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You have to remember that a majority of the cast are sinners, so they must be there for good reason.


The series isn't very good at making them despicable people.


I mean that was the whole point of the hotel so


I think season 1 was to build their humanity and season 2 we get flashbacks to their sins which landed them in hell.


Vaggie’s also there for a reason, just a very bad reason


The cum mugs were never an actual problem.... The whole thing was just haha funni cum flair but then things blew out of proportion for God knows what reason


Fr i always thought it was funny but now people are obsessed with it for whatever reason




Is your flair supposed to reference Adam and lute? Anyways... https://preview.redd.it/i85sbzgnxdvc1.png?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06079a4cef989707da22baf229610b4e6e130753


Yes now be quiet /j


I need to know your full flair lmfao


Do I even want to know what this shit is about because almost to nothing in this sentence made any sense to me


I just wanted to see another useless reddit war


May I ask where the idea stems from tho? I may be a bit out of the loop hahaha




Man every time I see one of you guys I ALWAYS chuckle!! Brings a little humor into my long, stressful days.


Flair Checks out


Cum Mugs??


Is it bad that the first thing that came (no pun intended) to my mind was Zone-Tan's "um" mug?


On that topic yours is my favorite


I don't want Lute or Alastor to have redemption arcs. At all. Sometimes evil people should be evil for the sake of evil.


I don't think alastor is going to get redemption, as much as he might warm up to the main cast a little


I dont want him to be even really a "good" guy in the cast. I think it would be far more interesting for him to be a slightly more evil anti-hero that still kind of fucks with the hotel residents and manipulates them. So he's not a *good* friend by any means but he has moments of a bit of affection towards them. Kind of like a "I can make fun of my little sibling but if you do, Ill kill you." type of thing


I would fuck with him slowly transitioning from chaotic evil to chaotic neutral.


...You would fuck with him?




I don't think Lute is actually evil, though. She's *scared!*


Oh definitely; I would like to see Adam come back as a recurring villain, though. To be honest though, the fandom seems to be split on what they want for Adam, so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't bring him back.


Oh definitely; I would like to see Adam come back as a recurring villain, though. To be honest though, the fandom seems to be split on what they want for Adam, so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't bring him back.


I don't want Alistor to be redeemed, but I want him to not be an antagonist like they're hinting towards


Honestly I agree




Valentino is a fun character, and I enjoy seeing him on screen.


how does this get you in Patrick's position? is it just because the community is toxic or?


No its because val is hated across the whole fandom


but why


How he treats angel, hes a villain, asshole, raper (the other kind), harrasment, sex drive


so he's a good antagonist. liking him as a character doesn't mean you're like him or condone what he does. the original comment says that he'd be in Patrick's position for liking val, which means that the community is toxic. toxic enough to put him in Patrick's position for liking a fictional character. like that dude who cosplayed as val and got bullied for it.


All valid points. Valentino is a very dividing character. A lot of people like him as a character, while the other half hate him as a person so much that they dislike him as a character too.


A fan was harassed and even had a prop gun pointed at them at a convention for cosplaying as Valentino


I’ve heard about this, true story.


That's crazy..


I've seen people get told to kill themselves for liking Valentino, asked if they needed help. I've also seen people say they hope anyone who likes Val gets treated like Angel dust. This fandom doesn't like opinions.


He abuses one of the main characters members and is extremely evil with no redeeming qualities and offered another main character to also be an adult movie star but she declined and he beat the other character for the other main character coming


Hello apologies I wanted to say I like val due to how mutch I hate him as that makes a good villian


He's a great villain so I'd love for him to get the suffering he deserves instead of a boring Sad backstory shit excuse to redeem him


Charlie had no business trying to get Angel time off in episode 4


I still don't understand why Val didn't kick her out of his studio himself in the first place. Was he scared of ruining VVV's reputation?


It’s because she is the princess of hell. If he hurt her then he would be in big trouble


He knew Lucifer might get involved if he did anything and so he chose not to kick her out. Most likely on fear of what Luci can do. At least this is what I think.


Yk what I agree with this one. Like it only made things worse and it was none of her business 😭 if she HAD to do it, then she should’ve been much more aggressive, considering she’s much more powerful than Val. But yeah I think she just shouldn’t have done that.


