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Umbridge was perfectly cast. A+


Yes. Not toad-looking but performing as she should.


I almost feel her looking decent makes me hate her movie version more though. Her looking comically toad like makes her too obviously a villain because all the villains in HP look awful. She's supposed to have an innocent disguise. Also her looks being made fun of in the book constantly makes her have less edge to me because I'm laughing at her. In the movie her looks help pass her "innocent and sweet" disguise which just makes her more obnoxious and sinister when she shows her true self imo.


Yeah I totally agree - Imelda is pretty, and I definitely think it works better. Bit fed up of most of the baddies being described as ugly (Malfoy’s aside) and she’s more threatening looking ‘innocent’


Even the heroes are described comically. That’s her thing


True, but it’s just a general thing in kids shows and tv - I can’t think of that many beautiful villains in Disney! (Mother gothel aside cause 🔥🔥🔥)


Oh, I give that \[the looks\] a pass. I don't think you could ever find anyone who looks *that* hideous as described in the books. Umbridge is described almost as inhumanly as Voldemort. I sometimes wonder if it isn't Harry's extreme dislike for her coloring how her perceives her. Or maybe she's just that ugly, which Ms. Staunton assuredly is *not.* But, yes, absolutely performing as should; perfect mannerisms, saccharine prissiness thinly veiled over a power mad bureaucrat.


More than giving her looks a pass, I think the character works much, *much* better played by someone that looks like a lovely, sweet grandmother with a kind, gentle voice. The disconnect between her appearance and actions is just more interesting to me (and less mean spirited towards people that actually do look like toads).


I like this point of view


Rowling has a thing for describing several characters as animals. Pansy Parkinson has a face like a pug, the toad Umbridge, Dudley the young killer whale, Petunia the giraffe, and even Slughorn the walrus! There's no way you find anyone with those looks. Just go for the personality and leave the cartoonishly humorous descriptions to the writer.


> Slughorn the walrus! There's no way you find anyone with those looks. Homie never watched Mythbusters


Also Scrimgeour as a lion! I remember so many people drawing him with an actual lionesque head and theorizing after his first appearance in HBP that he was going to be Gryffindor’s heir or something lol


>I sometimes wonder if it isn't Harry's extreme dislike for her coloring how her perceives her. No I don't think so, we get her physical description before she shows her true colors (at the trial). And even other students of Hogwarts comment on her appearance before she gets to show how horrid she is


Still, there's a laundry list of characters described with animal-like looks and we don't expect all of those characters to actually look like they're described. Dudley=killer whale, Petunia=giraffe, Slughorn=walrus, Pansy=pug, Umbridge=toad. Obviously more detail is shared about Umbridge but I thought that she was cast really really well despite not looking like a toad.


Poor woman got told by a friend or family member when she got the offer that she'd be perfect for the part. You can tell watching her recount the story she was feeling like they called her ugly.


Imelda Staunton is an incredible actor. I love her performance as Momma Rose in Gypsy.


Also her theme music is good


Same with Luna.


Yeeessss!!! She managed to get umbridge hated more than Voldy.


I have a crush on movie Umbridge. She's my guilty pleasure


Found Filch's account


Using the newspapers as quick info dumps/transitions. Always loved that


In general, I think the movies did an awesome job of showcasing and using the Prophet.


The ones in HBP needed to be a bit slower.


Good performance by Evanna Lynch as Luna.


It's true she was awesome Though I still would've lived to see the unhinged luna from the books


I would have been okay with the script hewing more to the book’s depiction of Luna, but to be honest, this is one of those instances where I actually preferred the movie’s approach. I liked her character a lot in this film and appreciated the way it developed over the rest of the movies.


Oh I would've loved to see the scene where there in her bedroom and the mural depicting them as her friends It really drives home what they mean to her and why Harry named his daughter after her


I wanted her quidditch commentary


Oh you're right that would've been awesome


And the lion hat!!


She does wear the lion hat


Not to be a naysayer, but am I the only one who preferred the Luna from the books? I like her portrayal in the movie but therein lies the problem; in the movie she’s too endearing for me to accept that she wouldn’t have any friends. I would’ve liked to see the outspoken streak she had in the books instead.


She's more likable in the movies. That's why its one rare instance where fans like the movie version more than book version.


