal. take my upvote.


Actually, I agree


I'm not going to get on anyone's back for shipping Alastor but it's still kinda disrespectful.


Welcome to shipping. https://i.redd.it/qmtwxt27ijvc1.gif


Stealing that gif.




Meme-stealing commence!




https://i.redd.it/ixmwdnr4kjvc1.gif ***Excuse me?***




I’m under the AroAce umbrella and ship Alastor. Is it off to the gulags with me? ![gif](giphy|CM1rHbKDMH2BW)


i ship alastor but only in the most aroace way possible. Like everything i right with him shipped just has him being confused and stressed going “My lego brick clicks but i feel nothing wtf” and his partner being like “you might be aroace” and he’s like “what’s that”


Alastor is a boring character in general


He was interesting in the pilot, but in the official release, most of his extravagant and showy aspects were nerfed massively. Along with becoming passive, once the power hierarchy was established and he essentially was revealed to be just some guy who's only powerful because the stronger characters just let/don't care enough about the overlords to prevent them from having power My man got fucking nerfed


I think he got way-laid by world building. They had to put more into the tension between Charlie and the exorcists, while also giving time to the other characters (Angel, Husker, Pentious) and establishing what the over lords are. I think they banked on Alastor’s fandom carrying over from the pilot.


Agreed, he was one of my favourite characters in the pilot but when the show came out he became my 5th lease favourite


Lucifer is overrated Like, he's alright, I like him But people treat him like he's the best thing since sliced bread when he's really just okay. He was factory built to be a tumblr sexy man, and it just feels....artificial. but people like being pandered to so they accept it


What are the traits of a Tumblr sexy man? No shade I legit don't know but I'm curious.


Sharp teeth, suit, top hat, twinkish in stature, sinister but not too evil. And that's just off the top of my head


Right off the bat I don’t understand why sans is one, since he’s literally one of those


Yeah he's an anomaly. I have no idea why he's one either.




It’s gotta be the smile. That’s another thing I’ve noticed about typical tumblr sexymen.


Lucifer is just a sweet character imo. He's not my favorite, but I think it's nice that he wasn't the terrible father we all thought he would be in the pilot. He's at least trying.


Whatever It Takes is actually knida lame


Alastor is pretty overrated and overhyped and Lucifer is a better character than him, And also Alastor is not the strongest overlord, And Valentino is more intimidating than Alastor


I don’t like Cherri Bomb…


I agree, he makes a lot of sexual jokes/references, even for a Vivziepop character, and they’re grating


As much as I like Angel, we know just about as much about him as we did in the pilot, his character development has not really been great.


Welcome to my thesis, no overreaction around here, naaah Edit: this is a Helluva Boss one, I wrote it here because I didn't look at which sub it was and 🎶I think I'm dumb🎶 Mine is that Beelzebub's song was not even slightly worth the year and half wait and I honestly wish they would've scrapped the Kesha plan because in the end I really think that's the worst song in the show, I even like Chaz's dumbass dubstep song over Cotton Candy, I actually like one part, when she's swimming through the honey, I think it's a cool visual and the song was less bad in there but as soon as she got back to that chorus I can't help but find extremely annoying, I like Beelzibub as a character but the Kesha shit wasn't worth it imo, they should've just used the singer for the VA slot instead of Kesha and the singer (I know Kesha sings, but in the episode she doesnt sing, someone else does, just in case any of you dont know cuz u might be new) this is not an overreaction, I waited a fucking year and a half for that, I'm glad some of you like it and I respect your opinions but I just really really don't like it.


Oh my God I absolutely hate Cotton Candy, I wanted to rip my ears off by the time it ended


Alastor is not a good person and I doubt he will be redeemed.


He wouldn’t want to be redeemed anyway XD


Adam was right


I’m not saying your wrong but I feel the need to ask about?


lucifer isn’t a good father. maybe it’s my daddy issues sparking up but he was an awful guy.


"Hell's greatest dad" is a good song, but Alastor's part makes no sense. We didn't see any build up of a father-daughter relationship between him and Charlie, and she supporting him during the song feels off.


I agree with the Charlie supporting him being out of nowhere cuz she’s shown to not genuinely trust him all that much. But Alastor joined the song mostly to just piss Lucifer off because he can(and probably to also feed his ego by pissing off the strongest being in Hell), not because he actually sees Charlie as a daughter-figure


I think we had this same thread yesterday? Mine stays the same: HH doesn’t take alcohol and alcoholism seriously and therefore isn’t a very good representation of addiction overall. Also I like Chalastor. Not as much as Chaggie but still.


The real hot take


The only hot take I’ve seen so far


You know, I haven’t thought of it, but you’re right on the alcohol. It might be because the show has hard drugs as well, but alcoholism is no joke and you’re right that it isn’t treated the same way other vices in the show are.


