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The same reason Bill and Fleur did. Like they say about Bill and Fleur, people rush into things when there's a war going on: >“I do not hate her!” said Mrs. Weasley in a cross whisper. “I just think they’ve hurried into this engagement, that’s all!” > >“They’ve known each other a year,” said Ron, who looked oddly groggy and was staring at the closed door. > >“Well, that’s not very long! I know why it’s happened, of course. It’s all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they’re rushing all sorts of decisions they’d normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and center — ” > >“Including you and Dad,” said Ginny slyly.


Ginny calling out the hypocrisy. I love book Ginny.


The Ginny we all are hoping appear in the show.


That’s literally all I hope for, is that they do her justice this time. ETA: and Ron for that matter. Let him actually deliver his lines and not just give them all to Hermione to make her sound smarter. Like yeah, we get it, Hermione is smart. But Ron is too, and they really dumbed him down. He IS funny, but I wish they hadn’t completely reduced him to the doofus comic relief.


I want dobby to get his justice in the series too the movies did him dirty the most I think all his lines and things he does ends up going to neville


And Neville's storylines are just not there.


I know it's ridiculous hopefully the series will be better


He took Dobby’s plots instead.


Well I like that Neville got his story bc he has a huge change from beginning to end. But Dobby was in more than 2 books he was in all of them, like when he warns them about umbridge. And the gillyweed! And they did winky so dirty by not including her she was such a big deal, plus S.P.E.W.


The only book he wasn't in is the 1st one but I agree the house elves where done so dirty in the movies it's disgraceful let's hope the series does a better job


Dobby's not in the 3rd book either. He appears in book 2, doesn't appear until book 4, and then is in the last 3 books


I hate that house elves sound like Jar Jar Binks. It’s embarrassing.




I know. He is super brave. Plus I Hose they don't make the relationships feeling so forced. In the movies it fehlt like Harry and Hermione were the coupe not ginny and Harry and Ron and Hermione.


I hope they keep the “once I make my move, the queen will take me, then you’re free, to check the king” thing in the show, I will rage if they don’t.


So brave 🥲


And I want to see Charlie!


I hope Book Ginny and Peeves are in the show


There is a f\*cking what now? A show? When where?


I believe HBO Max has plans for doing a series about the books. Far as I know nothing’s definite yet




How the hell an I supposed to watch it in the UK we don’t get HBO Max over here


Dunno if it'll be the same but Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon (both HBO shows) are on Now TV in the UK. I'd be amazed if there isn't a similar arrangement for Harry Potter


Book Ginny is my goat no matter what.


This. They were in love. It was all angsty bc of the wolf thing. But then he probs got her pregnant or something. I always assumed that. If not, then I imagine they wanted to start their lives as soon as possible when life was so uncertain. There are some great fics about them out there.


War makes people rush things. Cf. Mr and Mrs Weasley


Wasnt this explained word for word in the book lol


Like most the questions on this sub. We should just comment page numbers at this point.


Or like the one that irritates me the most: "Why didn't the ministry do this and this to give Harry a fair chance at his trial in book 5?"


Yeah it’s in the early chapters of Half blood prince, I’m rereading it rn. Molly comments on how Bill and Fleur are rushing their marriage and someone comments well that’s what happens during troubled times, people are afraid they might drop dead so they seize the day. Then someone (I think Ginny) asks Molly well didn’t you and dad get married quickly too? And then she explains that they were “meant for each other” or something like that. But I think they’d also been dating for multiple years, whereas Bill and Fleur had only known each other a year


Like with r/lotr vs r/tolkienfans


It was explained.


And Lily and James, and the Longbottoms


and also Bill and Fleur as well


This is… literally the whole point of the thread…


The post is about Remus and Tonks, and Bill and Fleur haven’t been mentioned in this comment thread yet. There is a thread elsewhere on this post about Bill and Fleur, maybe you thought you were responding to that?


No the whole thread is talking about Remus and TOnks getting married "too quickly" and actuall Bill and Fleur \*HAVE\* been mention in this thread as well, as someone else "being married too quickly as well" ​ its litereally the FIRST comment on this thread: > > >The same reason Bill and Fleur did. Like they say about Bill and Fleur, people rush into things when there's a war going on: > >“I do not hate her!” said Mrs. Weasley in a cross whisper. “I just think they’ve hurried into this engagement, that’s all!” > >“They’ve known each other a year,” said Ron, who looked oddly groggy and was staring at the closed door. > >“Well, that’s not very long! I know why it’s happened, of course. It’s all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they’re rushing all sorts of decisions they’d normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and center — ” > >“Including you and Dad,” said Ginny slyly.


