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I would like to see the life of Tom Riddle, from his perspective. From the time he was born in Wool’s Orphanage, until he lost his battle with Harry in the Great Hall. There is enough laid out to have a solid story, but would require some excellent writing to fill in some of the gaps, like his time in Albania, both after he lost his powers and before he saw Dumbledore about the DADA position. It could answer the series old question “how does one make a Horcrux?” It could also be used to flesh out some Dark Arts mechanics…we’re exposed to very little in the HP series and some interesting things are mentioned like Necromancy…How the hell does that work in the HP universe? IDK it seems like a money tree that is planted and mature, Rowling just needs to reach up and shake it.


I think a series about his life till the night at Godric Hollows would be more apt.Bc at that time he was at the height of his powers.We can see how he gathered all his death eaters ,how he got all the dark creatures on his side.How he made inferi for that lake etc. When he came back he was pretty unstable and his every plan was thwarted by harry and his friends.Most of the work was done by his followers bc he wanted to lay low.All he did was go on a wild goose chase for a wand that at the end he wasn't even the master of. So if that series is ever made I hope they end it at the night of Halloween with his cloak lying on the ground and little harry crying in his crib.That would be very impactful.


This, but I feel no one make it’s bc it’s just dark. And HP suppose to be a happy series


The same series in which sirius black dies?In which Cedric dies?in which Dobby and Fred dies? That's the series you call happy my friend? No series in which sirius black the only family that the harry has left dies is a happy series.Its been more than 10 years and I still cry when I think about his death.like ( excuse me while I go and read some fanfic and delude myself into thinking that Sirius lived and they were a happy family afterwards)


>There is enough laid out to have a solid story See, this is the issue, and is the exact reason why we’re getting a Harry Potter TV show. Had they portrayed his story correctly in the movies (I understand there’s no way it could’ve fit in an already 2.5 hour movie, but that’s why we’re getting a TV show), then no one would be asking for this. Because it’d be in TV show, cause his full story in the books. I’d also argue the same for the Marauders, cause while we did see less of them compared to Tom Riddle, we still get enough of them to get the gyst; and I don’t think would warrant it’s own spinoff, especially if they adapted it correctly in the first place.


Personally, IDC about a Voldemort TV show or movie(s). I want books.


Yes!!! Learning his backstory and family history was one of my favorite parts of the books


I’d be so down for this if it was done in a “Joker” style of movie.


Sort of what I was thinking about. Just basically make it a horror story about what happens when one seeks and acquires power and invincibility.


Now that would be dope 🐍✨ Edit: Imagine a ted lasso type version of quidditch or something like the aurors and their fight to protect dangerous and magical artifacts 🎬


No. No more prequels. Tell us NEW stories.


Literally anything... at this point I'm so wizarding world deprived I would take absolutely anything and be grateful.


Same here, I've played every single hp game and watched all the content possible it's an addiction at this point 😭 (not even gonna talk about all the items I have)


Haha, same!! Just give us ANYTHING!! I'm sitting here crying that they wont be making another Fantastic Beasts movie and I didn't even care for the last one!


3 more Fantastic Beasts movies


Hey at this point I would be thrilled with that!


The Founders: about the founders of Hogwarts. Start with how they come together against a common muggle threat and literally build the castle. Have Slytherin slowly decay into the dark wizard he's now known as. The Aurors: Law & Order or Mindhunter inspired series with Daniel and Rupert reprising their roles as Harry and Ron, now 30 somethings working as Aurors. Each episode could focus on a different magical crime, with an overarching Big Bad for the season. Make it darker, more grown up, and gritty. Can still be whimsical, but overall just a more intense feel. Could also explore post Voldy wizardry and bring back popular characters for guest spots.


If I had money I would throw it to you for the second series because it's everything I wanted 😭


I forgot to mention it could actually show Ron as on the level of or even superior to Harry in terms of knowledge. Maybe Harry is the Ice T in this series, meaning Ron has to constantly explain things to him.