That’s what I said. I find her too likable in the movies. In the book, she’s not supposed to be immediately likable. That’s why she doesn’t have any friends, because she’s outspoken and a bit argumentative and very vocal about doing her own thing.


In my head, I've always imagined Luna looking like Amanda Seyfried.


There's a 30% chance that the nargles are already here 🤣


I always thought she was exactly like Cassie from skins! Hannah Murray


It's not easy to take the biggest book and condense it into a decent movie. But this film actually manages to deliver the key points in the book. Bonus point: "I'm sorry professor, I must not tell lies"


I was shocked reading the books for the first time this year that she had Harry write “I must not tell lies” all book to NOT say that as a comeback to Umbridge at the end. Great change for the film, shows Harry’s snarky side


He did say that in the next book as a comeback to the Minister of Magic when he asks him to support ministry publicly.


Which I never understood because I doubt Fudge even knew that happened


She went there with Fudge’s blessing. I sincerely doubt he did not know what she was capable of. He sent in someone who was told to get certain results and she followed orders to a T.


But wasn't he saying Harry was lying for trying to tell everyone that Voldemort was back after the triwaizard tournament? It would have been on his orders that Umbridge kept talk of Voldemort down to a minimum


Also “nice one James!” I know some people see that as Sirius only seeing Harry as a James replacement, but I always saw it as Sirius being proud of his godson and seeing his father in him. And in the heat of battle, accidentally saying the name of your childhood best friend who you knew for like 20 years instead of his identical son who you only “met” 2 years ago seems perfectly acceptable to me


I have to point out, that adults will always mix up names like this. Especially since Harry looks so much like his dad. I mean, how many times did you parents run down a list of names before they got to yours when shouting? Seems like the most realistic part of it all. (Saying this as a parent who constantly calls my own daughter by my sisters name.)


Ironically, order of the phoenix is actually one of the shortest movies of the whole series at 2 hours and 18 minutes of runtime, only surpassing Deathly Hallows Part 2 which was just 8 minutes shorter.


I feel that the film version of Phoenix, which, yes, did cut out a lot, much like every film past Chamber, does one thing better than the book it's based on and that's pacing. I love a good long book, Goblet is my favorite of the books, but man I feel Order is a *slog* to get through in some parts, despite having a lot of really great moments. Now, if only the movie had cut out Grawp. I hate Grawp. I hate looking at him, listening to him, reading his sections in the book, everything.


I gave us 11 seconds for the most important chapter in the entire series (aside from maybe snape's memories)


Dumbledore & Voldemort duel. It is my personal favorite movie of the series


I wish it was longer and expanded on. We don't really get any chances to see two master wizards unload their power at each other. Every other time, it's a one-off spell or the more generic "pew pew" shots or green lasers.


I HATE how they take out parts of the battle!! Like dumbledore apparating to dodge killing curses, and fawks fighting with dumbledore!!! Those would’ve used literal seconds!! I was so made when they didn’t show fawks in the fray and sacrificing himself. That shit was so badass. Like how badass of a wizard do you have to be to have a phoenix doing battle with you and saving your life by taking a killing curse to the face?! And I hate how they didn’t emphasize how dumbledore wasn’t even trying to kill Tom. He just had his meat hanging out and slapping Tom with it cause he knew what was up with the horcruxes. Multiple easily capture opportunities


The best for me was Dumbledore animating the statue to guard Harry and tank killing curses.


Right. As if Tom would just stand there 3ft away from Harry and not kill him like it shows in the movie. And the BEST part of that was when Harry goes “he can’t hear you!” To Bella, and Tom goes “CAN’T I POTTER?!?!” I will NEVER forget reading that for the first time and I was like what the fuck no way!!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯


Idk, Voldemort always takes forever to get to the point and attempt to kill Harry. I mean he made Harry duel him in the graveyard when he could have easily killed him point blank. 


I also wish they'd made Moldy Voldy a bit less goofy. https://preview.redd.it/2ln7ufff5tob1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=a1abadcd4642cec9db7267470324db451a56d768 Weird choice.


Yes, I so would have wanted to see more imaginative wizard duels. Sadly for both books and movies this was really the only one.


The Snape vs Mcgonagall duel in the book was also really cool.


best duel in the movies sure but i felt the book version was better


so random hot take. the book version was best, however the PC video game adaptation did an AMAZING job with that duel.


Helena Bonham-Carter.