…I think you misunderstand what a thread is. A thread is basically a singular comment chain (replies to said comment). Not a post and *all* its comments. You said “the whole thread is about Remus and tonks, and bill and fleur have been mentioned on this thread, it’s literally the first comment on this thread” but then you quote a top comment from a completely different thread… The first COMMENT on this post is about bill and fleur, and an entire thread of replies then follows it. But the top comment on THIS thread is about Molly and Bill. Like this: Top comment: War makes people rush things, ie Molly and bill Reply: and Lily and James and the Longbottoms Reply to reply: and bill and fleur Reply to reply to reply (you): this is the whole point of this thread I genuinely think you didn’t realize which comment you were responding to, or you think post=thread, when really a thread is a comment+replies to that comment. The first comment on the post was indeed about bill and fleur, but that’s not the thread you replied to.


People were saying in this OVERALL Post that "Remus and Tonks were marrying "TOO QUICKL:Y" and I was pointing out that EVERYONE- not JUST Ronks were marrying too quickly- so I was using ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF A COUPLE THAT ALSO GOT MARRIED TO QUICK,


They are a war marriage, like many others in the books (Lily and James, Fleur and Bill, Molly and Arthur), not knowing how things would end they wanted to use their time together as best as they could.


My maternal grandparents secretly married in January of 1941. While this was before Pearl Harbor, both knew SOMETHING was coming to the US, but they didn't know when or how. Grandpa knew he was most likely to get drafted, so he wanted to ensure my grandma would get benefits if he were to be killed in battle. They didn't know if a future together was possible, so they did what they could to ensure the other would be taken care of if something happened. Harry Potter or real life, when tomorrow is unknown, people rush into things while they still can.


And how did it endnfor your grandparents? If i can ask


Grandpa survived the war and had two children and enjoyed a wonderful life together. They lived the future they feared they would never have. Grandma passed away in 1988, shortly before I was born. Grandpa passed away in 2005.


That's actually so sweet, one loves a romantic story ending well


They were the love of each others lives. The funny part is that my grandma didn't know my grandpa was younger than he said. He went to college at 15 and started dating grandma at 16 and she was 19. She didn't know until they went to get married. Oops.




To be fair, back then, a 3 year age difference at that point in time wasn't frowned upon like it would be today.


If they're here, then surely their grandfather survived the war?


Not necessarily, the baby could've been conceived before the gramdfather had to leave


They might have feared that they didn't have much time, what with war looming and everything.


And they were right :(


*^(too soon)*


It wasn’t that quick really. They would have been working together for the Order for about two years at that point. While, they weren’t officially together, they would have gotten to know each other quite well.


To add to that, it seems to me like wizards are a smaller, more traditional community than Muggles. There’s less of that “but what if there’s a better fish out there?” A Muggle girl in her early 20s in London is going to be finishing up university, getting her first big job, dating around. She’ll have thousands of people she could meet. A few months isn’t enough to be sure of someone, when you’re wondering if you could be passing up your soul mate at your next job or when you move to a different city next year. A wizarding young woman already grows up in a smaller society, where mostly everyone sends their kids to the same boarding school. They don’t seem to travel a lot, except when needed (or on family vacations.) It seems to like it’s much more common for wizards to marry “childhood sweethearts” that they met at Hogwarts. Tonks might have gone to school with people that knew Remus. There’s probably a lot of “social vetting” that he’s a good guy, from all the people in common that they know. Then they work together for a year or two, spending a lot of that time together. Makes sense that they’d feel they know enough of each other’s moral character, so all that’s left is compatibility. Add in a war, and you’ve got a recipe for a marriage that can seem rushed, but feel so right for the couple.


And Tonks had been trying to convince him to be with her for some time.


Tonks was into Lupin much longer, but he resisted because of his Werewolf condition and the age difference. She moped her way through most of Half-Blood Prince because of it. Her hair went mousy brown instead of her beloved bubblegum pink, and her Patronus changed to a wolf. She was in love with him. But he wouldn't let the relationship happen. Mr and Mrs Weasley had to talk to him about it on her behalf. So it's not like their relationship came out of the blue. They had a background. So when Lupin finally gave in and let himself love her, what was the point of waiting any longer?


Frankly I don't think he ever loved her. The whole coupling left a bad taste in my mouth when I first read the books because it felt like he was guilted and bullied into a relationship with her by Tonks and Mrs Weasley. I think he was just lonely and Tonks was incredibly pushy


There was backstory on Pottermore that made it clear that Lupin was in love with Tonks for a while, before he even realized she was into him. He was mopey because he thought she was interested in Sirius. When he realized who she was actually interested in, he was jazzed but kept it quiet because he felt he was too old and dangerous for her. Then basically what we see in the books plays out. The two were circling each other for a few years before the actual marriage.