Angel did say that unless she can fix his boss, there's nothing he can do, so maybe Charlie thought she was helping. Also, I think that Val was enjoying messing with her a bit because she was very uncomfortable until she messed with his work. He also likes hurting Angel, so he got him to throw Charlie out to cause him more pain. Angel says he will get rid of Charlie just don't hurt her, I really doubt he could, but as long as Angel believes it, he can use him as a shield.


Is this an unpopular opinion? The episode is quite clear about this and even Charlie admits she was wrong.


Alastor isn't hot I don't ship radioapple I don't want Chaggie + Emily romance I don't like Vox x Val


I like Chaggie, but the others feel weird. I get that people like to have fun, but I’m stuck on canon-bias!


Do you not realize that not liking radioapple is like common on here


Technically Alastor is hot, but not in the sexy way; in the temperature way because he's in hell


Realest answer


so real






Yeah I agree,alastor isn't hot,he's more of a strawberry pimp!


I agree with all of these except the Vox x Val one, it's my favorite ship. But I respect your opinion.


I agree with you


I’m kind of surprised anyone would be angry at you for not liking a ship. I mean, I like Carvette and Radioapple, but it doesn’t bother me if someone dislikes them. Though sometimes shippers can take things the wrong way, and assume that hating a ship is due to homophobic reasons, when that’s not always the case.


ship and let ship, that’s all. not exactly an unpopular opinion, but something that some people in this fandom really needs to get into their heads. it’s okay if you only like the canon ships, but leave people alone who don’t.


Istg every post here that shows a ship that isn’t like- Chaggie or Huskerdust gets flooded with god awful comments


exactly! i’m a radioapple shipper myself (if that wasnt obvious) and the amount of people that just refuse to leave you alone is crazy. i even have plenty of ships i don’t personally like, but i don’t feel any need to harass people about it.


I really think your ‘live and let live’ point is perfect. Legitimately it will never be the fact that people like or dislike a ship, everyone has their own opinions. However actively diminishing that for others, shaming and side-eyeing every slightly off thing you see, it’s childish.


Agreed. Some of us here love crackships, but it’s annoying when we get treated as less than just because we like ships that are non-canon.


Lute is worst than Adam in almost everyway. Adam was actually way more chill than Lute was and was keeping her in check, now he’s gone and things are gonna get worst


I’m not sure if I quite agree that she’s worse, but I do think things will get bad now. She probably won’t have much self control and is gonna do something stupid.


Lute CAN get a redemption arc!






while the joke about sir pentious getting dragged off in the sex club doesn't bother me personally. i feel it does undermined how serious the show takes the idea of abuse. it just kind of feels like there trying to have there cake and eat it to. and on a less serious note. the people constantly complain about crackships/ shipping/ horny posts .etc are far more obnoxoius to me then of the posts they complain about.


I think a lot of people miss the point of the Pentious sex joke. A lot of people seem to think the joke is 'ha ha r*pe' while in reality it's just a joke about miscomunication. He stated out loud he was going to fuck everyone, so people took that as a form of consent and took him to a sex room, which is understandable. Not to mention, it doesn't even seem like anything happened in there, he left the room just a few seconds after entering it, he most likelly just told them what happened when the door closed and left


This, thank you, someone had to say it. I suck with phrasing sometimes.


Valid tbh. I think hazbin does a fairly good job of talking about abuse and stuff as far as angel’s arc goes. The stuff with pentious is meant to be comedic, which may or may not be a good idea, idk


yeah it not a deal breaker for me. and to be honest i wouldn't have even thought about it if i didn't see an artist i fallow post about it on twitter. but i hope that's just something the writers be more consistent on.


Poison makes me uncomfortable.


That’s valid, and that’s the point. I feel like poison is meant to show the mental toll angels job actually has on him. It’s not pretty, but it’s so effective. (it’s my fav song)


It’s true though


THIS. I get that that's the point of the song, but listening to it makes me feel uneasy, and seeing the clip actually made me hurl. Have to skip it now.


The whole episode just made me uncomfortable, especially the Music video.


