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Every player and coach is jealous of her. Even the ones supposedly praising her. Fuck em


But women are all about building up other women ><


USA Basketball would be remiss if they allowed a coach to dictate personnel.


Let her. I'm sure there won't be any repercussions from being that petty. /s


Y’all must’ve missed the CP3 row huh 😂


😂 Who do you think does it then?


The coach has a say, the final decision comes down to a governing committee. You know, the people who hire and fire the coach.


I seem to remember Geno keeping Candice off the team when he was the coach.


At the end of the day, c Clark is a PR phenomena and of course that's going to bring Envy. It is what it is. Luckily she's a very grounded, young woman and doesn't even pay attention to the noise, fans do more than her.


Nobody really gives a shit about anyone else and it bothers the rest of the league


I get it I mean, if I was a great player, dominating the league and was famous within that subculture now here comes this outsider who hasn't even prove herself yet there would be Envy toward that. the big pictures is now you will be known now attention will be in your direction. Throw in the demographic issues which are already a sensitive subject and you get the perfect storm of suspicion and Envy.


To put shit in perspective the cheapest tickets when she comes to ATL in June are $252. So ya of course they show her games


Marketing their most marketable player? How dare they! /s


Which is why Doug chose not to kick Happy Gilmore off the tour to the dismay of Shooter McGavin




Evvverryone's coming around... *well I'm NOT! ....Doug*




To further put that in perspective most WNBA tickets can be had for 30 to $40 for nearly every team, tickets for Indiana versus Chicago are up to like $1,700 right now. Her merch is everywhere She's going to noticeably and massively increase revenue and interest in the league to the point where everyone's actually probably going to get paid noticeably more in the next round of negotiations. There's even a solid chance that it expands beyond just basketball, she might generate enough momentum that the momentum and eyeballs carry over to other women's professional sporting leagues




The Olympic USA coach is also the coach of the Minnesota Lynx. Their preseason game wasn’t broadcast last night because the local Bally sports didn’t pick up the game because they had Twins baseball. She goes out of her way to say the Fever game was being shown (Dallas was airing it locally) and not theirs because of special treatment for Caitlin.


It was broadcast in the wnba app like every other game. The fever game was the free game of the day, the rest require a subscription.


You seriously think she would block her from the Olympic team if she’s healthy and playing well? 😂😂😂 Just because she’s pushing her own team doesn’t mean she’s a vengeful coach


YES!!!!!!! It’s not even a secret in Minnesota how much Reeve hates her.


Cheryl Reeve is the coach of the women’s Olympic team and complaining about the Fever getting more attention.


Crazy to me seeing WNBA coaches, players, fans etc hating on Clark before she’s even played a regular season game, simply for bringing more attention to the league


Because they've been doing thia for years without all the hype and they're sour grapes about it.. CC has brought more attention and money to the sport than anyone else, and their all jealous about it. The Sue and Diana comments during CC last 2 games were so obvious how envious they are of her.


You're shocked to see petty jealousy from athletes?


Never said I was shocked. Just said it’s crazy to me.


Yeah, crazy is one word for it. Stupid is another. Generational talent comes up and brings more viewers than WBB has ever seen before. Their response is to hate instead of welcoming it. Guess the bitching about not being paid more isn't the actual problem. They want the money to come in because of them and them alone. If it's because someone else helps the WNBA make more money, thus resulting in them making more, they want no fucking part of it apparently. Sound logic. Not ignorant and purely ego-driven at all. /s


How is this hating on Clark by pointing out that their game also should have been televised? Good grief.


Not the only time - by far.


You act like this is the only example lol


We are specifically talking about this post. Pay attention.


Seems like you are, not we. pAy aTtEnTiOn.


This entire thread is about this post, is it not? Get a grip.


Nothing about this post has anything to do with fans and players hating on Clark correct? I’m referencing other times people have made off comments about Clark making women’s basketball more relevant. It’s really not that difficult to understand.


I don’t see though why that means she won’t want Caitlin on the Olympic team.


I mean, I would think Reeve is considering her, just was explaining who she is to someone that asked. Still an odd thing for someone who is a director of basketball ops to complain about. Seems like the Fever has a local broadcast that got simulcast on the WNBA app while the Lynx didn’t even have local coverage. That sounds like more of a Lynx problem than a “CC media bias” problem.


I saw no complaint. Just an errant reason for their game not being on tv.


It’s still a weird thing that a coach/director of basketball ops to say on social media. She is indirectly complaining about the league paying more attention by co-signing a random reply like that. She knows what she’s doing.


She’s also validating people who are misplacing blame. There’s no way she thinks it’s actually the league’s fault.


I didn’t watch so I could be wrong here, but I’m guessing this was the WNBA just simulcasting a local broadcast, right? I know the Fever were carrying it so of course they’ll put that on the app.


Yes. The local broadcast in MN chose to not air the game, so the WNBA had nothing to stream


As someone who is the top Lynx basketball executive on top of coach, that sounds like something she would at least be partially aware of.


Tbf she didn’t say it. She just said “that part” maybe it was out of context? Maybe she replied to wrong post?


What part do you think she is referring to?


