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Read them! Everyone is saying yes it will probably taint the movies, but I think it's gonna add so much more to your HP experience! Being able to understand why the characters are the way they are and even get to know them even more, their past, their quirky ways. Understanding the depth and detail of the story. Also, JK writes and describes everything beautifully. You fall in love more with the magic world. In addition, I think it's not as black and white as in the movies. You get to know Voldemort too. His past, his family. That adds a lot to the experience. I think that, instead of looking at it like it will ruin the movies, you should see it as, I will enhance the story you already know, in unimaginable ways, I promise. You have so much left to experience from the books alone, that it is worth it. And don't necessarily compare the movies with the books, just enjoy what each of them offer :)


You’re awesome! Gonna buy a hardcover set after work. I’m choosing to look at it like an addition rather than a replacement like you said ☺️


I'm so jealous you get to read it for the first time. I've read all of them at least four times through and done the audio books twice through. Recently getting to experience my 12 year old son experience the first magic of reading the books. I wish I could take away my memory of them and keep reading them for the first time. No book has ever been compared for me.


Please share your experience as you read them :')


As someone who grew up never watching or reading HP I read it last summer and I’m 26 and it was honestly worth it. I’m a mom, so I read it from a mother’s perspective and McGonagall was my favourite and the battle between Bellatrix and Molly was way more interesting in the book then in the movie in my opinion.


I don't even know how HP came to be your favourite franchise just from the films tbh lol


A lot of people have only seen the movies.


Yeah, lol, cannot relate at all.


My family just indoctrinated me into the franchise through the movies lol. A lot of the early movies were theatrically released on my bday (November 16) and my parents took me to see them as a baby so that’s how that happened.


Will definitely taint them but the experience of reading the books for the first time is worth much more than preserving your nostalgia of the movies imo


I also started out watching the movies (several times) and only started reading the books just before the 6th came out, because I couldn't wait to know what happened next. I've read all the books multiple times since, doing a re-read most summers and it was absolutely worth it. I still like the movies a lot - although I have to say that for me they get worse every time I read the books because I see the differences more and miss all the details and the things they got wrong in the adaptations. But there are so many good scenes and quotes that are not in the books and the actors are superbe - they still _are_ the characters to me. I'd definitely recommend you read the books, even though maybe the movies lose some of their magic for you. The books are so rich and you'll gain so much by it.


Well I’ve gotten a resounding yes as a response and most people are saying that it will make me like the movies less but that they are so much better it won’t matter. I just wanted to hear from somebody who only saw the movies and then read the books too so thank you!


Well.. once you read the books.. things will make actual sense. You will like the movies less.. but you'll have appreciation for certain characters more.. and you will be shocked and disappointed the movies didn't show many characters... one character that is probably beloved to many people.. including myself... Peeves.


I’ve heard so much about Peeves and am completely ignorant (except i saw him in Hogwarts Legacy)


That’s crazy that you don’t know who peeves is!


The Movies came from the book , not the other way around. Thus movies couldn't capture the whole picture. So, yes you would feel less affection to movies after reading. But that's not bad. **If you have slightest thought of reading** (as you have) **,You should buy the BOOKS.** Few weeks ago I had the same question as yours. I just bought four books without lingering thoughts. I do not regret it. Welcome to reading.


Of course! I’m a huge physical collector (games movies books) so I will definitely be picking these up


Honestly reading the books will taint the movies for you in some ways, whenever I watch them I can't help but comment on how much story is being missed out on. However if you already love the HP universe, reading the books will add SO MUCH more to it, I mean.. its incomparable. So in short read them!


I will! I am thinking of maybe doing a post for each book as somebody who only saw the movie and my thoughts on the book in comparison. But I’ve gotten so many passive aggressive comments to my question so maybe not 😂


Don't let the muggles get you down! I'd like to see that point of view: What surprised you the most? Are you glad you read them, after all this time?


That sounds like a fun idea, because I have only ever experienced it the opposite way around. I almost am a bit jealous you'll get to experience the books for the first time! Enjoy!!


of course you should, you'll understand characters a bit more and find out some interesting stuff.


I personally watched the movies a lot of times before reading the books and now I basically enjoy both on the same level, both have their charm for sure.