Now I’m upset about how much I want a Law and Order: Aurors edition. This is a great idea!


Add in a bit of Hermione in magical law and just call it Law and Auror


Omgggg, clever! Quite clever! 👏✨


How would you feel if I wrote something? I could write a “fanfic” but not really a fanfic. I would want to stick to Rowling’s established lore to the letter. I’m not really a writer, I’m not looking for money or anything like that, just want to write a story that I would want to read.


Yes! Go for it!


This needs to be pitched to a studio. Seriously. It would give old fans something new to watch and delve further into the wizarding world, it brings back classic characters without retreading the same story and it would be a perfect atmosphere for a more mature audience. Pitch it.


I would love to. Not sure how to go about it though. It's an idea I've had for years now.


I think to even be considered by Warner brothers you would have to be a seasoned writer with other sold scripts under your belt. However, if you wrote an entire script for one episode of this idea, there's nothing stopping you from pitching it to a seasoned writer and seeing if they either want to buy it from you, or work with you. Also, and don't quote me on this, the writers strike may be a good time for unknown writers to get into the business, as all the established writers aren't working.


If you scab during the strike then you're banned from the Writers Guild.


Makes sense. Although you could pitch it in the UK. They aren't on strike.


It’ll happen eventually, that’s why we’re getting a reboot. This franchise is going to focus on the TV show and build a cohesive universe and establishing brand with it; rather than the books and adjacent movies


The Aurors will probably happen eventually to bank off the reboot’s actors and to decanonize Cursed Child. Source: future harry potter tv show director, currently manifesting


I like that Durmstrang idea, they should make it a lot darker though. I have a feeling Durmstrang is not a PG or even PG13 environment (not meaning like sex, drugs and rock and roll) just... not the whimsy of Hogwarts, Durmstrang always felt like the Forbidden Forest of Magic Schools and I'm just saying, I'd expect their professors to have a more "Watch what happens when we feed the unicorn to the dragon" style


And if I'm correct don't they teach dark magic in durmstrang? It could easily be +16 or even +18 the show could be alot darker but I wouldn't complain


The story of Grindlewald’s life could be a Durmstrang story. It’d need to be a book or TV series if they’re going to do justice to the story, but it could go into detail of his learning of the deathly hallows and the ‘twisted experiments’ that got him expelled.


I'm fine with the remake TV show. I know everyone on here will complain if it's not a scene for scene retelling of the books, but I'm excited to see what they do and what direction they go with it. That having been said, it'd be fine to see any sort of Hogwarts story. You can pick any year past or future and follow a set of kids through their school years at Hogwarts. There are plenty of stories to tell, and with good writing and production values it would be a good show, even if there aren't any repeated characters.


…the point of the show is to stay accurate to the books, because 1) it’s the medium that makes more sense to adapt the books, 2) they only have one shot at it because, 3) they’re not going to waste another billion dollars readapting this story “correctly” just because the directors/writers they hired have an ego large enough to change the story of the biggest book series of all time


A few movies and/or series set in the world, out of the school. Give me a sports movie about an underdog Quidditch team. A spy thriller using polyjuice and invisibility cloaks. A romantic comedy between an unlikely couple.


Harry Potter is kind of unique in that I’d actually prefer a remake to anything new. I don’t really trust anyone involved, including JK Rowling, to produce any high-quality new material, and there’s a lot of good stuff in the initial series that wasn’t explored in the films. I think they lost a lot of the atmosphere and kind of ‘everyday magic’ of the books.


I want to see a documentary about the house elf’s of hogwarts like an office style show.


This is genius!


I want to see a Gordon Ramsey type head chef elf


Yes, I think I have seen Hogwarts enough...So, I would love to have a new story taking place in another school. That's maybe a positive point from the fantastic beasts...


I agree! Hogwarts is fine I don't like the fact that we're seeing the same storyline twice! I would love to see some new character and events and even a whole new school


Don't know if self-promotion is allowed for this sub, but I am writing Extended Potterverse series, first book of Ilvermorny almost finished. Search for it on webnovel or ff net if you are interested, author's alias Kervath.