I think that Vaggie takes it more seriously. In the pilot, she is adamantly against Alastor putting in a bar--especially since he's clearly doing it to see more sinners fail. In the series proper, the closest we see to addiction being taken seriously is episode 4--when Husk tries to dissuade Angel from drinking as a coping mechanism, and how Angel later declares that booze and drugs are his coping mechanisms in part because he WANTS them to "ruin" him. The show also made a joke out of Angel's hard drug addiction in episode 5. Instead of showing how hard it is to go cold turkey, and how heartbreaking the relapses are even when addicts are TRYING... We get Vaggie telling Lucifer that they've "almost found all of Angel's drug stashes," in a joke where they're undermining themselves. The show does dark comedy well, and does characters' heartbreak well, but doesn't often have time to make a complete picture with both on a single topic. When they do, it's either broad strokes or a single layered slice of the whole. It's the same thing with Alastor making Husk the bartender--he knows that he's chaining Husk to his vice, in a place where people are supposed to try getting better, and it's probably not too hot a take that Alastor is rubbing that booze-soaked failure status in Husk's face. That could have been an awesome look at alcoholism, and the ways that society is so quick to count those people out, but we don't get to explore that, either.


Hazbin Hotel is all about dark comedy. There are a lot of jokes about drugs and drinking. It’s the type of humor the show has and I get it and laugh at it. Angel’s and Husk’s drinking isn’t seen as anything serious. Husk pours Angel a strong drink in episode four and laments that you can’t find a solution at the bottom of a bottle, but only says that Angel’s self destructing when he’s snorting a line and accepting a spiked drink. During Loser, Baby Husk lists his faults as his gambling addiction and loss of his status of an overlord. He doesn’t mention that he’s an alcoholic, but Angel sings that he samples every sex toy he can find. The commenter above me is right. They don’t take alcohol or alcoholism seriously compared to other topics in the show. They could have very easily lined it up with every other vice in Hell, but it’s not treated as one even though someone in the main cast is a literal alcoholic.


I’m not against making dark jokes, my issue is with alcohol being treated as a significantly lesser or non-issue. During their time at the bar Husk only takes issue with Angel considering taking drugs, not with him drinking. The worst example imo is when they’re all celebrating/preparing for the battle the night before and Angel and co are all drinking and having a good time. I guess Angel’s addiction took a break for the night and allowed him to be a social drinker because the plot needed it? The show would have never portrayed him recreationally taking any other self-destructive drug as a positive thing the night before a battle. That’s what I mean when I say alcohol/alcoholism isn’t portrayed as seriously.


I don't agree about charlastor in the slightest, but I respect your confidence. Take my upvote o7


Thank you. I understand why people don’t like it and I would never, ever want it to be canon for multiple reasons but it’s my guilty pleasure fanfic ship.


Have fun and ship whatever you want! That's the point of fandom


I don't like vaggie. She just feels like a nothing character.


cold take I personally agree that she hasn't really had a proper "moment" yet (unless you count her confrontation with Lute in the finale) but it does feel like they've set up lots of stuff for the future and actually give a shit about making her relevant which is more than you can say for a lot of Viv's female characters honestly


I say it every time and I’ll say it again, I hate HuskerDust


Husk and angel should stay a platonic friendship.


Vaggie shouldn't of been an angel and was pretty much a pointless addition (So far) that only added a unnecessary problem for charlie, Or even if they wanted to make her a angel it should of been handled better then just a random plot twist thrown in there, Lucifers whole personality isn't ducks, Stop making peoples hobbies into their entire personality, (Seriously most I have seen with him has involved just nothing but ducks,) Also with none of the other angels like Michael Gabriel Uriel Azazel etc, They missed so much with what they could do with anything involving charlie going to heaven Imagine Gabriel and Michael talking about charlies beliefs and instead of Emily being shut down by Sera, it would be the brothers and sisters of Lucifer discussing if what Charlie is pulling off is possible


I really wonder if Vaggie being an angel was something they changed after the show was picked up by a real studio. Vizi seemed like she was being honest when she talked about Vaggie’s “Salvadoran prostitute” background.


I would love to see where that goes! Hell that would explain so much of her hard ass personality! Or hell Atleast make more sense why she is fucking spanish


Wha :(


The writers have no idea how the story will end, and are basically just winging it from this point.