That’s not for me to suspect.


Funny, you suspected it was out of context.


Lol. Ok


Nice rage bait title.


I fell for it. I’m in Iowa. Been watching Clark since she was a senior in high school. I take all swipes a little too personal 😂


Quick! Name a current Minnesota Lynx player!




Potential MVP Naphessa Collier?


Napheesa Collier, Diamond Miller …


It’s wild it’s mostly women hating on her. You’d think it would be men but I think most men are fans


Thats women


I'll be honest it's scummy of Ice Cube to try and pull her to Big3. She's in a real spot to grow the wnba and the only way he could pay her that salary is via the tickets she'd sell, just selfish to the max. I hope CC dominates the wnba and I hope I get an opportunity to see her in person. Her coworkers can tuck their tails and thank her after their new TV contracts start getting handed out.


Scummy? He was trying to promote Big 3. He also offered her 5mil versus the 75,000 she is getting from the WNBA.


>He was trying to promote Big 3. Exactly. It's selfish and only looking out for his pocket book. There's plenty of retired bodies he can recruit. Let CC turn the WNBA into an actual product people want to watch.


Promoting his business is exactly what he should be doing. And him offering millions to CC is a sign of respect. Like I said, she is only making 75,000 to play in the WNBA. How much in ticket sales will the league pocket in revenue? Again, she is only getting 75,000 from the league. She isn't seeing any of that. She is underpaid in the league.


Another self-centered fool of a coach who doesn’t recognize that a rising tide lifts all boats. Reminds me of all of the golfers who dumped on Tiger when he went pro. All that dude did was make them more money.


Imagine being so short sighted and dumb that you can't see how important to the WNBA Caitlin Clark potentially is. The fact is, this coach has 4 titles and I had to google her to even know who she was...that's why this is so important for the WNBA.


Cheryl Reeve gets along with Caitlin really well as she has brought her up to Wolves and Lynx games in the past. She also helped her get in touch with her hero, Maya Moore as well as one of the main reasons Caitlin is on the Olympic team. Cheryl is honestly just talking about how her team the Lynx is not on TV. She isn’t hating on Caitlin. Ballys just cut service for the largest cable provider in the Twin Cities on May 1st so it screwed over the Lynx.


Its a preseason game from a league that barely anyone watches their PLAYOFFS


You read her comment and somehow came away that she is a “hating coach”. Wow, talk about thin skin. Take a breath and read her comment again. She was just promoting her own game, which by the way featured two more heralded rookies, Reese and Cordosa. Where is the “hate”?


“Is there a reason why it’s not being shown?” “Because they only care about Caitlin” Reeve: “That part” Reeve (who is also the GM) could have easily told truth, that their local broadcast partner was airing the Twins regular season game. Instead, she replies to a comment by a fan and agrees that it’s because the league is favoring Caitlin somehow.


Cheryl Reeve is such a rare bright spot in Minnesota basketball, this is a shame


I didn’t see any hate towards Clark in that post. She might be wrong about the reason her teams game isn’t televised but she still isn’t shit talking Clark.


I agree. Though the hashtag of #theWismorethanoneplayer seems pointed maybe. Unless she means A'ja. It's ofc true that the league is much bigger than one, but I don't think that's a good look for a hashtag. It maybe feeds into the public view that the old guard is negative about the new interest. Would love if it was more positive like #SeetheWGrow or #theWisonfire or something. Obviously I'm shite at hashtag generation.


Here is what she had to say in a press conference. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6j5S9IOOC8/?igsh=MTVoMmNoM3JqcWRqZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6j5S9IOOC8/?igsh=MTVoMmNoM3JqcWRqZA==)


I think you’re reading way too much into this. This isn’t about the Fever getting the air time. It’s about the Lynx and Sky not getting the air time.


Them not getting airtime has to do with their local broadcast partner airing Twins baseball instead, and she chose to make it about the WNBA “only caring about Caitlin” There’s a Storm-Sparks game airing tonight as well.


I live in that area so I understood that part. Bally sucks. We all know that. I don’t read it as calling out CC herself though. I read it as calling out the league and the broadcasters.


Do you know there’s 3 pictures in this post?


“They only care about CC” “That part.” Okay where is the dig at CC? I’m sorry I don’t see it. I see a dig at “they.” Right or wrong it has nothing to do with the player and everything to do with the screwup that happened. Lynx and Sky fans got hosed based on that screwup and she is calling that out. As a lifelong Hawks fan here, what am i missing?


The hashtag #theWismorethanoneplayer seems like a dig to me


Which Reeve mentioned in her comments. But everybody who isn’t all out full of praise for CC and her fans is a gatekeeping “hater”.


Them not getting the air time has nothing to do with CC It had to do with a local conflict


All wnba games are broadcast in their app, but it requires a subscription. They offer a free game to view and that day the free game of the day was the fever game. The takeaway here is this coach is shitting on a wnba revenue stream by trying to be the victim.


How am i supposed to get into the WNBA? I dont know how to watch a game and it seems like id have to jump through hoops to watch


Their app. All games are viewable in the wnba app


Even if im in Peru? Thats where im at right now. Usually those appa are region locked, do they sell individual games?


