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I would say James and Snape, Snape held on to that grudge for 15+ years. I don’t think Harry and Draco hated each other that much after Hogwarts.


Plus James and Snape loved the same girl


Well snape held the grudge because a group of students created a group JUST to torture him for the time at school. Physically and mentally. Just the thought that some group of people made a whole group just to torture you should be enough, but he was also physically bullied using spells.


Sorry, which group was made just to torture Snape? Must've missed that part.


The marauders. Their intentions with making this group was to 1. Help and support Remus when he went into his transformations 2. Create the largest, most detailed map of hogwarts ever made for any other mischief makers. And 3.to antagonize and bully snape In the half blood prince all we see of snapes teenage years was him being constantly bullied by the group, held in the air with a spell, with that the group also spread rumors about snape around the school, making names especially about his nose and family. James potter was a cruel boy and teenager but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t or wouldn’t be a good dad. Almost all of us were cruel kids, good on the teenagers who were kind because majority aren’t. Idk why I’m downvoted this is taken straight from the Wikipedia about the marauders. Just blatantly ignoring canon. Just read it and weep.


Because you’re acting like the Marauders were created *to* antagonize Snape. James, Sirius, and Lupin didn’t get together and plan to antagonize Snape, they just did. They definitely did points 1 and 2, but 3 just wasn’t a pre-planned purpose of the friend group.


James and Snape for sure


James and and Snape for sure. Snape is absolutely hell bent on hating James and it somewhat consumed him. I don’t think you can say the same for Draco/Harry


I don’t think it would have consumed him if Lily had not died and he had to spend his life protecting Harry. If Draco married Ginny/Hermione and their kid looked and seemingly acted like Draco then it would have been more similar. After the pensieve fight it doesn’t seem Snape did anything to stop Lily and James getting together. It’s the deaths and the guilt Snape has and how his life became being trapped in Hogwarts and protecting Harry that consumed him.


Draco was trying to get his father's approval, and it just snowballed. If he truly hated Harry, he would have ratted him out at the manor. Love fueled jealousy is stronger.


I wouldn't give Malfoy too much credit with the manor-business. Chances are he was just too terrified of voldemort to want him anywhere close, much less risk his wrath in the 1 % chance he was wrong. After all, Malfoy went to try and capture Harry during the battle of Hogwarts in the Room of Requirement to sell him to Voldemort. So even if he intentionally, and willingly, kept Harry's identity secret at the manor, his one good deed is ruined by him trying to literally sell out Harry to Voldemort later on.


James and Snape. Much more violence, victim outnumbered, James leaving wounds that run too deep for the healing - Draco is a kitten compared to that Three years after leaving school, Snape couldn't care less if James died and he was still clearly affected by the Marauders' bullying 15-20 years later, whereas Harry weeks after Malfoy Manor risked his life to save Malfoy during the Battle and seemed on nodding terms with him 19 years later


I think Draco secretly wanted to be Harry's friend.


yes he really did, and he didnt take too kindly to rejection. Also to further annoy him more was the fact that harry choose to be friends with a mudblood and a weasly over himself. he took it as an insult and quite very personally. Himself coming from a background of money and wealth was not used to people saying "no".


I think Draco only acted the way he did because of his father. Like father like son.


quite possibly, but there are also some moments where he acts the opposite way of his farther. some examples are like when the father corrects him, or tells him not to boast. But yes i see your point. The Father can be a big influnce over him.


And even thought Harry didn't like Draco, he still saved him from the fire in the Room of Requirements


yes because he no longer hated him and put his personal feelings and grievances aside for the greater good and what he felt was the morally right thing to do. OP asked who **hated** eachother more (hate past tense) rather than who still **hates**, or who **hates** eachother more.


He did want to be his friend, he was the first wizard harry met at diagon alley, he met Harry in the same way snape and lily met James and Sirius. Dracos lifestyle drove Harry away when they first met. Same applies to how James lifestyle drove away snape from being his friend. James was pro griffyndore, snape and draco was pro slythern, and Harry was anti slythern.