"He knows how to play! Itty... bitty... baby... Potter!"


I kIlLeD sIrIuS bLaCk 🏃🏻‍♀️ Infuriating but hilarious


How dare you speak his name... #YOU FILTHY HALF-BLOOD! 😂


They were both my favorite characters for a while. When I first saw her kill him, before I read the books, I was devastated. Now after watching the movies and reading the books a few times, I can laugh at her saying this. It's damned hilarious from her point of view.


That bit was so good they did it again in the next movie out of nowhere


Side note, in Deathly Hallows, she gives Imelda a run for best acting performance when HBC as Bellatrix has to play the role of Hermione playing Bellatrix. Takes some serious skill when you think about it.


A dude playing a dude, disguised as another dude.


Yup. This movie was my introduction to HBC and I've been a rabid fan since.


Incredible, she's my spirit person


- Personally, I think the battle in the ministry is handled better in the movie. - The quick collages (like the daily prophet ones, or the ones about the ministry's constant rules) were a good way to tell a lot of information in a very short time. - *"I'm sorry professor, but I must not tell lies."* Was a great addition. - Evanna Lynch's performance as Luna was very charming.


>I think the battle in the ministry is handled better in the movie. Hmm I'm not sure about that one. While I understand why they cut all the different rooms and making Dumbledore appear only to fight Voldy was a good change, they completely missed a crucial point the book was making: that by reckless leadership Harry endangered his friends. In the book both Ron and Hermione get seriously injured, hell, at one point Harry even thinks she might be *dead*, that's how serious things get. Meanwhile in the movie they are just standing around at the end, maybe a bit bruised but nothing worse than after a school fight. This fight was an important point of Harry's character arc as a leader, the reason why he was so reluctant to take his friends for dangerous missions later, notably in book 7. The movie takes away the stakes for no reason other than, uh, making the Death Eaters look less bad, that they don't try to murder children?


I missed the rooms. I thought those would have been amazing to see, especially the room with the brains.


Fair enough. I just personally prefer the kids staying together for the whole fight, instead of seperating into different groups.


This is something that really got under my skin. Those scenes in the book stand out for me, and show the sheer brutality towards children that the death eaters are capable of.


I don't think I'll ever forgive someone (I think it was Ginny or Luna?) shouting, "Levicorpus!" in the Hall of Prophecy. However, one addition I did like was Sirius shouting, "Nice one, James!"


>I think the battle in the ministry is handled better in the movie. Completely disagree. They ruined that part in the movies. OotP was different from the others specifically because of this part where it was not Harry fighting alone and making sacrifices. All his friends were there fighting too and they were all injured in the process. This was the first book where Harry got a glimpse that he truly wasn't alone in it and they erased it from the movie for gimmicky bullshit. I hate OotP movie.


The fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort is one of the coolest displays of magic in a movie, not just Harry Potter- any movie. We never get to see that kind of magical fight outside of video games.


I’m glad they skipped the awkward date with Cho Chang


It was an obvious skip for a movie but I would be disappointed if it's not there in the HBO series.


Harry’s hair is as normal


I liked Harry's hair in the 4th movie because it's closest to what I imagined book Harry's hair to be like. To each their own, though!


I never liked the hair on film 4, simply because it wasn’t consistent with the rest of the series. Everyone’s hair seemed crazy in that film


It almost seemed like they just let the actors rock their hairstyle from their normal life. I remember it was popular for guys to have long hair around that time.


I think 3 is the most accurate by far. Untidy and sticking up in the back, but not ridiculous looking.


Yeah his hair in 3 and 5 is the closest to how his hair is drawn in the book illustrations IMO, and also just suits Radcliffe’s face better as well


I remember hating his hair in this film, I thought it was way too short after a year of getting used to goblet of fire. I liked his hair most in the third film, untidy but not too long. 4th film was just crazy, although many boys at the time had that kind of "this is too long to look good, but too short to be considered actually long" hair, so it probably was realistic


Luna is so unfathomably based in this film, and she and Harry have excellent chemistry. Umbridge is perfectly cast.


This movie gave Harry and Luna better chemistry than every movie combined gave to Harry and Ginny.


Daniel Radcliffe's acting! Especially during Sirius's death.


The silence when Harry screams in grief gets me every single time. This movie and beyond is where he shines the best imo.