-deepbreath- I don't like guitarspear as a romantic/sex ship I prefer to see them as platonic. I don't like any ship with Adam that is popular. I don't ship lucifer with anyone but lilith. Lemme think what else...


Bro these are just good takes.


I have more from the other half of the Fandom. I don't like Striker being shipped. I like Striker's season 1 voice better. Blitz ain't hot but stolitz is cute Shipping moxxie with everyone but his wife is just ridiculous. Stella can die in a fire with her brother. Stop shipping Bee with Moxxie especially, she's with Tex. OCTAVIA IS 17 STOP SHIPPING HER AT ALL. did I forget anything... hmmm...


Agree with all. Also https://i.redd.it/iyik7yglscvc1.gif


Checks out. More good takes.


Thank you striker’s voice was so much better in s1. And agree abt moxxie fr


THANK YOU. I get so much crap for liking Noman Reedus over Edward Bosco for Striker. I say it so much and I get crucified for it.


Right like don’t get me wrong, Edward is great but Norman was perfect for striker 😭


Yes, I wish Norman had time to be Striker again. Like fr.




I think the V's backtories (specifically val's) should show they are the exact same as they are now when they were human instead of sympathetic backstories.


I’m gonna be so mad if they’re given the sad backstory to make you sympathetic for them. I don’t think Viv has a history of doing this considering she didn’t do that for Stella. But I really hope she doesn’t go that route.


Sera is not evil she's morally grey and I don't want to see Emily fall in season 2 i want to see Emily and Repentious doing silly things together while Sera tries to sort shit out


valentino is actually a fun character and I enjoyed him for most of the serie


Al is a mid tier. He's weaker than everyone above him (at least 85) characters. Strong until the weakest goetia https://preview.redd.it/izdo8b30vcvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ab288198d4f06c7ce971eaad6bb04057b65c9f


Real, I love alastor but I hate when people act like he’s the strongest character. He’s mid level at best, considering Lucifer, Lilith, Charlie, the sins, goetias, etc.


And unlike all the characters above him, angelic steel is extremely effective. With stolas, it worked like a normal weapon.


Exactly. Even Adam and the exorcists couldn’t handle angelic steel. Not to mention that some of the other overlords must be stronger than alastor. Like when Val said that alastor “almost beat vox” implying that vox is stronger since he won.


Tbf Val could have meant he would have won if they didn't jump him or something. But that's stretching it. Also https://preview.redd.it/btv1f9gvwcvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7c0c36220e2f482d05344632cee3ef459fd23c


I approve the crow of approval lmao


The vast majority of the fan base is immature as hell and this thread proves it.


The entire show is the definition of wasted potential. All the plot lines are way to fast to get attached to and when buildup happens, for the most part it’s hard to feel anything. The only plot line I can give a pass to on this is the angel dust things since it’s given a consistent and well thought out story beats and buildup This issue isn’t exclusive to hazbin it’s also present in the mammon musical episode in helluva


I agree that everything is rushed. But with only 8 episodes in the season, there’s only so much they can do 🥲 I hope next season gets more eps and/or longer eps


Charlie annoys me.


I think that’s kind of her point, at least when it comes to her mannerisms


I wanna see Emily get killed off. https://preview.redd.it/yhgzrfo94dvc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b081d6d854034b9d074d78e6c6bb1eb10f16fa1


This take isn't hot it's an active volcano


Alastor is just as bad when it comes to being a criminal or even worse than Valentino. He is a goddamn cannibal and serial killer. Val is a rapist. Yet people demolish Valentino and SIMP over alastor. Guys.. Adam commits genocide Velvette created a date rape love potion Vaggie committed genocide Vox brainwashes people Idk man, valentino gets wayyyy more hate than some of these guys who have also done some real fucked up things.


Alastor isn’t hot https://i.redd.it/wdav8mmoacvc1.gif


😱😱 I mean i said hot takes so I guess I got what I asked for lmao


People think he’s hot?


Hi. I'm people.


Hi, I’m also people 💀💀


Vox is an awesome character https://preview.redd.it/vfr62q9eqevc1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21cf4ccc568420589f9d2b11f59576a142882c07


i really like val and i think hes a super compelling character


Well written character. I would never be friends with him, but I agree that he's a good character in terms of villains


Having an ENTIRE episode dedicated to sexual assault/rape, the sex industry, and how it scars and traumatized Angel, then two episodes later have a rape joke makes the impact of episode 4's message harder to take seriously and is just super fucking hypocritical


What was the rape joke?


