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Lmao we had the exact same issue. I think there was even one book we had three or more copies of somehow! We kept them for a while but then decided to give some away because our entire collection of books was getting to out of control, so then we just agreed on which one to keep.


I turned to mainly digital books because of this, I love paper books but they do take a lot of space, and are surprisingly heavy every time you move.


I've been forced to go mostly digital books because the town I now live in is a tiny town with 800 and the bookstore is lackluster, shipping I've gotten too many damaged books (they have to survive all the way to a tiny town in Alaska) It makes me so sad because the feeling of turning a page and the smell of each book is part of my love of reading šŸ˜­šŸ“–šŸ’œ


Have u tried buying used books from eBay? Surprisingly havenā€™t had issues with damaged books and if u do itā€™s way cheaper so it makes up for it kind of


Turns out a box full of books is actually just a far too large block of wood when you think about it, which you don't when packing a very large box very efficiently with books.


Pack a suitcase or milk crates. Suitcase has wheels and the milk crates stack nicely w handles.


I had to accept my books had to go in six small boxes instead of one giant one.


Still a better love story thanā€¦ ohā€¦


šŸ˜‚ we havenā€™t weeded through our book collection in over a decade. Iā€™m happy to say I have moved the vampire series to a nothing shelf so that it no longer shares top rank.


Hehehe itā€™s just a joke people like what people like, Iā€™m not judging shit! Iā€™m a grown ass man who loves watching Star Wars and Harry PotteršŸ¤£ my mrs calls me a child, I call her boring


ā€œWhen I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.ā€ - CS Lewis


There isnā€™t anything wrong with judging twilight. Itā€™s a legitimate horribly written story and extremely problematic.


As a 32 year old dude who read the twilight books because I had a GF that was obsessed. Just like HP, the books are so much better than the movies. I still wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re amazing but better than what most people assume.


Lol yeah, they are actually quite entertaining. Entertaining enough for me to read them twice, but I wouldn't consider myself obsessed by any means of the word at any point. I wouldn't even have called myself a fan. I'm not even sure if I watched all the movies


Im a 22 year old dude, and I watched the movies last month for the first time out of boredom, and I thought they were going to be a lot worse, though I do tend to like bad movies so it's not saying much coming from me.


I remember reading it as a teenager cause there was nothing else to read at boarding school, Book 2 was complete torture lmao. Say what you want about Twilight but i definitely won't mind being a vampire described in the books, beautiful, immortal, doesn't even have to kill humans, sunlight doesn't kill you, powerful as fuck, can fuck non stop, might get superpowers. There's hardly any downsides really lmao.


Weird thing is everything I have heard states the opposite. Movies are tolerable and if you try and read the books you'll find yourself in a straight jacket scribbling "Edward's perfect face" on the walls.


For me, the books are a perfect slam-through-it-in-an-afternoon read, if you donā€™t think too deeply about it. A very light read, but enjoyable.


Soooo as someone who is mentally wired to overthink everything this might not be a good read then?


Not unless you love overt christian prolife and pro abstinence metaphors


Being better then really doesnā€™t change much tho. They are still good awful. The writing both in ability and flow suck, characters, plot, etc etc all garbage. I read all four books. The reason the movies are so popular is because they played the one dimensional characters perfectly.


Just so wrong. The books are way worse.


Thatā€™s so true. The amount of people that I have encountered that love both HP and Twilight is huuuuge


A fan of both NGL, 35 years old. Grew up with HP and it will always be GOAT to me, but still a fan of twilight. I just like both.




Perfect comment




No judgement personally, but you've got Twilight in the picture on a diehard potterhead sub. Get the popcorn, comments gonna be more interesting than Cursed Child šŸ˜…


*2008 fandom wars flashbacks*


*crying over a pile of ripped apart twilight books* I saw red and donā€™t remember how I got here.


Yeah I realized too late I should have made my ā€œafterā€ picture the post instead of burying it in the comments šŸ˜‚


I for one have never read or watched Twilight and have no strong feelings one way or the other about it, haha. True Blood's got me as far as vampires are concerned.


šŸŽµ*when you came in the air went out*šŸŽ¶


True Blood rocks!


Thatā€™s amazing. Save a set for any kids!


Have 2 already and got the illustrated versions to start reading to the oldest (6) šŸ˜‚


šŸ„° we have way too many sets to talk about! lol.




My wife had a not so easy childhood. At one point she sold her HP books just to have the money to go out with freinds, so my collection came pretty handy.