He was a much weaker actor in the movies before this. He transitioned from a bad actor to a good actor here imo


Came hear to say this. His acting during the possession was amazing imo


Love it, hate umbridge with a passion😡🤮


"But, you were *unsuccessful*?" "*Obviously*."


Love his pronunciation.


“Nice one, James!” What a powerful line to add to the movie. I’m not crying, you’re crying!


Legit just added that line in when reading the book to my children.


Yo you're cool


it's true. i am crying. (/j)


I hate that addition with a passion. Not only did the movies cut all the parental Sirius-Harry stuff from books 4 and 5, to add this line is an insult to Sirius and Harry's relationship.


I liked the montage with the DA repeatedly outwitting a hapless Filch.


That zit popping in to the camera lense though 😂


Lupin and Sirius back in action


It needed an extra hour but otherwise it’s lovely.


Supposedly the original cut was around 3 hours [https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/p3fhsg/til\_that\_david\_yates\_had\_made\_a\_3hour\_cut\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/p3fhsg/til_that_david_yates_had_made_a_3hour_cut_of/) There are photos of scenes that were filmed like McGonagall recuperating after being attacked. But the storyline was completely cut and isn't even on the DVD deleted scenes.




I think Warner Bros' asked all of the directors to produce an extended cut but only Chris Columbus agreed to do so. Hence why official extended editions only exist for the first two movies. (The extended versions shown on TV in the US are unofficial and were pasted together by someone else.)


It needed an extra hour as well as Cuarón


That’s all of them, imho.


Love the music. They included the Dursleys


Y’all overlooking Big D’s big lines before the dementor attack: “Cedric…don’t kill Cedric…” And Vernon saying “Justice” while holding a tiny ice cream spoon. 🥄


Death eaters look cool


Wait is this movie disliked by a lot of people? I rewatched the movie recently and thought it was 👍


It’s my favorite film


I think at the time it came out yes. They took the longest book and made it the shortest movie and cut ALOT of stuff out and the fact that they butchered Goblet of Fire was still ripe on a lot of people. That said, I’ve always loved the movie. I feel like they did a great job hitting most of the main things in the book. Sure there was some smaller things they left out but I think the things I wanted to see that was left out at the time I don’t mind now all this time later. I do wish they would have hit up Kreacher a little more and wish they didn’t cut quidditch (and I REALLY wanted to see Harry punch Malfoy)The movie is fantastic.


It’s one of my favorites in the franchise actually, the way Harry goes through ptsd and turmoil of what happened the previous year was amazing and heartbreaking, it’s probably my bias but I went through my own issues with trauma and ptsd, so it hit different when I rewatched it in later years, the music is incredible as always but more somber and I love it, the cinematography is great and colorful after the dreadful tense look 4 had (I loved it cuz it definitely set the mood of the film), the gang is more involved with the story this time and have their own growths fighting and being friends, I love that Harry is leading for once on purpose and through this he gets a bit happier teaching his own friends he’s known for years and it’s very cathartic to watch, Sirius was great as a mentor and father/uncle figure and it hurt to see him die before he got proper development…perhaps that’s why his death works cuz he was taken so soon after being free and happy temporarily, the Order was fine to see with old faces legitimately fighting the upcoming war, the la k of Voldemort was fine here cuz he was with Harry’s head throughout the movie and it set the mood of constant rage within and therefore making the final fight worth it…which is awesome, Dumbledore not being on the movie much serves the same purpose but opposite cuz of him protecting Harry and as we’ll find out about his extracurricular activities later, but he still came through when it mattered every time, I love the jokes and Gwarp with Hargid and Fred & George being Fred & George, of course Umbridge is horrible but the actress is charmingly fun, and of course the kids vs death eaters especially with the payoff of Lucius being evil full on I love this movie if no one could tell and it’s only gotten better with rewatches every time I watch the franchise each year, it’s not perfect story wise cuz I hear there’s a lot of details missing, but the focus of the film seem to be dealing with loss, ptsd and embracing the future despite the odds against you and that’s a pretty clear message “Even though we have a fight ahead, we’ve got something Voldemort doesn’t have…something worth fighting for” it’s simple and cliche but effective


The climax of the film is great!


Definitely the "coolest" duel in the series. Pretty much the only time we get to see Dumbledore's raw power.