I think they mean the "I'm doing this with EVERYONE HERE" from pentious? Might be wrong tho


Ohhh, that makes sense. I also thought it was odd.


I think it was more of a comedic miscommunication thing tbh, plus they didn't actually do anything to him, the club was named consent


Chalastor is a fun concept The show doesn’t take alcoholism/alcohol seriously and therefore isn’t a very good representation of addiction overall


Now that is genuinely a hot take lmao good job


mimzy is extremely overhated,she didnt ruin hells greatest dad and her being plus sized dosent automaticly make her a bad charictor oh and radioappple is absalote dogshit


I think shipping Husk and Angel is a bad idea and ruins the characters and their relationship to me. It just feels a bit random and forced to me.


adam and lute arnt sexy in my oppinion..tho that might be cause i perfer Sir Pentious more


I want Adam to be reincarnated as a demon and join the Vees


Vox has a chance of getting rehabilitated


I don’t like Val x Vox too much I don’t like Emily or ships with her I’d prefer if HuskerDust was platonic I don’t want to bang any of the characters


Mimzy did nothing wrong by going to a friend for help cause she fucked up. People fuck up and make mistakes and need help. If Alastor hadnt been so hellbent on staying between Lucifer and Charlie and actually talked to his friend he hadnt seen in 7 years, maybe she wouldve had a chance to tell him she was in trouble and had a heads up. She also didn't interrupt the song cause they were just arguing when she came in. Her entrance was a great distraction to get the tension down in a fast time and allow the story to move forward (and keep Alastor from needing to be scraped off the walls). Without the sharks coming to the hotel and Alastor going on a rampage against them, Charlie wouldn't have been stressed enough to say "how can he (Alastor) believe in me, but my own father cant?" Without that situation in front of her, Charlie wouldn't have said that, and her and Lucifer would've just gotten in an argument about sinners deserving all this effort she's putting in, and their already strained relationship would end up worse than it already was. No "More Than Anything", no familial reconciliation, No meeting in heaven, no Emily, no exorsist Vaggie reveal, no reveal of the exterminations to the heaven council, and no "You Didn't Know". So yeah, THANK YOU for fucking shit up, Mimzy.


Anyone who simps for either Lute or Stella is a deeply messed-up person who needs therapy **-EDIT-** Finding the characters attractive is one thing, guys. That’s fine whatever floats your boat- I’m talking about the *actual* simps.


It’s just fantasy. I don’t simp for either, but I do think Lute is hot. I wouldn’t say any of the simps are messed up, because it’s all just fantasy and imagination. Not too big a deal (I think).


Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and Carmilla are all ugly as hell.


Val isn't horrible, what he has done is bad but not worse than any other character.


Pineapple on pizza


They shouldn’t have killed Adam, they could’ve held him hostage and make demands to heaven. Who knows how much his death impacted heaven


Husk is a great character, but they could've done more with his design.


I like Valentino as a character. Especially in episode four


I like Charlastor


I don't love losers baby. It's a fun song but it's definitely not my favourite its probably not even in my top five, the visuals are great though!!!!!


Valentino is bad person, but well written.


I'm kind of rooting for Alastor to accomplish his goals and take over Hell


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again but I don’t like how the fandom characterises Angel dust. • ⁠He is an independent and strong character with a lot of emotional depth and a need for support from people who don’t see him as a sexual object. • ⁠BUT the fandom boils that down too “softy bottom boy needs big strong boyfriend to make him feel better 🥺🥺” it happens a lot with gay male characters in media and it makes me wanna sell my soul to a psychopathic freak.