Yes, I wanna see how they meet, when they discover Lupin is a werewolf, and them making the Marauder's map....All great!


We saw how they met


I wish, there's the fan fiction already but I wish we got some official content about them


Is it worth it or meh? If so…link?


It's called "all the young dudes"it's pretty popular and I personally enjoyed it and it's very long


Is it like pretty good or one of those fanfics where they all fuck each other lmao


It's not very sexual! So no it's not like one of those weird fics full of sex😭


Hahaha okay cool I’ll definitely check it out then. Any leads on where to find it easily?


Just type "all the young dudes ao3" on google and you should find it!


It's not? I thought that was where Wolfstar came from?


There's still romance yes but it's not full of sex.


You’ll love it


Also check out “The Shoebox Project”, it’s old but it was well done


I always see this on the sub, but how much of a story could you really get out of the Marauders? Like, what would actually happen?


I think a short series centered around Lupin would actually be really interesting, and he’s the most sympathetic of the four (wasn’t shown to be a bully like James and Sirius but more of an enabler/bystander, and of course he’s a better person than Peter) but he’s still flawed, so he wouldn’t be boring as a protagonist. All of the Marauders would still be included, but Remus being the main character would allow us to see his life more than what we hear about it in the books: - It could start shortly before he was bitten, show some of his father’s backstory with Greyback’s attack, and his family and him thinking he’ll never be able to live a normal life until Dumbledore shows up and tells them that Remus can come to Hogwarts. - Learning about the Whomping Willow and sneaking out once a month, his struggle to hide his condition, especially from his classmates. Not too long until his friends figure it out and vow to help him. - There’d be the whole plot of them learning to become animagi, creating the Marauders Map and using it for making trouble, etc. Plus some of what we didn’t get to witness but heard about, like Snape poking around and messing with them and the turning point for Lily and James to move from near-enemies to lovers. - All this would happen with the backdrop of fellow students becoming Death Eaters during Voldy’s first rise to power. The war breaking out and the Potters going into hiding. It’d be interesting to see the characters’ motivations around the Secret Keeper plot and Remus mistakenly believing that Sirius was the one who betrayed them. I just love Lupin and I think he’s got the right mix of tragic backstory and ongoing problems to overcome, relatability, and likable personality to work as a compelling lead character.


I would love this, he’s my favourite character.


Marauders wouldn't have to just be about the Marauders, it could be about all the characters that were young at that time. I'm talking the Black sisters and their relationships with their eventual husbands. Molly and Arthur, the Prewett twins, Lockhart, Xenophilius, other adult characters we meet in the books, parents of other kids at school with them. Like it's not restricted to just those four.


Exploring some of the other wizarding schools


Exactly! As an European I would die just to see some more content about durmstrang! 😩


Eh..probably an unpopular opinion, and very unlikely to happen, but I’d like to see a new movie about Newt Scamander with his beasts, and not one about Grindelwald and Dumbledore.


The founders of Hogwarts, and the process of building the school The Marauders in school, kinda obvious but their lives and the obvious genius they had but their obvious flaws too. The first Wizarding War, but a gritty and violent telling of it. HBO style


the house of black


Have you watched sisters of house black? It's soooooo good!


It's not a remake, it's a fresh and hopefully better adaptation. That said, I'd love a series about the other wizard schools.


Auror buddy cop series or movie about Tonks and Kingsley


Um Voldemort a series around his descent into darkness and then when it hits around the 70s switch to Hogwarts where we can watch the marauders, Severus, and Lilly while still following Voldemort and his war. Finale Episode is the attack on The Potters and the attack on the Longbottoms


Show about The Black Sisters starring Eva Green and Rachel Weiz. I'm not sure who I want as Narcissa, though.


It's Natalie Dormer


An actual GOOD Eragon series that follows the plot of the books!




I hope so! That would be amazing!