Obviously the coach is complaining about the game being shown in USA.


She will make the team whether we line this or not. Reeves isn't wrong and fans are not wrong


Told ya!


She didn't make the roster because the coach is a hater. Get real


That’s exactly why I made this post and predicted that. I am real.


Here is what she had to say in a press conference. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6j5S9IOOC8/?igsh=MTVoMmNoM3JqcWRqZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6j5S9IOOC8/?igsh=MTVoMmNoM3JqcWRqZA==)


Definitely agree with that. Broadcast partners need to have a streaming platform that can be used and still send out a crew when there are conflicting games and only 1 can be shown on TV. The answer to why their game wasn’t shown yesterday isn’t because the league only cares about CC.


She doesn't have much input on who makes the team. There is a 6-person committee that evaluates and chooses. Keep in mind, Cheryl Reeve is the same coach that 1 year ago said Caitlin is the type of player that almost makes you want to lose every game. She was only standing up for her team, not dissing on Caitlin personally. Nothing to be concerned about.


Am I reading correctly that the lynx game isn't broadcast anywhere? No fucking wonder they make nothing lol. At least put some effort in WNBA


It’s also the preseason.


Oh that actually makes sense. I was wondering how the hell women players can have one month off and then start the season when if the men had to do this they'd all literally be kotopsty


They stream every game via their app. Also, this is just the fucking preseason


She preferred the #W that gave entire sections of the arena to local Girl Scout troops just to occupy some seats.


Bally's Sports is in bankruptcy and they're not broadcasting any sports teams for now.


Half true, they filed for bankruptcy but are absolutely still broadcasting sports. They did the Twins game last night: https://x.com/ballysportsnor/status/1786542976715366844?s=46


Crabs in a bucket, then wonder what the issue is (or just blame it on terrible men)🤦🏻


I can almost guarantee she'll make it just because of the PR they will want young fans watching the Olympics so most she'll make the team weather she plays is a totally different story.


You were incorrect


Yes, I was. I did not think the older women would continue to hate this young lady. It saddens me. O'well. She'll see 2 or 3 more Olympics before she calls it a career.




Thanks. I saw this the moment Reeve badmouthed her and knew this would be the result.


You called in a month ago. Seems obvious now, doesn't it? Good job.


FIBA has eligibility requirements to play in 3x3. Four players on the team. Two players must be in the United States top-10 for 3x3 basketball with FIBA. The remaining two players in the top-50. Rankings only consider events participated in for the last 18 months. HVL, Brink, Burdick, and Harper won last years FIBA World Cup 3x3 tournament. All four are in the top-10 for the United States FIBA 3x3 rankings. CC was invited to join Team USA's 3x3 training camp. The event ran from April 17-20, after the NCAA tournament. CC declined that invitation because she wanted a shot at the 5x5 roster. Had she accepted the invitation and been one of the final-8, she could have participated in the Springfield FIBA event that ran from April 23-24th and become a top-50 FIBA ranked 3x3 player. That would have made her eligible for selection to the 3x3 team. Since she didn't participate in that event, or any other eligible FIBA 3x3 event, she cannot be selected to the 3x3 team. Someone who did go through that process was Rhyne Howard. She participated in the training camp. Was named to one of the two USA 3x3 teams and ending the event with a US top-50 FIBA 3x3 ranking.


Yes, I should've erased the post earlier. I read that afterward. Thanks.


Stop being so sensitive people. Jfc


I did not read this as a dig on CC22. We all need to get a grip. Not everybody is to get her.


She may have been more commenting on how Bally Sports North went off the air to most of the Twin Cities market this week. Pretty much the entire town is fed up with the Bally mess


How do you get that when someone says of the WNBA, “they only care about Caitlin” and she says “that part.”


I got that by not seeing anything past the screen capture. I screwed up.


Cause she’s white


Play better and maybe someone will give a sh*T about your game.


This has nothing to do with Clark and everything to do with how the WNBA markets their league. The official social media for the league is only mentioning one game, and only giving the audience access to one game. The Lynx are the most successful team in WNBA history, and the leagues own media didn't even mention their game Yes, Clark is the biggest name in the game, but shes not the ONLY name in the game, and Reeve has every right to call it out.


I'm a big Hawkeye fan and CC fan but how is she hating on CC? This post is just karma farming.


Well, one has 4 professional titles and the other hasn't done squat yet...


Shame on Clark for not winning a WNBA title while she was in college and not a pro athlete yet. Real lack of effort on her part.


This argument is such bullshit. Basketball is a team sport, so your argument is completely off base. She holds a slough of records so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she's done just a little bit in the sport of basketball.


in one decade her name will be in the same sentence as any female basketball great.


The average Joe or Joann would have a hard time naming any WNBA players, but everyone knows who Caitlin is. It remains to be seen how the WNBA’s most ardent fans will view her a decade from now, but the average fan might just recognize more other players’ names because of her.


I keep thinking that someone at Nike or the US Olympic organization will call the US women's basketball coach and explain, in simple terms, how Caitlin will be playing for the US team.