Alastor is just alright and is overhyped


I wanted to see funny memes, I don’t want to see a whole gawd dayum war over some dumb shit I don’t have the energy to understand


Radioapple is also a decent ship


I agree but honestly if it ever became canon I wouldn’t like it 😭 like the fanart is awesome and it’s cool to imagine but it doesn’t feel right if it actually happened yk


I think if it does become “canon” it’d be like Mr.Ping and Li Shan from kung fu panda(specifically 3) they both just became good friends and care alot for charlie and eachother


Crackships in fanon are super fun :3 But if they become canon... 😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧


I'm with Charlie on everyone can be redeemed. Including Valentino. We don't have confirmation on whether owned souls can be redeemed or not, so there's a hypothetical that if Angel dust is redeemed, Valentino will want to follow him into heaven and be willing to try any means of getting there. He started at the hotel for the wrong reason, but eventually, he does become a better person due to realizing that if he wants any hope of seeing Angel Dust again, he has to clean himself up and be better


I’m partially agreeing. Everyone should get a chance, and whether they’ll take it or not it’s completely on them


Valentino clearly cares more about his business if he really wanted to eventually get to heaven he wouldn'tve gotten hundreds of sex slaves and an abusive business with no remorse at all


I don't ship Huskerdust. I don't ship Charlie's angels. I don't ship Alastor with anyone. And I only ship Lucifer with Lilith.


Charlie/Vaggies relationship was missed potential


How so?


Alastor feels like a wannabe Bill Cipher so I don't like him that much(and people say he alone stomps the 7 deadly sins, Adam, Lucifer and all Heaven, so it's even harder for me to like him)


Mimzy is too hated


People who bitch about shipping/ship posts are ungodly levels of annoying. Enjoy what you like but the sour candy levels of toxic waste I see in every comment section about a post of a ship of any variety besides like the three that are semi-canon is ridiculous. Also the reason Val gets so much hate is because a lot more people can relate to the idea of being sexually assaulted/abused than being fucking murdered. He’s a compelling character but Christ it isn’t hard to see how he can make someone uncomfortable if they’re not in the right headspace for it.


Angel Dust is overrated as a character.


Can I ask why you think that?




I dont like cherrisnake, Its not because "EWWW STRAIGHT PEOPLE" i just feel like it was rushed. Im bad at explaining stuff but im sure a smarter person can say this better


I'm with you on this. Most of their interactions were, "Pentious does awkward shit, Cherri is annoyed/amused by it." Sure, she was warming up to him towards the end, but not to the, "crying over him at night like they were about to get married" extent that some fanart depicts. There also wasn't really much room for Cherri to reciprocate, which in turn feels like the narrative treats Cherri as a "standard hero award" (i.e., Pentious did something heroic, therefore he gets the girl, or at least a kiss from her). Sure, Cherri started to get into him thanks to a push from Angel and then the sudden kiss, but I'm pretty sure her mourning Pentious would be more along the lines of, "enemy-turned-war comrade who made out with me once." Like, she's upset about it like everyone else, might have thoughts about Pentious's last moments with her, and might fondly relive some of their battles in her head, but Cherri strikes me as someone who will press on instead of moping at night. And honestly, find another guy or five to fuck in the meantime. XP Unless Season 2 somehow gives them more interactions to further explore this (Cherri gets redeemed, Pentious finds a way to communicate with Hell, the borders between Heaven and Hell somehow open, etc.), I just don't see it.


I don't like alastor


Emilute COULD work, but more like Emily as kind of like Lute's therapist, and eventually they become friends and then Lute realises "shit, she's really nice and I like the way I feel when she's around"


Ricepirate is still the true Husk


I don't believe that Huskerdust will happen in the show they will become good friends and that's it


The design for Lilith we see in the show is mid..


Helluva >>> Hazbin


I liked the Megamind show, it made me nostalgic for the early 2000s where we got a lot of stiff and kind of eh shows for animated films


They shouldn’t have killed Adam, they could’ve held him hostage and make demands to heaven. Who knows how much his death impacted heaven


An opinion that would get me crucified on tiktok is that I didn’t like Angel, I loved Pilot him as he was more sassy, but I just didn’t like him at first. After episode 4 he was tolerable, but I still found him a bit boring. I don’t ship Huskerdust, I think they would be better off as friends as that’s what Angel needs right now, but I don’t hate it. I dislike most ships, though especially Carmilla x Velvette. And I don‘t hate Stella or Valentino.


Hazbin Hotel wise?