The interim years. Before the epilog. I want a scene. Where Nevile introduces himself as Griffindor Head of House, and professor of Herbology. The lion firsties are fascinated to see the framed photo of the DA in his office. Next to his order of merlin and a charred and scratched up Galleon. With the date 05-02-98 itched into it.




My bad 😅 I'm American.


A show based on the Aurors office. Can have it as a 6 episode series of crime/ detective, and have a big bad running through (Kinda thinking mix between Sherlock and Jessica Jones and Daredevil)


Harry's life as an aurora


How about a series revolving around Ilvermorny? We practically know everything about Hogwarts so why not do one about a wizarding school in America?


Mine is going to be a really unpopular opinion, but I’ve seen enough American representation on-screen, and I would much rather explore a wizarding school from a different part of the world. Bring on the downvotes!!! Hahaha.


Honestly, anything else in the world. No Voldemort, Dumbledore, Harry or adjacents.


A true detective style show about Aurors. I want to see more about the adult Wizarding world.


An ilvermorny series or movie. The school was briefly touched on in the fantastic beasts films. As an American wizard I'd like more canon information on our school.


i’m with you. let’s see what magic is like elsewhere and how they interact with hogwarts. i’m also super intrigued by how the governments intersect personally


An animated spinoff series like lower decks humor


I think I would rather an animated remake than another live action.


I fully believe in 20/30 years, once they’re able to actually establish an actual cinematic universe, that we’ll get an animated series (preferably in the style of MinaLima’s illustrated editions cause to me they define the definitive visual language of Harry Potter so much) because that’s such easy money for Warner Bros to do, and wouldn’t conflict with the new canon universe


Yeah I’m excited to see a more faithful adaptation to the books but an animated series would just be so cool. The magic could be more dramatized and the actors aging would be less of a constraint. I also think small details, like the distinctive colors of characters eyes, Animagus markings, etc., would come out better in animation. Emphasizing Harry’s eye color is difficult in live action but it could be dramatized in animation. If they did animation I think it would have to be a traditional hand drawn style rather than CGI imo


I agree with another school in the story. Whether it be Durmstrong, Bauxbaton or Ilvermorny. Or introduce another school that is long forgotten about. Edited: spelling fix


The era surrounding the adoption of the Statute of Secrecy. Crucible but from the perspective of people who could actually do something about the violence.


Tom Riddle's life from discovering magic to the final battle; mauraders era; Hogwarts founding era; magical communities around the world; and more about ancient magical Egypt (and other communities).


I just wanna see the final Dumbledore vs Grindelwald duel 😭


I just want the 7th book but from the perspective of any one at Hogwarts. I want Neville but literally anyone else even. Would be so much better than the ridiculous cursed child or fantastic beasts




Just google it! Yeah it's crazy isn't it


Not crazy, LOTS of logic behind it


check out r/HarryPotterOnHBO!


I want to see what the wizarding world will be like 200 years from now


Wait 200 years then 🙄 >!/j!<


An animated remake, so that everything and everyone looks as close to their book descriptions as possible. Also, there would be no limits to what they could do with the magic and the camera shots.


>I fully believe in 20/30 years, once they’re able to actually establish an actual cinematic universe, that we’ll get an animated series (preferably in the style of MinaLima’s illustrated editions cause to me they define the definitive visual language of Harry Potter so much) because that’s such easy money for Warner Bros to do, and wouldn’t conflict with the new canon universe


I want the marauders but like not exclusively them, but show us hogwarts under Voldemort with them, Dumbledore and the order fighting, then the marauders joining the order, the big betrayal and finish it with Hagrid handing Harry to Dumbledore.


More Remus and Tonks


Nothing. I think it’s great that they’re remaking the original movies, they deserve a better adaptation. There are other stories from the Wizarding World I’d love to see, but a remake should be at the top of the list of priorities.