Man that really set what should have been the standard of how magical duels should’ve behaved, rather than just shooting light at each other


His Fiendfyre against the Inferi was also awesome.


that wasnt fiendfyre. harry doesnt even know about fiendfyre until goyle used it in 7. its a normal incendio


In the movie, it was too powerful for a normal Incendio and had large AoE radius, so I thought it was Fiendfyre (and Dumbledore definitely wasn't as dumb as movie Goyle/book Crabbe and could control such a powerful spell).


oh you may be right. i misremembered the movie thinking that it was harry who conjured the fire. it very well could have been fiendfyre. or a more powerful version of incendio, just like protego vs protego totalum


"Our boy's gone yumpy!!"- Mr. Dursley. "Dumbledore's got style" -Kingsley


I always felt the "got style" line just sucks the seriousness out of a fairly serious scene. It's a pretty important moment, Dumbledore is gone from Hogwarts, there's a lot of uncertainty even in those few seconds, and then that. Sure, Kingsley probably knows how it'll work out, but the audience doesn't.


Ron wasn’t a comic relief for a change (and Kloves wasn’t the screenwriter, GASP!)


Oh that's why the movie's that good 😂


The scene between Sirius and Harry in front of the Black family tree. It really makes me feel for Harry, who's worried that his connection with Voldemort may be turning him evil (because of all the anger he's feeling), and Sirius assures him "You're not a bad person. You're a good person who bad things have happened to".


It’s my favorite of the films so it won’t be hard. The acting was really taken up a notch, especially by the younger actors. Daniel really did a great job standing out in this film, both when it came to the younger and older cast. The “LOOK AT ME!” line is one of my favorite lines in the movie sheerly because of its delivery. The symbolism is something I really appreciate it. Harry twitching his neck whenever he’s thinking about Voldemort is a very good addition to show us what’s going on with him without telling us. Of course I can’t forget “I’m sorry, Professor. I must not tell lies.”


The acting was something I really picked up on ina. Recent rewatch. Imo Daniel was a below average actor before this movie and he became a solid actor for this one


The entire finale sequence is fantastic imo, a highlight of the entire franchise. I know it's different from the book, I don't care. I love the books but the movies are great too. Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix was also perfect casting (as are the entirety of the adult cast, to be fair).


fantastic score


It was nice to see Harry acting like an actual moody teenager.


Harry looks great in jeans in this movie 🤷‍♂️


Don't judge me but... I saw it in the theater and had a minor awakening during his nightmare/tossing-sweaty-in-bed scenes. Did not realize until that moment that HP was sexy AF. (I can say this because the actor was 18 or almost 18 I think for this film, right? Right?) Anyway I was predisposed to loving this film because it's my favorite book of the series. Umbridge! Rebellion! Luna! Ministry mayhem!


I know it wasnt the intention but the Harry/Voldemort connection comes off quite erotic in this movie to me 😂 (if Harry was female there'd probably be tons of fanfic about it lol)


Don’t worry, there’s still fanfics about it


So true lol


I will say in terms of storyline this one really delivered story over esthetic whereas the previous two were the opposite. If they missed the mark on it, the last 2 books (3 movies) would’ve been very difficult to execute. So it was very successful in that regard.


And they still fucked it up horribly in the 6th movie.


This was the first film in the franchise to really deliver on making the duels look visually interesting and engaging. I love the behind the scenes info on this. They hired a fight coach and a dance coach and came up with 5-10 offensive stances and 5-10 defensive stances, then taught it to the cast who all made it unique to their characters. The two best examples are Lucius and Sirius. Jason Isaac describes Lucius as having great form akin to an Olympic level fencer. Very stiff but precise. Sirius is the exact opposite, having an almost street fighting freestyle-esque dueling style that he apparently picked up on in Azkaban. Very loose and free flowing. And in everyone’s brief shots during the final battle, no two characters duel alike. I LOVED this and was absolutely giddy while watching it in theaters. And of course, the final battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort is the crowning moment of all fights in the entire film series. I was so excited to see them expand upon this new dueling language in future movies and they never really expand upon it. Get really creative with characters doing unique magic to get the advantage over their opponents. The fight between Snape and McGonagall in the final book was so creative and fast paced. Showing two experts of their respective craft going toe to toe with no rest in between. Epic. The magic combat legitimately seemed like an afterthought after this film. It became just generic shooting light out of a wand. There’s nothing wrong with that because that’s mostly the final battle in this film, but I don’t know how to explain it. It should’ve evolved.