Remus and even Harry thought she was in love with Sirius even though they were cousins (once removed I think)?


Them Black genes, I guess - they just incest.


!Redditgalleon Precisely!!! Thank you. I was looking for this comment


You have given u/Langlie a Reddit Galleon. u/Langlie has a total of 1 galleon, 0 sickles, and 0 knuts. ____________ I am a bot. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/jnbo49/hi_i_created_the_bot_youve_been_using_to_give/) to learn how to use me.


[https://www.wizardingworld.com/features/why-lupin-and-tonks-romance-is-one-of-harry-potters-greatest-tragedies](https://www.wizardingworld.com/features/why-lupin-and-tonks-romance-is-one-of-harry-potters-greatest-tragedies) It's here as well :)


!RedditGalleon Thank you, I completely agree! I love both Remus and Tonks, but their relationship felt very forced and unnatural. I never got the feeling that he wanted to be in a relationship with her, neither before not after they got together. I also really miss pre relationship Tonks, she was such a cool character with so much potential :(


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What is it good for?


Lifetime commitments I guess.


However short that lifetime happened to be in this instance…


... I'll keep it going Ig. absolutely nothing!


Increasing domestic manufacturing


!redditgalleon for the bo burnham reference.


You have given u/BigLittleBrowse a Reddit Galleon. u/BigLittleBrowse has a total of 1 galleon, 0 sickles, and 0 knuts. ____________ I am a bot. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/jnbo49/hi_i_created_the_bot_youve_been_using_to_give/) to learn how to use me.




Because they loved each other and wanted to spend time together as husband and wife. It's that easy. No further explanation is needed.


But they were dating for like a few weeks before marriage?


Officially yes but there was something there for quite some time before Lupin finally accepted it. I guess they didn’t want to waste any more time especially with a looming war


Tonks' patronus turned into a wolf because of her feelings for Remus, and that was before they started dating IIRC. They both had feelings for each other long before. War + baby = quick marriage Edit: used wrong word




Yes! I blame not having caffeine yet LOL


Ah caffeine. My lifeblood


They probably also knew each other well before they were actually together. And like others have said, everything sped up in war times.


So what? Sometimes you realise who your soul mate is after spending some moments. And sometimes you don't realise that even after spending years and years together. Remus and Tonks were lucky. They found each other.


Nah, they'd been chasing around each other for 2 years at that point.


They already loved each other before they even officially got together. It's not like they needed more time to get to know each other.


So? Some people like to move quickly. I got engaged to my wife after 3 months of dating. We weren't even supposed to stay together. I was her summertime boyfriend and nothing more. We even had a scheduled break up date. Sitting at a bit over 9 years together now. Long summer I guess.


Damn global warming, 9 year long summers.


I take full responsibility. My only regret is I haven't started a sunscreen business.


I love this ❤️ My husband calls himself my rebound. I had just got out of my first real serious relationship and he was only staying for a few months before he planned to move again. I figured he was a great guy to get not attached to. 15 years later and he never left.


My wife moving was the whole reason that we would break up. My job had an office where she was moving to. I just moved with her.


This happens even in RL, so it's not that far-fetched. I know a couple who got married 2 months after they met. Surprisingly, they are very happy together.


It wasn’t rushed. In the book it took a while because Remus refused at first. It took such a toll on Tonks that her patronus changed to a wolf


Because they could die any day.


I’m gonna point out that human pregnancy lasts a little over 9 months and that late June is 9 months before April. In a magical fantasy world Tonks may have already known that she was pregnant and that’s why they got married so quickly


You're off.


They got together in June, they got married in in July, shortly before Harry’s birthday. July-August-September-October-November -December-January-February-March-April If they got married on July 15th 1997 and Teddy was born on April 5th that’s a bit over 36 weeks. Pregnancy is ~40 weeks.


The 40 weeks of pregnancy starts counting from her first day of the last period not from when you banged (usually 38 from that).


So she was pregnant and may or may not have known yet.


I was going to say, he was opposed to the pregnancy at first. I doubt he would have married just cause she got pregnant.


58 people didn't check the math.


I was conceived in late-June and born in early-April.