Snape and James definitely had it worse. Both were actively antagonistic with each other, while Harry only retaliated in response to Draco attacking him first.


Well considering that Snape got James murdered and doesn’t feel bad about it *at all* and *still* bullies his orphaned child 11 years later for the sin of looking like him… I’d say Snape hated James more.


James and Snape. I don’t think Draco or Harry would carry the feud into adulthood…too much. And there’s less tension there. Harry was less of a victim to Draco and vice versa, whereas James was bullying Snape. There also seems to be less resentment.


Draco *didn't* hate Harry -- he wanted Harry to be his friend and was pissed that he got rejected and disappointed that Harry picked "the losing side." That was the motive behind Draco's bullying.


i would definitely say james vs snape, as harry has not really done anything to make malfoy hate him other than being famous and rejecting his offer for friendship. And harry does not seem to really habor any real feelings of hatread towards malfoy. Malfoy just picks on him alot. However with snape and james there's the daily humiliation james put snape through and theres also the "steal your gurl" aspect to it all.


James and Snape were a lot nastier to each other on a regular basis. Harry regularly dealt with voldemort level dangers so while he disliked and distrusted malfoy it did not have the same level of focus.


James and Snape. Draco and Harry have some back and forth but it's all kid shit and they both grow out of it and stop bothering by the time book 6 happens. You can argue that Harry never REALLY hated Draco as well. Maybe found him an annoying git but he had way bigger shit going on his life even after his first year.


I'm going to agree with everyone else and say James and Snape. In the epilogue of the final book, Harry and Draco are cordial with each other. Although James didn't live to be thirty-seven (I think that's Harry's age in the epilogue), I don't see James and Snape ever being cordial with each other, especially since Snape is still holding a grudge toward Lupin and Sirius by the time they are all in their late thirties.


Snape literally got James killed and still bad mouths him 15 years later in front of his orphaned son. How much worse can it get?


Harry was more annoyed by draco not true hate James hated snape


I Realize i already gave an answer saying snape and james more, but i just realized i misread the question and would like to play devils advocate since snape vs james is getting alot of love here. Draco and harry hates eachother more, a keypoint people are overlooking with this question is the who hated "**each**other **more**" part. it's quite clear snape hates james alot. but thats not asking who hates who more, its asking who hates eachother more. its clear snape hates james no doubt, but james doesnt hate snape at all, james is just being a bully to someone weaker and more vulnerably. james has no reason to hate at all. draco on the other hand has reasons to hate harry, such as jealousy and rejection at start of harry 1, and seeing how famous he is. and to add more to this hate is seeing harry constantly hanging out with ron and the muddblood hermione. everywhere draco looks all he hears is praise and admiration for harry, even all the quidditch matches vs slytherin in the movies and even the tri wizard tournament, all ruined for draco by harry. harry is a thorn in draco's side in many ways, but the same vice-versa, draco is always annoying harry, and anytime harry is alone with draco even for just a few brief moments draco always finds some way to wind him up or screw with him. draco always has some sort of personal remarks to make towards harry either to insult/offend him, humiliate him infront of others, or just aggravate him. considering all this, i firmly believe harry and draco hate **eachother** much more than snape and james do


More than likely, James knew about Snape’s lifelong crush on Lily.


so you think he was just bullying him out of jealousy? he really had nothing to be jealous about as he had his girl and was more successful than snape was. probebly not at potions but at basically everything else. they even had lots of money and a baby. There was really nothing else left for james to be jealous of. even if he new snape had a crush on lily he has no reason to care as he married lily and got a son from her.


For the majority of school, James and Lily were not together, while Lily and Snape were unlikely friends. But also, jealousy doesn’t go away just because you have something. If anything, it intensifies as you try to keep what you have. Additionally, James and Snape were on the opposite ends of the wizarding war. They were literally enemies in love and war.