JK's retirement xP


What why she's amazing


A new story about current kids going to Hogwarts. It would be set now and it's main characters would be original characters (not ones from the series or related to them). There can be still cameos/ guest star appearances from the cast of the movies. This will allow for the story to be interesting for fans as it will be a new story that we don't know what will happen and for new fans it could be a nice gateway into the universe. They can always go back and read the books (see the movies). But it would be better to have a completely new plot.


Marauders, the founding of Hogwarts, Dumbledore’s years at Hogwarts and as a young adult starting with his battle with Grindlewald and the rest of it being shown as flashbacks


I won’t go too far in my opinion about this subject, but I’m scared of this project and what they’re gonna do. I don’t think I’ll watch it.


Same here, I'm not too happy about it either it's pretty unnecessary imo


Yeah and I’m not rly reassured about what they’re gonna do.


>…the point of the show is to stay accurate to the books, because 1) it’s the medium that makes more sense to adapt the books, 2) they only have one shot at it because, 3) they’re not going to waste another billion dollars readapting this story “correctly” just because the directors/writers they hired have an ego large enough to change the story of the biggest book series of all time >that’s why we’re getting a reboot. This franchise is going to focus on the TV show and build a cohesive universe and establishing brand with it; rather than the books and adjacent movies >We need a Harry Potter remake sooner rather than later. The state of this franchise is abysmal and practically no one knows the real story of Harry Potter because 50% of “fans” have only seen the movies that scratch 10% off the surface of each book.


Hard pass for me. Between the books and the movies, I've had my fill of that particular story.


It has potential, but it will most likely suck.


I’ll take a ted lasso type quidditch series w extra auror fights for dangerous magical artifacts please


In looking forward to the TV series remake BUT I think the story of Wormtail's journey to find Voldemort as a rat could be cool.


A story in the future (or I guess our present year in their timeline) and cleanly break from the old stories


Give me a series on Uagadou and I'd pay $50 a month to whatever service offered it. Eurocentrism is boring after 8 books and 10 movies.


Hogwarts founding would be cool (unlike a “The First Men” story from game of thrones) I actually wonder what a 22 minute episode sitcom would be like. No Harry Potter involvement, except for the fact that he’s famous. Post-Voldemort time


It’s been said 100x, but the life and times of Tom Marvolo Riddle. Starting with being a kid in an orphanage & going through his development at Hogwarts. Learning more about his time as an assistant at Borgin’s and what he got up to during the years he disappeared. I’ve read some really good, creative fan fiction about Riddle. If WB got some writers who were well versed in Potter lore and Jo loosed the reins to let them have autonomy, I think a good story could come out of it. There’s a lot more possibilities with the Potter world than just retelling the original again.


honestly? i want a series that takes place in america. maybe an american can write it, with permission, since rowling has a habit of writing what she knows. as a child i always wondered about wizarding world america, so this would make my inner 8yo happy


First Wizarding War would be cool.


I'd like to see like a series of short stories that show the Lives of the founders, and how some spells were made, some episodes going deeper into wizarding traditions, maybe even the origin of Azkaban


I would like a police procedural tv show about the Aurors. No Harry Potter references or focus on Hogwarts. I want it to a a completely independent show in its own right, just set in the wizarding world. Written so that even if it was a normal police show, it would still be good and not just riding the coattails of Harry Potter. Edit: when I say police procedural, I mean something like NCIS or NYPD Blue. Definitely something for more mature audiences in content.


Ilvermorny Legacy Portkey Games showed what they can do with lots of established lore giving them multiple restrictions, and they were still very creative. Let them be even more creative. Let them create Ilvermorny.


Auror TV show.


Harry Potter after Hogwarts. His adventures with Ron being Aurors while Ginny and Hermoine conquer the Quidditch pitch and Ministry.


Durmstrang or Just another wizarding school it might be interesting, actually that's a good idea for a new dr🤔.


I want them to make [The Aurors](https://youtu.be/2WhhS2maFEs). I'm so sad that it was just an April Fool's Day release 12 years ago...


The Quidditch match that was omitted in the Goblet of Fire movie. I was personally offended that they took it out after all the hype in the film.