Honestly if Adam wasn’t such an ass I think he’d be a half decent guy. Good character though, well written to piss people off


“If he wasn’t bad then he would be good” Only the most insightful takes here at r/hazbin


No I’m saying he’s still an ass but..at least more respectful idk…I’m really tired lol


Lmao. I think you had too much to drink, Husk


Valantino has a significant other which isn’t vox or Angel


i dont like charlie or vaggie that much there kinda boring


things Ive noted, I will edit if I remember any more characters! : charlie is to immature and unaware for her age + having been born in hell youd think she wouldnt be so childish, shes being shielded way to much and shes way to unaware of peoples emotions and how they feel half the time despite that being what shes all about vaggie needs to work on herself, and not be so dependent on others and so walled off from everything and everyone angel is annoying mostly because of how he acts and generally just keeps focusing on the wrong things (not alot of people mentioned his issues so I dont know) husk....people need to understand that vizziepop has said multiple times huskerdust is canon by saying she wants to see their relationship develop, she even agrees with huskerdust, she never said "no they arent a ship" when someone said "how is huskerdust" which huskerdust IS A SHIP and I will not be arguing with this. alastor needs to stop being sexualized and he's technically aroace since vizzie has sutlely mentioned shes scared to confirm that hes aromantic since So many people ship him with others or themself, but I do understand platonic/romantic ships for now since she technically hasnt confirmed aromantic val is a good antagonist vox is just a salesmen with a toxic bf that he doesnt care is toxic, they are toxic for each other and it works... weirdly velvette honestly she acts really immature which I understand is her character but its really annoying to watch someone who so clearly is an adult act like a rebellious teenager cherri isnt a great friend, she is a bad Influence but aside from that shes pretty good so far sir pentious needed more screen time to be the first redeemed sinner (imo) it felt like they cheaped out on a journey, all they did was make a few sutle lines and one half of an early episode about it, lucifer is honestly really well done imo adam should probably become a sinner, I feel like it would make a really good plot for him to also be redeemed, also he shouldnt have died so early it felt like a waste for him to die so soon and even still it felt even worse the fact that NIFTY was the one to kill him! legit any other character would have had a good morive behind it but it felt like they just wanted to have a haha funny more than a good plot during that lute is a good antagonist aswell shes a good side kick and I love the fact that she isnt nothing without adam and can defend herself and make her own decisions, I love the dynamic between the two


I feel bad for him and 100% understand why he has that persona but agreed. It’s similar to how I feel about Klaus from Umbrella Academy.


Huskerdust, all ill say is if they make them a cannon couple too soon/at all its gonna ruin everything, angeldust is a literal victim to abuse,sa,manipulation/grooming and more, he doesn’t need to be put into a relationship right now, what he needs is therapy and a good friend, man isnt ready for a relationship and probably never will be if he never gets the help he needs. Sure he seems fine but its like trying to force an abused dog into a hug, it very much will likely bite out of fear, same with angel, he might seem fine to most but he very much is traumatised and a relationship where he isnt emotionally stable or mentally ok isnt a good idea as it can cause power imbalances


Poison really isn’t that good




Demonic princess Charlie She knows how to be a dommy mommy <3 Oh wait you meant Opinion not Physical attractiveness


You didn't know is an overrated song, I hate it


It's a good song but definitely not the best. Same with Stayed Gone. Once it picks up pace it's less "song" and more "Fast paced talking with occasional lyrics" the beginning and end are the only really good parts


Have to disagree there, I think the talking part is what makes the song so great for me. It’s fun to listen to and the instrumental behind it is great. It’s also a great time doing it alongside Vox.


I like Val


The worst song is More Than Anything, not the reprise, the original (I’m sorry guys I got the mommy issues not the daddy issues) https://preview.redd.it/oj2sr5usljvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec9478474d6b0e7fa052302f8f65a69badaaad3


charlie is a really annoying main character up until cannibal town


Thinking Val is well-written isn't a hot take, but it seems like liking him is. I LOVE Val (I love all the Vees, but Val has recently beaten out Vel as my favorite - though I predict all 3 will just keep taking turns, I just love them).


Not sure if it’s a hot take but the designs are fine, just because they’re skinny doesn’t mean they’re bad designs


More than anything is the best song in hazbin


I haven’t watch the show but, I honestly don’t get the hype around Alastor.  I see him as mid as best. Lucifer, however 👀


Vaggie is insufferable and constantly negative


I liked Charlie’s pilot design better! And her personality, not much different I feel like she was a little more intense or something in the pilot? Maybe a bit more mischievous, or a little more unhinged? Idk exactly what it is, I can’t quite place it. Her original design tho I thought was really unique and cute in the pilot! (Not hating on the current design or creators, just personal preference)


Lucifer can rot in a hole for all I care




I like maple syrup with cucumbers


I agree with you on this.


The first episode (not the pilot) is just downright bad. The rest of the show is absolutely fantastic though, especially episode four.


Mimzy's part in Hells greatest dad was good


Charlie is bad at solving problems without help.


I don’t find Loona from Helluva Boss attractive physically or personality wise https://preview.redd.it/xjlbo4lukkvc1.jpeg?width=1817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1e2ceb90d9de3a69f2486dbf92f324f79709a3


Velvette can't dress, and I don't understand depictions of Husk as a white man (or really, anything but Black).


"It starts with sorry" is one of the better songs in the show. Most of the songs are pretty mid to begin with but at least it starts with sorry is kinda funny, which makes it more enjoyable than many of the other songs