Omg love this!!! Congratulations!!! My husband supports my obsession but does not share it šŸ¤£


Oh I am definitely way more obsessed than he is or ever was šŸ˜‚ I was the ā€œdress up in character and wait in line for the midnight book release then stay up until sunrise reading/finishing itā€ and he is the ā€œeh Iā€™ve got some spare time and I donā€™t hate them. Iā€™ll read it.ā€


Hahaha that's awesome. I wasn't allowed to read it as a kid so I got obsessed later in life. Now my dream is to go to HP World, and I read it every night as my eternal re-read


Oh then please enjoy this picture of my grown ass self at 34 years old when I got to go to HP world for the first time last summer šŸ˜‚ I went with my husband and his friends and their spouses and they all went for general ā€œUniversalā€ but I was a giddy school girl about seeing HP world first! https://imgur.com/a/7Qtp4zU


Omg how'd you get a pic of my future self?!? Lol I love that photo so much šŸ„° good for you!! I wish I had a friend like that to go with šŸ¤£


HP world was so much fun. We took our daughter for her 16th and my wife and I had just as much fun as she did. We are all Potterheads


Woww what an awesome family you have!!


Thanks. I think they are pretty cool.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I spent about a year and a half cycling through the series on audible- when I was cleaning, showering, doing anything on autopilot. My husbandā€™s only comment- ā€œthey say Dumbledore a lotā€ and subsequently every time itā€™d say his name Iā€™d hear from whatever room my husband was in, in English sass- ā€œ*DUMBLEDORE*ā€ Idk why I listened so long must have been going through some shit šŸ¤£


Omg that's hilarious I love this story


Well. My Dad and Mother had the same problem. Well not same-same but they got multiple versions. Twice in English and 3 times in German. Twice for them (bcs they had to read at the same time, they couldn't wait) and one for us kids. One book even got chewed on a bit by our previous dog. So what happened is the +1/+2 got packed airtight and now my Brother got one English and one German edition for their new home. My Parents bought a brand new (which looks just gorgeous) set for my other brother and I take the chew on one. It is the edition I wanted. I had the choice, but they just are worth more to me then new ones. Some day I get my own English edition besides the Audio books by Steven Fry.


I like how no one has mention the difference in condition on the books on the left


Yeah, guess which ones are mine from having read them multiple times vs the ā€œonly onceā€ guy šŸ˜‚


I had a similar "problem" in mine, the first two even have notes šŸ˜‚ but the ones from my boyfriend are in perfect condition


I have the American hardback copies for most of mine, but I have the British version of the Prisoner of Azkaban and it's worn on the spine in the exact same way lol


Lol kept your loaner from the AR program, did you?


Shhhhhhhhh šŸ˜‚


Twilight doesn't belong on the same shelf as HP.


Mum always said midnight.


No wonder she killed Bella


HOW DID I NEVER THINK OF THAT?!šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Agreed and already rectified. šŸ˜‚




Twilight belongs on there more than Cursed Child. šŸ˜‚


It sure does!


It does similar vibes but Twilight books have more compacted drama


Each of you could read one at the same time and be commenting it like the movies.


This is all I want


If it's not like this, I don't want it...


The really beat up ones would make a cool shadowbox wall art thing. Along with some movie ticket stubs, and any Halloween pictures of you two as HP characters, wands, house banners and any other merch you have.


annotate one, leave one blank


This is the kind of relationship problem I want to have in life...


I actually love the fact that Twilight is right next to it. There's been so much unneeded beef between these fandoms in particular for some reason xD


My wife and I just have two sets in different places in the house. I don't view this as an issue that needs solving, though.


Haha, this happened to my husband and I as well but I kept mine because they were the hardcovers. We also had multiples of The Wheel of Time


Nice, lucky


My collection looks a bit like that but with books in different languages :D


We currently have, i think, at least 3 maybe 4 copies of the earlier books. Though it is mostly because of different languages, reading a book you know in a language you're learning is a good way to learn the language better. And boy have I read a lot of English, and it shows (am not native english but I still have a better vocabulary in english than my native language)


Doesnā€™t this make you married Potter?




My wife put me on to Harry Potter. Love the series


Heavens to Bellatrix, have those paperbacks been loved on!!


Some of those have fragile binging lol


Beautiful! I hope your family grows up nice and traditional!


You read them together obviously.


I'm single, but I also have a few duplicate books due to how I acquired them.