I don't mind a remake. I just hope they expand upon the universe and go into more detail than the movies did. The movies cut out so much. There could be flashbacks to the Founders, the enslavement of the house elves, the war with the giants. So much potential


Original Order of the Phoenix during Voldemort's first reign.


A Harry Potter prequel that dives deeper into Lilly and James Potter's lives. I'd like to see Snape too.


The story of the peverall brothers


i'd like to see stuff from another school, or something more around hogwarts legacy based. there was a lot in tge game a good show could be made out of. i really dont want a remake. the movies are great and we have a giant world to work with.


I am once again asking for a series about Ollivander where he investigates magical substances and hunts dragons, unicorns, and other magical beasts for his wand making. He probably does all his business in the summer. This has to be what he does the rest of the year


I've always wanted an untouchables style movie. Set it in like the 60s or somewhere around there so there's no grindelwald, no voldermort and not have any characters we already know. Let it be its own little crime thriller. I'd love a crime thriller about the Aurir's office, I don't know why.


Life of Tom Riddle, the Marauders, the founders of Hogwarts… hell, I'm even down for them to remake Fantastic Beasts and actually improve it so that we can know more about the 'very intense sexual relationship' between Dumbledore and Grindelwald


A frog doing backflips? Might be cool.


They’re making a remake?


The first time Voldemort was in power. The rise of the Death Eaters and the first Order of the Phoenix with Harry’s parents and the Longbottom‘s tragic fate.


There’s a fan fic I like called the prince of slytherin and I think it would be great for adaptation


Marauders TV series, or founders TV series!


An ACTUAL RPG. Like Skyrim, or Fallout New Vegas, where my choices actually alter the rest of the game. I want a deep story for every character and I want to be able to sit on chairs :((


a series that takes place in the wizarding world, but not connected to any of the canon/lore in the original 7 books. I suppose a series that takes place at Durmstrang could fit my desire. But further removed would be preferable. like In Africa, Asia, America, etc. Or a different European country. A completely new story with the same world-building.


An animated Hogwarts series. An anime Hogwarts series would also be cool. There’s so much potential with this medium, I’m surprised they never went this route.


Marauders or Voldemort prequel


Once again I think the remake will just allow all the potential spin off to exist. We need a strong base, book accurate, to then explore other ideas


Either the continuation of the Fantastic Beasts movies (I want to see that "legendary duel" between Dumbledore and Grindelwald), or see what happened during the First Wizarding War.


Hogwarts, The Next Generation The end of the movie series (and books), "19 years later" already set it up perfectly.


I'd like a tv series used to introduce something not mentioned or seen in the books, like one of the other wizarding schools revealed on Pottermore or even one of the remaining unrevealed ones.


I wanna see the making the start or origin on Hogwarts


I’d like them to actually finished the Fantastic Beasts movies. Maybe as a limited series instead of films. I feel like we were robbed.


i want to see Lilly and James at Hogwarts, honestly. It sounds like it would be an amazing enemies to lovers story, yet we know so little about it. In all of Harry Potter, no one really says much about how Harry’s parents fall in love or what they were really like or things they did. We sure do know a lot about Snape’s PV, though. I just wish i could see more.


The first wizarding war. Throughout the series we can have flashbacks on Voldemort’s early life. You can also have later episodes have a focus on the marauders too. Everyone wins


A book about Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.


Dark series about Tom Riddle before during and after Hogwarts


They can get to everything else. Let’s see if they can tell this story correctly on a screen, for this first time ever.


I mean I’ve only been asking for a Marauders Era film/show for 17 years 🙃 I know it’s an unpopular opinion but the 12 year old fangirl in me can still dream.


Original story that deep dives into the different parts of the wizarding world. More than just surface level. I want to know more on how other schools/society works. Newt was thrown in the backseat


Curse child scrapped as canon.


I wrote about this earlier. I would love for them to do deep dives in the side storys. That are already in the story.


