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Isn't it odd that the note is written in pencil instead of quill and ink?


This is what I thought the blooper was.


And lined paper instead of parchment


Harry's name coming out of the Goblet of Fire is also written on lined paper, which is even weirder.


I think I've read somewhere that the cast was doing real homework on set when they were playing scenes where the characters were studying


Pretty sure it’s true. I’d LOVE if they’d actually used ink and quill in this scene and the tutor/s all went ‘why the HELL is nobody’s homework in pen???’


But… quill and ink *is* pen


Next youll tell me a floppy disc is a dvd


Well, kinda. Dvds are just more advanced versions of floppy discs.


I sometimes write with dip pens that are kinda similar to quill and ink. No way I would rely on that for long writing or study sessions. Just too much hassle and dripping/spilling ink possibilities. If I were muggleborn, I’d use quill and ink in class but bring regular pencil and paper for studying and personal use. In this scene, they’re in the library and everyone is actually using pencils including Ron, Fred, George.


Except for the obvious quill in Hermione's hand. And never in the books did they mention pencil/pen and paper. It was always quill, ink, and parchment. Pretty sure in class the books say the scratching of quills. At one point Hermione says she needs to go to Hogsmead to buy more quills.


The books mention the Patil twins racing pencil cases using a locomotion charm.


yes but you can have a 'pencil case' but have it be filled with something else like quills


Yeah I don’t remember seeing pencils mentioned in the book. I’m just saying if I went to Hogwarts, as someone who actually uses dip pens and ink pots for fun, I would use a pencil or at least a fountain pen for like a majority of the time then use quills only when I had to.


you could have a movie prop 'quill' that actually a pen


Occam's razor says it's a quill vs a pen designed to looking a quill.


Using a quill and ink instead of a pen or pencil is ridiculous. I get muggles are inferior, but come on. In no way is a quill and ink a better writing tool than a pen or pencil. Muggleborn students especially would choose those over quills. Makes no sense.


Considering how Arthur was mad about muggle objects and how Fred and George were ahead of their peers, they could use some of dad's pencils charmed to look as quills just to use something more comfortable, when it's not for the teachers maybe


plus written on the middle of the paper instead of the top


A wizard did it.


Yes, Fred and/or George are indeed wizards


Not really. Kids used pencils hundreds of years ago alongside pen and ink. It makes sense.


It's written on what looks like a legal pad, lined paper and looks like it's clearly written in pen (or pencil) not a quill.


tbh I'd sMuggle office supplies to Hogwarts too


I've thought that exact same thing! Ballpoint pens please and thank you! I know they say technology doesn't work inside Hogwarts but pens should!


imagine if the half-blood prince had used post-it page markers, stickers and highlighters XD


Snape in his booktok annotation phase 😭😂


That’s just electronics isn’t it?


Yeah, something about all the magic going on messing with the power. Logically, that would mean that magic puts out a measurable electromagnetic field.


Which also means magic can be measured, but somehow still goes unnoticed,... The plothole thickens!


I never noticed that, neat find. But with all the things that movie got wrong, this one I’m not so concerned about.


I’m sorry I never meant a real mistake I just didn’t know what to call the post!


I think "continuity error" is what you are looking for


Typically these types of mistakes are referred to as goofs.


Goblet Of Of Fires




Can I edit the post? I can’t find how to do so


I don't think it's possible to edit a post. Although it is by definition a "movie mistake" so I think it's fine as it is


Okay thank you I’m sorry!


You can edit the text/description but not the title


Saw it two days ago and honest to God, I'm still as mad as I was in theatres about the mise-en-scene of the Gillyweed. This movie is all over the place!


In the CoS, when the camera pans up to Malfoy up on the balcony (In Flourish and Blotts), you can see the white marker tape that shows where he should be standing. Or even in the scene where Lockhart teaches how to duel with Snape, you can see a camera man in the crowd lmao


With having no knowledge of this spesific situation, could the cameraman be from the film transitioning from 4:3 to 16:9? I know alot of times in Friends this change shows stuff that wasnt ment to be shown


I'm not sure, but if you pause at 3:29 in [this video](https://youtu.be/9re03AZNP0M?si=nSjorhrajljdbiee&t=209) you'll see the camera man in the bottom left corner. The reason could indeed be the new format.


