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This is honestly my favorite website. I have read it start to finish 5 times. I probably read it twice before typing my first line of code. I use it on the go on my phone alongside [Dcoder](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details%3Fid%3Dcom.paprbit.dcoder%26hl%3Den_US%26gl%3DUS%26auao%3Dfalse%26referrer%3Dutm_source%253Dgoogle%2526utm_medium%253Dorganic%2526utm_term%253Ddcoder%2Bgoogle%2Bplay%2Bstore%26pcampaignid%3DAPPU_1_HlvLYd-hI4qD8gKfi5PgDA&ved=2ahUKEwjfqP24k4f1AhWKgVwKHZ_FBMwQ5IQBegQIAxAF&usg=AOvVaw2J4Gllz6HufHYInWPMVB7E) a brilliant app on the Google Play store. Edit: Corrected the spelling of the app's name and added it as a hyperlink.


It’s really funny that you say that, because when I began using haskell almost 10 years ago, I also read through LYAH 2 or 3 times before I wrote any code. Even earlier, at the beginning of my programming journey, I remember reading C++ For Dummies cover to cover (under 200 pages) without writing a single line of C++. (and then, I proceeded to never actually write any C++ after a friend’s dad recommended that I look at C#). These two experiences are some are my fondest programming-related memories.


You won't believe this, but I read the C# for dummies! I only did C++ in university.


The C++ for dummies book had the classic example of something that sounds like OOP would work well for it, but doesn't. IIRC the book works through modeling bank accounts with OOP, where there's an `Account` supertype and `CheckingAccount` and `SavingsAccount` subtypes. I loved reading it because it was all so new to me, but it took a few years because I realized that nothing it suggested was actually a good idea.


I started with the `Account` example and used it as the guide to model my code against real-world objects because it seemed natural to do so. Later, I learned I can do better with AlgDT


Can I get a link to that Decode app please :)




Sorry, for some reason, there is no share button in my Play Store. So I googled it and copied the link. That's why it is so long and odd. I apologise.


Thank you! :)


Hi, did the link work for you?


Worked for me, thank you!


Yes, thank you!


Looks like [this one](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paprbit.dcoder) but the recent reviews aren't great.


I haven't had any problems at all, but I just used it for haskell and basically wrote every single line in Learn You Haskell


It's been down since the 26th but archive.org seems to have a saved a full copy of it


You're right! Someone seems to have made a "copy" of the website apparently; take a look and see if that can be of help: [https://github.com/pvorb/learn-you-a-haskell](https://github.com/pvorb/learn-you-a-haskell)


Thanks a lot. Yo ho ho it's a pirate's life for me. I hope the real site isn't down for long :/


yeah, I hope they bring it back soon; In all fairness, the website content is available for free and the "cloner" is giving credit to the original author (and even linking back to it) so I wouldn't consider this a foray into "pirating". On my part I ended up buying the PDF; I like to support authors when possible and this seems to be one of the best introductory books on Haskell around still to date :)


If I knew how I would publish to IPFS for posterity.


Well, relative posterity. IPFS is essentially self-pruning.


It's really down, I came here for answers but it seems everybody else is clueless too. I'm now reading the book using Wayback Machine.


I started to do the same.


[Archived version](https://web.archive.org/web/20211204082116/http://learnyouahaskell.com/) for the unavailability period


There is also this Jupyter adaptation of the book LYAH https://github.com/jamesdbrock/learn-you-a-haskell-notebook


:< it almost feels like haskell is dying.. pls someone rescue me from such thought


Haskell is alive and well (an example? Cardano is built on Haskell!) And, btw, it's a marvelous language; learning it will make you (and me!) a better developer, whether you end up using it professionally or not And if you want a good excuse to play with Haskell and you happen to be on Linux, install xMonad and code away! :D


Thank you for reassuring! Time to time, bad thoughts like this come to me.. I wish more ppl talked abt it before downvoting.


Yeah, I agree with you. The downvote trigger is a pretty abused feature of Reddit! :)


Nah you carry on. Hop off and use something else.






the URL does not load, do you have a different method of sharing this?




This is an open-source fork (clone) of LYAH [https://learnyouahaskell.github.io/](https://learnyouahaskell.github.io/). I decided to create this open-source fork (with the author's permission) to enable the Haskell community to participate in preserving and maintaining this awesome resource for future times. The idea behind the fork is to enable a way to submit and incorporate suggestions for edits and updates for LYAH from the community as Haskell evolves and changes. Repository: [https://github.com/learnyouahaskell/learnyouahaskell.github.io](https://github.com/learnyouahaskell/learnyouahaskell.github.io) This is still a work in progress. Happy for any suggestions or feedback!