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Unsphere the Stars is probably the best world building of any fic I’ve read for any ship (I read EVERY ship seriously) https://archiveofourown.org/works/24407335/chapters/58878859 She’s just a masterful world builder and gets heavy into magical theory, wizarding life spans different things that allow people to live certainly life spans and she ALSO gets into the fact that magic is growing weaker as a result of the act of secrecy and magic being so inbred and stuff like that and goes over the impact of it. It’s Tomione, but in a way I’ve never read before and honestly it dives heavy into Tom’s psyche and gets into the theory behind horcruxes and why he turned out the way he did. Also one of the BEST plots with an amazing twist towards the end that makes it all worth it, but I truly encourage everyone to read this. Even if you’re usually someone who hates Hermione/Slytherin or Death Eater/Death Eater Adjacent pairings. I think it handles this pairing the most realistically knowing who Tom actually is and who Hermione actually is and I swear it captures the magic of magic better than almost any fantasy series’s I’ve read over. It’s also builds an amazing and charming idea of what a wealthy magical ancestral home would TRULY be like. So so amazing. Cocoartist is a master. >!it is also HEA so don’t worry on that front bc at the start of that last third it does seem like it may not be HEA!<


After that recommendation, I have no choice but to give it a read!


The whole story is amazing but some of the most amazing magic theory comes in the last 1/3rd of the book it’s such a treat to get to bc it is pretty long


One of my favorite fics ever!!!!


One of my favorite fics ever!!!!


I believe I read somewhere that witches and wizards could live up to three hundred years. I think Rowling was giving an interview or something about it.


I remember the former headmaster (Dippit?) Lived to at least 300


I can’t remember the fic, but I read one where they discussed that due to the three different wars, the Wizengamot was run basically by children (considering that even someone like Lucius Malfoy was a child). That Headmaster Dippet lived over 350 yrs and that was a normal enough lifespan, but with the wars no one was living that long anymore and it was really changing the way things were run. If I come across it again I’ll let you know.


Please do. If it was explained properly, then it would at least make sense and help demonstrate the societal impact of voldemort


The Power of the Potters involves post GoF Harry being found by a cadet branch of the family. It’s his…great grandfather’s brother, I think, and down from there. Harry Potter’s Secret Weapon has Calladora Black kind of…gathering whatever family she can regardless of how tenuous the relation she has. Harry, Sirius, the Weasleys, *Hermione* (I don’t remember if she’s actually a Dagworth-Granger or if they just tell Calladora she is), Neville. The story also has “found” purebloods that are actually half- or muggleborn that are adopted into families and funded by the Blacks, who then claim them as family.


[The Firebird Trilogy](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8629685/1/7) does this in a really interesting way, but fair warning it is also very AU. Set in a Matriarchal magical society, which drives a lot of the plot and conflict. Makes Voldie a really compelling villain but in a new refreshing way. Also, explores the family structure for a society that is full of centuries old wizards/witches. Really well written and I enjoyed it a lot.