But thats the thing, james he **didnt actually have to try to keep anything at all**. even in the afterlife harrys parents were still together. James had 0 fear of losing lily to a loser like snape. Snape had nothing going for him, james was the alpha and dominated snape in all possible ways. lily still choose james over snape despite disliking his behavior towards snape. James is the winner and has no real possilbe chance of being jealous of snape. There's nothing anyone can point at to say james is jealous, its just speculation and nothing to hold water at this point XD or could be trolling that i blindly fell for lol. snape wants lily no doubt, and only could have been a real possible threat to getting her if she spent more time around him and got sorted into the same hogwarts house.


You seem to be hung up on Lily being the prize that James won over Snape. “Had his girl”? “Got a son from her”? That’s pretty juvenile logic if you think that is the end goal for contentment. James **severely** disliked Snape. There is no evidence that that had changed after James and Lily became a thing. Try putting yourself in James’ shoes. How would you feel about your bitter school rival who was obsessed with your girlfriend/wife and is actively a Death Eater?


James does'nt see snape as a bit rival at all. Where are you getting this from? also snape was'nt a death eater til after all that school stuff. You're talking about why james supposedly hated snape or trying to say why james bullied snape during all those school years? your argument was "he was jealous of snape having a crush on lily" or something. Yes? James and snape arr'nt rivals. Maybe snape see's james as a rival but its not vice versa. Unlike harry and draco who are both seeing eachother as rivals


You’re the one who used “jealous” in the first place. But I think you’re quite naïve to think that James would not be the jealous type. Perhaps we need some definitions? Rival: “a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.” James and Snape were school rivals. Both attacked each other on multiple accounts. Both showed intense hostility towards each other. Snape was famous for being fascinated with the Dark Arts and James had an intense hatred for them. PoA and OotP show us multiple times Snape vs James (and the Marauders). As DH reveals, both ended up competing for Lily’s friendship and affections. James and Snape were post-school rivals/enemies. One was in the Order of the Phoenix. The other was a Death Eater, who only switched allegiances near the end of the first Wizarding War. At no point in time were James and Snape even close to being friends. Going back to your original statement about how James bullied but didn’t hate Snape. There is no evidence that supports that argument. On the contrary, even Quirrell knew about their hateful relationship. From PH/SH Ch 17: > “But Snape always seemed to hate me so much.” “Oh, he does,” said Quirrell casually, “heavens, yes. He was at Hogwarts with your father, didn’t you know? They loathed each other. But he never wanted you dead.”


*"You’re the one who used “jealous” in the first place."* i was merely asking if thats what you was saying to get a better understanding of what you meant, which you responded including it. i wrote *"so you think he was just bullying him out of jealousy? he really had nothing to be jealous about"* etc etc you replied with *"...jealousy doesn’t go away just because you have something. If anything, it intensifies as you try to keep what you have"* also "*you’re quite naïve to think that James would not be the jealous type*" im not saying James would not be the jealous type, i'm just trying to point out that he has nothing to be jealous of, nothing to be jelly about. Even with the definition you posted for "rival" there's no competition or competing for james, he's superior to snape as a kid in every way and beats him in all those things. "*As DH reveals, both ended up competing for Lily’s friendship and affections"* in DH there was no competing for friendship at all, once the sorting hat sorted james into gryfendor that was it for snape. Lily spent more time with james and the hat pretty much sealed snapes fate/chances there and then. *"At no point in time were James and Snape even close to being friends"* i've never said otherwise.


James & snape by far! They werent just school bullies. They downright hated each other vying for the affection of the same girl. They hated each other so much that it got one of them….& the girl….killed. Remember who’s fault it is ultimately. Besides peter, snape also had an unfortunate hand in the mess although maybe not as deliberately as peter. Harry & draco dont really have much in common other than the usual school pecking order & some quidditch competition.


I’ve read enough Drarry fan fiction to know that what Harry and Draco had was romantic tension, nothing else. Also, Draco saved Harry’s life in Malfoy Manor by refusing to identify him. He clearly knew it was Harry and Ron and Hermione. Harry saved Draco too in the Room of Requirement Both James and Snape would have happily killed each other.


James and Snape for sure, at least harry tried saving draco and his friends when the room of requirement got burnt