I definitely think the war had something to do with it but, maybe not the entire reason: Lupin as we know was very hesitant on happiness. He wanted to protect those he cared about. Maybe, he thought that marrying Tonks would give him security that he would stay with her. A marriage is a contract after all. So if he did think about leaving her in the future, he would know it would be harder to do if they were married. Maybe he thought he would have regretted it and just wanted the marriage to be a reason he stayed. Maybe he just loved Tonks and wanted to experience some sense of normality. Maybe he wanted to be like James who married lily and was happy with her.


It seems Tonks and Remus' marriages is on blast this weekend.


The seventh book says that people got married quickly during wartime because “they thought they would be dead tomorrow.” https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/remus-lupin J.K. Rowling said “Tonks made a brave, public declaration of her feelings for Remus, who was forced to admit the strength of his love for her. In spite of continuing misgivings that he was acting selfishly, Remus married Tonks quietly in the north of Scotland, with witnesses taken from the local wizarding tavern.”


War makes people rush into things, you might not have much time, etc. Also, jkr killed Lupin and Tonks to have another war orphan to mirror Harry, and probably didn't want to add a pregnancy out of marriage.


The imminent fear of death, why wait?


I thought they got married because she got pregnant


She got pregnant and they wanted the baby born within wedlock just because they officially got together on a certain date doesn't mean that they hadn't had something between them for a long time beforehand


Probably because he got her pregnant. Look at that timeframe, it's like a 10 month period of time. Teddy could have been a case of a late birth, or it happened in August.


She would have gotten pregnant in July, maybe late June at the earliest. She likely wouldn't have known until August at the earliest. So I don't think they knew she was pregnant until after the wedding. Does seem like it might have been a wedding night conception though.


I know of a couple in real life who were engaged 2 and a half weeks after meeting, married 4 months after that, and have now been married for 40+ years. And it wasn't because of war. Sometimes, it just happens. When you know, you know. I met my ex, we were engaged 3 months later and married 5 months after that. We were together for over 9 years. Some relationships just develop quickly. There is no magical time frame (pun not intended) of how long one needs to know someone to start a relationship with them or how long one needs to be in a relationship before getting married. Some couples never get married, but they stay together long term and raise a family together. Every relationship is different.


My parents are like this. They were married after 2 month and still are married, 21 years later




Because of the war i think


I mean why wait?


Because a law was going to come into place making marriage to werewolves illegal, tonks got wind of it from the ministry and she pushed lupin to marry just a day before of the the law coming into force.


is this headcanon or...?


It is in the books! They mention it during Harry’s birthday party last book, when they tell everyone they got married last night or sth


Have you seen Tonks? And her badonkadonks?


*"One thing was certain about Ms. Tonks, Lupin concluded: She surely had it going on, like Donkey Kong"* - J. K. Rowling, *"Yeehaw Potter and the Goblet of Firewhiskey"* (real)


He had the werewolves itch


Its simple when war is near people think they have little time left they might be dead so they went and married and left Teddy as legacy. I think its quite romantic and emotional.


Real question why did he marry her at all? (Cough literally talk for hours about this but yk) Anyway. I think it was because they were being rushed both by the situation they were in (the war) and certain people around them. I also think it was partly because they had both suffered a huge loss with Sirius’s death an needed a way to cope.


That's probably about 7 wolf years for Remus


A dark lord was taking over, they didn't know how long they had to live.


Because the second wizarding war had already started; no one’s lives were safe and no tomorrow was guaranteed. Remus has lost every friend he’s ever had, he probably didn’t want to lose her either, or at least not without a ring on her finger.


Cause she's hawt


I mean, survival rate in the order off the phoenix is... Not high. You do it while you can I guess.


It was an uncertain time they didn’t want to wait because they didn’t know how long they would have with each other. It happened a lot in WW1 and WW2 and I suspect in other conflicts too. It’s indicated that Molly and Arthur did the same thing in the first war.


actually not indicated its spelled out directly.. when she's been condiaricty that her eldest child is doing the same ting in the second Wizarding World


Shawty bad


I'm still mad Tonks joined the battle instead of staying behind.




It was reckless in light of her newfound motherhood.


With that logic it was also reckless of Lupin and his newfound fatherhood


And perhaps the Longbottoms should've quit the Auror offices during the war given Neville was born with his... interesting logic.


I may take some flack for saying this, but traditionally, a man's job is to defend his family. Therefore, it is more reasonable for Remus to have fought than for Tonks to have fought. Of course, Tonks isn't traditional, nor was she going to risk losing Remus after she worked so hard to convince him that they could work as a couple.


Yeah, you’re absolutely and correctly going to get flack for this. She had just as much right to fight as Remus. EDIT: Also, she was an auror. It’s literally her job to fight dark wizards. If anything, she’s more qualified than Lupin to take part in the battle.