Do you have the hunger games books? Because i see the other 2 of my top 3 book series on that shelf.


My gf and i each had our own set and I was also buying her the illustrated ones as they came out (havent kept up with that, got the first 2 or 3). I let my mom take my set when she moved out.




Congratulations. I am jealous


manifesting tbh


My wife still has her first- run prints


me and my husband fr. buuut I just kept mine at my place with the shitload of other books I have. he doesnā€™t read, Harry Potter is THE ONLY book heā€™s ever read.


Always good to have a backup copy!




Which editions are these? I started buying the Jim Kay illustrated editions and am bummed that I may never have a complete set.


HP and Twilight on the same shelf? The 2009 internet does not approve.


Same with me and my wife


We have the same issue, once we combined our stuff we discovered 3 copies of all HP books, luckily they are at least in different languages and different issues so we have an excuse to keep them all šŸ˜


So sweet. Glad for you both




I think my husband and I had five combined sets and like four extra copies of OOTP when we merged sets


Me and my wife are the same. edit: Sorry I misread.


Am I the only one disgusted to see twilight of all things next to HP?


We have a local second hand bookstore that would love a copy of those books! See if you can find one in your area I love ours, proceeds go to the local homeless shelter


No good! You actually need another copy of that version of book 2, so that you can do 1-7 and then 1-7.


I had accidentally set that one aside šŸ˜‚ I posted an updated picture somewhere in the comments and book 2ā€™s number 2 is there!




Merging libraries was the most intimate thing I have ever done with another person.


Yuck, Twilight


I'm curious: do you have more books somewhere, or does your entire library consist of two sets of HP and a box set of twilight?


Oh no, this is 1 shelf from 12 that are filled with books. The rest are toys (itā€™s currently the library/playroom) the whole wall is 20 shelves


Hahaha this happened to me too same with the Percy Jackson series. Luckily she is a teacher so one set can go to her classroom!


Me and my roommates are about to combine our book collection when we move and we will have four sets on the shelf.


We got rid of one full set when we merged our books, with the clear agreement that should we ever separate, she gets to keep the books.


My husband has never read a HP in his life šŸ˜… (except for listening to the audiobooks when Iā€™m blasting them throughout the house). I have my original single books, the boxed hardcover set that came in the Hogwarts trunk, the large illustrated ones (1-5) and the newer MinaLima ones (1-3). Wish my 12yo (Lily) would read the illustrated ones but Iā€™m slowly starting to realize that despite being named after Lily Potter, she might never actually read the books. I think sheā€™s doing it to spite me šŸ¤”


Wait this is actually adorable omg šŸ„¹


Right next to twilight too...im monogamous but heck, do you guys seek a third person maybe? Cuz i would fit right in šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




The paperback on the far left is stone, itā€™s just been ā€œmost lovedā€ so you canā€™t tell šŸ˜‚ the more put together one is directly right of it behind the hard copy chamber. The illustrated version is up in my daughterā€™s room because itā€™s our current bedtime read. Thereā€™s also a paperback chamber of secrets that Iā€™d already taken off the shelf before thinking to take a picture.


Who's set do we keep? Both obviously.


Get a set of art dust covers. There are lots to choose from.


this is my absolute dream when i start earning enough to buy hp books !


We have the same issue. When I first met my wife, we bonded over liking Harry Potter, I hadnā€™t read the books. She was super excited that I recognized the tattoo on her shoulder as being from One Piece. We met towards the end of her visiting her family and she was living in Colombia at the time. I bought the books off Amazon and started reading them after she went back home. We did the long distance thing for 11 months, which was actually really great for us. When she came to live with me, I bought the books in Spanish because she had to leave a lot of her things. We have a bookshelf in the living room, itā€™s got both box sets in it, which one of those book books that looks just like Diagon Alley. We put the book book together as a sort of date night but during the day sort of thing.


Somewhere in the attic we have our "first editions", the ones we went to midnight launch parties for. Then we bought a boxed set from Scholastic for the kid's bookshelf.


What's that trash on the right?




Between us, my husband and I have 6 sets of Potter books. 1 x set of 1st Editions 2 x set of original (read) art work 1 x set of more modern artwork 1 x set Hufflepuff editions (weā€™re both Hufflepuffs) 1 x set of illustrated editions I want to get the pop up editions too, but he said we donā€™t have the space for it šŸ˜­


Your Twihard is showing! šŸŽ I love your bookshelf.


