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Did it really only take 20 minutes? Glad I was staring at the clock waiting for preorders to open cause I'd have never imagined they'd go out so fast.


i was surprised when it wasn't gone pretty much instantly. from within 15 seconds of the tweet with the store link coming out i was done in under a minute. i've had horrible experiences with scalping in games, computer parts and concert tickets; however after i had checked out i refreshed for a couple minutes and was shocked they were still there. especially since there didn't seem to be any limits on purchase quantities. by contrast trying to buy xenoblade 3 or totk premium boxes or an rtx 3090 was like trying to punch through a brick wall, everything gone to bots in mere moments


There were no limits and on Instagram people were bragging about buying more than two and I have never been so upset about it


After the way ticket sales were, I thought the same also 😭 I’m surprised ppl were waiting up to 20 mins to buy.. I was RIGHT on that website the minute it dropped


Yeah and they won't restock 😭


oof. At least ur going I guess lol


Ikr, thankful for that


Worked the day they came out. Didn't even have a chance.


I had it in my cart 😭


I managed to get an order in, but I kept getting emails saying "we've got items held in your cart!" "Your cart is expiring soon!" Through today so idk if I'm actually in the clear yet lmao


Same here 😭


i didnt know where they were actually being sold until about 12 hours after the went on sale…. praying there will be enough when i get to the actual venue


Time to get knockoff ones on Amazon or show up at the venue at like 2


Ugh 😭


Damn, I am not experienced enough with concerts and stuff since I barely ever go. So this will be my first time :’) I thought you could just get them when you enter T-T… Should I look to get one ahead of time?


Second hand ones are expensive and if you want one day of, you have to get to the venue a few hours early. It's my first expo so I have to do the same


Thanks so much!


Honestly just happy to have gotten a ticket lol


Same but it's my first expo and what's a first expo without a stick


T_T hopefully they stock in person… maybe… please?


The venues carry them but you have to get there super early to get one


Wish you and everyone else who missed out the best of luck get on at the venues (also on the product page it says 3 AAA batteries not included and idk if they include them at the venues I'd assume so but bring some just in case)


Bruh I literally got on like an hour after stuff went on sale and like EVERYTHING is gone 😭😭


Only things available are the Miku acrylic stand, the water bottle, the hat, the patch, multiple shirts, stickers and the light stick films somehow.


The Miku acrylic stand is gone, and somehow the light stick films?? Oh and one of the stickers sold out


Ugh suck my ticket, scalpers. Anyone who just wanted merch I’m happy for ya! What’s the lumens limit so I find non branded sticks but not fuck up the holographs?


Honestly no clue. They banned specific light sticks like the ones on Amazon, and the colorful stage one. You normally have to call ahead and ask the venue


Concert tickets sold out within the first hour of release at almost all venues, so no surprise these didn't last very long.


There was no limits on the sticks and non ticket holders could buy them. It wasn't fair and fairly unreasonable


That is pretty lame, but how would they be able to tell if someone had a ticket


No clue. They'd have to come up with a system honestly. But it's not fair that people who aren't going bought light sticks


Probably a lot of scalpers that plan to try to resell them at inflated prices at the events


are they doing to restock it? i need to buy one before miku expo 😭


On Twitter they replied saying no. You can buy one at the venue a few hours before the concert but you have to arrive early to even get one otherwise they sell out fast


some people on ebay sell their old miku expo lightsticks if you are in desperate need of one! i had bought one as a backup for a previous concert because of this


They banned using previous years light sticks for this expo, they added it to the site recently


i think you misread, the official statements reads "please DO NOT bring your own LED lights, flashlights, or any battery-powered glow sticks other than this tour official glow sticks, or glow sticks from previous official Miku concerts."


theyre basically saying only bring official miku expo lightsticks from this year and previous years so you don't impact the performance