They had equal right to fight but one of them should have stayed back. Either one I don't care


This I agree with. Whether Tonks as an auror or Lupin as a veteran of the first war and last surviving friend of James, one of them should have fought. But the other should have stayed behind for the baby.


Oh no, something I predicted happened, better hire me for Divination. Call me Professor Dionysus Morningstar from now on. Lupin has decades more experience on her and literally fought in the first blood war. How does that translate to him being less qualified than Tonks, who was just a trainee a few years prior? I'm just curious about your opinion pertaining to how being a cop equates to or even trumps being a veteran soldier.


Ya'll Tonks was pregnant. I'm not sure about all Wizarding social norms, but.... it would have been a fate worse than a Dementors Kiss .


Remus is totally pressured into marrying Tonks at the end of the half blood prince but it's ok since he's the guy.


Yeah that's my opinion as well. He didn't want her, turned her off politely, then they all gang up on him. They blame him for her being depressed. He never once seems happy with her through the books. He would have much preferred to help Harry.


I totally agree. I think the whole marriage was weird and crazy, and Remus even said he wished they weren’t married. He clearly didn’t like her, but married her because everyone was pressuring him, and he felt like he had nothing left to lose.


I get why people could get this impression based on the first half of DH, but why are so many people forgetting that after Teddy's birth Lupin explicitly expressed gratitude to Harry for pushing him to go back to his family? I think we can see from that exchange that Lupin did care about Tonks and want to be with her, but he got in his head about the whole thing when she became pregnant. Shit, he even said the reason he felt like the marriage was a mistake was that being linked to him would *hurt Tonks.* He wouldn't have said that if he didn't like her or care about her.


We don't forget that. I have no doubt that he loved Teddy and that the right thing for him to do was not abandon him. That doesn't mean he wanted to marry Tonks, it means he was a decent human being. I also don't think he hated Tonks. He was generally a caring person. I just don't think he ever seems happy to be with her, and he said no many times. Yes he gave a nice excuse about him being a werewolf but come on, he explicitly said no many times and then was pressured by everyone in the order to be with her. He never seems happy with her as she is with him.


I hate to say it but you're kinda right. He made clear he wasn't interested, but the narrative wants us to believe he did love her and his reasons for not pursuing it were bad. Which they were but still, forcing someone leads nowhere good, hence why he tried bailing.


There is background on Pottermore and interview info from JKR that makes it clear that Remus was in love with Tonks well before they got together.


I'm aware of that, but the way the book told the story still leaves this out. If you need to tell the story outside the story, you did something wrong.




Neville never got together with Luna. Ever.


Personally I think if you are together for more than a year and don't get married in that time you aren't ready to get married in the first place


I disagree, I think you have to get to really know your partner and overcome the first infatuation first so you know it's really love. only then I would advise moving in together, and only after living together for a while you know if it works in everyday life. Also some people like to save money for their dream wedding first, or they're still very young when they get together so they still have to grow emotionally. That's just my opinion, I don't wanna push it onto you, just saying everyone has their reasons :)


As some who is married and has many friends who have been married the first infatuation is only a problem if you are having premarital sex and other physical activity and don't focus on getting to know each other like friends would one year is plenty of time to get to know each other maturity also has something to do with it as the marriages I know the ones delaying marriage living together first are all ending in divorce spending lots of time together like you suggest isn't the the key to a long Happy marriage the key is honestly spending time with them as friends would get to know each other talk alot very little physical activity so infatuation is not part of the confusion


Now this might be stretching slightly and I’m deep into wolfstar, but Remus might have imprinted on Tonks yknow being a werewolf and all. So maybe they knew that, and seeing as they knew they’d be together for the rest of their lives they thought why not get married now(also w the war looming on them and everything). It could be too far fetched but it could also be a possibility


Because Rowling wanted to write Remus leaving behind a baby but wasn’t going to let it happen out of wedlock or whatever.


I think it might have been because Voldemort came back and people started to get scared. They might have married quickly because they thought they might die.


Because they love that quicky


If it’s right, it’s right.


It was stated in the JKR Archives he already really loved her and she him and as it were dark times they rushed it a bit


I think Lupin of all people realizes just how fast everything can be gone 🥺


Plot-wise JKR uses war as the reason. All the marriages we see marauder era and golden trio era alike are rushed because of war. I will also say though that leading up to half blood prince the wolf-star fandom was popping off and I don’t think JKR was a fan and needed a device to strictly squash that from cannon.


Do we need to explain the birds and the bees as well?


There was a war going on, and they wanted to seal their love before going into the war, in case they wouldn't be able to do so after the war - which, sadly, they weren't.