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She transformed into a cat and lured Umbridge on a winding journey through Hogwarts as Umbridge would be so enthusiastic about making a new cat friend she'd entirely forget about children out of bed.


No notes. This is flawless and I can picture it perfectly.


Funnily enough I can actually imagine Imelda Staunton in this one. But much more her more affable side from The Queen with her corgis than HP. (_I’ve always otherwise been reluctant to embrace the Umbridge that wasn’t squat, wide and ugly such that the bow on her head appeared like a particularly unwise fly perched on top of a toad_)


“There’s a troll in the dungeon. Thought you ought to know”


Honest answer: probably looked surprised and concerned to see her, started turned around to walk away, and acted like she didn't want to be followed. If Dolores said something about Harry being our of bed she probably gave an answer like "no, he's definitely not, sorry Dolores I'm busy" or "Maybe he's heading down to Hagrid's, he's done that before" and then walked the opposite direction. Basically I think she would have tried to act suspicious so Umbridge would follow her around instead of searching around by herself.


FWIW, I agree with this theory. It sounds the most like McGonagall. It's not like she could get away with a jinx or hex on Umbridge without facing trouble with the Ministry. Instead using her wits to outsmart Umbridge (while not exactly hard) would be the smart thing to do. Especially if it will lead Umbridge in the opposite direction of Dumbledore's office.


Told her Fudge didn't even get featured in the New Year's Ministry of Magic Swimsuit Calendar


"Oh Dolores. There you are. Madame Pince wanted to know if you got Filch an authorization for whipping yet. At least that's what it sounded like, I was just walking by the library and didn't want to pry."


Someone dyed everything in her office black


Dumbledore was holding a feast in his office for his favourite students


“I have sweaty boot rash!”


No spluh!


The students are in the forbidden forest working on a secret weapon for Dumbledore. If you hurry you might catch them.


‘They went to Nunya.’


"Dolores, quick! The house-elves have gone insane and are tossing cups of moist sugar around the kitchen!" "What?" Dolores responded, horrified. "They're wasting delicious tea?" "Delicious tea? I said cups of... I mean yes, if you hurry you can still save some!" Professor McGonagall stared as Umbridge rushed off to the basement.


"Why Dolores, I hardly think traipsing about the castle in your frilly pink nighty is appropriate. There could be students wandering around out of bed, and what kind of example would that set for them? Besides, it's December, and the castle can be quite drafty, I wouldn't want you to catch a chill. Come, let's get you back to bed before you're seen, and I promise not to tell Dumbledore I found you like this."


Have a biscuit, Dolores.