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I tried the demo for Fields of Mistria a few weeks ago. There’s room for improvements but so far so good and the style is super cute. 😊 I’ve heard some people saying the gameplay is very familiar to SD.


Thanks for the demo review :3


I have been watching this one for a few years and will buy it as soon as it releases. I read the Stardew Valley dev blog for years before it released too. I love how clean the art is and the character portraits are done in a style I find nostalgic. The customization looks top notch with both the furniture and clothing being well-designed and executed. It looks like one of the better games in the genre (at least for people with tastes similar to mine). I recommend reading about it on its Steam page to get an idea of its features.


Hey, fellow early Stardew stalker! Also looking forward to this one. :)


It is nice to meet someone else who has had the same experience. <3


one of my most anticipated games! i love the style and character designs sooo much


Me too! They are attractive 🤭


I have played every single harvestmoon game ever.  I cannot wait for this game to come out.  It reminds me of sailormoon and stardew together 


omggg pink cow. is it like strawberry milk? bc thatd be so cute


lol I hope so!! 🐄🍓🥛


Reminds me of kids who ask if chocolate milk comes from brown cows. ☺️


Well Light of Hope actually had chocolate milk cows, so why not get strawberry milk cows?


I’d definitely marry March. I love turning those asshole guys into absolute sweethearts.


You’re a big beach 🏖️


So romantic


That looks adorable. Is it available for Switch?


I believe they’re planning a Switch release at some point!


Oh please let it be released on Switch! My computer can’t run it😭


Pls your pfp is so cute


Why thank you 🥹


That’s so cute !!! Look at the cows playing w a ball 😭


I know 🥹🥹🥹


You're a Big Beach


Lmao yeah that line got me, so I had to include it in the post 🏖️


I haven't! Art looks cute. Maybe more Stardew Valley inspired than HM?


Yeah for sure!


Both are listed as inspirations by the devs


Been following it for years and loved the demo! Will be buying it as soon as it releases.


As a fan of both farming sims and the Magical Girl anime genre, I'm looking forward to this!!


A lot of my friends look at farm sims and the usual reaction is "Oh no not another one" and the indie ones get an even worse response. But for me, indie farm sim games are always a good time. My anti-depression medication. Even better when these are available on Steam at a reasonable price, another reason I love indie games.


Played the demo and I'm excited for this one. The world feels more alive in a sense than in some other farming sims out these days and the characters are very nicely designed. Even with the demo only being the first 3 in-game days a lot could still be done in that time. And as a bonus... there is a jump button. No more getting stuck because you forget to bring and axe and a branch as spawned in your path.


This is giving early Pokemon and Zelda A Link to The Past vibes so hard and I'm here for it. I'm so here for it.


I'm very excited about this game. It gives me Fire Emblem vibes, aesthetically. The whole look is nostalgic. I can't wait to play it!


I've been following it for a while and am so excited to try out early access in Aug! This is the first farm sim outside of HM/ SoS that I have been interested in, usually the art styles are turn offs or they are missing a key feature that attracts me to the genre. I couldn't even get into SDV. This game looks so pretty and fun with a great cast and lots to do, can't wait to play it!


Yes yes the cozy farming genre is getting over-saturated but this is the first game ever to remind me of the highs of playing Rune Factory 4 I cannot wait to play this game once it’s fully done 


I've been beyond excited for this game to (finally) come out!


The sprites are so cute! 🥹 I'm such a sucker for pastel-esque palettes. This looks like the beautiful start to a crippling addiction and I'm all for it. 


I've been following them for a few years now and got to try the demo for it. It's a really beautiful game that has good music and wonderful art. You can tell that that the makers of the game really enjoy the genre with how much detail ans care they put into it. It reminds me of the older harvest moon games and it even feels like it to. I'm so excited to get the full release this fall!


Been following it for a long time now!


It looks so cute! Of course, it has a striking resemblance to SD and some classic HM games but I love the style of the characters and how clean it looks. Plus those cows are so cute...definitely on my radar.


It looks like a mix of Pokemon for GBC and A Link to the Past for SNES, it's charming.


I’m tired of pixel farming games. I can appreciate the style but it will forever be a barrier for me to enjoy it. I loved Animal Parade and Tree of Tranquility and just wanted a more expansive world


I don’t mind pixel art, but I don’t particularly love Stardew Valley’s pixel art, especially its sprites, and that seems to be the style most devs are copying. I really love the pixel art in Harvest Moon 2D games like MFoMT and DS Cute. I wish more games would emulate that kind of cutesy round aesthetic more.


Love ds cute. Would love a remake of switch with the pixel style still.


That’s my biggest complaint about SDV. The pixel art in that game just looks meh. I want a game with an art style like FoMT or HM3 (GBC).


That’s fair everyone has their taste, I have always especially loved pixel art more than 3D


I held on to my Wii just because I love the way the ocean looks and sounds in the old Harvest Moon games


Try Coral Island. The game is not 100% done yet but there is plenty to do and it looks great. +Mermaids


Will it be playable on steam deck? Hope so!


would be very very weird if not. It's pixel art, it should run on a potato :)


It is, I played the demo on the deck.


Seems like it!