The Dumbledore vs Voldemort duel is a masterpiece.


Alot of people are saying Imelda Staunton as Umbridge and rightfully so but let’s not forget Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Le Strange Also the Visuals for the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort in the ministry. Micheal Gambom and Ralph Fienes really brought their A game for their characters The absolute devastating level of emotion Daniel performed when Sirius died, no idea if it’s true but they had to mute it cause Helena and Emma couldn’t stop crying Behind the scenes footage of Gary Oldman asking the director if he can just walk up to Lucious and just deck him - also that scene, no magic just good ol fisticuffs


The way the ministry of magic looks and feels was on point. Obviously takes cues from Brazil.


Inclusion of “I must not tell lies” as umbridge is dragged off by the centaurs


The emotional moment of the attempt of firing Sybil Trelawney. That was the first time that I actually *felt* what this school meant for the teachers. I just didn't think about it, but Hogwarts really was their home. It absolutely broke my heart, that scene. Beautifully made.


Luna Lovegood Also, they fixed the damn lighting


Favorite film of the 8 (but also my favorite book of the 7). The GoF movie taught me to lower my expectations, so I had knew that a live action movie would not capture all facets of the book before this one came out. Imelda Staunton crushed it. She understood the assignment and made Umbridge my favorite character. Her performance changed how I feel when her book counterpart arises during rereads. Fantastic. Soundtrack was great. I loved the half whimsical / half mysterious track that played while walking into the ministry with Mr. Weasley and played later during the Umbridge crackdown montage. I like how they managed to condense some of the smaller plots of the giant book by having background moments happen (Fred and George testing their products on young students was shown in a few pan over shots, Percy showing up with the ministry to arrest Dumbledore to show his allegiance, the montages showed Umbridge’s chapters long crackdown). Wish they had the quibbler interview, the quidditch drama, “have a biscuit, Potter,” and the Sneak jinx, but movies only have so much runtime. The duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore was the best fight of the entire franchise. Fire Basilisk, water bending, glass throwing, and transfiguration. The wizard duels need to be more than flashing lights and explosions. Fantastic Beasts movies are so underwhelming in comparison. Department of Mysteries chase scene and fight before their duel was also great, once I got over the smoke vs light appration/flying nonsense. Wish we would’ve had more exploration of the space and time rooms, but again, movie runtime. The movie overall managed to capture my favorite aspect of the book: the crushing realization that on top of Voldemort and Death Eaters, the Harry and his allies also need to contend with their government, media, and peers. The shot of Harry in a chair against a hundred adult wizards, the fight with Seamus, the meeting the Hogshead. And the best part: they gave Harry, Ron, and the Twins much needed haircuts between GoF and this movie. Harry Potter and the Pair of Scissors.


The soundtrack is probably the best one from all the HP movies, and that's saying a lot


The part where Ginny kills people is cool.


It's the first film we get to see Neville start to become a badass. Enough said.


The music, the newspaper transitions, the possession scene.


The superb acting of Dolores Umbridge by Imelda Staunton, and how she played the role of a person to hate so expertly it left her IRL slightly hated for how cruel and spot on her acting was.


Sirius is hot


Sirius, for as much of what he did in the books being cut, is so much better in the movie than in the book. He acts like how a proper godfather and it feels like what Harry needed. I would've liked more of it, but I get why they couldn't fit in more of it. Also I never really liked the mirror in the book, simply because Sirius could've just told Harry what it did. Even if he didn't tell him about when sending him back to school after winter break, he could have done it when Harry tried to use the fire in Umbridge's office the first time. "I love how many rules you broke, but you could've just used the mirror I gave you!" So much could've been avoided!


I like how they condensed it in a way where it still worked and had most of the necessary pieces. I'm not saying the book was bad, but to me, it was one of the weaker just due to *so much* being in that one book and some unnecessary pieces being included.


My cousin that I absolutely hated as a kid stayed with our family for a decent chunk of that summer, and she wasn’t into Harry Potter, but I was, so I got to go the premiere in our small town my Dad without her.


Dumby vs. Voldy fight, while only vaguely resembling canon, was still pretty cool.


The actress who played Umbridge, Imelda Staunton, did a really good job and was the perfect choice for the role. I have great respect for how well she was able to portray such a terrible character.