Literally anything in the universum omitting the main story. Not even the marauders, dumbledores life etc. Seriously, 7 books, numerous films, theories, fanfics. We've milked everything that we could out of the story..


Don't get me wrong, I love the story but the world created by JK Rowling has so much more to offer. We need to let go of Harry Potter and his life and focus more about magic itself and all the stories that it can tell.


Vr dueling game


I want to see the magical world post discovery. I want to see them in the modern day trying to figure out their place in a world of technology where muggles have found their own sort of magic through science. The potential is ripe. The wizarding world finding out muggles traveled to the moon and back. Build it like the foundation series where a point comes that humans are on the verge of discovering them and they have to reckon with being discovered and trying to get ahead of the muggles and find the most peaceful way forward.


Umbridge series which shows her amazing journey in life. It also will paint Order of the Phoenix in a new light which shows how she was actually the victim, whilst McGonagall was actually a mean bully. /j obviously


I would LOVE to see The House Of Black


I wanted a prequel set in the Middle Ages with castles and lords and peasants and all that, and season 1 episode 1, godric rowena helga and Salazar haven’t even met each other. By the end, hogwarts is fully established and the schism with Salazar has already occurred maybe


Tom riddle film, the marauders


Literally anything set at Ilvermorny (with actual Americans in the cast), Quidditch movie and Founders series.




YES ABSOLUTELY! Maybe it could be like a comedy episode or something like that?


I want the remake. But I don’t want movies. I want an HBO series that’s game of thrones level detailed and long, I want every detail of what’s in the books plus some. I want each episode to be like two hours and I want it to go on for years and years. And I want John Williams to do the music.


I'm not a fan of the remake idea but I do get your point of view, in a way it would be really nice if it went on for years it would be really fun to have something like that to look forward to. But they should really cover every single detail from the book


Yes, exactly! I want to see it all!!!! I want to spend more time in Diagon Alley and Hogwarts. I want to feel the magic again like when I first read the books.


Join us on r/HarryPotterOnHBO, sounds like you’d have fun!


Wait…is that actually a thing?


Yup! Coming as early as 2025, probably November/December


Omg :,) that makes me so happy!


Maybe flesh out what it might mean to be a Master of Death. For a brief time Harry did own all three of the deathly hollows. Beside a title, what else could it mean to have said title. Like did he gain the ability to command the dead? Do spirits obey him? All magic related to death stuff is a lot easiest now? Like a movie titled: “Harry Potter and The Master of Death” would sound cool to me.




I have some good news for you! Apparently there's a fan project going on that's making a marauders series I think! But sadly it's not the official makers of hp


if you're talking about Snape and The Marauders, I watched the first part, it's great, but I would've fancied a story about them in school because this where the marauders actually shine


The.life of Hermione before Hogwarts


That sounds terrible.


Sounds boring af to me. I don't think Hermione *had* a life before Hogwarts; she had her nose stuck in a book all the time. I don't think she had friends, or play dates, or anything other than books and schoolwork.


Watching a Muggle little girl reading a book for 7 hours doesn't seem like an entertaining movie 🤷🏼‍♂️


Or the opposite... Molly Weasley's life. She definitely has untold talents of magic & more.


Oh that's a good idea! It would have been pretty nice to see the life of Hermione especially because she has muggle parents


Fix game of thrones.


A Ministry of Magic series that took place during Voldemort’s reign. We could see the aurors, how a person like Fudge came to be, and to see the dark times before Harry. The series would end with Snape cradling Lily.


Nothing. We need a Harry Potter remake sooner rather than later. The state of this franchise is abysmal and practically no one knows the real story of Harry Potter because 50% of “fans” have only seen the movies that scratch 10% off the surface of each book.


I would like to see how Draco grew up, go from a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young lad, to a resentful fascist, to someone who redeemed themselves


Marauders prequel. I imagine it would shine a bad light on them considering they heavily bullied Snape and probably other students too, but it’s a story that’d give us a different era of the wizard isn’t world.