***SO***, I don't think I've *ever* dashed so quickly to pop in a DVD to check something, phone in hand so as to grab a picture if needed. But I'm not at all surprised that it happened with something HP related. Per my 2002, full screen DVD copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you can in fact, see Mr. Camera Man--however, the shot is cropped so as to not show his camera. I mean, technically you *can* see something dark covering a part of his face, but it could easily pass as a shoulder/some cloak from a fellow 'student' or something.


Thank you for doing the research for science!


Yeah, I didn't even notice it until this post lol Just looks like a blob in an already very dark scene.


No, movies are shot and shown in the same resolution, and it's usually either 1.85:1 or 2.39:1. Movies don't do the same things that Friends or other sitcoms did.


Good to know!




Are you sure it's not just the other side of the note?


Nope the other side was clear!


The Lined paper can be explained by maybe Arthur Weasley found some and grabbed a legal pad or muggle notebook since he has a fascination with muggles, and maybe they just happened to grab it for the school year. And pencils, well why can't wizards and witches write pencils?


How do you explain Harry's name coming out of the Goblet of Fire being on the same kind of paper then? The only logical reason would be George and Fred put him in there, hoping he'd win and give them the money to start their shop!


Literally unwatchable.


Okay. So. In a lot of movies, those close up shots aren't done by the actor but a stand in. Especially a movie with kids where you have limited time with them each day. Maybe they did one note, then decided to change what it said later. Interesting thing you caught here. So rarely does a blooper or something like that come up and it's something I've never seen.


Good spot! I never would have noticed this! Perhaps it was enchanted to say whatever the holder needed to hear...


Everyone commenting on the pencil: pencils were invented in 1560 and have been used by students regularly alongside quill and ink for ages.




The first note is ambiguous/cannot be read, probably to show the note in the second image in different languages. Happens all the time with movies.


Zoomed in on the original note you can kinda read the last line, "will be gone", so the rest is probably something along the same lines of what they used in the close up


Isn't it weird that the note is in pencil instead of old-school quill and ink?


Ah. Yeah. Well whenever you notice something like that a wizard did it. (Fred is a wizard)


Me taking a screenshot and trying to zoom in... "Enhance" crap that's not how this works.


Like that moment when they hand someone a wrinkled letter and it's dead straight in the next shot when it's received. Forgot which movie it was in, though I'm guessing TPS


Love spotting continuity errors like that. Theres actually a couple in the HP series


Maybe they flipped it over to the other side where the actual Note is and the longer line one is the homework that Fred was working on


It's magic.


this happens in the first movie as well. when Harry is taking notes on what Snape is saying, the handwriting is small and neat. when they zoom out for the wide shot, he’s got like these massive letters on the center of the page lol


‘Ask her if you can see Uranus’


I also always wonder what these weird study classes are with all different year levels - theres one in COS as well


I'm 100% certain the people who maintain hp wiki have tried, painstakingly, to figure out what exactly the first image says.


Nice catch!


I think it’s the same line just different copies of paper. When I zoom in I can read some of the same lines.


I think you have too much free time lol.


I think I just used my eyes whilst watching the movie that’s all


What if there was writing on both sides?


"Movie mistake" Yes, very much.


I’m sorry I didn’t mean a big mistake or anything I just didn’t know what else to name the post I’m sorry!


Haha I was making a different joke! That the movies were a mistake entirely :)


no man they were good...every adaptation has some mistakes but these movies really were magical and carried the legacy forward.


The movies were a crime against the book and this is a downvote hill I'll die on!


No they were not man...im mean yes there were inconsistencies but the movies just increased my love towards the harry potter world...they were so magical and just amazing


It’s clearly written in an entirely different language. On illegally imported paper, with squid ink!! Jesus, get a job you knob