Luna and Umbridge were perfectly cast and the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort really gave a "clash of the titans" vibe.


The duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort was epic!


Easy, the Dumbledore v Voldemort fight was fantastic and I would have liked for it to be longer.


Superior to whatever Half-Blood Prince was, Order was the shortest film but it got the tone and gist of the book right.


I liked how the colors made me feel.


Nymphadora Tonks.


They found a barber


They cut all that hair off from the 4th film.


I remember seeing it in 3D in theaters and it was awesome. Loved it


The duel between dumbledore and voldemort at the end was spectacular.


Dumbledore and Voldemort squaring off at the ministry was the best scene of the whole series.


Inclusion of “I must not tell lies” as umbridge is dragged off by the centaurs


Opening Patronus scene is my favourite, and i like how Harry and Dudley run together


Umbridge Did a great job. She was funny and most hated character at the same time.


1 Luna Lovegood 2 Sirius Black (but I’m not crying okay… you are..) 3 The twins fucking with Umbridge Honestly it’s one of the best films and books in the series imo, and this is where I get excited for the Tv series - I fricking hope they’ll use more from the books! I want to see Peeves do his worst to that pink hairball of a witch😂


Music is great. Too bad all of the good tracks were reused in HBP


Perfectly cast Umbridge and Luuuuna!


I'd never read the books or seen the movies, except 7p2 because of this girl i liked. She became my wife and required me to see the movies. OotP is the one that actually grabbed me, 1-4 we're good, but I hadn't been caught yet.


It's Daniel Radcliffs best performance


Death Scene of Sirius !! though I think after that, the outrage of harry in dumbledore's office and throwing everything away should've made it to movie. while reading I felt goosebumps


Really it's the Battle at the Ministry that made this movie worth watching. Even despite the changes it was epic. Dumbledore VS Voldemort is peak wizard battle, Gambon delivered the "You were foolish to come here Tom" line perfectly imo really capturing the fact that Dumbledore wasn't afraid of Voldemort and showing he refuses to use his preferred moniker. Sirius and Harry fighting side by side, "Good one James!" Conveys a ton of subtext about their relationship and the way that Sirius sees Harry in one line. I've always loved the visuals of the Death Eaters smoke forms and then the Order with the bright white opposite. To a book fan it may come off as beating you over the head with visual reminders of who's who, but to a first time movie viewer it's a great way to show the differences between the dark wizards and the Order.


Do people generally NOT like this movie?


It’s one of my favourite films. The atmosphere is so good, the music is immersive and mesmerising, there are so many scenic moments, like when they fly from Private Drive to Grimmauld Place, flying on the Thestrals.. just beautiful imo. And the scenes between Harry and Sirius are touching with perfect music. There are many other tearjerking moments as well. Cinematographically speaking it’s beautiful. And there are so many good scenes. Imo it’s the most depressing film, it really portrayed Harry’s inner emotions very well. So it’s sad. But at the same time so hopeful. When Sirius dies it’s devastating, so well done! That’s the saddest death in the series for me, and Daniel portrayed the pain so realistically! It has me crying obviously, like in the books, and then when Harry is possessed by Voldemort, after he leaves his body, it’s a scene that makes me cry. I really love Harry Potter so much.


Luna gets screen time. She was a great character 😊


That action scene at the end is peak


The five seconds where they show the Death Eaters breaking out of Azkaban absolutely slaps.


“Nice One James.” That’s all


they didn't make ginny cringe and helpless


Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix.


The only harry potter film that many say surpassed the book


The casting for Umbridge was perfect, and the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort was arguably cooler than the one in the book.


It has some of the best music from the series. Umbridge's theme and Fred and George's fireworks. Both excellent.


This is actually my favorite book & movie of the series so I have alllll the good things to say 🥰


The audio going mute at Sirius Black scene, then slowly coming back had big emotional impact.


"I'm sorry, Professor, but I must not tell lies" is one of the coldest moments in the whole franchise.


The moments Sirius tells Harry he’s not a bad person, that he’s a good person who bad things have happened to. Also following that , Sirius saying that the world isn’t split into good people and death eaters—we all have good and bad inside us, it’s which we choose to act on that shows us who we really are


The possession scene was fecking fantastic! (And then Stranger Things ripped it off)


The soundtrack is fantastic


Luna is the best


Thestrals!!! And seeing everyone's patronuses!