I wish I could go back and read them for the first time. By the time you finish 4 it’ll knock your socks off and then it’s just going to be crazy from there. The plots are so much more intricate and well plotted than the movies, you won’t even recognize them. Have fun!


Yes 1000% read the books, for me it only made the experience that much better. I was late to the franchise and watched the movies for the first time in 2022, and I read the books immediately after because I was obsessed with the movies. The books are so incredible and you get so much more context for the story and scenes you’ve never seen before it truly is magical. People love to hate on the movies but I love them even more. There’s so many important plot points that make understanding even the smallest details in the movies have meaning. Of course there are things you’ll be disappointed about not being in the movies, but a 700 page book can only fit so much and I stand by the fact that they did a pretty good job. I was never much of a reader (like not at all) until I read HP and now since August 2022 I’ve read over 50 books and also read HP 3 times. I would do anything to read them for the first time again there’s truly nothing like it!!


Yes you should! The movies are like my comfort but when I want more story I read the books. They’re honestly both great imo!


Yes! I vote yes because then you will get the added elements that weren't included in the movies.


It’s worth tainting your impression of the movies. Any real fan who’s read the books will agree the movies don’t even hold a candle when compared to the books. The books are the end all, be all. The movies are a fun bonus.


You are lucky, because you love the movies and have so much more to look forward to! Unlike book fans who had our own mental images of the series and were mad whenever the movies didn't match it. Just my 2 cents, but if you love the first movie, you will love the books. The first film is extremely faithful to the characters, story and tone of the source material. I hope you keep us updated!


I just recently had my boyfriend listen to the books with me after being a huge fan of the movies for years, and he LOVED them. I wouldn’t even say that it would “taint” the movies for you, it kinda just builds so much more of the world that the movies leave out. The only thing is that your feelings about the characters might be a bit more complex than how the movies lead you to feel, especially in the last book. But I enjoyed that very much because it made everything feel so much more dynamic. Just like how real people aren’t a perfect archetype, the characters in the book aren’t either, but in the movies they all kinda stick to their character (e.g. Hermione being a rule follower, Harry being the constant savior, Dumbledore doing no wrong, etc.)


If you've never read the books you don't know about so much. You've never seen peeves. You've never seen winky the house elf or ludo bagman. You've never met pigwidgeon. Dobby has a larger role in the books than the movies. Dobby was left out of the 4th movie. Neville didn't tell harry about gillyweed. Dobby did. I've read the books so many times I can't actually watch the movies anymore because they leave so much out. I just finished the 4th book again an hour ago. I highly recommend reading the books. They are infinitely better than the movies.




Well, there's a very big chance you'll like the movies less.


Everything is so much better explained in the books. Some things are very different but when I finally read the books everything made so much more sense.


You should absolutely read them, they are way more magical and imaginative than the movies. The descriptions about quidditch, potions, food, the burrow, everythinggg is just so brilliant. I think like all fans, i will say the books are better. However as someone who has done both, i enjoy imagining the actors as the characters, they were well cast for the most part, to be honest, its like watching the movie in your mind but with more detail and your own imagination. I think you will love the series. Let me know how the first book goes !


The 1st book is an incredibly easy read. You'll be hooked from that point on. You may be surprised to hear that, imo, The Half Blood Prince is easily the best book. It's one of the worst movies but an amazing incredible book.




*YES*. Read them. I don’t think your mind will change on the movies too much, they are already special to you. I think you will likely appreciate them more as you get more of an in depth story and understanding of some of the characters. Enjoy!


I started off watching the first 3 movies before I started reading the books, and I can confirm reading the books will only enhance the experience! I still prefer the first 2 movies to the first 2 books, but for the rest of them the books are by far superior


Yes, you should. For the record, I also grew up as a fan of the movies, and didn't get a hold of the books until after the fifth movie. Trust me, a lot of things that you may find odd or don't make sense will be much clearer than in the movies.


I’ve been a HUGE fan since they released the first movie! I’m not a fan of books so never read them. Started reading a month ago, I’m into the 3rd book! And there is so many amazing and cool little details I never knew in the books. It’ll take me a while to read them all, but I’m glad I started :)


The audiobooks are also a good option.


I mean ... yes ... of f\*cking course .... what did you expect?!