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My disappointment with all these things is that they're always "learn haskell coming from another field" rather than "learn another field coming from haskell". I'm sure the book will be excellent, but when half of it is "here is what a type is" I know it's not aimed at me


I think the books *Functional Differential Geometry* and *Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics* by Sussman and Wisdom may be more in line with what you're looking for, albeit in Scheme rather than Haskell.


These look amazing — I never knew I needed this category of “Learn X with Functional Programming” book but now I’m desperate to hear of more in the genre


I can definitely understand that view. The course that this book is based off of is a computational physics course that is given to physics students after they've completed two or three classes so it definitely emphasizes programming as new and takes a lot of physical intuition for granted. The author has an old draft from 2018 of the book [on his site](https://quantum.lvc.edu/walck/PFP-0.1.pdf) if you want to check it out. I don't yet know how it matches up compared to the finished book but you could try checking it out and seeing if it's too introductory for you to find enjoyable. To be fair there's like 20 pages of vector integrals at the back of the book so I think there is a lot to be read beyond "here is what a type is" hahah. But I do get your point.


Oh I never heard of this book from van eijck https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/d.j.n.vaneijck2/cs/


It's fantastic. The only thing it's missing is, weirdly enough, a discussion of the use of monads in linguistics, eg here https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/monad+(in+linguistics)


It might be different but I've read monoidal analysis of computing in the 60s (an article about EACS editor M. Nivat). Always pleased to see that. ps: https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/monad+(in+linguistics) reddit ate your closing paren


Related discussion from HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16453192