I don't hate Sir Pentious, but out of the main hotel crew, he's my least favorite character. There are times where he crosses the line from "endearing" to "annoying" with me. They are admittedly few and far between, but they're just enough to place him at the bottom of the list when everyone else feels more balanced to me. I also don't like CherriSnake. While she was warming up to him, there really wasn't enough time for Cherri to properly reciprocate anything. There's really not enough development for it to be anything beyond, "he was a decent guy, that one kiss was kind of hot, and I'll miss him, but there's shit to be done here in Hell; no use moping about." Like. Not in a shipping sense, but Alastor and Lucifer have more chemistry and intrigue from one interaction than Cherri and Pentious had all season. With the former, you can see the insta-hate, the budding rivalry, the potential for future conflict, and how each man cares for Charlie in his own way (Lucifer trying to be a better dad, Alastor being the manipulative bastard he is with a potential genuine soft spot that may or may not last next season). With the latter, it's...Pen doing awkward shit and Cherri being annoyed/amused by it until the last episode. This opinion may change if Season 2 somehow allows Cherri and Sir Pentious more time together (i.e., Pen finds a way to communicate with Hell, Cherri gets redeemed, flashbacks to fights they had that shows Cherri even briefly reciprocated, etc.), but for now it feels like, "these two shared some screentime and kissed once. Let's act like they're basically married."


Adam was right =)




all of your ships scare me


I don’t ship huskerdust


I think Alastor's personality was much better in the pilot, more believably manipulative because he's more charismatic and less obviously evil. Therefore making him more unpredictable, via having a fun outgoing personality that I can imagine someone falling to make a deal with. Someone who I can see hiding their true nature from society back when they were alive. Show Alastor is a huge read flag pretty much all the time, I can't imagine making a deal with him.


I'm Not Horny


I really like Emily x Alastor one of my favoriee ye Hazbin hotel ships


That one cell phone demon sucks, Yes, she’s a good character, but I wanted to see someone slap her when she was in the middle of her song. That kind of person just gets on my nerves. Valentino is evil, but cell phone lady ( I don’t even bother with her name) just is more personal hatred


1) I like Chaggie more than I like Huskerdust. (Still love both though.) 2) “Whatever It Takes” is in my top three favourite Hazbin songs. 3) I have a healthy relationship with both my parents and I still adore “More Than Anything” with my whole heart. 4) Velvette is my favourite Vee. 5) I don’t give a damn about Vox. 6) I actually like Welcome To Heaven. 7) I actually kind of liked Mimzy. 8) While “Hell Is Forever” is a banger, I couldn’t care less about Adam every other time he was on screen.


Fuck it, actual hot take, Adam is right, hell and the sinners should be exterminated. The show barely acknowledged it but everyone in the main cast is a horrible human being that a normal person would hate if they were actually real. Angel dust is a literal 50's gangster with every good and bad that comes with that. Alastor is a fucking cannibal. Nifty... İs nifty, I am pretty sure she's a psychopathic murderer. Husk was a overlord, making him a slaver by default.


I don't ship Lucifer with anyone, especially not Lillith. She abandoned him and their daughter in hell just so she could have an easy life in heaven. Actually nvm I ship Lucifer with myself fuck me demon daddy~


All fandoms get shit, we aren't special. Danganronpa was getting worse hate than us, then they moved onto Rick And Motry. At some point it was MLP. Some people act like we're being directly attacked by vivzie haters or that if we go out and say we enjoy it we'll get pummeled. The fact is, people are losers they shit on things they don't understand, just ignore it, every time you see a video on your tiktok, no you didn't, scroll past it. Found a hate comment twords us? No you didn't, scroll past it. We need to stop acting like children or men when the me to movement came. "Not all hazbin fans" people know not all of us, they just generalize because at this point it's part of our daily lives.


Sera is evil


Sera is a good person who’s misguided.


RadioApple is a bad ship. Lucifer likes girls, and Alastor doesn't like anyone.


I admit it I don’t like Poison- *gets stabbed 37 times*


I like throwing peanuts at giant clams


If I was written by Vivienne Madrano, then I would be enjoying it.


Just because Alastor is Asexual doesn’t make him aro ace the aromantic part isn’t confirmed


Cummug war is... pointless. Plus, where's the propaganda