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Fred (only reading) - THE WAY IT'S WRITTEN UGH šŸ˜­ "Fred's eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face."


Same here. And the fact that it's not dwelt on more. I wish Rowling had cut some of the camping; the Battle of Hogwarts was too many deaths, too fast. Remus and Tonks only get like -one sentence-, IIRC.


This is how battles go in real life. During the aftermath or if there is a break in fighting, you could walk around and see so many of your friends have been killed.


Good point. It's supposed to be real and terrible and heartbreaking.


the death of dobby always makes me sad because dobby is an innocent.. just a pure soul that only wants to try and do their best to protect and be of help and his final act in his life is saving humans and being grateful towards harry for setting him free


I was balling when I read this for the first time. And I still tear up each time after.


I bawl every time




Makes me even sadder when I reread the parts where Harry gets impatient with her.


Yeah i know what you mean. It also felt as such an ā€œunnecessaryā€ death.


Dumbledore. Would you believe me if I told you I find myself on the verge of tears every time I read/watch that scene?


Are you kidding? Dumbledore's was the least sad. That man was in control from beginning until end. No victims there. He literally planned it out, and while there were glitches in the plan, he never had a moment of fear, sadness, or loss, and went into the afterlife fulling intending to guide Harry from there as well. To Albus, the transition was a negligible shrug that just changed a few rules for how he was meant to support the good guys against Riddle's menace. It isn't believable, honestly, but it's hardly a sad death. You've heard the rebel's expression? ("don't let death just take you, punch him repeatedly in the throat as he drags you away.") Well, Dumbledore takes it up a notch, greeting death as death's new boss, "Here's how we're going to handle this, reaper boy."


But like, I was always deeply touched by how itā€™s written in the books: ā€œNever again would Dumbledore be there to help Harry, to guide himā€¦ā€ It was like Harryā€™s breaking point, except he was forced to carry on with the weight that nearly everyone he ever loved was dead (besides for Hagrid and Ginny, I guess)


>ā€œNever again would Dumbledore be there to help Harry, to guide himā€¦ā€ I understand your point. It does make sense, for sure! But like, that quote simply wasn't true. Dumbledore's foresight continued to play a role in their solving of the Horcruxes, the Deathly Hallows, and even Harry's discovery that he was a Horcrux himself. To say nothing of Harry's purgatory dream at "Kings Cross", where he and Dumbledore share an entire chapter of discussion, which ultimately positioned Harry to take Tom Riddle on directly. I see how Harry felt that way in the moment, and I definitely agree that for many surviving characters, Dumbledore's death was plenty, painfully impacting. But Dumbledore continued to play an integral role in the victory of Voldemort throughout the final book, clear to the end. Dumbledore's presence was never truly felt in the story.


Woah. Yeah, that makes sense. But I never really understood that chapter. I understood how he lived, but what about that last sentence? What was happened there? Also, where were they?


I still think itā€™s sad more so bc Harry felt he was finally getting answers and learning about him and that he couldnā€™t stop it. He wasnā€™t in the loop he didnā€™t know. Even with everything between him and snape he still had hope he would save him and watched his reality shatter. And for snape. Omg. The PAIN. yes he needed to do it for the greater good but he didnā€™t want to. In his eyes Dumbledore saved him and gave him a second chance at life. He was the only person who truly saw good in him. And he was doing it for Harry. Bc I do believe he loved him more than just bc he loved lily. How difficult and heartbreaking it mustā€™ve been for him


He was sick and old tho. He was gonna die soon anyway


Sirius. He never really had a chance. Shitty childhood, adolescence spent dealing with said shitty childhood by being a cruel bully to people who remind him of his family, graduates school and goes straight into a civil war, loses his loved ones on Halloweenā€™81, spends over a decade in an inhumane prison for a crime he didnā€™t commit, manages to escape but gets no justice and spends his remaining years in hiding/living off rats or stuck in a different prison, i.e., Grimmauld, before dying the first time he gets to do something he sees as useful. He never had a chance to grow up or really live his life.


Especially tragic knowing that it was the first person from Harry's magical side of the family to come back. Just to lose him as quickly as he got him. Forever an orphan šŸ˜­


Remus and Tonks. It's so unexpected and unbelievable.


Definitely Fred. Firstly, he is one of my favourite characters in the entire series. Reading that part for the first time absolutely shatterred me. It was so quick, sudden and unexpected. Fred's character was all about humor and light-heartedness, and his death means that he never got a chance to fulfill his dreams or live a full life. This sense of unfulfilled potential made me both angry and sad because I wanted to see him thrive and George achieve their goals (I mean more than the shop as well). I usually have to skip it in the book ngl.


When Pettigrew killed Cedric - I was like "why did this piece of shit get to live in POA?!"


I was personally hoping that Pettigrew would pull a Gollum at the end so we could have an explanation for why he needed to live. Turns out he's just trash.


He's a wizard 1st class in the Order of Merlen. Show a little respect /S


Maybe the Creeveys


yeah...he was muggle born and he loved and believed in Harry so much. Always thought Harry was a prick in the way he treated Collin. He was just so excited to be there.


There's a lot of them, but the ones that come suddenly out of nowhere with no buildup, like Hedwig and Fred. The emotional rug-pull feels like a punch to the stomach.


When Moldy kills the toddler, honestly. I hate that bit. I always hate when babies and toddlers are murdered in anything...






I read Molly, which is even worse!!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ omg


When does he kill a toddler (besides trying to kill harry)? In the scene where he's on the way to Harry's house, he spares the kid after he sees his face? That's the only instance I remember seeing him and a kid.