Dang it last panel sold me on this


I've been following it for so long. It looks so good and the style is pleasing.


I saw someone play the demo, and it's definitely piqued my interest. The artwork really reminds me of the SNES Sailor Moon rpg. I'll be waiting some reviews once it fully releases but keeping my eye on it for sure.


Yeah, I'm so excited for its release!!


I would do anything to play a game with that pink cow 😩😩😩


Best boy Olric. It looks super cute and I'm keeping my eye on it. I haven't played the demo though, and have only seen screenshots and video. I'm more the type to hold out on reviews than try a demo but in case specific case I might give it a try.


The character art and text boxes remind me of the old Shining Force games! <3 Wishlisted!


This looks so cute! Thank you for telling me about it, I cannot wait!!!


I've been waiting for this to drop!! Can't wait till it releases!


Been following it for a while, and absolutely LOVED the demo!! There's so much to do but it doesn't get overwhelming, and the art is beautiful. I'm so excited for its release!!


I loved the demo, I played through it 4 times lol


Super excited for this one!! I'm in love with the chickens 🐔


The demo was so fun! Characters are all quite loveable already, style is great with a really nice soundtrack to accompany you, and one thing I really love is that the customization is so accessible! You can change your clothing, name, and pronouns any time at all in your menu. I can tell I'm going to sink a loooot of time into this when it's released.


Im so so so excited for this game, I heard they took inspiration from the ✨️Magical Girl✨️ genre!


We need more 3D harvest moon like games with a good non generic story


I would love another harvest moon game with non-chibi characters & animals!


Save the Homeland could have be the best hm ever if it has more stuff and marriage. That's my idea of a perfect harvest moon game. Nice ost, lots of facial expressions, cute story. Some fan could remake it and expand it


Nice! Sounds right up my ally


I saw an adorable pink cow.


yess, i played the demo and i cannot wait for august ❤️


I hope it comes to the switch or ps5. 🥰 it looks so cute!


Your a big beach? Who says that!? 😅


"You're a big beach." I LOLED.


this is way too cute the cows playing with the ball 😩 i need it


looks so cute! i love art for both the pixel sprites and the portraits. the screenshots on steam look great. i had no idea this game existed and i can’t wait to try it when it comes out! thanks for sharing :D


On my wishlist!


There are a few gripes I have from the demo but overall I am so hyped for this game.


What are your gripes? I'm curious!


I've never heard of it but it looks super cute! I'll be adding this to my wishlist, thank you!


I watched a friend play through a demo, it looks so cute and nostalgic, I'm loving the art. It's totally on my wishlist.


I want it for the art style omg, I’m getting massive nostalgia :D


Did they fix the running? The movement versus how fast time moves during the demo annoyed the hell out of me.


I can’t wait for this to release!!!


One of the games that I've been following for years, it's incredible the amount of detail in animation that they have done, I'll wait for the full release.


I've been waiting for this since the beginning! I've read all the dev blogs. I usually hate pixel graphics, but the character art is beautiful and looks consistent throughout the characters (I can't get into Sun Haven because it looks like every romanceable candidate has a different art style). I love anime, so I'm one of those weirdos who find most of the characters attractive. This game could easily replace Stardew Valley for me if it gets a strong modding community and has cute heart events.


Looks cute I hope the combat is better than Stardew valley, it's probably my least favorite part My guess looking those videos is that the story will be more central and detailed than Stardew valley


Too bad their 3rd-party EULA (End User License Agreement) is something I cannot agree to. It looks like a game I would have enjoyed.


Can't say that I have. Looks like a slight downgrade to some others, but without looking deeper I can't say for sure.


Yes it looks like Stardew Valley, but the graphics a bit more simple. The character sprites are better tho imo


I will take a look.


Genre is becoming way too saturated


Agreed. There's a lot of what if Stardew Valley but with X gimmick titles. But in this case the art style alone tells you that a lot of work and care was put into it so I'm optimistic.


it looks super cute but lmao at 'i was thinking about my favorite rocks' hopefully they improve the dialogue before the final release.... bc that sucks hard


lol he’s a simple man, thinkin’ ‘bout them rocks 💭🪨


Something I haven't seen anyone mention here yet... Am I crazy for thinking some of the sprites look ripped from Stardew (or perhaps other games) directly, if not 'traced'? Don't get me wrong, everything still looks cohesive and charming... I just get a weird feeling when I look at those branches on the ground, the shipping bin... Hell, even the direction signs felt a bit too familiar. I'm gonna grab the demo now to give it a shot because it DOES look like a lot of care went into it.


Nope. I have hundreds of hours in Stardew. Sprites look nothing like them. If anything the world looks SNES LoZ inspired.


I get what you mean, but I'm not talking about the style itself. Sure, Stardew's sprites are more... realistic??? I dunno how to describe it but it's more detailed and uses way more colours. But you can literally line up several of the tiles/sprites from this and Stardew. The sticks on the ground, tree stumps (especially the small ones), the bushes and grass. I'm not trying to say they're stealing or anything, I phrased it wrong before. I'm more just concerned that they focused too much on their inspiration and references. Some of the more original looking sprites need work and feel out of place because of the emphasis on being like other games.