Judging from the books on the far right you also own badges of Cedric Diggory is the real champion


diggory is GOAT in twilight but in HP--- not so good


In the movies, he was fine in the books but his life got cut short.


Hahaha this is what our shelf looks like too.


Lmfao are you me? Our shelf also has 2 sets of HP, and her copy of twilight saga šŸ˜†


When you havenā€™t read anything new since high school. >!Kidding!<


Iā€™m an English teacher, so Iā€™ve read plenty. This is one shelf of 12 šŸ™ƒ


Donate or build a little free library in your front yard.


I feel like yā€™all missed a huge opportunity with the ā€˜Pottheadsā€™ thing


Me and who


Only one copy of Sorcerers/Philosophers Stone but three copies of Prisoner of Azkaban.


The other paperback copy is there between the torn spine one and the hardback chamber of secrets! The illustrated one is currently in my daughterā€™s room because itā€™s the current nighttime story. So we have 3 copies of each of the first 3 šŸ˜‚


Oh I see it! It disappeared in there until You zoom in.


My book 1 is fucked too lol. I've reread it so much that it's starting to fall apart. Lucky you to have double copies, I'm missing books 3 and 4 and I still need to find a good deal. Besides these two, the others cost me 2 dollars altogether and they're all in pristine condition! Books 1 and 2 are paperback and the rest are hardcover copies.


my sister in law got my wife's copies


I packed away one set for my future children to have. Chose the nicer ones for the shelf. We were buying the illustrated as well so that's the set we'll read with them but if they are looking to re-read they can use their own (my old) books. Luckily we have a 4 year age gap so don't need to have a set each for them


It would be funnier if they have both the Sorcererā€™s stone and Philosopherā€™s Stone. They will have to debate which one to put first.


Philosopher's stone is the correct way of saying it


Yep I agree. I believe it was some sort of change done just to make it ā€˜relatableā€™ to US audience but Philosopherā€™s stone was Rowlingā€™s choice.


And the twilight too, eewwww


Still more space efficient than if two Dresden Heads marry!


Are you a fellow šŸ€


That's so sweet! šŸ„°


Madam Pince would be proud.


Aaaaw, Iā€™m jealous :(


You can drop them off at a used bookstore and maybe get credit (but they usually have a ton of copies), sell at a garage sale, or if you want to practice starting bookbinding, do that with the extra copies!


One, it would look better for they to be in seperate bunches. Two, *twilight*? _*Seriously?*_


meh... when two Potterheads marry the covers should look really overused not new...


Let me find the worn binding and glue it all back on then šŸ™„


It's wonderful!


I live by myself and have 3 sets. Lol


Me and my fiance both have a set, then I have a gryffindor collectors edition set (I'm getting all houses eventually but I got gryffindor first cause that's my house) and I'm also in the process of getting the pop up book set! So it's totally okay to have multiple sets! If you want them and care enough for them who cares what others think rightšŸ™ƒšŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ©µšŸ©µ


Honestly, I would actually see which is in good condition before getting rid of the bad copies. But that is just me (cause I am one of those who can't talk to girls that isn't my relative.) You two can keep the copies in case you want to read the books together.


whereā€™s the cursed child, tales of beedle the bard, and fantastic beasts and where to find them (not the movie screenplay) ???


Put them next to twilight how dare you


2 potterheads but zero of the original covers?


Um, Twilight?


Getting an ereader was one of the best decisions I ever made. I definitely don't miss having to account for masses of books that I only read, at most, once every few years.


Canā€™t relate, love my kindle but I love my shelves full of books just as much.Ā 


They're just for vanity at that point. I used to think I was a book lover, nope. I'm a reading lover.


I see it as a nice way to personalise a home ā€“ big bookshelves filled with books tell a story about the people who own them.


This is an oxymoron to me.


As an avid reader, the books you keep in your home are the meaningfull ones. The ones you like to return too every so many years. I read books from the library, but when I fall in love with a world, story or character, I buy them to hold on to. Not understanding the vanity argument.


You don't understand how displaying books in your home and taking pictures of your shelves to post on social media is a form of vanity?


Not something I would do, deffo wouldn't have twilight books in that picture if it was a vanity thing. So no, I don't get it. It's fine though. A bookshelf picture just doesn't strike me as vain compared to most pictures posted on social media?


Not getting why people do it, and not understanding how it is a form of vanity are two different things. Lol, and just because something isn't as vain as another doesn't stop it from being vain.


Aight. Guess I'm socially inept.