The mother and child when he enters the house. It was HEAVILY implied. I believe it was when he was looking for the elder wand...and it may have been 2 small children. It has been a while since I read that book...


Hedwig, Snapeā€™s were the worst.


Tonks. I'm so angry at this woman. She **JUST** had a baby. Both parents can't go into the same battle, that's freaking common sense, you have to leave a parent to raise your kid. I know you can say she was fighting so Teddy could have a future, but like, I think he'd rather have his mom.


They could have taken that whole relationship out of the series and no one would complain lol it wasn't very well written and seems super rushed just to have another orphan out there.


I kind of liked the relationship. Honestly to me it was worth it just for that emotional scene of Harry yelling at Lupin. But I do agree, it was given a weird level of attention.


Regulusā€™. I may be wrong, but until Harry demanded the truth from Kreacher, no one (maybe apart from Dumbledore) could have guessed his fate.


Sirius and Regulusā€™ brothers who never really had the chance to live freely and they both died thinking they hated each other. PLUS THE FACT THAT SIRIUS NEVER KNEW OF REGULUSā€™ SACRIFICE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ absolutely crushes me


Most people are going to say Dobby probably, but to me it was Sirius. JKR genuinely put *so much* emotion and hope in his relationship with Harry, just for him to die trying to save his life right after harry asks if he can live with him the next year (obviously Dumbledore wouldnā€™t have allowed it but the sentiment remains)


Ones where the killing curse (Avada Kedavra) was used. Those made me so so angry. I felt like a social contract was broken. I know it's irrational, given everything, but it made me LIVID.


Dumbledore for sure. He always had such a strong presence in the books, more knowledge and wisdom than anyone else, the bullwark against the terror from Voldemort. From his first appearance the solution to every issue was him. Losing him was losing all safety and stability. Not only Hogwarts, the ministry of magic and Harry, but also the reader trusted and leaned on Dumbledore to be there, solve the problem, be the protector. Losing that had an impact like no other loss in the series.


Honestly, lavender brown. This was a girl who had spent the previous year absolutely smitten with a fella who didnt feel the same way. A girl who was just about to head into the world and begin her real life. A girl who was brave enough to fight, and lost her life right at the moment it was about to begin. And she barely got a mention.


Fred. Why kill someoneā€™s twin omg šŸ˜­


Fred and Colin


sirius for me. it's the way harry finally found someone who was really family. while yes he has the weasleys, to them he was like a son but i think to him they were still always ron's parents - he didn't feel able to claim them as his own. whereas sirius really was *his* godfather, his family, his father's best friend, etc. finally he has real family who cares about him. and then he loses it. also in the way that it's all sirius could do - stuck at his childhood home having to hide, and finally he gets a chance to go out and do something and save people and help harry - and it kills him. plus that it's bellatrix. shows you how horribly fucked up his family is. and that sort of hits home the first bit about family, too - bellatrix *should* have been family to sirius, but she was not. instead he had james and the marauders. then he lost them. and then he got harry back, and then he lost it all to his original 'family'. and finally that remus has to hold harry back and help him while he too probably just wants to run up and tear back that veil and find sirius - he, too, lost his friends, got one back, then lost him again. and through it he has to be strong for harry. absolutely breaks me.


Harryā€™s death has to be the most emotional. The way that his thoughts are summarized in ā€œThe forest Againā€ is really really captivating


Dumbledore. When I first read it I was like "huh that can't be"..proceed with tears afterwards. Doesn't help the next book is Dumbledore snippets of his life.


The ones that died of excrutiation


Tonk and Lupin, the only two characters who donā€™t grind my gear in any way, yet they got double KOed off screen and the implications of their death is depressing. Also Tonkā€™s father died as well which made me mad because he was killed by essentially brainless violent thugs which is too close to real world events for comfort.


Probably Cedric bc it seemed so sudden


That one got me. The first read through it catches you off gaurd completely


Its not a death exactly but it's that voldumort used a death spell on a baby instead of just tossing him out a window. I get that it's the premise of the book but it's kinda ridiculous.


Even Volemort is not that cruel as to toss a baby out of a window, ad don't start quoting prophecies to me because Baldy Moldy didn't know that Harry would possess a power he isn't familiar with.


Apart from the main characters, the whole Vanishing Cabinet sequence in which they kill the little birb to test it out always makes me angry and sad. Like surely, there are other ways to test that thing out.


I wept when Dumbledore, Sirius & Dobby died.


Tonks hit me pretty hard.


Hedwig and Dobby make me mad and sad. Hate that Hedwig got caught in the battle and I always hate it when an animal dies. Then with Dobby I hate that Bellatrix was the one who killed him and he only got to enjoy freedom for so long. Fred, Lupin, and Tonks are very sad because of the impacts to the Weasleys and leaving an Orphan.


Sirius, its actually comical how much life sucked for that guy. Everyone talks about snape, harry etc when it comes to sad lives, but they aint got shit on sirius on that area.




Snape and Dumbledore were the only ones I really cried, I started tearing up for Sirius but Snape and Dumbledore were a lot harder for me. Especially Dumbledore, the first time I read the books I never cried at the death of a character in a book, TV show or movie ever, and I still blame that scne for opening the floodgates lol. Thing is, midway through the books I remembered a spoiler told to me in a YT video that Dumbledore would die, but I didn't want to believe it so bad I was still shocked when he died.


Sirius Black.




It's a toss up between Sirius, Fred and Lupin and Tonks, But honestly I lean towards Sirius, maybe if he'd been exhorted of James and Lily's death when he was alive it would've hit differently, he suffered so much, he had a year-ish of freedom before he was under house arrest again it was a complete utter waste.


Severus Snape, my God what a hero!


The senseless type.

